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as the political horizon was clear. We have Congreve, who affected to be the Beau as well as the Wit; Lord Hervey, more of the courtier than the Beau-a Wit by inher-. itance-a peer, assisted into a pre-eminent position by royal preference, and consequent prestige; and all these men were the offspring of the particular state of the times in which they figured: at earlier periods, they would have been deemed effeminate; in later ones, absurd.

Then the scene shifts: intellect had marched forward gigantically the world is grown exacting, disputatious, critical, and such men as Horace Walpole and Brinsley Sheridan appear; the characteristics of wit which adorned that age being well diluted by the feebler talents of Selwyn and Hook.

Of these, and others, "table traits," and other traits, are here given: brief chronicles of their life's stage, over which a curtain has so long been dropped, are supplied carefully from well-established sources: it is with characters, not with literary history, that we deal; and do our best to make the portraitures life-like, and to bring forward old memories, which, without the stamp of antiquity, might be suffered to pass into obscurity.

Your Wit and your Beau, be he French or English, is no medieval personage: the aristocracy of the present day rank among his immediate descendants: he is a creature of a modern and an artificial age; and with his career are mingled many features of civilized life, manners, habits, and traces of family history which are still, it is believed, interesting to the majority of English readers, as they have long been to




De Grammont's Choice.-His Influence with Turenne.-The Church or the Army?-An
Adventure at Lyons.-A brilliant Idea.-De Grammont's Generosity.-A Horse "for
the Cards."-Knight-Cicisbeism.-De Grammont's first Love.--His witty Attacks on
Mazarin.-Anne Lucie de la Mothe Houdancourt.-Beset with Snares.-De Grammont's
Visits to England.-Charles II.-The Court of Charles II.-Introduction of Country-
dances.-Norman Peculiarities.-St. Evremond, the handsome Norman.-The most beau-
tiful Woman in Europe.-Hortense Mancini's Adventures.-Madame Mazarin's House
at Chelsea. Anecdote of Lord Dorset.-Lord Rochester in his Zenith.-His Courage and
Wit.-Rochester's Pranks in the City.-Credulity, past and present." Dr. Bendo,"
and La Belle Jennings. La Triste Heritiere.-Elizabeth, Countess of Rochester.-Retri-
bution and Reformation.-Rochester's Exhortation to Mr. Fanshawe.-Little Jermyn.-
An incomparable Beauty.-Anthony Hamilton, De Grammont's Biographer.-The Three
Courts. La Belle Hamilton.-De Grammont's Description of her. Her practical Jokes.
-The household Deity of Whitehall.-A Chaplain in Livery.-Le Mariage forcé.-De
Grammont's last Hours.-What might he not have been?..

On Wits and Beaux.-Scotland Yard in Charles II.'s Day.-Orlando of "The Tatler.".
Beau Fielding, Justice of the Peace.-Adonis in Search of a Wife.-The sham Widow.-
Ways and Means.-Barbara Villiers, Lady Castlemaine.-Quarrels with the King.-The
Beau's second Marriage. The last Days of Fops and Beaux..


When and where was he born?-The Middle Temple.-Congreve finds his Vocation.-
Verses to Queen Mary.-The Tennis-court Theatre.-Congreve abandons the Drama.-
Jeremy Collier. The Immorality of the Stage.-Very improper Things.-Congreve's
Writings.-Jeremy's Short Views.-Rival Theatres.--Dryden's Funeral.-A Tub-Preach-
er.-Horoscopic Predictions.-Dryden's Solicitude for his Son.-Congreve's Ambition.-
Anecdote of Voltaire and Congreve. The Profession of Maecenas.-Congreve's private
Life." Malbrook's" Daughter.-Congreve's Death and Burial..


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Pope and Frederick of Wales.--The Pomfrets.--Sir Thomas Robinson's Ball.-Political
Squibs. That "Rogue Walpole."-Sir Robert's Retirement from Office.-The splendid;
Mansion of Houghton.--Sir Robert's Love of Gardening. What we owe to the "Grandes
Tours."-George Vertue.-Men of one Idea.-The noble Picture-gallery at Houghton.
-Sir Robert's Death.-The Granville Faction.-A very good Quarrel.-Twickenham.-
Strawberry Hill. The Recluse of Strawberry.-Portraits of the Digby Family.-Sacri-
lege. Mrs. Damer's Models. The Long Gallery at Strawberry.-The Chapel. — “A
dirty little Thing."-The Society around Strawberry Hill.-Anne Seymour Conway.-
A Man who never doubted.-Lady Sophia Fermor's Marriage.-Horace in Favor.-Anec-
dote of Sir William Stanhope.. A paper House. - Walpole's Habits. - Why did he not
Marry?"Dowagers as plenty as Flounders."-Catherine Hyde, Duchess of Queensber-
ry.-Anecdote of Lady Granville.-Kitty Clive.-Death of Horatio Walpole.-George,
third Earl of Orford.-A Visit to Houghton.-Family Misfortunes.-Poor Chatterton.
Walpole's Concern with Chatterton.-Walpole in Paris.-Anecdote of Madame Geoffrin.
"Who's that Mr. Walpole ?"--The Miss Berrys.-Horace's two "Straw Berries."-

Tapping a new Reign. The Sign of the Gothic Castle.-Growing old with Dignity.-

Succession to an Earldom.-Walpole's last Hours.-Let us not be ungrateful... Page 255


A Love of Horrors.-Anecdotes of Selwyn's Mother.-Selwyn's College Days.-Orator Hen-

ley.-Selwyn's blasphemous Freak.The Profession of a Wit.-The Thirst for Hazard.

-Reynolds's Conversation-piece.-Selwyn's Eccentricities and Witticisms.-A most im-

portant Communication. -An amateur Headsman. -The Eloquence of Indifference.

Catching a Housebreaker.-The Family of the Selwyns.-The Man of the People.--Sel-

wyn's parliamentary Career.-True Wit.-Some of Selwyn's witty Sayings.-The Sov-

ereignty of the People.-On two Kinds of Wit.-Selwyn's Home for Children.-Mie-Mie,

the little Italian. Selwyn's little Companion taken from him. His later Days and


Sheridan a Dunce.-Boyish Dreams of literary Fame.—Sheridan in Love.-A Nest of Night-

ingales. The Maid of Bath.-Captivated by Genius.-Sheridan's Elopement with "Ce-

cilia."-His Duel with Captain Matthews.-Standards of Ridicule.-Painful family Es-

trangements. Enters Drury Lane.-Success of the Famous "School for Scandal.".

Opinions of Sheridan and his Influence.-The Literary Club.-Anecdote of Garrick's

Admittance.-Origin of "the Rejected Addresses."--New Flights.-Political Ambition.

-The gaming Mania.-Almack's.-Brookes'.-Black-balled.-Two Versions of the Elec-

tion Trick. St. Stephen's won.-Vocal Difficulties.--Leads a double Life.-Pitt's vul-

gar Attack. Sheridan's happy Retort.-Grattan's Quip.-Sheridan's Sallies.--The Trial

of Warren Hastings.-Wonderful Effect of Sheridan's Eloquence. The supreme Effort.

-The Star culminates.-Native Taste for Swindling.-A shrewd but graceless Oxon-

ian.-Duns outwitted.-The Lawyer jockeyed.-Adventures with Bailiffs.--Sheridan's

Powers of Persuasion.-House of Commons Greek.-Curious Mimicry.-The royal boon

Companion.-Lights and Shadows of Depravity.-Street Frolics at Night.-An old Tale.

-The Fray in St. Giles'.-Sheridan's gradual Downfall.-Unopened Letters.-An odd

Incident. Reckless Extravagance.-Sporting Ambition.-Like Father like Son.-A se

vere and witty Rebuke.-Convivial Excesses of a past Day.-Worth wins at last.-Bit-

ter Pangs. The Scythe of Death.--The fair, loving, neglected Wife.-Debts of Honor.-

Drury Lane burned.-The Owner's Serenity.-Misfortunes never come singly.-The

Whitbread Quarrel.-Ruined, undone, and almost forsaken.-The dead Man arrested.—

The Stories fixed on Sheridan.-Extempore Wit and inveterate Talkers

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