more decided patronage of them, would F have the most beneficial influence on its interests. Tracing the operations of providence, in this respect, he observes, they are slow but sure. "The tooth of time seems to gnaw incessantly here as well as elsewhere; and God will finally lay rocks into the dust. The missionary aspect of the country is so much changed, since the English came into these parts, that, the Lord helping his servants, we need not despair of final success. I am one of the greatest cowards that ever went forth shod with the preparation of the gospel, but the Lord in mercy comforts my wretched Pariar heart more and more, as I approach the field of action. He has indeed appeared for us; whom shall we fear? and if we fall in the heat of the battle, before success decides in favour of our beloved leader, we shall only be sorry that we cannot die ten times for him." This brother after much inquiry, deliberation and prayer, conceives that the intimation of Divine Providence leads him to settle in the south of Travancore, perhaps at Anjengo, to which place he intends to proceed before the rainy season sets in. Committing him into the care of his heavenly conductor, the directors now take up the communications of the Rev. Dr. Taylor and Mr. Loveless, who were sent out by the society to lay the foundation of a missionary establishment at Surat. They went out in the American ship Allegany, in company with Mr. Smith the owner, and his lady; to whose kind at tention to them during the voyage, they bear a cheerful testimony. They arrived at the Cape of Good Hope on the 20th April, and remained there twelve days; during which time they were refreshed with many interviews with other missionary brethren, among whom were Mr. Kicherer, and the Hottentot brother and sisters, John, Martha, and Mary; the former imparted to them much important information concerning the best mode of conducting missions, and of instructing the ignorant heathen. Dr. Taylor speaks of him as a most valuable missionary, possessing every thing that is useful in that character, eminent piety, gentle dispositions, fervent zeal, extensive know. ledge, and deep humility: breaking away from these beloved friends, with the pensive impression that they were not likely to see each other again till they shall meet in the house not made with hands, they set sail for India, and reached Madras on the 24th of June. Here they were agreeably surprised with meeting their brethren Cran and Desgranges, who introduced them to that circle of friends to whose generous patronage they had been so highly indebted, and who receiv, ed them also with equal cordiality. In frequent conferences which they held together to consider in what way they could best promote the object in view, it appeared to them of great importance that an attempt should be made at Madras to preach the gospel to the English, and the half cast people, many of whom appeared anxious to hear the word of life; the result was, that Mr. Loveless should with this view remain there, while Dr. Taylor should proceed to Bengal previous to their going to their station at Surat. In this journey he would visit the missionary settlement of our Baptist brethren at Serampore from whom he would derive much valuable information,the fruit of their long experience. The directors cannot mention these friends without acknowledging their great obligations to them for the many proofs of kindness and christian love, which in the most cheerful manner they have manifested towards the brethren sent out by this society; and their satisfaction also in perceiving that the utmost affection reciprocally prevails between them, as becomes the subjects of one Divine Sovereign, and the members of one spiritual family, undiminished by distinctions of inferior moment. The importance of Madras, as a missionary station, so forcibly impresses the mind of these brethren, that they most earnestly intreat a person properly quali fied may be sent out to reside there, and intimate, that should such a one come to Madras, there is reason to believe he would be well received, and liberally supported. Mr. Loveless expresses his sense of his own unfitness for this situation, and that nothing less than the most urgent considerations could have induced him to comply with the importunity of friends to remain there till Dr. Taylor's return. The directors feel the importance of this station on various grounds, and will rejoice to have an early opportunity of supplying it suitably, that the brother Loveless may be at liberty to join Dr. Taylor, agreeably to his wish, and original destination. They will terminate the account of the proceedings of these brethren by the following extract from their letter: "Thus, honoured fathers and breth. ren, while you acknowledge the goodness of God in opening such prospects, you no doubt will use every exertion to send missionaries into this extensive field. The voice of an approving Providence calls upon you in particular, not to let the favourable moment be lost. It is also the call of thousands and of millions of poor heathens, to stretch out the band of mercy for their deliverance. Were the christians in Great Britain to behold the gross superstition, and complicated misery of the heathen in this country, they would be roused to such strenuous exertions as were never made before." [To be continued.] OBITUARY. MISS HANNAH MOULDER, Daughter of Mr. William Moulder of this city, died on Lord's day the 17th ulto, aged eleven years and one month. Favoured with a firm constitution, she was almost a stranger to disease until the month of June last, when she was seized with a complaint, which ended in a remitting fever and death. For that amiableness of temper which secures the affection of classmates, and ccompanies an uniform obedience to parents, she was remarkable: but this was not the fairest trait in her character. On her bed of affliction, there is reason to hope, some good thing was "found in her heart towards the Lord God of Israel." Her patience under extreme pain and sickness was exemplary, and would have adorned the dying hours of an aged saint. On being asked by a minister who attended her, if she loved the Lord Jesus, she answered she did, and gave to her parents and friends a satisfactory proof of it by devoting almost all her waking moments, by night and by day, to fervent supplication. Her continual cry was, "O my father, my heavenly father, have mercy upon me!" She seemed fully apprised that her end was near. She asked, how far distant from the city a beloved uncle, then on a journey, might be. On being informed that the distance was great, "Ah then," said she," he can't get here in time." A little before her death she begged her dear mother to take her in her arms and for the last time embrace her. The affecting request was complied with. Soon after she fell asleep, it is believed, in the arms of that sympathising Saviour who says "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God." Her remains were interred the following day amidst a croud of weeping friends and fellow pupils. On the succeeding Lord's day a sermon was delivered on the occasion by the Rev. Dr. Staughton, from Gen. xxxvii. 30. "THE CHILD IS NOT; AND I, WHITHER SHALL I Go?" After sermon the following lines were sung; composed for the occasion. The child is not, sad Reuben cry'd, The child is not, the parents sigh, Go? To the throne of grace repair, Submissive bear the rod; Pour out the swelling griefs in pray'r, Afflicted, go not to the grave, Go view the lodge of guilty mirth, What millions croud the door! The child's not there-escap'd from earth 'Tis past temptation's pow'r. Go visit Sorrow's darken'd halls, Where legions groan and die; Nor weep, when death throws down the walls, And bids the mourner fly. Go daily trace the holy leaves; There the fair record stands! That Christ of victory Death bereaves, Go soar on Contemplation's wing, LIFE OF DAVID BRAINERD. [From Middleton's Biographia Evangelica.] THE excellent president Edwards wrote the life of this gracious man more at large, than it is compatible with the design of this work to follow. Though the whole be edifying, the concluding part is particularly so, and therefore it shall be submitted to the reader. We will only premise, that he was born in Connecticut, New-England, on the 20th of April, 1718, and died at Northampton, on the 9th of October, 1747, in the thirtieth year of his age. When he was in his last sickness, his constitution being naturally weak and infirm, he was forewarned that he should not have many days, and that the course infinite wisdom had allotted him to run, though great, was but short. The thoughts of death, therefore, and eternity, were long familiar to his mind; an intimacy, which in the nearest views of both, left his soul cheerful and serene. It was in the beginning of September, 1747, that his frail tabernacle begun to fail him. A complication of disorders of the most obstinate nature presaged his speedy dissolution; a prospect that he never contemplated but with pleasure, sometimes even with rapture; saying often, "Oh the glorious time is now coming! I have longed to serve God perfectly; and now God will gratify these my desires. I long to be in heaven, praising and glorifying God with the holy angels: all my desire is to glorify God. My heart goes out to the burying place; it seems to me a desirable place; but, oh! to glorify God, that is above all!" The last sentence which he wrote in his diary, was VOL. II. 3 L upon the 25th, and runs thus: "Oh, my dear God, I am speedily coming to thee, I hope! Hasten the day, O Lord, if it be thy blessed will. Oh come, Lord Jesus, come quickly! Amen." On Sunday the 27th, he said, "I was born on a sabbath day; I have reason to think I was new-born on a sabbath day; and I hope I shall die on this sabbath day. I shall look upon it as a favour, if it may be the will of God that it should be so, I long for the time. Oh! why is his chariot so long in coming? Why tarry the wheels of his chariot?" Being afterwards asked how he did, “I am almost in eternity," he answered; "I long to be there. My work is done. I have done with all my friends. All the world is now nothing to me. Oh to be in heaven, to praise and glorify God with his holy angels!" He spoke much of his desires and hopes to see in heaven the prosperity of the church of Christ on earth; much of the importance of the work of ministers of the gospel, and prayer for the out-pouring of the spirit of God upon them to bless and make effectual their labours; and much of the spiritual prosperity of his own congregation of christian Indians in New-Jersey. In short, his whole conversation was the language of resignation, of trust, and of faith; full of goodly savour to all who heard it, and worthy to be transmitted to those who did not. In this happy frame he continued till the day before his death, when the pain of his body overpowered his reflection and reason, This was the comfort he administered to his friends who wept for, or lamented him: "We part but for a while; we shall spend a happy eternity together." One coming into the room with a Bible in her hand, he cried out, "O that dear book! that lovely book! I shall soon see it opened! the mysteries that are in it, and the mysteries of God's providence, will all be unfolded." On Thursday, October 6, he lay for a considerable time, as if he were dying; and was heard, at intervals, breaking out into such whispers as these: "He will come: He will not tarry. I shall soon be in glory: soon be with God and his angels." From this time his distress increased more and more; insomuch that he said, "It was another thing to die than people imagined;" explaining himself to mean, they were not aware of the bodily pain undergone before death. Yet all the while, as he could, his patience was great; the comforts and supports of grace were also great; and all of them continued unabating to the last, which was about six o'clock on Friday morning, October 9, 1747, the happy period when he joined the innumerable company of saints above, the general assembly and church of the first-born, God the judge of all, the spirits of just men made perfect, and Jesus the Mediator of that new and better covenant, which had been all his rejoicing, and all his hope. The following letter will exhibit the fervency and zeal with which Mr. BRAINERD usually addressed his friends in his epistolary communications. The Forks of Delaware, July $1, 1744. CERTAINLY the greatest, the noblest pleasure of intelligent creatures must result from their acquaintance with the blessed God, and with their own rational and immortal souls. And Oh, how divinely sweet and entertaining is it, to look into our own souls, when we can find all our powers and passions united and engaged in pursuit after God, our whole souls longing and passionately breathing after a conformity to him, and the full enjoyment of him! Verily there are no hours pass away with so much divine pleasure, as those that are spent in communing with God and our own hearts. Oh, how sweet is a spirit of devotion, a spirit of seriousness and divine solemnity, a spirit of gospel simplicity, love, tenderness! Oh, how desirable, and how profitable to the christian life, is a spirit of holy watchfulness, and godly jealousy over ourselves; when our souls are afraid of nothing so much as that we shall grieve and offend the blessed God, whom at such times we apprehend, or at least hope, to be a father and a friend; whom we then love and long to please, rather than to be happy ourselves, or at least we delight to derive our happiness from pleasing and glorifying him! Surely this is a pious temper, worthy of the highest ambition and closest pursuit of intelligent creatures and holy christians. Ch, how vastly superior is the pleasure, peace, and satisfaction derived from these divine frames, to that which we (alas!) sometimes pursue in things impertinent and trifling! Our own bitter experience teaches us, that "in the midst of such laughter the heart is sorrowful," and there is no true satisfaction but in God. But, alas! how shall we obtain and retain this sweet spirit of religion and devotion! Let us follow the apostle's direction, Phil. ii. 12. and labour upon the encouragement he there mentions, ver. 13. for it is God only can afford us this favour; and he will be sought to, and it is fit we should wait upon him for so rich a mercy. Oh, may the God of all grace afford us the grace and influences of his divine Spirit; and help us that we may, from our hearts, esteem it our greatest liberty and happiness, that "whether we live, we may live to the Lord; or whether |