A brief Account of the last illness and death of Amos Munn. MR. MUNN made a profession of religion in his youth, and to the day of his death, supported a christian character. He was seized with a violent inflammatory fever which baffled the skill of his physicians, and in five days terminated his life. From the first, his mind was considerably deranged. More than eight and forty hours before his death, he became so raving that for the most of the time it required, at least, two men to keep him on his bed. This circumstance in a peculiar manner, affected the heart of his pious mother. In her distress, it was her constant and fervent prayer, that he might not be taken out of the world in this state of derangement; that he might before be expired, possess a composed mind, receive fresh tokens of pardoning mercy, and leave to his surviving friend's comfortable evidence that he had made a happy exchange of worlds. A few hours before his death, the use of his reason appeared perfectly restored. He then lifted up his eyes to heaven and in a solemn, pertinent, and impressive manner, prayed for his afflicted family, for his aged parents, and for the church of which he was a member, that God would pour his Spirit upon it, and make additions to it. That God would appear in his glory to build up Zion, that he would disappoint her enemies, and make her a glory in the earth. He also fervently gave thanks to God for his goodness and mercy, and especially for this instance of his great goodness in giving him the use of his reason, and that he was permitted, before leaving the world, renewedly to taste redeeming love, and see, with comfortable assurance, the all-sufficiency of the Saviour's righteousness: and that he was now enabled, in the comfortable exercise of faith and hope to commit his departing spirit to the arms of his Redeemer. This prayer greatly strengthened and comforted a number of pious people who were present, and filled other spectators with astonishment and trembling. The writer of this sketch came to the house just as the prayer was ended. Every countenance seemed to express a solemn sense of death and eternity. The impression made by this prayer he trusts, still remains on the minds of a number who heard it, though nearly twelve months have since elapsed. Immediately after he ceased praying, he fell into a lethargic state, in which he continued till he expired. Thus were the prayers of a pious mother literally answered, and thus it pleased God to give to a number, who stood around this dying christian, an opportunity to witness the power of that religion, which has often taken from death its sting, and from the grave its victory. POETRY. On the insertion of the following Poem, we cannot omit to announce, that it is designed to recommend The Asylum for educating the Deaf and Dumb. That institution has existed fourteen years, and produced effects most grateful to the philanthropic and pious heart. "The Deaf indeed hear, the Dumb speak; and to these poor babes the gospel is preached." The Funds of the Society are however very inadequate to the relief of the numerous and affecting objects who solicit their assistance. Only twelve candidates can be now annually admitted; and at the last half-yearly election, forty-seven applicants were unavoidably rejected: some of whom are now, by their age, rendered unadmissible; and others have brothers and sisters suffering under the same affliction. The Society have, therefore, determined to build a more extensive Asylum, & con siderably to increase the numbers whom they relieve: but they cannot execute their design without liberal and extensive support; and such support, we hope, that they will not ineffectually entreat. Further information may be obtained from Henry_Thornton, Esq. M. P. Birchin Lane, Treasurer; or the Rev. John Townsend, Rotherhithe, Secretary, who will gratefully accept any Donations for the intended Building, or Annual Supscriptions towards the general expenses of the Society. Evan. Mag. PETITION OF THE DEAF AND DUME. WHO is that little blooming boy? name; Must they, ye good whose hearts can sigh" Nor doubt the promise of a faithful For human grief, thus must they die? No; to the succour you will fly Of the poor deaf and dumb Children whose bosoms joyful beat Pity the deaf and dumb! Parents, who purest transports know, Hasten your gratitude to show, God!" EXTRACTS FROM THE LIFE OF GEORGE WHITEFIEld. THIS pious and extraordinary minister was born at Gloucester, December 16, 1714. His father who was bred to the winetrade at Bristol, removed from thence to Gloucester, and kept an inn. He had six sons and one daughter. Of the sons George was the youngest, who was only two years old when his father died; and he was brought up with great tenderness by his mother. When he was between twelve and fifteen, he had made some progress in classical learning; and, we are told, that even then his eloquence began to appear in some puerile compositions written for the amusement of his school-fellows. But his rising genius was deprived of the usual means of improvement, through the decrease of his mother's trade; and he was obliged to assist her in carrying on the business of the inn. His turn of mind, however, though depressed, could not be extinguished; and in this very unfavourable situation, we are told, that he composed several sermons, and that the impressions of religion were very strong upon him. When he was about seventeen, he received the sacrament, and employed as much of his time as he could in prayer and reading, in fasting and meditation, and in all those devout exercises, which are the food and the delight at once of every religious mind. About eighteen, he entered at Pembroke-College in Oxford, where he continued three years. At twenty-one, he was sent for by Dr. Benson, bishop of Gloucester, who told him, "That though he had purposed to ordain none under three-and-twenty, yet he should reckon it his duty to ordain him whenever he applied. Upon which, at the earnest persuasion of his friends, he VOL. II, 3 F |