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ROSCOE R. HILL-Continued.

by Charles C. Griffin; and of America South, by Carleton Beals. Hispanic American Historical Review, 17:510, 512 (Nov. 1937), and 18: 79, 207 (Feb., May 1938).

Review of A Manual of Archive Administration, by Hilary Jenkinson. Library Quarterly, 8: 129 (Dec. 1937).

DORSEY W. HYDE, Jr., Director of Archival Service.

Essential Functions in the Organization of The National Archives. Proceedings and Papers of the National Association of State Libraries, 1936-37, p. 12-15, and American Library Association, Public Documents, 1937, p. 255–261.

Review of A Manual of Archive Administration, by Hilary Jenkinson. Library Journal, 62: 908 (Dec. 1, 1937).

The National Archives. Address before the Baltimore Special Libraries Association, Baltimore, February 4, 1938, and before the Middle Eastern Libraries Association, Washington, D. C., May 7, 1938.

Educational Aims of the Community Museum. Museum News, 16:7 (May 1938).

Principles for the Selection of Materials for Preservation in Public Archives. Paper read before a conference on archives and libraries of the American Library Association, Kansas City, June 14, 1938.

DALLAS D. IRVINE, Chief of the Division of War Department Archives.

The Genesis of the Official Records. Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 24:221-229 (Sept. 1937).

The Origin of Capital Staffs. Journal of Modern History, 10: 161179 (June 1938).

W. L. G. JOERG, Chief of the Division of Maps and Charts.

Federal Surveys and Maps. American Year Book for 1937, p. 259. The Work of the Division of Maps and Charts. Address before the American Society of Photogrammetry, Washington, D. C., July 23, 1937.

The Present Status of Our Knowledge of the Antarctic. Address before the American Society of Photogrammetry, Washington, D. C., August 27, 1937.

The Internal Improvement Maps (1825-1835) in The National Archives. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 28:52 (Mar. 1938).

The Representation of Suboceanic Relief on Maps of Intermediate Scale. Paper read before the section of oceanography of the American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C., April 29, 1938; published in Transactions of the American Geophysical Union for 1938, p. 245-248.

Report for 1937-38 of the Chairman of the United States National Committee of the International Geographical Union. Read before the Division of Geology and Geography of the National Research Council, Washington, D. C., April 30, 1938.

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BERNARD R. KENNEDY, Director of the Division of the Federal Register.

The Federal Register. Radio address broadcast by Station WBBC, Brooklyn, N. Y., October 9, 1937.

The Federal Register. Address before the Federal Club, Washington, D. C., February 1, 1938.

ARTHUR E. KIMBERLY, Chief of the Division of Repair and Preservation.

The Preservation of Records in Vital Statistics. Bureau of the Census, Vital Statistics-Special Reports, 3:153-158 (Aug. 1937). The Work of the Division of Repair and Preservation in The National Archives. Address before the Civitan Club, Baltimore, December 10, 1937, and before the American Institute of Chemists, Washington, D. C., December 18, 1937.

The Repair and Preservation of Records in The National Archives. Chemist, 15: 236-244 (May 1938).

Essentials in the Repair and Preservation of Public Archival and Private Manuscript Material. Paper read before a conference on archives and libraries of the American Library Association, Kansas City, June 16, 1938.

G. LEIGHTON LAFUZE, Division of Classification.

Review of Wooden Titan: Hindenburg in Twenty Years of German History, by John Wheeler-Bennett, and of The Career of Théophile Delcassé, by Charles W. Porter. Social Science, 12:375 (July 1937), and 13: 85 (Jan. 1938).

Review of Anarchy or Hierarchy, by Salvador de Madariaga. Christian Century, July 7, 1937.

Review of History of the Press and Public Opinion in China, by Lin Yutang. Social Forces, 16: 302 (Dec. 1937).

Review of A History of the Modern and Contemporary Far East, by Paul Hibbert Clyde. Pacific Historical Review, 7:65 (Mar. 1938).

Review of French Indo-China, by Virginia Thompson. American Journal of International Law, 32: 408 (Apr. 1938).

Review of Bismarck and British Colonial Policy, by William Osgood Aydelotte. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 197: 282 (May 1938).

Review of French Policy and Developments in Indo-China, by Thomas E. Ennis. Political Science Quarterly, 53:317 (June 1938).

PAUL LEWINSON, Chief of the Division of Labor Department Archives. Review of Our Ineffective State, by William H. Hessler. Social Education, 1:7 (Oct. 1937).

Review of Caste and Class in a Southern Town, by John Dollard. American Historical Review, 43: 428 (Jan. 1938).

Review of Reconstruction, the Battle for Democracy (1865–1876), by James S. Allen. Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 25: 120 (June 1938).

CARL L. LOKKE, Division of Classification.
Review of Bonaparte, Gouverneur d'Egypte, by Francois Charles-
Roux. American Historical Review, 42: 121 (Oct. 1937).
Mémoire sur les Etats Unis d'Amérique, by Joseph Fauchet.
Edited. American Historical Association, Annual Report, 1936
(Washington, 1938), 83-123.

Le Plaidoyer de Malouet en faveur de l'esclavage en 1789. Annales historiques de la Révolution française, May-June 1938, p. 193-204. WILLIAM D. MCCAIN, Division of Classification.

Review of The United States in World Affairs; an Account of American Foreign Relations, 1936, by Whitney H. Shepardson. Washington Post, August 8, 1937.

The Papers of the Food Administration for Missouri, 1917-1919, in The National Archives. Missouri Historical Review, 32: 56-61 (Oct. 1937).

NEWMAN F. McGIRR, Division of Reference.

Old Books. Address before the Library Science Club of George Washington University, December 12, 1937.

Notes on Thomas Jefferson and the National Library. D. C. Libraries, 9:27 (Jan. 1938).

JAMES A. MINOGUE, Division of Maps and Charts.

Sixteen original climatic maps of the State of Mississippi. Progress Report on State Planning in Mississippi, January 1, 1938 (Jackson, Miss., 1938).

JAMES R. MOCK, Division of Classification.

The National Archives With Respect to the Records of the Negro. Address before the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, Washington, D. C., November 2, 1937; published in Journal of Negro History, 23:49-56 (Jan. 1938).

THOMAS M. OWEN, Jr., Chief of the Division of Veterans' Administration Archives.

Addresses before American Legion groups, as follows: The Contributions of The American Legion to Community, State, and Nation, New Haven, July 29, 1937; The Place of the Historian in American Life and the Value of His Work, Montpelier, Vt., July 30, 1937; Accomplishment Is the Result of Studied Effort, Montpelier, Vt., July 31, 1937; You Are Making the Record-See That It Is Preserved, Washington, D. C., August 1937; Methods and Aids in the Development of Post Histories, New York, September 20, 1937; Greetings From the National Historian, New York, September 22, 1937; and Twenty Consecutive Years, Washington, D. C., March 2, 1938. The Romance of Alabama History. (Dec. 14, 1937).

Congressional Record, 82: 1419

History of the American Legion. Washington Post, March 13, 1938; reprinted in Congressional Record, 83: 4606 (Mar. 15, 1938). Revolution of '76 Began This Month. Washington Post, April 3,

THAD PAGE, Administrative Secretary.

The National Archives. Radio address broadcast over Station WOL, Washington, D. C., and the Inter-City Network, September 14, 1937.

Storage, Preservation, and Use of Motion-Picture Films and Sound Recordings in The National Archives. Radio address broadcast over Station WOL, Washington, D. C., September 29, 1937. The National Archives. Address before the Kiwanis Club, Frederick, Md., April 19, 1938.

OLGA P. PALMER, Office of the Director of Publications.

Abstracts of Archive Publications: Eastern Europe. American Archivist, 1:41-50, 107-110 (Jan., Apr. 1938).

SIERT F. RIEPMA, Division of War Department Archives.

Portrait of an Adjutant General: the Career of Major General Fred C. Ainsworth. Journal of the American Military History Foundation, 2:26-35 (Spring 1938).

Review of Early History of the Northern Ozarks, by Gerard Schultz. Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 25: 124 (June 1938).

THOMAS BUFORD ROWLAND, Division of Classification.

Some Observations on the Low Parts of North Carolina. North Carolina Historical Review, 15: 156-158 (Apr. 1938).

JOHN R. RUSSELL, Chief of the Division of Cataloging.

Report on the Work of the Cooperative Cataloging Committee. Catalogers' and Classifiers' Yearbook, No. 7 (Chicago, 1938), 69-74, and Bulletin of the American Library Association, 31:736-739 (Oct. 15, 1937).

Some Problems in Cataloging Archives. American Library Association, Public Documents, 1937, p. 286–297.

NELSON VANCE RUSSELL, Chief of the Division of Reference.


Transportation and Naval Defense in the Old Northwest During the British Régime, 1760-96. University of Michigan Historical Essays, 1937, p. 113-139.

The French and British at Play in the Old Northwest, 1760-1796. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, 31:22-53 (Mar. 1938).

The End of the British Régime in Michigan and the Northwest. Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, 44:189-206 (Apr. 23, 1938); read before the Illinois State Historical Society, Bloomington, Ill., May 13, 1938.

THEODORE R. SCHELLENBERG, Chief of the Division of Agriculture Department Archives.

The Abbé de Pradt and the Monroe Doctrine. Légion d'Honneur, 8:57-64 (July 1937).

VERNON D. TATE, Acting Chief of the Division of Photographic Archives and Research.

American Progress During the Year. American Library Association, Microphotography for Libraries, 1937 (Chicago, 1937), 13-38.

Journal of Documentary Reproduction. Vol. 1, nos. 1 and 2 (1938). Edited.

Spanish Documents Relating to the Voyage of the Raccoon to Astoria and San Francisco. Hispanic American Historical Review, 18:183-185 (May 1938).

Microphotography, Equipment, and Applications. Illustrated lecture before the Special Libraries Association, Pittsburgh, June 8, 1938.

FREDERICK P. TODD, Division of War Department Archives.

The French Military Musket as an American Weapon. Journal of the American Military History Foundation, 1:75-79 (Summer 1937). Written in collaboration with James E. Hicks. Reviews of Das Ehrenkleid des Soldaten, by Martin Lezius, and of Les Uniformes de l'Armée française, by Commandant E.-L. Bucquoy. Journal of the American Military History Foundation, 1:36, 83 (Summer 1937).

First Dragoons, 1851; Breymann Redoubt; and The Centennial of a Uniform. Journal of the American Military History Foundation, 1:85-90, 195-198 (Winter 1937).

WILLIAM J. VAN SCHREEVEN, Division of Classification.

Review of Forty Years of American-Japanese Relations, by Foster Rhea Dulles. Washington Post, November 10, 1937.

Indiana Food Administration Papers. Indiana Magazine of History, 33:422-427 (Dec. 1937).

Review of Henry Clay and the Whig Party, by George R. Poage. Political Science Quarterly, 53:319 (June 1938).

ALMON R. WRIGHT, Division of Classification.

Argentina and the Papacy, 1810-1927. Hispanic American Historical Review, 18: 15-43 (Feb. 1938).

Food and Society; War-Time Archives of the United States Food Administration. American Scholar, 7:243-246 (Spring 1938).

IRENE A. WRIGHT, Division of Reference.

Problems of a Research Student in the Archives of the Indies at Seville. Paper read before the Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association, Washington, D. C., February 18, 1938. The Spanish Republic and Other Democracies. Address before an international relations study group of the Washington Branch of the American Association of University Women, April 4, 1938. And Spain Sings. Address before a poetry study group of the Washington Branch of the American Association of University Women, May 5, 1938.

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