POEMS WRITTEN IN YOUTH. Of the Poems in this class, "THE EVENING WALK" and "DESCRIPTIVE SKETCHES" were first published in 1793. They are reprinted with some alterations that were chiefly made very soon after their publication. This notice, which was written some time ago, scarcely applies to the Poem, "Descriptive Sketches,' as it now stands. The corrections, though numerous, are not, however, such as to prevent its retaining with propriety a place in the class of Juvenile Pieces. 1836. I. FROM THE CONCLUSION OF A POEM, COMPOSED IN ANTICIPATION OF LEAVING SCHOOL. DEAR native regions, I foretell, From what I feel at this farewell, Thus, while the Sun sinks down to rest Far in the regions of the west, 5 Though to the vale no parting beam 1786. II. WRITTEN IN VERY EARLY YOUTH. CALM is all nature as a resting wheel. The officious touch that makes me droop again. ? 1786. III. AN EVENING WALK. ADDRESSED TO A YOUNG LADY. General Sketch of the Lakes-Author's regret of his Youth which was passed amongst them-Short description of Noon-Cascade-Noon-tide Retreat -Precipice and sloping Lights-Face of Nature as the Sun declines-Mountain-farm, and the CockSlate-quarry-Sunset-Superstition of the Country connected with that moment-Swans-Female Beggar - Twilight-sounds Western Lights Spirits-Night-Moonlight-Hope-Night-sounds -Conclusion. Far from my dearest Friend, 'tis mine to rove Through bare grey dell, high wood, and pastoral cove; Where Derwent rests, and listens to the roar That stuns the tremulous cliffs of high Lodore ; Where peace to Grasmere's lonely island leads, 5 To willowy hedge-rows, and to emerald meads; Leads to her bridge, rude church, and cottaged grounds, Her rocky sheepwalks, and her woodland bounds; Where, undisturbed by winds, Winander1 sleeps; 'Mid clustering isles, and holly-sprinkled steeps; Where twilight glens endear my Esthwaite's shore, And memory of departed pleasures, more. 16 Fair scenes, erewhile, I taught, a happy child, The echoes of your rocks my carols wild: The spirit sought not then, in cherished sadness, A cloudy substitute for failing gladness. In youth's keen eye the livelong day was bright, The sun at morning, and the stars at night, Alike, when first the bittern's hollow bill Was heard, or woodcocks roamed the moon light hill. 20 1 These lines are only applicable to the middle part of that lake. 2 In the beginning of winter these mountains are frequented by woodcocks, which in dark nights retire into the woods. |