



Spite of Nabuchodonosor's beard, and maugre his heart, the captive, thrall, and miserable Jewes must come home againe, and have their Citie and Temple builded up againe by Zorobabel, Esdras and Nehemias: and the whole kingdom of Babylon must go to ruine, and be taken of strangers, the Persians and Medes-So shall the dispersed English flocke of Christ be brought againe into their former estate, or to a better, I trust in the Lord God, than it was in innocent King Edwards daies. JOHN ROGERS, the Martyr; written by him in the year 1555.


THE Life of Bishop Jewel is printed intire from a small octavo volume intitled, "The Apology of the Church of England; and an Epistle to one Seignior Scipio a Venetian gentleman, concerning the Council of Trent; written both in Latin, by the right reverend Father in God, John Jewel Lord Bishop of Salisbury, made English by a Person of Quality: To which is added the Life of the said Bishop, collected and written by the same hand. London, printed by T. H. for Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1685." This title will sufficiently explain the opening, and the date will illustrate several other parts of the insuing Preface: which displays that earnest zeal against Non-conformists, as well as Papists, by which, from the memory of recent evils, and the perilous state of the times, the reigns of Charles the second, and James the second were distinguished.

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THE ensuing Discourses are all designed for the good and service of the Religion by law established; and two of them are so excellently adapted to that end by their author, that if I have not spoiled them by an ill version, there can be no doubt made, but they will be of great use. Of the third I beg leave to give somewhat a larger account, because I am a little more concerned in it.

The Life I have collected, 1. from Mr. Humfrey's, who wrote Bishop Jewel's Life at large in quarto. 2. The English life put before his works which was penned about the year 1609. 3. Mr. Fuller's Church History. 4. Dr. Heylyn's Ecclesia Anglicana restaurata, and others who wrote any thing that related to those times, and fell into my hands in that short time I had to finish it in. Mr. Humfrey's alone would have been sufficient, if he had observed an exact method in writing this life; or been altogether free from affections. But tho he tells us Bishop Jewel kept a Diary of his Life, and that he had assistance from Dr. Parkhurst Bishop of Norwich, Egidius Lawrence, Mr. John Jewel the Bishops brother, and one Mr. John

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