
Can and Desgranges. Mr. Ringeltaube __ has remained at Tranquebar and proposes to labour in the Tamul country.

Two other missionaries from the same society, Dr. Taylor and Mr. Loveless, who

were appointed to form a mission on the opposite side of the peninsula, at Surat, had arrived at Madras on their way thither.


On the 25th of February, at Edinburgh, in the prime of life, the Rev. DAVID BLACK, one of the ministers of that city. He was a most amiable man, a most exemplary christian, and a most useful and faithful labourer in his Lord's vineyard. He was taken ill on the fifteenth, but no danger was apprehended for some days: but on the 20th some alarming symptoms made their appearance, and on the fifth day from that time it pleased God to take him to himself in the midst of his days and use fulness, being in the 44th year of his age and the 21st of his ministry. His disorder, which appeared to be an inflammation in the brain, prevented him from leaving his dying testimony to the truth and excellence of that blessed religion which he understood and loved so well, and exemplified with such happy uniformity in his conduct and conversation, in his public ministrations as a pastor, and in every private relation of life. His death was deeply and generally lamented as a public loss, and will long he felt by his congrega

tion and friends.

At Glasgow, on the 17th current, in the 68th year of his age, DAVID DALE, Esq. of Rosebank, late one of the magis trates of that city. The character of this good man comprehended in it so many points of excellence, that only an imper. fect outline of it can here be given. He had not enjoyed the advantage of a polished or liberal education; but this want was compensated by a large share of natural sagacity and sound sense, by an accurate and discriminating knowledge of human character, and by a modest and dignified simplicity of manner, which secured to him universal respect and attention. A zealous promoter of general in dustry and of the manufactures of his country, his schemes of business were extensive and liberal, conducted with singu. lar prudence and perseverance, and, by the blessing of God, were crowned with such

abundant success as served to advance his rank in society, and to furnish him with the means of that diffusive benevolence which rendered his life a public blessing, and shed a lustre on his character, that has been but too rarely exemplified. Impelled by the powerful influence of that truth which he firmly believed and zealously taught, constrained by the love, and animated by the example of his blessed Master, his ear was never shut to the cry of distress; his private charities were boundless; and every public institution which had for its object the alleviation or prevention of human misery, in this world or the world to come, received from him the most liberal support and encouragement. For while the leading object of his life was the diffusion of the light of truth in the earth, he gladly embraced every opportunity of becoming, like the patriarchs of old "eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame," and of causing "the widow's heart to sing for joy." In private life, his conduct, actuated by the same principles, was equally exemplary; for he was a kind parent, a generous friend, a wise and faithful counsellor, " a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate." And now having thus occupied his talents he hath "entered into the joy of his Lord." "Mark the perfect and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace."

The remains of this eminent servant of God were interred on the 21st instant. The funeral was attended by the magistrates, by ministers of all denominations, and by between two and three hundred respectable inhabitants. The concourse of spectators was immense. Several hundreds of poor received a small gratuity in money, after the interment. He honoured God while he lived; he was honoured by all descriptions in his life, and at his death: and though dead will long live in the af fectionate remembrance of thousands,

MISS REBECCA ALBRIGHT, Or Basingstoke, Eng died on Monday, April 22, aged 20. It appears that she had been seriously impressed with the impor. tance and worth of her soul for about four years; and the impression was increased by means of a lingering affliction, under which she laboured for the last three years. Death at a distance appeared dreadful; but as it approached, she was enabled to view it with composure. She told a friend a little time before her decease, that had she died when very ill about seven years before, she should have been lost; but now, she thanked God, she had a good hope, and could look death in the face without dismay. In this comfortable frame she continued till about Sunday, 14th April last, when her weakness permitted her to attend only in the morning at the meeting. Her mother perceiving she was preparing to go, thinking her too weak to attend, endeavoured to dissuade her; but with a very expressive and animated countenance she replied, "Oh, my dear mother, if you knew what enjoyment I have had this morning (referring to private devotion) you would not attempt to prevent my going to the house of God, for I hardly knew whether I was in the body or out of the body! I am constrained from gratitude to go for winst the Lord has done for me; and if this body sinks under it, it does not matter." The sermon was from Matt. x. 32, "Whosoever, therefore, shall confess me before men," &c. During the discourse she was almost in raptures. Her love to the house of God was so great, that nothing but total incapacity could keep her from it; and her attachment to her minis. ter so strong, that it was always with great pleasure she saw him come into the house; for he had been the means of her establish ment in the truths of the gospel.

From the time of her confinement she addressed all who came to see her on the important concerns of their souls, though before remarkably reserved on religious matters. To a young woman who came to see her (and who had lived with her some time) she said with earnestness, "My dear Fanny (clasping her in her arms) make religion your main business; do, promise me you will attend to it more than ever you have done it is this only that can support you in the time of affliction, and in the hour of death. Oh, what could I do without the presence of God at this time! I had," said she, "a comfortable sleep last night; and, what was better, I had a little of the presence of God with

me! Oh, how sweet it was! I dreamed that there were four angels standing to convey me to the upper regions of bliss." On the Friday before her death, she ex. pressed a wish that her mother might sit up with her that night, saying, at the same time, that she might probably sleep out of the body, and that it was on her mother's account she wished it; "for," said she, "I know it would have grieved you if I had gone while you were asleep." To a friend she said, "Oh, what mercy there is in God! who felt his bowels move with compassion towards his rebellious chid This was my case." She frequently la. mented that she knew religion so late; that she had so little time to glorify God; and had not now an opportunity of ho nouring him in an open profession, by joining the church.

On Sunday, the 21st, she was quite in ecstacies, saying, to her friends around her, she longed to be gone to her dear Jesus; and with extended arms to Mrs. S. she exclaimed, "Oh, my dear Sally, that I could take you and all my dear friends with me to glory!" To a young person who came to see her, she earnestly said, "My dear Sarah, I want you to go to heaven as well as myself! I hope you do seek the Lord. See here, I am just going to die. What a mercy it is that I was not suffered to perish in my sins! So vile a sinner as I am found mercy! and so will you, if you go to God for it. See what religion will do! nothing but real religion could support me now. You have, my dear, a parent that prays for you, and longs for your salvation: oh, attend to her good advice!" To another friend she said, “I sometimes fear that my faith will not hold out; that Satan will be too strong for me; but I desire to trust in the Lord, who has said, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." To Mrs. P. she said, she was just going to pass the river Jordan; "but to me (lifting up her foot at the same time) it is no more than stepping over a rivulet." To Mr. T. she said, "I used to be afraid that you would talk to me about my soul; but now I cannot but speak what God has done for me;" Mr. T. said, God has opened your mouth to speak for him:' "Yes," said she emphatically; "neither you, nor all my friends could have done it; it is God that has done it." At another time she said, "I have been thinking how happy I should be, if I were permitted to look down, and be able to tell you when I am gone, that I have got safe to heaven. Ob how differently do I think now to what I

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did when in health!" Thus she continued till about twelve o'clock on Monday, when she altered so much for the worse, that her friends were apprehensive she was about to take her flight. "Death," said she, with the greatest cheerfulness, "is advancing;" and with a placid smile said, she was going to heaven. Soon after, Mr. T. called, when she addressed him, "My dear sir, I have been disappointed; I thought I was gone to glory; but you see I am come back again; I am still in the land of the living;" he said, "Not my will;" she immediately added, " but thine be done." About three o'clock Mrs. C. called, found Mrs. T. Mrs. A. her mother, and sister Fanny with her: she was sitting in an easy chair; a mere animated skeleton; yet so serene, comfortable, nay, even joyful, in the immediate prospect of entering into the eternal world, as astonished all her friends. After speaking to those who came to see her, she paused a paused little, and suddenly broke out in those words of Dr. Watts,

"With joy we meditate the grace,

"Of our High Priest above;"

and sang the hymn nearly all through with such animation and strength of voice; that surprised all around her. Expressing a wish that Mr. T. might be sent for, he came, and about the same time another friend called to see her; "Come, my dear friend," said she, "and see what the Lord has done for my soul! Come all my christian friends, and join with me in singing praises to my adorable Saviour!" and immediately began singing, "Great God, I own thy sentence just; and sang it to the last verse with uncommon fervor,

"Then shall I see thy lovely face

"With strong immortal eyes; "And feast upon thy unknown grace "With pleasure and surprise."

Those whose feelings would permit, joined with her; while others who were too deeply affected with the scene, sat overwhelmed in tears. After the hymn was sung, she requested her friend to engage in prayer. She afterwards continued to speak of her hopes and prospects, or sang hymns or psalms descriptive of her feelings, as far as her strength would admit; but at times, was so much reduced as not to be able to articulate.

In this happy frame she continued till about seven o'clock, when the adversary of souls was permitted to approach with his fiery temptations. She perceived the storm drawing near, and said, "Oh these clouds that are coming over my mind! Oh that dreadful darkness which is approaching! Pray, O pray, all my friends, that the tempter may not be permitted to come." At length the gathering storm began to break, and in vain did her minister and Mr. T. endeavour to comfort her. She refused every argument. About nine o'clock she was exceedingly agitated, wrung her hands, moaned in the most piteous manner, exclaiming in the most doleful accents, "I am lost! I am lost! I am lost!" Thus she continued till about eleven o'clock, when she said, "The conflict is now over; the victory is obtained; and now I am going to glory!" Addressing herself to Mr. T. she said, " My dear sir, what would you have thought of all my professions if I had died in that state?" ' I should have thought, my dear,' he replied, you were gone to heaven." "Yes, sir," said she, "I am now going! the conquest is won!" "Oh death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? and immediately broke out in songs of triumph; which she continued till her voice was lost in death.

Evan. Mag..


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A place and name among the heirs of grace. I WEAVE not now the cypress-wreath

On the death of Miss Fernandez, aged 5

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FOUNTAIN of truth, and grace, and pow'r,
Thy word can ne'er decay;
But, firmly fix'd, shall still endure,
When worlds are pass'd away.

O smile propitious, while we dare
The promises to plead,
Which thy own sacred pages bear
To faithful Abram's seed.

Hast thou far off thy people cast,
Forever to remain ?

Wilt thou not, Lord, return at last,
And visit them again?

Yes; thou hast pass'd thy royal word,
Nor canst thyself deny,
That Jacob's race shall be restor'd
To favour and to joy!
Hasten, O Lord, the happy hour
When this shall be fulfilled;
And thy dear son with mighty pow'r
To Israel be reveal'd.

We, from wild olives lopp'd away,
And grafted in the true,

To deck the bust of hero dead; Nor mourn that, in the dust beneath, A son of science rests his head. The humbler work of death I tell, Who snatch'd this menial drudge away, How into earth at last he fell,

Who earth'd up many a lump of clay. Fifteen long years his delving spade Had pierc'd Old Bunhill Fields around. And many a nonconformist laid

Beneath unconsecrated ground. From death he earn'd his daily bread, And liv'd midst monumental stones; To their last home had thousands led, And heap'd the sod above their bones. Ye men of blood, ye warlike train,

Less honour'd your employ is found; Ye strew the crimson'd earth with slain; He hid the dead beneath the ground. At length his mortal hour was come, Nor death would his old servant spare; But from the ambush of a tomb

Pour'd on him pestilential air.
He fearless ope'd the gate of death,
Suspecting nought of danger nigh,
Drew in the poison with his breath,
And took his turn at last to die.

He enter'd oft the grave before,
And quitted soon the dark domain;
But now he lies to rise no more,
Till dust and ashes live again.
Thus all must follow, soon or late;

But how or when we cannot know; That each might death's approaches wait; Prepar'd to triumph o'er the foe!


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[From Middleton's Biographia Evangelica.]

THIS humble, laborious, and ardent Minister of Christ, WILLIAM GRIMSHAW, was born on September the third, in the year of our Lord 1708, at Brindle, six miles south of Preston, in Lancashire, Eng.; and was educated at the schools of Blackburn and Heskin, in that county. While he was a school-boy, the thoughts of death and judgment, the torments of hell, the glories of heaven, and the sufferings of Christ, often made some transient impressions upon him, owing probably to the religious care taken of him by his parents. In the eighteenth year of his age, he was admitted a member of Christ's College in Cambridge: And here (as is but too usually the case) bad example deplorably prevailed to seduce him from that decent manner of life and those serious reflections, which had been inculcated upon him; for, at this time, having no real change wrought upon him, and consequently having no root in himself, the prevalent impiety of the college carried him away so far, that, for the space of more than two years, he seemed utterly to have lost all sense of religion and seriousness; nor was there any revival of his former impressions, till on the day he was ordained deacon, in the year 1731. On this occasion, he was much affected with a sense of the importance of the ministerial office, which he was taking upon him, and the diligence which ought to be used in the discharge of it. Yet these convictions were but slight and soon carried away, like the chaff by the wind of temptation; though, for a little time, they were promoted by an acquaintance with some religious people at Rochdale, who used to meet VOL. II.


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