
Speken, to speak.

Spend their mouths, to bark. Sphery, star-like.

Spicery, spices.

Spill, to destroy.

Spilth, spilling.
Spital, a hospital.
Splay, to castrate.

Spleen, impetuosity; hate; humor,
caprice; fit of passion, laughter,
etc.; fury; haste, rapid motion.
Spleeny, hot-tempered, headstrong.
Splenitive, impetuous.
Splinter, to mend with splints.
Spot, to stain, pollute.
Sprag, quick, active.
Sprightful, full of spirit.

Spring, a beginning; a young shoot.
Springe, a snare.

Springhalt, a lameness in horses.
Sprited, haunted.

Spritely, ghostly; lively.

Spurs, the lateral shoots of the roots of a tree.

Spy, observation (?), Macb. III. i. 130.

Squander, to scatter.
Squandering, random.

Square, adj., just; sb., squadron; the embroidered bosom of a smock; rb., to quarrel. Square of sense, sensibility.

Squarer, quarreller.
Squash, an unripe peascod.
Squiny, to look asquint.
Squire, square, rule.

Stablishment, government, kingdom.

Stage, to exhibit as in a theatre. Stagger, to cause to stagger; to hesi


Staggers, a disease of horses; dizziness, perplexity. Stain, sb., tincture; something that throws others into the shade; vb., to eclipse.

Stale, sb., bait, decoy; stalkinghorse; prostitute; a laughingstock, dupe; urine of horses; vb., to make cheap or common. Stall, to enclose; to install. Stamp, to mark as current and valid. Stanch, to satiate. Stanchless, insatiate. Stand upon, to concern; to pride oneself on; to insist on. Standing, duration; attitude, station. Standing-bed, a bed raised on posts so that a truckle-bed could be wheeled under it. Standing-bowl, a bowl with a foot. Standing-tuck, a rapier standing on end.

Staniel, kestrel, a kind of falcon. Star, pole-star; fortune; sphere, rank.

Star-blasting, evil influence of the


Stare, to stand on end.

Station, attitude, pose.

Statist, a statesman, politician.
Statues, blunder for statutes," M.
Ado, III. iii. 85.
Statute, bond.

Statute-caps, woollen caps worn by
citizens according to an Act of
Parliament of 1571.
Stead, to benefit, help.

Stead up,

Stealth, going secretly; unseen move-
ment; clandestine practice.
Steepy, steep.
Stelled, fixed.

Sternage. To sternage of, behind. Stickler-like, like a stickler, who separated combatants when they had fought enough.

Stiff, hard, unpleasant, A. and C. I. ii. 104.

Stigmatic, sb., one marked with a natural deformity.

Stigmatical, marked with a natural deformity.

Still, constant, constantly. Still an
end, ever and anon.
Stillatory, a still, alembic.
Still-peering, that seems to be mo-
tionless (?). A doubtful word.
All's Well, III. ii. 113.
Still-stand, a halt.
Still-vexed, constantly disturbed.
Stilly, gently.

Sting, sexual impulse.
Stint, to stop.

Stitchery, needlework.

Stithy, sb., smithy; vb., to forge. Stoccado, Stoccata, a thrust in fencing.

Stock, sb., a thrust in fencing: a stocking; rb., to set in the stocks. Stock-fish, dried cod, which is beaten before boiling. Stockish, dull, insensible. Stock-punished, punished by being set in the stocks.

Stomach, sb., appetite, inclination; courage; anger; pride; rb., to be angry at; resent. Stone, to harden.

Stone-bow, a cross-bow for shooting stones or bullets.

Stoop, to swoop down on prey.
Story, to give an account of.
Stoup, a drinking-vessel.

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Strappado, a method of torture by which a man was drawn up by his arms strapped behind him, and then let fall with a jerk.

Stratagem, a dreadful deed; a calamity.

Strawy, like straw.

Stray, sb., aberration; stragglers, 2 Hen. IV, IV. ii. 120; rb., to lead astray.

Strewments, things strewed.
Stricture, strictness.
Stride, to overstep.

Strike, to lower sail; to blast, exert
malign influence upon; to tap.
Striker, thief, highwayman.
Strong, determined.
Strossers, a kind of tight trousers.
Stroy, to destroy.

Stuck, a thrust in fencing.
Stuff, to make full, complete.
Sty, to pen up as in a sty.
Subject, people, subjects.
Subscribe, to vouch for; to yield; to

Subscription, obedience.
Substractor, detractor.
Subtle, smooth and deceptive.
Subtlety, illusion.

Succeeding, consequence, result.
Success, succession; issue, event.
Successantly, one after the other (?),
T. And. IV. iv. 113.
Successive, hereditary.

Sudden, impetuous, violent, hasty.
Suddenly, at once.

Suffer, to be killed; to permit to continue.

Sufferance, pain: loss; forbearance; death by execution. Suffigance, blunder for "sufficient," M. Ado, III. v. 56. Suggest, to tempt, incite. Suggestion, temptation; underhand practice, Hen. VIII, IV. ii. 35. Suit, sb., attendance on a feudal superior; rb., to dress; to accord; to arrange. Out of suits with, out of the service of. Sullen, dismal. Sullens, sulkiness. Sumless, inestimable.

Summer-seeming, of a transitory


Sumpter, a pack-horse.


Stout, overbearing, proud, stubborn. Superfluous, having
Stoutness, stubbornness.
Stover, fodder.
Straight, immediately, Ham. V. i. 4.
Straight-pight, straight-built.
Strain, sb., stock, lineage; tendency,
disposition; vb., to force, con-
strain; to exert (oneself). Make
no strain, make no difficulty or
doubt, T. and C. I. iii. 326. To
strain courtesy, to decline to go

Strait, strict, stringent; niggardly.
Straited, at a loss.

Starting-hole, place of refuge, subter- Strange, alien, foreign; reserved, fuge.

Start-up, upstart.

Starve, to be numb, paralyze; to kill with cold.

State, rank, fortune; person or group of persons of rank, bearing, pose, a canopied chair.

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coy; unacquainted; unaccustomed, new, original. To make it strange, to treat as unusual or shocking. Strangely, wonderfully; stranger. Strangeness, reserve. Strangered, estranged.

more than

Superflux, superfluity.
Superpraise, to overpraise.
Superscript, superscription or direc-
tion of a letter.
Superserviceable, officious.
Supervise, sight, inspection.
Supervisor, spectator.
Suppliance, what fills up, pastime.
Supplyant, adj., auxiliary.
Supplyment, continuance of supply.
Supposal, notion, opinion.
Suppose, supposition.

Supposed, blunder for "deposed,"
M. for M. II. i. 162.
Sur-addition, surname.
Surance, assurance.

Surcease, sb., cessation; rb., to stop.
Surety, confidence of safety.

Surprise, to seize.

Sur-reined, over-ridden.

Survey, to perceive, Macb. I. ii. 31. Suspect, suspicion. In M. Ado, IV. ii. 76, a blunder for "respect.” Swabber, one who cleans the decks of a ship.

Swag-bellied, having a large hanging belly.

Swart, or Swarth, black, dark-complexioned. Swarth, swath.

Swasher, swaggerer.

Swashing, swaggering; smashing. Swath, a bandage for a new-born child; that which is cut by one sweep of a scythe.

Sway, sb., regular motion; that which controls; vb., to incline; to move; to strain, T. of S. III. ii. 56. Swear, to swear by.

Sweet and twenty, a term of endearment.

Sweet mouth, sweet tooth.

Tang, sb., a shrill sound; vb., to ring


Tanling, one tanned by the sun.
Tardy, to delay.

Targe, a small shield.
Tarre, to set on to fight.
Tarriance, waiting.
Tartar, Tartarus.

Task, to occupy; to challenge; to tax. At task, blamed, Lear, I. iv.


Tasking, challenging.
Tassel-gentle, tiercel-gentle, the male

Taste, sb., test, specimen; rb., to test.
In some taste, in some degree.
Tawdry-lace, a cheap kind of decora-
tion worn by rustics.

Tawny coats, the livery of ecclesi-
astical retainers.

Tax, sb., reproach; vb., to reproach,
satirize, accuse.

Sweeting, a kind of apple; a term of Taxation, demand; satire.


Swinge-buckler, a swaggerer. Switzers, body-guard of Swiss. Swoopstake, wholesale, indiscriminately.

Sword-and-buckler, adj., using the weapons of the vulgar. Sworder, gladiator.

Sworn brother, brother-in-arms, one sworn to share another's fortune. Sworn out, renounced. Swound, to swoon. 'Swounds, God's wounds. Sympathize, to be of the same disposition; to express fitly; to correspond with. Sympathy, equality.

Table, sb., the tablet on which something is written or painted; a notebook; the palm of the hand; b., to set down in writing. Tables, backgammon.

Table-book, memorandum-book.
Tabor, a small drum.

Taborer, a player on the tabor.
Tabourine, a drum.

Tackled stair, a rope-ladder.
Taffeta, silk.

Tag, the rabble.

Taint, discredit.
Tainture, defilement.

Take, to charm, captivate; to blast,
bewitch, infect; to leap, to take
refuge in to understand. Take
air, to become known. Take head,
to take liberty. Take in, to sub-
due. Take me with you, let me
understand you. Take off, to re-
move, kill. Take on, to grieve,
rage; pretend. Take order, to
adopt measures. Take out, to ask
to dance to copy. Take peace or
truce, to make peace. Take scorn,
to disdain. Take up, to trip, to
settle; to obtain on credit; to levy;
to rebuke; to encounter.
Talents, "lockets consisting of hair
platted and set in gold."
Tall, stout, bold, fine.
Tallow-catch, vessel filled with tal-

Tamed piece, a vessel of wine that has gone stale, T. and C. IV. i. 62.

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Teen, grief.

Teeth. From his teeth, insincerely, not from the heart. Tell, to count.

Temper, sb., temperament; b.. to mix; to mould, bring to a desired state by warmth, moisture, friction, etc.

Temperality, blunder for "temper," 2 Hen. IV, II. iv. 25. Temperance, temperature, moderation; chastity. Temperate, chaste.

Temporary, taking to do with worldly things.

Tenable, held, retained secretly. Tend, to attend; to tend to. Tendance, attendance; persons in attendance.

Tender, sb. and vb., regard; adj., dear.

Tender-hefted, gentle, tenderly disposed.

Tent, sb., a probe; rb., to probe; to cure; to lodge. Tercel, the male hawk.

Termagant, an imaginary god of the

Mohammedans, who was represented in the miracle-plays as a ranting character. Terminations, terms, words. Termless, beyond words to describe. Terrene, terrestrial.

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Thick-skin, a stupid fellow.
Thievery, stolen goods.

Think, to brood, indulge in sad
thoughts. Think scorn, to disi JL.
Thinks 't thee? Seems it to thee"
Thirdborough, constable.
This, thus, V. and A. 205.

Thought, sorrow, anxiety, brooding,


Thoughten, having a thought, of the belief.

Thought-executing, acting as quick as thought.

Thought-sick, sick with sorrow or anxiety.

Thrasonical, boastful. Three-farthings, K. John. I. i. 143. "An allusion to the three-farthing silver pieces of Queen Elizabeth which were very thin, and had the profile of the sovereign with a rose at the back of her head." (lyce))) Three-man beetle, an implement for

driving piles, worked by three men Three-pile, the richest kind of velvet. Three-piled, superfine. Threne, a dirge.

Thrifty, saved by economy. Throe, to put in agony; to bring forth in agony.

Through, thoroughly. To go through or to be through with, to do one's utmost, to complete a negotiatin Throughly, thoroughly. Throw, cast of dice, or of a bowi. At this throw, at this time, perhaps with quibble.

Thrum, the tufted end of the warp. Thrummed, made of or adorned with thrums or tufts. Thunder-stone, thunderbolt. Thwart, perverse. 'Tice, to entice. Tickle, unstable, precarious: easily set off (of a trigger). Tickle of the sere, easily provoked to laughter. Tickle-brain, a kind of strong liquor. Ticklish, wanton, easily excited. Tick-tack, a sort of backgammer:

used in a wanton sense in M. for M.
I. ii. 196.

Tide, sb., time; rb., to betide. Tide
of times, course of time.
Tight, sound; able, adroit.
Tightly, smartly.

Tike, a dog, cur.

Tertian, a fever returning every third Tilly-vally, or Tilly-fally, an exclama

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Timeless, untimely, unseasonable.
Timely, early; welcome.
Timely-parted ghost, a body rew's
dead (?), or dead from natura
causes (?), 2 Hen. VI, III. ii. 161.
Tinct, color; tincture.
Tincture, color, stain.
Tire, sb., a head-dress; attire ; e3.. to
attire; to feed ravenously; to glut.
Tire-valiant, a fanciful head-dress
Tiring-house, a dressing-room.
Tirrits, (apparently) panics.
Tisick, phthisic, a cough.

Tithe-pig, a pig given to the priest as a church-rate.

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Toged, wearing a toga.
Tokened, plague-spotted.

Toll, to pay or collect toll; to pay a
tax for the liberty of selling, All's
Well, V. iii. 149.

Tomboy, a strumpet.

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Tongue, vb., to speak; to speak of, Troyan or Troian, used loosely someexpose; sb., vote.

Top, to surpass; to prune.
Topless, without a superior.
Torcher, torch-bearer.
Tortive, twisted.

Touch, sb., touchstone, proof; feat;
feeling, affection; trait, smack;
fulfilment of a promise, skill, vb.,
to test.

Touse, to pull, tear, draw.

times as a term of contempt, some-
times a good fellow.
Truckle-bed, a low bed that can be
pushed under a standing-bed.
True, honest.
True-penny, honest fellow.
Truncheon, to cudgel.
Truncheoner, one armed with a club.
Trundle-tail, a dog with a long (or
curling?) tail.

Toward, willing, tractable; at hand, Trunk sleeve, a large wide sleeve.

in preparation.

Towardly, willing, docile.

Tower, to soar (as a hawk).

Toy, sb., trifle, fancy; rb., to dally.
Trace, to follow; to pace.
Tract, course; track, trace.
Trade, traffic, resort, general course;

Traded, expert, practised.
Trade-fallen, out of employment.
Traducement, calumny.

Train, sb., artifice, bait, rb., to entice.
Traject, ferry (?), M. of V. III. iv. 53.
Trammel, to tie up as in a net, and
so prevent from following.
Transfix, to remove.
Translate, to transform.

Transport, to remove from this world.
Trash, to check the pace of a dog, to
lop, crop.

Traverse, vb., to march; to parry; to
cross; adv., across.

Tray-trip, a game with dice.
Treacher, traitor.

Treatise, discourse; tale.
Treble-dated, living as long as three
generations of men.

Trench, to cut, furrow; to change the
course by digging a channel.

Trencher-friend, parasite.

Try, a test To bring to try, to bring
a ship close to the wind.
Tub-fast, the fasting prescribed along
with the sweating-tub as a cure
for venereal disease.
Tuck, a rapier.

Unbraided, untarnished.
Unbreathed, unpractised.
Uncape, to let loose the dogs.
Uncase, to undress.
Uncharge, to acquit of blame.
Uncharged, unassailed.
Unchary, incautiously.
Unchecked, not contradicted.
Unchilded, deprived of children.
Unclew, to undo.

Uncoined, like a piece of metal un-
stamped, and so not liable to pass
current from hand to hand.
Uncomprehensive, incomprehensible.
Unconfirmed, inexperienced.
Uncouth, unknown, strange; wild.
Uncrossed, with the account not
marked out as paid.

Undeeded, without having achieved
any deed of arms.

Under generation, men beneath the


Underbear, to endure; to trim.
Undercrest, wear as a crest.
Undergo, to endure, sustain; to un-

Under-skinker, under-waiter.
Undertake, to assume; to have to
do with, engage with; to attempt,


Undertaker, one who undertakes the
business of others, or assumes re-
sponsibility for them; a meddler.
Undervalue, to hold inferior to.
Underwrite, to submit to.
Underwrought, undermined.

Tucket, a set of notes on a trumpet. Undistinguished, incalculable.
Tuition, protection.
Tun-dish, a funnel.
Turk, the Sultan. Turk Gregory,
Pope Gregory VII. Turn Turk, to
change completely for the worse.
Turlygod, a mad beggar.
Turn, to change; to return; to mod-
ulate, A. Y. L. II. v. 3.
Turnbull Street, Turnmill Street in
London, a resort of prostitutes.
Twelve-score, two hundred and forty

Uneared, unploughed.
Uneath, hardly.

Unexperient, inexperienced.
Unexpressive, inexpressible.
Unfair, vb., to deprive of fairness.
Unfolding star, the morning star
which shows the time for unfolding
the sheep.

Twiggen, cased in twigs or wicker-

Twilled, reedy (?), Temp. IV. i. 64.
Twink, twinkling.

Twire, to twinkle, shine.
Type, sign, badge, mark.
Tyrannically, violently.
Tyrannous, cruel, pitiless.

Umber, a brown pigment.
Umbered, browned.

Unaccommodated, naked, unsupplied

Trencher-knight, a serving-man (?), a Umbrage, shadow.
parasite (?), L. L. L. V. ii. 464.
Trey, a three at cards or dice.
Tribunal, platform. Tribunal plebs,
blunder for "tribunus plebis,” T.
And. IV. iii. 92.
Trick, sb., peculiarity, trait; habit.
knack; toy; b., to deck out,
dress up; (heraldic) to draw.
Tricking, decoration.

Tricksy, lively, sportive; quaint.
Trifle, to make of no importance.
Trigon, a triangle. When Mars, Ju-
piter, and Saturn met in one of the
fiery signs, Aries, Leo, or Sagit-
tarius, they were said to form a
fiery trigon.

with conveniences.
Unadvised, unintentional, rash.
Unaneled, without extreme unction.
Unapproved, unconfirmed.
Unattainted, unprejudiced.
Unavoided, inevitable.
Unbarbed, bare (unshorn, Dyce).
Unbated, unblunted.
Unbolted, unsifted, coarse.
Unbonneted, without a cap, Lear,
III. i. 14; without taking off the
cap (?), Oth. I. ii. 23.
Unbookish, unskilled.

Unfurnish, to deprive.
Unfurnished, unprovided with a com-
panion, M. of V. III. ii. 126.
Ungenitured, sexually impotent.
Ungird, to relax.
Ungored, uninjured.

Ungracious, wanting grace, wicked.
Unhaired, beardless.

Unhandsome, unbecoming; ungener


Unhappily, evilly.

Unhappiness, mischief.

Unhappy, wicked; unlucky.

Unhatched, undisclosed; unhacked.

Unheart, to discourage.

Unhouseled, without having received
the sacrament.
Unimproved, undisciplined.
Union, a fine pearl.
Unjust, dishonest, false.

Unkind, unnatural; childless.
Unlived, deprived of life.

Unmanned, not tamed by man (of a

Unnerved, weak.

Unowed, having no owner.
Unparagoned, matchless.
Unpaved, having no stones, cas-

Unpay, to undo by payment. Unbraced, with the dress loose, un- Unpinked, not pierced with eyelet girt. boles.

Unpitied, unmerciful.
Unplausive, disapproving.

Unpolicied, without policy or acuteness, stupid.

Unpossessing, without possibility of inheritance.

Unpregnant, unready to deal with.
Unprevailing, unavailing.
Unprizable, inestimable; valueless.
Unprized, unvalued or priceless (per-
haps intentionally ambiguous),
Lear, I. i. 262.
Unprofited, profitless.

Unproper, not exclusively one's own.
Unproportioned, inappropriate.
Unprovide, to make unprepared.
Unqualitied, deprived of his facul-

Unquestionable, averse to discussion.
Unraked, not made up for the night.
Unready, undressed.
Unrecalling, beyond recall.
Unreclaimed, untamed.
Unreconcilable, incompatible.
Unrecuring, incurable.
Unrespected, unnoticed.

Unrespective, unthinking; containing things for which no one cares. Unreverend or Unreverent, irreverent.

Unrolled, struck off the roll (of rogues).

Unrough, beardless.

Unscanned, unconsidered, headlong.
Unseam, to rip open.

Unseminared, deprived of virility.
Unshape, to derange, confound.
Unsifted, untried.
Unsinewed, without force.

Unsisting, unresisting (?), M. for M.
IV. ii. 92. Perhaps corrupt.

Unsorted, unsuitable.

Unsquared, unsuitable.

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Utterance, extremity. At utterance, Visitings, fits, attacks.
at any cost.


Vizaments, blunder for "advise
ments," considerations, M. Wives.
I. i. 39.
Vizard, mask.
Vail, rb., to lower; to bow; sb., set- Voice, vote.

Vagrom, blunder for vagrant," M. Ado, III. iii. 26.

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Void, to quit; to emit.
Voiding-lobby, ante-room.
Volable, quick-witted.

Volquessen, the Vexin, in France.
Vulgar, adj., common, ordinary;
popular, public; sb., the vernac-
ular; the common people.
Vulgarly, publicly.

Waft, to beckon; to turn; to convey over the sea.

Waftage, passage by water.

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Wafture, waving.

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Wake, to revel at night.


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Vast, sb., a great and desolate ex- Wall-eyed, white-eyed, glaring.


Vastidity, immensity.
Vastly, desolately.
Vaultages, vaults.
Vaunt, van, beginning.
Vaunt-couriers, precursors.
Vaward, van-guard; fore-part.
Veal, in L. L. L. V. ii. 247, presum-
ably meant for a Dutchman's pro-
nunciation of "well."
Vegetives, vegetables.

Unstanched, insatiate; that cannot Velure, velvet. contain water.

Unstate, to degrade; to undo.
Untempering, unpersuasive.
Untent, to bring out of a tent.
Untented, too deep to be probed,

Untraded, un hackneyed.
Untried, unexamined.
Untrimmed, disarrayed.

Untrussing, unfastening the points
of one's dress.
Untucked, dishevelled.

Unvalued, unimportant; invaluable.
Unwares, unintentionally.
Unwarily, unexpectedly.
Unwit, to deprive of understanding
Unworthy, unjustified, Rich. III, 1.
ii. 88.

Unyoke, to cease work.
Unyoked, unrestrained.

Up, up in arms; shut up. Up and
down, exactly.
Up-cast, a final shot at bowls.
Upshoot, the decisive shot.
Upspring, a wild German dance.
Upstaring, standing on end.

Upswarm, to raise in swarms.
Up-till, up to.

Velvet-guards, trimmings of velvet, and so the women wearing them. Veney, or Venue, a bout, a hit (in fencing).

Vengeance, mischief; a curse; used as an intensive adverb in Cor II. ii. 6.

Vent, sb., a discharge. Full of vent,

Cor. IV. v. 238, variously explained as full of rumor, effervescent, or full of courage. Ventages, holes.

Ventricle, a division of the brain.
Verbal, verbose (?), Cym. II. iii. 111.
Versal, universal.
Via! away! forward!

Vice, sb., the buffoon in the Moralities; vb.. to screw.

Vicious, wrong, or (perhaps) erring on the side of suspicion, Oth. III. iii 145.

Vie, to stake (at cards); to compete in.

Viewless, invisible.

Vigitant, blunder for "vigilant," M. Ado, III. iii. 100.

Villain, bondman; rogue.

Wanion. Unexplained. With a wanion, with a vengeance.

Wanton, adj., undisciplined; luxu ríant; loose, light, lustful: sb., an effeminate person; rb., to dally. Wantonness, sportiveness; lust; affectation.

Wappen'd, over-worn, stale.
Ward, custody; guard (in fencing);
a bolt; prison-cell; guardianship
Warden, a kind of pear for cooking.
Warder, a truncheon.
Warn, to summon.
Warp, to change; to distort.
Warranted, requiring a warrant.
Warrantise, guarantee.
Warrener, gamekeeper.
Waste, seduction, M. Wires, IV ži.

Wat, familiar name for a hare.
Watch, sb., wakefulness; a canile
marked to measure time; a stated
interval; rb., to remain awake; to
keep awake in order to tame (as a

Watch-case. sentry-box.
Water-gall, a secondary rainbow.
Waterish, abounding in water.
Water-rug, a rough-coated water-dog.
Waters. For all waters, up to any-

Water-work, water-color painting. Wax. A man of wax, a perfectly modelled man.

Waxen, vb., grow; adj., affixed by wax (?), easily effaced (?), Hen. V, I. ii. 233.

Way, way of thinking.
Wealsmen, statesmen.

Villiago (Ital. vigliacco), a base ras- Wealth, welfare, benefit.


Vindicative, vindictive.

Wear, sb., fashion; rb., to be im fashion; to weary; to come grad

Urchin-snouted, with a snout like Viol-de-gamboys, a kind of base-viol.ually to fit; to wear out or away.

Urchin, a hedge-hog; an elf.

Urchin-shows, visions of elves.

a hedgehog.

Urn, grave.

Violent, vb., to rage.

Virgin, vb., to play the virgin.

Weather, the windward side, the advantage.

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Weather-fend, to shelter from the Wight, person.


Web and pin, cataract (of the eye). Week. In by the week, ensnared. Weet, to know.

Weigh out, to outweigh.

Weird, belonging to fate, fatal.
Welkin, adj., heavenly, sky-blue.
Well-a-near, alas!

Well-breathed, well-exercised, in good training.

Well-desired, much sought after.
Well-found, accomplished.
Well-graced, popular, favorite.
Well-liking, in good condition.
Well said! well done!
Well seen, skilled, expert.

Welsh hook, a bill with a curved blade.

Westward ho! a cry of the Thames boatmen.

Wezand, windpipe.

What is he for a fool? What kind of a fool is he?

Wheel, to go round; to wander.
Wheeson, Whitsun.
Whelk, a pimple.

Whelked, twisted (?), covered with
knobs (?), Lear, IV. vi. 71.
When an exclamation of impatience.
Whenas, when; since.

When? can you tell? a proverbial phrase expressing contempt.

Whe'er, whether.

Where, adv., whereas; sb., place.
Whereas, where.

Wherein, in what costume.

Whiffler, one who goes in front of a
While, till.

While-ere, not long ago, erewhile.
Whiles, while; till.
Whipping-cheer, a whipping for

Whipster, a small boy (?), Oth. V. ii. 244.

Whirring, hurrying, snatching.
Whist, hushed.

White, the bull's eye.

White-livered, cowardly.
Whitely, pale.

Whiting-time, bleaching-time.
Whitster, a bleacher.
Whoo-bub, hubbub, outcry.
Whoreson, bastard; used as a gen-
eral term of contempt, sometimes

Wide, far from the mark; astray. Widow, vb., to endow with a widow's right; to become a widow to. Widowhood, rights as a widow.

Wild, adj., rash; sb., weald.
Wilderness, wild growth.
Wild-mare, see-saw.
Wilful-blame, deliberately culpable.
Will, pleasure; sexual desire.
Wimpled, muffled.

Winchester goose, a certain venereal sore. The stews in Southwark were in the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Winchester.

Wind, to scent; to turn, twist; to insinuate.

Wind-galls, swellings near the fet locks of a horse.

Windlasses, indirect methods. Window-bars, open embroidery worn over the bosom. Windowed, placed in a window; full of holes. Windy, windward.

Wing-led, led in divisions, Cym. II iv. 24.

Winter-ground, to protect from frost. Wipe, a brand."

Wish, to desire; to recommend. Wisp. A wisp of straw was the badge of a scold, 3 Hen. VI, II. ii. 144. Wist, knew.

Wistly, wistfully, longingly.

Wit, mind, intellectual powers. sense wisdom, cleverness. Witch, wizard.

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Worm, a serpent; a creature.
Worship, honor.

Wort, a kind of vegetable; unfermented beer.

Worth, wealth; full scope (?), Cor.
III. iii. 26.

Worthy, rb., to dignify.
Wot, know.

Woundless, invulnerable.

Wrack, the spelling of "wreck" in
the old editions.
Wrangler, opponent.
Wrath, angry.

Wreak. revenge.
Wreakful, revengeful.
Wrest, a tuning-key.

Wretch, used sometimes as a term of
Wretched, hateful.
Wring, to writhe.

Writ, scripture; document.

writ, sticking to the text.

Law of

Write, to subscribe, use the title of;
describe oneself, to claim.

With, by. Not with himself, beside Writhled, wrinkled.

Without-door, external.

Wittol, a complaisant cuckold.
Witty, wise, cunning, ingenious.
Woe, adj., sorry.

Woman, rb., to make one show
emotion like a woman. Womaned,
accompanied by a woman.
Woman-queller, one who kills


Woman-tired, henpecked. Womb, vb., to enclose. Womby, hollow.

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Wroth, wrath.

Wry, to go astray.

Yare, ready, brisk, active.
Yarely, actively

Yaw, to move unsteadily.
Yelad, clad.

Yeleped, or Yeliped, called.
wo-Yead, abbreviation of “Edward."
Yearn, to grieve.

Wondered, able to perform wonders. Wonder-wounded, struck with won


Wood, mad.

Woodbine, convolvulus.
Woodman, forester; hunter.
Woollen. In the woollen, between

Woolward, wearing wool next the skin.

Woo 't, wilt thou.

Word, sb., watchword; motto; command; vb., to represent; to say; to ply with words. At a word, as

Yedward, Edward.

Yellowness, jealousy.

Yellows, jaundice.

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