
longer capable of service, he was resolved from the first to go.

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Germany He could hardly was to be transformed." No find his way out of the maze of political intrigue. At the very last moment "the motives of Lloyd George were still a riddle to him." Lloyd George, he wrote, "knew that his 'stock' had sunk dangerously low; peace might be the popular card against the adventurous energy of Winston; war would make mince-meat of the Land Question." At the very crisis of our history his mind was set upon demagogic calculations" and the approaching election. And when he told Mr Lloyd George that he had resigned, that amazing politician, who had been on the edge of resignation himself, said: "But if you go, it will put us who don't go in a great hole." John Morley calls this "a singular remark." Being a politician himself, he should not have been surprised at it.

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Lord Morley and Mr John Burns resigned. The others, no doubt, talked a vast deal about it, and remained behind. As for John Morley, he could not have done otherwise. He had not the war temperament. As he said himself, "he was not the man to sit in the Council of War into which Campbell-Bannerman's Cabinet


What could I look forward to," he asks piteously, "but everlasting wrestles with Winston, without being able to contribute a single useful word." He had no illusions about himself. He knew and said that his days were dwindling; he was a notorious peace man and little Englander, while the others had their lives before them, and long issues committed to their charge. this is true, and it is to John Morley's credit that, holding his views, he never wavered. The others, who played with peace to this purpose or that, have little to congratulate themselves about. And as we read the story of these eventful days, we cannot but be grateful to Grey and Asquith that they took the larger view and saved their country from the risk of a changed Government in the midst of a great crisis. The country, sounder than its ministers, had already seen that war was inevitable. Had not the Foreign Minister followed the country's lead, Germany's initial success might have been far greater than it was.

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Entered as second-class matter, January 22, 1889 at the post office

$5.00 Per Year

the act of March 3, 1879

ai New York.

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