SEAS," 235. HORN, AROUND THE, AND HOME AGAIN, MEAKINS, B.: A TALE OF "THE NARROW ..... INDIAN MUTINY, SOME NEW LIGHT INDIAN PRINCE AND REFORMER, A 'Intimate Papers,' Colonel House's, notice of third and fourth volumes of, IRISHMAN, AN: MY FELLOW-COUNTRY- JAMES COOK, 483. THE BEACHCOMBER, 796. K. M. M. L.: DEGNAM KILLA, 694. Labour Party, the paradox of the, 283 Lang, Andrew, attack upon, 277-his LAWYERS, THE SEA, 143. LETTERS FROM THE WEST INDIES: MACMUNN, Lieut.-General Sir GEORGE, MOFUSSILITE: VILLAGE UPLIFT, 179. MONT BLANC, A NEW ROUTE UP, MONT BLANC, THE RED SENTINEL OF, 1. MUSINGS WITHOUT METHOD: July, 132 MY FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN, 66, 164, 328, 537. "NARROW SEAS, THE," A TALE OF, 235. NEW ROUTE UP MONT BLANC WITHOUT NIGHT-CAPS, OXFORD, 90. Novelists the spoilt children of the OUT OF FOCUs, 289. Peace, the pact of, 561-M. Briand's RED BEAR IN KASHMIR, WITH THE, 341. RIDDELL, Major JACK: THE BAGDAD "RIGHT AND LEFTS" IN TIGER LAND, Ruskin, John, critic of literature, 570 SALVAGE, 359. SAMOANS, SHAKESPEARE AMONG THE, MARRIAGE MADE IN.... HYDRA, A, SCALES, WEIGHTS, AND, 242. 743. MARTYR, WESTON :— A PRELUDE TO ENSLAVEMENT, 513. MAYCOCK, A. L.: ALL SOULS', 371, SEA, DEEP, 784. SEA LAWYERS, THE, 143. SHAKESPEARE AMONG THE SAMOANS, 365. SHALIMAR: AROUND THE HORN AND Entered as second-class matter, January 22, 1889 at the post off at New Lork $5.00 Per Year the act of March 3, 1879 Single Copy, 50 Cer GIRLS' SCHOOLS ST. JAMES SCHOOL Episcopal A select home school for BOYS of the GRADES. Ideally situated on a beautiful tract of 180 acres. MILITARY. All sports under supervision. Parental care. Limited number. Small classes. Individual attention. Graduates enter all leading secondary schools. 25th year. For catalogue address College of St. Elizabeth FREDERICK E. JENKINS, Headmaster Convent Station, New Jersey 45 Minutes from New York Catholic College for Women Standard College Preparatory Courses Saint Mary's School Mount Saint Gabriel PEEKSKILL-ON-THE-HUDSON, N. Y. Boarding School for Girls Under the charge of the Sisters of St. Mary New fireproof building beautifully situated For catalogues address The Sister Superior CHEVY CHASE SCHOOL Residential school for girls. Senior high school, with two years advanced work beyond. Twelve-acre campus. Box S, Faribault Minnesota THE ORATORY SCHOOL College preparatory school for the sons of gentlemen. Conducted by the Oratorian Fathers. Classes taught by competent laymen. Preference given to applicants to Lower School. Apply to Headmaster, Summit, New Jersey Virginia Episcopal School LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA prepares boys at cost for college and university. Modern equipment. Healthy location in the mountains of Virginia. Cost moderate, made possible through the generosity of founders. For catalogue apply to REV. WILLIAM G. PENDLETON, D. D., Rector Address CHEVY CHASE SCHOOL, Box N. RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY FREDERIC ERNEST FARRINGTON, Ph. D., Headmaster, BEDFORD, VIRGINIA Second Educational Section, Third Cover Page |