
"No truth has been more clearly de monstrated than this, that the communication of christian instruction to the natives of India is easy; and that the benefits of that instruction, civil as well as moral, will be inestimable; whether we consider the happiness diffused among so many millions, or their consequent at tachment to our government, or the advantages resulting from the introduction of the civilized arts. Every thing that can brighten the hope or animate the policy of a virtuous people organizing a new empire, and seeking the most rational means under the favour of heaven, to ensure its perpetuity; every consideration, we aver, would persuade us to diffuse the blessings of christian knowledge among our Indian subjects."

The following is an abstract from the Journal of Rev. Mr. Sewall, a missiona

ry from the Massachusetts missionary


Chesterville, May 14, 1806.

FROM May, 1805, to May 1806. I spent thirty-eight weeks in the service of the Massachusetts missionary society. In the time I travelled 2587 miles, preached 330 sermons, made 169 family visits, (besides the places where I lodged) expounded chapters to small assemblies 12 times,

attended 11 conferences, 9 church meetings, 6 prayer meetings, 2 associations, and 5 funerals; visited 26 sick persons and 4 schools; baptized 7 adults and 60 children; administered the Lord's supper

injured by some persons in a certain village, they brought their mother to an adjacent rivulet, and calling aloud to the people of the village, 'Beechuk drew his scymetar, and, at one stroke, severed his mother's head from the body; with the professed view, as avowed both by parent and son, that the mother's spirit might forever haunt those who had injured them.' Asiat. Res. vol. iv. p. 337.

"Would not the principles of the christian religion be a good substitute for the principles of these brahmins of the province of Benares?

"It will, perhaps, be observed, that these are but individual instances. True: but they prove all that is required. Is there any other barbarous nation on earth which can exhibit such instances!"

8 times, and admitted 5 persons to church fellowship; assisted in embodying 3 small churches; heard 16 sermons, and one chapter expounded; addressed 2 companies of militia, and prayed with them, while under arms, at 2 several times; catechised children once, and spent one day in a church fast, where there was no preaching.

In most places the people are tolerably ready to hear, and in some places uncommonly attentive. At Schoodic, Robinstown, Peasant River, Steuben, Paris, &c. there is some attention. On Penobscot river also there are hopeful appearances. God has been pleased, I have reason to think, to make his word, through my unworthy lips, a means of quickening his dear children, awakening sinners, and of the hopeful conversion of a few. All the glory is due to his holy name. I spent six Sabbaths in Eastport, and received for the use of the society 30 dollars. I spent

also seven Sabbaths in Hampden, Bangor,

and Orrington, on Penobscot river, and lectured on week days in the destitute places in the vicinity, and received of those towns 42 dollars. On the whole, I think the prospect of good being done by missionary labours in this district looks quite as favourable as last year. That God may direct and prosper the exertions of the Massachusetts society, is the prayer of one of their servants in the gospel.



November 20th, 1805. The Presbytery of New-Castle, being met, at ChurchHill church (Maryland), ordained Mr. CHARLES WALLACE to the work of the

gospel ministry, and installed him pastor of the congregations of Church-Hill and Jarmin's Bridge. The Rev. Dr. Thomas Read preached the ordination sermon, and presided, and the Rev. John E. Latta gave the charge.

April 2d, 1806. Being met at the Rock Church, ordained Mr. JOHN WAUCH to the work of the gospel ministry, sine titulo. The Rev. John Burton preached the or dination sermon, the Rev. Alexander Mitchel presided, and the Rev. John E. Latta gave the charge.

Attest, JOHN E. LATTA,
Stated Clerk.


DEPARTED this life, March 12, 1806, JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Esq. late merchant of this city, in the seventieth year of his age. His remains were interred the following day in the burial ground of the first presbyterian church.

Joseph Magoffin was a native of Ireland. His mother and maternal grandfather were eminently pious; of the former he cherished, through life, the most affectionate remembrance, and spoke in his last hours with the tenderest feeling. Early in life he emigrated to this country; and, after twice re-crossing the Atlantic, he settled in Baltimore, where he commenced business, and in a short time acquired a moderate fortune. About the commencement of the revolutionary war, he married, and soon after removed to York county in this state. He was a representative of that county in the state legislature during the greater part of the struggle between the colonies and mother country. At the conclusion of the war he removed to Philadelphia, where he resided till his death. Wherever he lived he did not fail to gain the confidence of the wise and good. In the years 1793 and 1794, he was a member of the e legislature for the county of Philadelphia: after serving two years in the common council, he declined being re-elected on account of increasing years and infirmities. In these and some subordinate situations, he always acted with that attention and fidelity which could defy the tongue of malice; and was so fortunate to the last, as not only to deserve, but to retain a character wholly unsullied.

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He was tender and sympathetic unto all, and affectionate to christian brethren; he knew well how to make allowances for poor human nature," as he was wont to express himself, even in the best of men. Few perhaps have been better qualified to act the part of a friend than he was. His deep sense of unworthiness, induced him to expect but little from others; and for any marks of kindness he received, he was ever grateful, but to those who were among his friends, he was a friend indeed: in their afflictions he bore a part. He could rejoice with those that rejoiced, and weep with those that wept. His conversation was such as became the gospel, and it is the testimony of one who was favoured with his acquaintance, and his confidence, for twelve years, that he seldom conversed

with him without receiving edification, conviction or comfort. Of himself, and his attainments, he ever spake with modesty and diffidence; and it was his prevailing disposition to esteem others (i. e. other christians) better than himself. He had a peculiarly happy mode of administering reproof, and in this respect he was a faithful friend. By many his savoury admonitions will long be remembered. In his views of religious truth, he was fixed and unwavering; he had from a child known the holy scriptures, "which are able to make wise unto salvation," and he had long held and professed his faith in the doctrines of grace through the allatoning merit and righteousness of the lord Jesus Christ. He was however no sectarian; his charity and regards extended to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity; and like the great apostle of the gentiles he was willing to become all things to all men where there was a prospect of meeting in Jesus as their common Lord and Saviour. The severity of the winter of 1804, and the sufferings of the poor are not yet forgotten; contributions were made for their relief, and distributing committies appointed. He was placed on the committee of the extensive ward in which he lived. His indefatigable exertions amidst cold and wet, produced a disorder in his breast which, tho' in some measure alleviated, was never removed, & finally put a period to his mortal life. By an act of benevolence he laid the foundationof his death, and during his confinement he enjoyed as much freedom from pain as could well be supposed, where the silver cord was gradually loosening; and at length he expired without a struggle. "Blessed is he that considereth the poor," " "the Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing. Thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness." The most fervent wishes he expressed were for resignation to the divine will, and of this grace he exhibited a bright example. Naturally of a desponding disposition," and disposed to view every thing on the darkest side, he had his fears and doubts. Indeed he well knew that a mistake nowwould be irremediable. "Yet I know said he," it is the legality of my heart which sets before me the sins of my youth, and the unprofitableness of my life." He declared he had no doubt of his sincerity in serving God. He could say with confidence, "Lord I have loved the habitation of thy house the place where thine honour dwelleth, I have hated the congregation of evil doers, to sit with such I have shunned. Gather not my soul with sinners." When his disorder had affected his head, and his mind seemed deranged with respect to every thing else, it was not so with regard to religion; happy proof, that those ideas had made a deepimpression. Death could not separate him from the love of God. One or two evenings before his death, one of his family asked him, if he now possessed a confidence in the peculiar love of God to his soul; he answered, "Yes, though not in that degree or with that fervour I could wish.

To a particular friend, who was with him shortly before his death, he expressed himself as follows. "You and I have long professed faith in Christ. Oh, we do not believe, we do not trust him half enough; keep close to Christ my friend; you are safe no where else. Tell the brethren of our little society (a pleasing one it hath been to me) to keep close to the Redeemer; let his excellency, suitableness, and ability as a Saviour be the beginning and end of your meetings; and Iet brotherly love continue. Pray for me that I may not be left in the critical mo

* The society here alluded to is composed of male communicating members from different Presbyterian Churches, and meets once every week in private houses for social conference on religious subjects and for prayer.

The following is an extract of a letter written by him to that society, (for which he deservedly obtained the name of a father) during his illness. "Resignation is a very different thing, from what we are apt to think, when matters seen to go well with us. We think we have attained it; but let distress come upon us in per. son, family, character, and substance, that will try us. The whole secret may be found in these few words. "Let him deny himself, and take up the daily cross and follow me." We are all divided be. tween God and self, and self has many ways to work in us: If we could get clear of self, we would do. I have heard there seems a kind of apathy to have fallen on us, but my dear brethren let me just ask, can we not watch with Christ one hour! It seems to be a time of falling off, even here, but can we not hear him who is saying, will ye also go away, shall we not rather say with good Nchemiah, shall such a man as I flee?

ment." He felt the pangs of separation from those he loved on earth; his feelings were not those of a stoick; yet he met death with the fortitude of a Christian. He always spoke with calmness of his ap proaching dissolution: and to one of his friends he gave directions respecting his funeral, and the place in which he wished his flesh to rest in hope. Humility was a leading trait in the character of this good man. Though he always heard with ardent pleasure the experience of others, and with great faithfulness pointed out to those committed to his care, what ought to be the exercises of their minds, he seldom spoke of his own religious experience. He was early initiated into the doctrines of the gospel, and evinced in after life the truth of the wise man's observation, 'train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it' Here he was jealous of himself, with a godly jealousy, and he frequently expressed his fears; that as he had been an observer of religious duties, his religion had in it something of chance, especially as he found not in his change those regular steps laid down by some. But tho'these were often the desponding exercises of his own mind, to those who knew him best, his manner of life left no room to doubt that for him to live was Christ, to die gain!'

During the last seven or eight years of his life it was his custom to retire three times a day for secret devotion, which at particular seasons he accompanied with religious fasting. Though free from the least appearance of superstition, he was a strict observer of the Sabbath, sanctifying it with all those over whom he possessed authority. To the souls of such he

endeavoured faithfully to discharge his duty; the priest of his family, he taught them to offer the morning and evening sacrifice, and when visited by any of his relatives, he always took the opportunity of impressing their minds with what belonged to their eternal peace. He sighed at abounding iniquity, and while in stations of public confidence earnestly exerted himself for the suppression of theatrical exhibitions, and murder by duel. Hewas an example of our Saviour's precept " if you love me, keep my command

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A brief Account of the last illness and death of Amos Munn.

MR. MUNN made a profession of religion in his youth, and to the day of his death, supported a christian character.

He was seized with a violent inflammatory fever which baffled the skill of his physicians, and in five days terminated his life. From the first, his mind was considerably deranged. More than eight and forty hours before his death, he be came so raving that for the most of the time it required, at least, two men to keep him on his bed. This circumstance in a peculiar manner, affected the heart of his pious mother. In her distress, it was her constant and fervent prayer, that he might not be taken out of the world in this state of derangement; that he might before be expired, possess a composed mind, receive fresh tokens of par doning mercy, and leave to his surviving friends comfortable evidence that he had made a happy exchange of worlds.

A few hours before his death, the use of his reason appeared perfectly restored. He then lifted up his eyes to heaven and in a solemn, pertinent, and impressive manner, prayed for his afflicted family, for his aged parents, and for the church of which he was a member, that God would pour his Spirit upon it, and make additions to it. That God would appear in his glory to build up Zion, that he would disappoint her enemies, and make her a

glory in the earth. He also fervently gave thanks to God for his goodness and mercy, and especially for this instance of his great goodness coodness in in giving him the use of his reason, and that he was permitted, before leaving the world, renewedly to taste redeeming love, and see, with comfortable assurance, the all-sufficiency of the Saviour's righteousness; and that he was now enabled, in the comfortable exercise of faith and hope to commit his departing spirit to the arms of his Redeemer.

This prayer greatly strengthened and comforted a number of pious people who were present, and filled other spectators with astonishment and trembling. The writer of this sketch came to the house just as the prayer was ended. Every countenance seemed to express a solemn sense of death and eternity. The impression made by this prayer he trusts, still remains on the minds of a number who heard it, though nearly twelve months have since elapsed. Immediately after he ceased praying, he fell into a lethargic state, in which he continued till he expired.

Thus were the prayers of a pious mother literally answered, and thus it pleased God to give to a number, who stood around this dying christian, an opportunity to witness the power of that religion, which has often taken from death its sting, and from the grave its victory.


On the insertion of the following Poem, we cannot omit to announce, that it is designed to recommend The Asylum for educating the Deaf and Dumb. That institution has existed fourteen years, and produced effects most grateful to the philanthropic and pious heart. "The Deaf indeed hear, the Dumb speak; and to these poor babes the gospelis preached." The Funds of the Society are however very inadequate to the relief of the numerous and affecting objects who solicit their assistance. Only twelve candidates can be now annually admitted; and at the last half-yearly election, forty-seven applicants were unavoidably rejected: some of whom are now, by their age, rendered unadmissible; and others have brothers and sisters suffering under the same affliction. The Society have, therefore, determined to build a more extensive Asylum, & con

siderably to increase the numbers whom they relieve: but they cannot execute their design without liberal and extensive support; and such support, we hope, that they will not ineffectually entreat. Further information may be obtained from Henry Thornton, Esq. M. P. Birchin Lane, Treasurer; or the Rev. John Townsend, Rotherhithe, Secretary, who will gratefully accept any Donations for the intended Building, or Annual Supscriptions towards the general expenses of the Society. Evan. Mag.


WHO is that little blooming boy?
Why do no books his mind employ?
Why does he breathe no sound of joy?
Oh, he is deaf and dumb!

And who that maid, so passing fair, Of beauteous form, but mournful air, And with a vacant idiot stare?

She too is deaf and dumb!

Would that my language could relate Their woe-fraught pangs and cheerless

And how I pity their sad fate

Who are both deaf and dumb!
Their infant years were never blest
With a soft lullaby to rest:
No prattlings e'er their love exprest,
For they were deaf and dumb!

Where healthy youthful sports abound,
And others play with merry sound,
They walk alone, or gaze around,

As they are deaf and dumb!

When unseen dangers rush most near,
They stand unmov'd, devoid of fear;
Nor kindest cautions can they hear,
Since they are deaf and dumb!

Not all the melodies of Spring
To them can soothing pleasure bring:
Vainly the sweetest birds may sing

To the dull deaf and dumb!

From cheerful scenes to gloom they steal; And should they pain or rapture feel, They can no joy nor pain reveal,

Whilst they are deaf and dumb! What knowledge can their minds acquire? Who can their breasts with truth inspire? Or kindle pure celestial fire

In the sad deaf and dumb? If rich, Science, with beams so bright, May much dispel their mental night; And e'en illume with heav'nly light The darksome deaf and dumb!

But if their parents should be poor, Then (though they might obtain a cure) All their sad woes they must endure, And die both deaf and dumb;

Must they, ye good whose hearts can sigh For human grief, thus must they die? No; to the succour you will fly

Of the poor deaf and dumb

Children whose bosoms joyful beat
Around the social hearth to meet,
Who can your much-lov'd parents greet,
Pity the deaf and dumb!

Parents, who purest transports know, Hasten your gratitude to show,

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Jesus, at thy command my fears subside: Death's terrors now no more my soul appal:

On thy kind arm I lean, Celestial Guide, Be thou my hope, my strength, my life, my all!.

Studens Theologie

* Elijah.

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