


"JERUSALEM shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled;" that is, " it shall be in the possession of the Gentiles, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in, or they be converted to the faith;" at which time the Jews will acknowledge the Messiah, and be restored to their own land. (See Rom. ii. 25, and Dan. ix. 27.)

Has not a part of this prophecy been remarkably fulfilled? Did not Jerusalem, with its territory, become the property of Vespasian, who sold it to such Gentiles as chose to settle there? In the time of Adrian no Jew was permitted to reside in Jerusalem, or its vicinity, but a number of aliens came thither, and the country became a colony of the Romans. When Julian apostatized to heathenism, being sensible that the evident accomplishment of our Lord's prophecies concerning the Jewish nation made a strong impression upon the people, and was a principal cause of their conversion, he resolved to deprive christianity of this support by bringing the Jews to occupy their own land again, and by allowing them the exercise of their religion, and a form of civil government. After he had made great preparations, he began his scheme with an attempt to rebuild the temple, but his workmen were soon obliged to desist by an evident interruption of God; for terrible balls of fire, bursting forth near the foundations, and frequently burning the workmen, rendered the place inaccessible. This fact is attested by heathen, and Jewish, as well as christian, historians, and is highly deserving of credit.

In later times, few of the Jews have lived in their own land, but they have been dispersed over the whole world, whilst their city has been oppressed by a succession of foreign masters; the Romans, Saracens, Franks, Mamelukes, and Turks, to which last it is still subject.

In short, ever since the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, every attempt to frustrate the divine decree, that Jerusalem should be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled, has failed. In our own times the French are known to have harboured the design of restoring the Jews to their own country. And is it not as well known, that their intentions were defeated by very inconsiderable means? The French general, Buonaparte, had experienced uniform success till he approached the borders of the Holy Land, and then a handful of men were sufficient to hinder his taking a small and weak place. The time was not come, which the Lord had purposed, and the devices of men were, therefore, ineffectual. Ch. Ob.


Ir is customary for the missionaries at Serampore, to prevent the intrusion of unprofitable conversation, to propose some useful question for discussion at the time of their meals.

One morning, at the house of a brother of the name of Fernandez, several of the missionaries being present, Dr. Thomas put round this singular question. "Supposing Christ were now to appear in the midst of us, what would you say to him?" One said one thing, another, another; at length brother Fernandez answered, "I would say, LORD I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my roof."

Ar a time when the distinguished philosopher, Lord Bacon, was in disfavour with his court, and when his domestics were leaving him (which he compared to the flying off of the vermin, when the house was falling) one told his Lordship, it was now time to look about him. He replied, "I doe not looke about, I looke above me."

Let such, O afflicted believer, be thy practice, whensoever thou art "troubled on every side." The gospel opens to thy view a new and living way upward, to which thy hopes and affections may soar,

"And leave the world and sin behind.”

MR. HENRY, in his exposition of Exodus xiv. 10, after deseribing the afflicted situation of the Israelites, when "all Pharaoh's horses, chariots, and horsemen were pursuing them," says,


on one hand was Pi-hahiroth, a range of craggy rocks impassable; on the other hand, were Migdal and Baal-zephon which some think were forts and garrisons upon the frontiers of Egypt; before them was the sea, behind them were the Egyptians, so that there was no way open for them but UPWARDS, and thence their deliverance came."



Extracts from the journal of the Rev. Joseph Badger, while on a missionary tour amongst the Wvandot Indians.

I SET out on my mission on the 6th of June, 1805, and on the 13th arrived at Sandusky, where I met with the Rev. James Hughs at Mrs. Whitaker's. On Friday the 14th, I went up to the Indian village, about three miles, and met the chiefs from the upper town on their way to the treaty. We were received by them with suitable attention, and they told us they would hear us the next day in the council-house. Accordingly we attended, and found the chiefs collected. Others came in, to the amount of sixty or seventy. Mr. Hughs preached, and when he concluded, I addressed them at some length. We were invited to preach there again on the sabbath.

Sabbath 16th. We attended early, and a greater number convened than on Saturday. Mr. Hughs and myself preached, and the Indians attended with great patience, and a number both of men and women appeared to hear with solemnity. Barnet appears with the meekness of a christian; he is truly an amiable man. Crane, the head chief of the Wyandot nation, after we concluded, rose and spoke with a commanding deportment, thanked us for what we had said, expressed his belief that we had spoken the truth, and that we had told them God's word, and he hoped they would remember it.

Monday 17th. We rode to Honey creek where there is a new village forming; the chief man's name is Beauty, and he and his wife were at the lower town on the sabbath. He hears as though he had some concern to know the truth, and invited us to call and speak to his people in our way to the upper town. Accordingly Mr. Hughs preached in the morning, and about twenty attended with great decency. I appointed to preach to them on my


Tuesday 18th. We rode to the upper town, 14 miles, and being requested by Crane, we called at his house, gave out notice that there would be sermon in about an hour and a half. About one hundred in number collected, and Mr. Hughs preached, and early next morning left us to return home. This morning, immediately after breakfast, about the same number collected, and I preached to them from John xv. 14, endeavouring to show them plainly the distinction be tween God's friends and his enemies. After I had done, several of them spoke VOL. II.

and said, the things I had told them were true, and hoped they would mind them. Then, as is their custom, they came and took me by the hand, both men, women, and children. In the afternoon, I rode down to Honey creek, and next morning preached from Isaiah iii. 10, 11. Beauty appears to hear with careful attention. Afterwards I rode to the lower town, and on Friday preached from Genesis vi. 5. After preaching I talked with them, and told them the advantages of learning to read and write, and of living together, cultivating their land, raising cattle, wool and flax, and of spinning, and making cloth. I told them, that our ancestors, before they learned to read and write, used bows and arrows, stone axes and hoes, as they did before the white people came amongst them; but that now they make all the fine cloths and iron instruments that were sold them, and all their brass and copper kettles.

Lord's day, 23d. I preached first from Mark ix. 47, 48, endeavouring to point out the necessity of forsaking all sin, especially those sins to which they were most attached, called in the text righteye and right-hand sins; for that otherwise they could not enter into the kingdom of God; and I told them, if they cherished iniquities God would in his anger cast them into hell fire which would never be quenched; and that those who were sent there, would never come out, and that prayers for people after they were dead were of no use. In the afternoon I preached from Mark ii. 17, telling them who those righteous were whom Christ did not come to save; and who the sinners were that Christ came to call to repentance; and then told them what that repentance was to which he called them. At this place several hear as though they had some feeling, and Barnet hears with attention.

Tuesday 25th. I rode through muddy swamps and water, nearly forty miles, and lodged in the woods, near the banks of the Miami. Wednesday, I rode to the Garrison at Swan creek, about fifteen miles, where the Indian agent, the commissioners, and the chiefs and people from seven or eight Indian nations were collected, to treat about land; tarried here till Saturday, then rode to the river Raison, 20 miles.

Sabbath, June 30th. I preached twice to about forty people, and on Wednesday, July 3d, rode to Brown's town, about 20 miles. Thursday, walked about 5 miles, F

to see one called the Black chief, who is in mourning for his wife who died last March. I spoke to him of the providence of God in taking away his wife, and of the improvement we ought to make of sickness and death, that we may be ready to follow our departed friends. He, in a particular manner, thanked me for the pains I had taken to look after him and find him, and for speaking to him the things of God. After some time he said it was a surprising thing to him, that there were so many bad people among the French, English, and Americans, when they all had the same God and same bible. I told him, that most of the people who had come among them, came to trade, and had no regard to God nor to his word, and that many of them did not believe God's word, nor attend to any instruction. He told me, that their father, the President of the United States, had sent to them to know the reason why they diminished, for he found his children wasting away. For answer, he said, "they had requested the agent, Mr. Jouett, when he went to see their great father last year, to tell him, that they apprehended some diseases were sent to them in the goods they received from Philadelphia; for by handling them people have deceased." But he observed that the most destructive thing sent among them was spirits, especially whiskey. "It is," said he, " not natural for our people to use spirits: it burns up their stomachs, and they, not knowing how to use it right, are often made drunk, and quarrel, and frequently kill each other, and do many bad things. We desired our father, the President, to take pity on his children, and wholly prevent all spirits from being brought to us; but we have had no answer from our father; and we wish you to tell our father of these things, and to use all your influence to stop spirits from being brought among us.” I told him that Congress had made laws to prevent spirits from being brought among them; and that if they would complain of such people, and prove them guilty before the agent, they would be punished.

Sabbath 7th. I preached twice to the Indians; first from Luke xxiv. 47, and afternoon from Isaiah iii. 10, 11. About fifty attended and behaved with decency. George Bluejacket attended the first sermon, but was very unwell, and desired me to visit him, and give him some medicine, which I did on Monday, and he was quite relieved of his complaint. I conversed with him freely on his spiritual concerns; he spoke of his situation with

apparent feeling; said that at times, and most of the time, he had no reason to think he had any religion. I asked him about prayer; he said most of the time he was very stupid, felt hard and uncomfortable, and could not pray; at other times he felt he must pray, and did try. He thought his way of living was bad and difficult; he said he intended to quit trading as soon as he could dispose of the goods he had on hand; and he would build, and live wholly on his farm. On Tuesday, rode to Magwago, a small village about eight miles from Brown's town, and lodged with Walk-in-the-water, one of the head chiefs of the nation, a man of handsome address, sociable and sensible. In the morning he called the people of the village into his house, and I preached to them from Matthew xvi.26; they attended with decency. Thursday I preached at Brown's town from Matthew vi. 12, and about 60 or 70 attended.

Sabbath, July 14th. I preached from 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. Afternoon from Acts xvii, 30, 31; more than a hundred men and women attended, and behaved with great propriety. Monday I rode to Detroit, and had an interview with the governor, who expressed great satisfaction, that the missionary business had been commenced among the Indians and thought it the most benevolent design that could be attempted. He told me, that he would use his influence with the Indians to encourage their attendance, and to promote the design; and that he would use his endeavours to stop the carrying of spirits to them. He hoped, the missionary societies would continue their exertions to enlighten them. On Tuesday I returned to Brown's town, and on Thursday preached to about sixty, and then took my leave of them. Messrs. Brown and Walker agreed to bring in their children, in the fall, to school. Friday I rode to the river Raison, and on Sabbath 21st, preached twice. Monday and Tuesday I rode to Sandusky, and on Wednesday preached from Matthew xvi. 26; but sixteen or eighteen attended, most of the people being now in the woods hunting. On Thursday I rode to upper Sandusky, and on Friday morning, chief Crane sent for me, and after stating to me some irregular conduct of some white people living on Sandusky, he desired me to write for him a petition to the governor at Detroit, to have them removed; which I did as Crane dictated. I also wrote, as he directed me, a petition to the President of the United States, to fulfil his promise to them, and send a

aithful trader to them, who would trade cheap; and to send them a blacksmith, who can do all kinds of work from the hoe to the gun. There were here at this time, eight or nine persons affected with bilious complaints, to whom I gave medicine, and it was so ordered, in the providence of God, that every one found help, and several appeared quite relieved when I came away. This circumstance of helping them by medicine, both here and at Brown's town, gained much of their confidence and friendship, I believe, more than any thing else I could have done. Saturday. I preached from Mark x. 69, on the duty of marriage. Their notions about marriage are very wild; they think those who are married may never part, however unchaste they may prove; or if one leaves the other altogether, the one so left may never marry again; or if one dies, the survivor must not marry again. But they think they may live unmarried, with two or three at the same time, and have children by them, and put them away when they please; and in this, they think, there is no great evil. I endeavoured to state to them both the sin and the natural evils attending such a way of living; and told them the advantage and duty of constancy in the relation of husband and wife.

Sabbath 28th. I preached first from Rom. iii. 10, 11, endeavouring to show them from the uniform conduct of all men that their hearts, by nature, are full of nothing but sin, as God has told us in his word; and in the afternoon, I preached from Rom. v. 8, endeavouring to state, in a plain manner, the way God had provided to save men through Jesus Christ, and pointed out the characters those have who are the subjects of this grace. Numbers attended with more solemnity than I had seen here before, and one was in tears. During the intermission, I conversed with the chiefs together respecting their having a minister to come and live with them, and also a school set up among them, to teach the children to read our language. I endeavoured to urge the necessity of attending to these matters for their own good; and told them that a good minister living with them would Show them in many things how to live, and take care of them, and see that bad people were kept away from them, and that he would teach them the word of God; also that their children would learn to read the word of God, and then they would know that the things we told them were true. To which the chief Crane gave the following answer.

"Father, listen. The reason we did not accept the gospel before, and agree to have a minister to come and live with us, was, that we were so bad, we were afraid to have one among us; we were all drunkards, so that he could not preach to us but a few times; and we were afraid that our young men, when intoxicated, would stagger to his house, whooping and yelling, and act so as to put him in fear, and make him uncomfortable. But now we are willing to have a minister come and live with us; there is no difficulty in the way; we are reforming, and have left off drinking, and are determined to quit it altogether. There is no difficulty; a minister can settle on congress land, and not be disturbed. We wish our father to tell the ministers who sent him here, to send us one who has some knowledge of medicine, and can help us when we are sick; and one who can show us about cultivating our land, and teach some of our young men the laws and regulations of the government, and also who will take care that we are not imposed upon by people that come among us. We are willing the minister should have other people with him, if they be such as will not treat us illy. We wish a school teacher may be sent to us, who is a faithful man, who will teach us no bad things but give good instructions to our children. We desire our fathers the ministers, and the President of congress would see that good men are sent to us. We wish our father the President would send us a good blacksmith, an honest faithful man, who can do all work from the gun to the hoe."

This speech I wrote down, and it was interpreted to the chiefs, and they signed it with their marks.

I agreed to take a little girl home with me to learn to read and work; and on Monday rode to the lower town. Wednesday I preached from Mark xi. 6—9, on the duty of marriage; and on Thursday, August 1st, visited the Mohawks, who live three miles down the river.

Sabbath 4th. I preached twice at Mrs. Whitaker's to about forty people, on the appointed time to die and the judgment day; and also on the parable of the sower, Mark iv. 3-8.

Sabbath 11th. I preached at Mrs. Whitaker's from Eph. v. 6, and in the afternoon from Exodus xx. 8, on the duty of keeping the sabbath. On Wednesday I rode to the upper town. Stopped about an hour at Greencamp village, at the Seneca feast, then holding there. The dance continued most of the time I tarried. I arrived at the upper town late in the

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