
fact that we possess it is in itself an evidence that God wills that we should communicate it. And whilst He has been making the continents of the earth and the islands of the sea willing to receive the Gospel at our hands, we feel constrained to rise up and redouble our diligence, in order to communicate this gracious boon of heaven to man. (Applause.) You also hold it as a principle, that the Gospel itself, unaccompanied by the Spirit, will not effect the conversion of the world; and therefore you lay it down as a principle, that the friends of Jesus and of the Heathen should pray for the outpouring of the Spirit. In that we are also all agreed; and I rejoice in the distinct and frequent reference that has been made this day to the influence of the Spirit as necessary, and as sufficient, when afforded, to render the means of salvation effectual. (Hear.) O let us in the one heart and mind give ourselves to prayer! The more fully we realise our dependence upon the Holy Spirit for success, the greater will that success be. The more deeply parents feel their dependence upon Divine influence for the conversion of their children, the more likely are they to see, and the more speedily will they see, their children born of God. And in proportion as we have this Spirit, we shall be found to honour the Son, and to benefit our ransomed world for whom the Son died..........You, further, hold it to be a principle, that it is the duty of all who possess the Gospel to send that Gospel to those who have it not. (Applause.) We rejoice that this principle is taken up so generally. Our children have taken it up. The poor have taken it up. The rich have taken it up. It has become a maxim in the provinces, and I doubt not in the metropolis too, that to do something for the conversion of the Heathen is part and parcel of every Christian man's duty. (Applause.) And I can assure you, that recent events have but confirmed rich and poor, so far as I have had an opportunity of judging, in the determination to give more, to labour more, and to pray more in this great cause. (Hear, hear.).........Sir, it is one of our principles, also, that the Gospel, in order to be effectively preached, must be preached by men who have themselves been at the foot of the Cross, and are themselves the subjects of a Divine change. (Hear, hear.) We trust that we shall ever hold that principle sacred; for Christ does not ordinarily, or generally, send the dead to raise the dead, or the blind, to

lead the blind. He first makes men disciples, and then He makes them Ministers; and we in the provinces greatly rejoice, that you look carefully for men who have experienced a sound conversion from sin to holiness, and who are called of God. O, if we get such men, (and we have had them furnished hitherto in sufficient abundance,) we shall, in continuance here, on these anniversary occasions, have tidings of success brighter and more extensive than even the past has been! It rejoices us, too, that we have a discipline that watches over our Missionaries; that, under the influence of that discipline, they are living in love, and in the exercise of holy self-denial; and it is on account of their devotedness to Christ, subject to the Spirit's influence, that we regard the continuation of the Divine blessing as secured to the operations of this Society. It will be, to the end of the world, "Like Priest, like people." (Hear, hear.)......... It rejoices us, also, that it is one of our principles, that, while the sheep are to be gathered into the fold, the lambs are to be shielded and duly fed. It has formed matter for regret to some of us, that the school did not earlier rise up every where by the side of the Wesleyan-Methodist chapel. We believe, that if our youth had been more generally and fully trained, at an earlier period of our Connexional history, we should have had even greater peace and prosperity, and a wider spread of our holy principles, than we have now. (Hear, hear.) But blame not our fathers. The primitive Methodist Preachers were giants in their days. (Loud applause.) They were occupied in felling the forest-trees, and in draining the morass. (Hear, hear.) They had not time to attend much to the nursery and the rearing of the plants. (Hear.) God has favoured us with more propitious times and better opportunities; and at home we now see the school rising in connexion with the chapel, and we trust that this will be multiplied. (Hear, hear.) But abroad, on your Missionary stations, you have begun right. You have begun to give the Gospel with the elements of education to the infant mind, at the same time that you address the adult; and often your seminaries for the young are in advance of your efforts for the adult. Go on and prosper. Be assured that the hearts of all who love God and His Christ are with you. (Loud applause.) Be assured, that you have all in heaven on your side. (Renewed applause.) Be assured, my dear friends, that, if any of

the Lord's real followers are for a time opposing you, Christ will shed light on their minds and hearts. (Hear, hear.) They cannot continue enemies of this cause. (Hear, hear.) They must apostatise from Christ, before they can become confirmed opponents of the great Missionary cause. (Repeated plaudits.) We pray God, that every vestige of prejudice, and every cloud of mistake, which makes any one of Christ's followers an opponent, less or more, of this cause, may be dissipated. For we know that, as the true light shineth, as the hallowing dews of heaven descend, and as the shadow of the cross of Christ comes over each of them, they will vow allegiance to this cause like us, they will emulate us in zeal and in effort, and "crown Emmanuel Lord of all." (Applause.) Let us but have the "love of God shed abroad in every heart," and we shall see a friend in every man, woman, and child. I do rejoice that the children have taken it up. In my own Circuit, last Christmas, our children have raised about £70 for your Juvenile Offering. (Applause.) The zeal with which many of them went about their work was most honourable. But I beg pardon for occupying so much of your time. I can only say, that I have been led to make these remarks about principles, because, ever since I entered this room, I have felt that we were standing on a rock, under the banner of the King of kings, and that all opposition to this cause must be just like that which is offered by the pebble which meets the ocean-wave as it comes with the swelling tide. (Reiterated plaudits.) I feel that all opposition to this cause must be just like the morning cloud, that flits upon the mountain-side, in opposing the rising


(More applause.) God is with us. God is with us, I say. (Great plaudits.) But not one vaunting word shall I utter. The dust is my place. And I believe the directors of this great Missionary Society, and those who are most zealous in supporting it, lie deepest in the dust. (Hear, hear.) Not unto us, not unto us, but unto Thee, O Emmanuel, be the praise and glory of every atom of success for which we give thanks this day! (Applause.) With these remarks, I beg to second the Reso. lution.

The CHAIRMAN put the Resolution to the Meeting, and it was agreed to unanimously.

GEORGE ALEXANDER НАMILTON, Esq., M.P. for the University of Dublin, said,-Mr. Chairman, I

regret very much that it was not in my power to attend here at the earlier portion of your proceedings, and listen, with the attention and interest which I am sure they deserve, to the statements contained in your Report, and in the speeches of the gentlemen who have preceded me. But I am happy still to have the opportunity of offering my humble testimony of the high esteem in which I hold the Christian usefulness and the Missionary exertions of the Wesleyan body. (Applause.) Regard. ing the Wesleyans as essentially Missionary in their very constitution and in their character, I have always felt that it is due to them to acknowledge, that the awakening which took place during the last generation, and the consequent improvement which we now witness, in respect of the state and the condition of religion, are attributable, in a great degree, to their Missionary exertions at that period. (Applause.) But if those exertions were necessary at that time, believe me, it will be found that they are not less necessary, and that there is no less cause to stimulate you to similar exertion, during the age in which we live. (Hear, hear.) Sir, I believe the time is coming when the great bulwarks of Christianity, which we have latterly been in the habit of supposing to be almost unassailable, are likely to be again assailed, and will have to be sternly, and firmly, and vigorously defended. (Hear, hear.) I believe that the great enemy of mankind-and there are signs and symptoms of it which it behoves us to regard-is girding himself for another effort. Probably it may be his last effort; and in proportion as he sees his end approaching will his effort be more vigorous, more malignant, and more bold. There are symptoms, also, which may lead us to suppose, that this favoured country, with all its advantages and responsibilities, may be, in a great degree, the scene of this struggle. (Hear, hear.) Already we see the dark-winged messengers of the evil one scattering their insidious poison amongst all classes and orders throughout the length and breadth of the land. In the dense masses of our manufacturing populations, in the crowded streets and alleys and lanes of our over-peopled towns, they are disseminating their infidel and immoral publications, sapping the foundations of Christian truth, dissipating the hopes of the uninformed poor men, whispering away the evidences of Christian truth, pandering to the improved intelligence and knowledge of the lower classes, tell

ing them, as of old, that "knowledge is power," and that if they will but take the fruit of the tree of unsanctified knowledge, their eyes will be opened, and they shall become like gods. (Hear, hear.) We may trace them also in the persons who miscall themselves philosophers, but who nullify the word of God by making it subordinate to their really unphilosophical speculations. (Loud applause.) May we not also trace their efforts among those miserable Rationalists, who deify their puny and perverted reason, and place it upon the throne of our Lord and Saviour? (Hear, hear.) May not the efforts of the enemy of mankind be traced also amongst other classes of the community? May we not, alas! trace them, in some instances, at least, even in our own pulpits, substituting weak and dead ordinances for the lifegiving truths of the Gospel? (Loud applause.) And can I exempt our Senate ? (Hear, hear.) Have we not often there a confusion of right and wrong, of truth and error, and the substitution of a miserable worldly expediency for the immutable principles of the word of God? (Great plaudits.) Under these circumstances, it is cheering to see those who call themselves the soldiers of Christ marshalling themselves together for this renewed contest. Nothing can be more gratifying than the spectacle which this great city and this room present at this period of the year. Here we have the companies of the Christian army, the regiments of the Christian army,-differ ing, perhaps, in uniform, differing, perhaps, in their facings, but all united under one banner,-(vehement applause,) -marshalling themselves, and preparing for the campaign of the ensuing season. (Hear, hear.) There we have the Missionary Societies; and glad am I to see the Wesleyan Missions in such goodly array, occupying so prominent a place among the Missionary institutions of the land. (Loud applause.) Then we have the great educational institutions, the various Societies for the promotion of Christian truth, the Sabbath Observance Societies, the Ragged School Unions, the Bible Societies, and the Jews' Societies. These are the regiments of the Christian army; and it is cheering to see them associated together on occasions like this. Among these regiments there can be no dissension, there can be no disunion, there should be no jealousy; (loud applause ;) for they are all united under one Leader, and the attribute of that Leader is unbounded, disinterested love. (Much applause.) They are

united, too, in one object. That object is to resist the progress of error and of infidelity; (plaudits;) to be the instruments of rescuing their fellow-creatures from the slavery of sin and of Satan, and extending the kingdom of their Lord and Saviour. These are the common objects of all who hold in common the fundamental principles and doctrines of Christianity. And now is the time when men should look, not at the minor points upon which they differ, but at these greater points, upon which, as Christians, they all unite. (Applause.) Not being myself a member of the Wesleyan community, I have felt it a pride, privilege, and gratification to attend here this day, for the purpose of telling you that I enter, with all my heart, into your objects, and that I wish you "God speed." The Resolution which has been put into my hand points out the mode, the effectual mode, by which we weak mortals may expect to contribute towards the achievement of those vast, important, and eternal objects. It states,

"That, convinced that it is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts,' that the diffusion of Christianity throughout the world is to be effected, this Meeting earnestly recommends that, in connexion with a more vigorous and extensive application of the other divinely-instituted means, more earnest prayer be offered that those means may fully answer the end for which they have been appointed by the great Head of the church."

I have much pleasure in moving that Resolution. (Loud applause.)

GEORGE SMITH, Esq., of Camborne, said,-I feel that this great and glorious work needs the support of your prayers. I am, and have been, its devoted servant for the last five-and-twenty years; and I assure you, therefore, that the principles which are laid down in the Resolution, are principles which I cordially and heartily approve. (Loud plaudits.) It was just now said, that we cannot stay this great work; (uproar;) and, in the sense in which the remark was made, I quite concur in it. But, Sir, the work may be stayed. Turning to the pages of history, I find that, when the first Missionary Society was started, and its agents went about the coasts of the Mediterranean, and Christian churches were raised up which studded the centre of the world's population, that even then a blasting influence did arise, and that the cause of God was stayed, and these churches were at length, under a malign influence, blotted

out from the map of the world's Christianity. I know the cause of God may be stayed, then; but woe be to that man who would stay it. (Applause.) Woe be to that man who attempts it. (Uproar.) I would speak now for the purpose of directing the attention of the Meeting to means by which every man may associate himself with a power that can never be stayed. This Resolution allies us to God, associates us with the Spirit of the Most High, unites us to the power which subdued our own souls, and made us his agents in the dissemination of the Gospel throughout the world. I thank God that we have an interest in this matter, that we are allied to His own Holy Spirit, and that we stand here instruments to promote his great and glorious work. (Great applause, drowning partial uproar.)

The REV. DR. NEWTON.—Sir, I rise not for the purpose of making a speech, but for the purpose of calling the attention of the Meeting to two words in this Resolution. The first is that very important word "prayer,"-" prayer;" and I would that some here were in a more fit state of mind and heart for this holy and sacred exercise. (Hear, hear.) I am one of those who think that there is nothing truly great or good to be done, but as it is sanctified by prayer. (Applause.) The God we serve is a prayer-hearing God; and it is our interest, as it is our duty, at all times, and on all occasions, to invoke his blessing by earnest, believing prayer. (Loud cheers.) We have pledged ourselves, again and again, to this sacred duty, within these walls, in bygone years. Our pledges have been recorded and published to the world; and we are sacredly bound, therefore, every one of us, who has attended a similar Meeting, and lifted up his hand in approval of the Resolutions, -and his heart, I trust, far higher than his hand, to engage in the holy exercise of prayer. (Cheers.) I take this opportunity of reminding myself, and those who are kind enough to listen to me, that "the vows of the Lord are upon us;" and I hope we are about again to pledge ourselves to prayer, and that we shall not forget what we have done when we retire from this place. Some of us have to go down into the provinces; and there, I thank God, that, generally speaking, and with scarcely an exception, we meet friends with pleasant faces, (hear, hear,) warm hearts, and open hands,-who have one heart and one way, and who are resolved to do their utmost in this good cause. (Plaudits.) I am pleased to see

this large assembly to-day. It cheers my heart that you, Christian friends, have come up to this Jerusalem to partake of this feast, to see you at your post rallying around our Missionary standard, and giving a fresh pledge of fidelity to this holy work. (Hear, hear.) I hope we shall all cherish and cultivate the spirit of prayer; that we shall pray more as individuals; that we shall remember this holy cause at the domestic altar; that we shall pray for it when we assemble to cultivate Christian friendship and social intercourse; that all these occasions will be more than they have ever yet been sanctified by prayer. In the sanctuary, too, I trust we shall never forget the cause of Missions; and that, whether as Ministers or members of Christian churches, we shall have a great deal more of prayer. (Applause.) My conviction is, that, if there were more prayer, there would be less fault-finding. (Loud cries of "Hear.") My conviction is, that, if there were more prayer, there would be more entire unity. My conviction is, that, if there were more prayer, we should have more strength, that a power Divine would sustain us; for there is a Divine power in devotion,real devotion, which takes hold of an almighty hand, and leans upon an omnipotent arm; and "if God be for us, who can be against us?" (Loud applause.) My conviction, too, is, that, if there were a great deal more prayer, there would be a great deal more "giving;" and that is the second word in the Resolution to which I shall take the liberty of inviting your attention. If we get so interested in the cause of Christian Missions, which is the cause of the world's evangelisation, and the cause of God our Saviour, as to pray much for its success, I am sure that devotion will kindle up a light in the mind, and a fire in the heart; and that the mind being more enlightened, and the heart more abundantly warmed with heaven-descending fire, the hand will be opened; and then, if I have anything to give, there it is, and I shall give it freely and cheerfully. (Hear, hear.) O yes! whilst I pray, surely I am willing to do something for the promotion of that, as an instrument in the hands of God, for which I pray. (Hear.) I have told my friends in the country, that we are to have a good collection at this Anniversary; and I trust the result will justify my expectation. (Applause.) I heartily support the Resolution. (Applause.) A Collection having been made,

The REV. CHARLES PREST, of Hull, moved,

"That the thanks of this Meeting be presented to the Ministers who have advocated the cause of the Society throughout the year; to the Treasurers, Secretaries, and Committees of all Auxiliaries and Branch Societies; to the Ladies' Associations and Committees, for their zealous co-operation; to the Juvenile Societies, and especially to the Collectors of the Christmas and New-year's Offerings, and the kind friends who countenance them, for the handsome amount received from this delightful source of income; to the Missionaries, Officers, and Contributors, on Foreign Stations, for their practical interest in the maintenance of the Funds of the Parent Society, in addition to the support they have afforded to their own Local Institutions; and to the Members of other Christian Communities who have kindly aided the operations of this Society."

The REV. JOHN SCOTT seconded the motion.

The Resolution was then put to the Meeting by the Chairman, and declared to be carried, there being only one hand held up against it.

The REV. JOHN BOWERS, of Didsbury, then rose, amidst great cheering, to propose the next Resolution. He said, Mr. Chairman, I am thankful to be permitted, after the lapse of several years, to take the humble part that has been devolved on me this day. But, judging from the example of my Reverend predecessor, I presume it is a general feeling, that the time has arrived at which the speakers shall do little more than simply propose the Resolutions confided to them. (Cries of "Go on.") I shall abide by that rule; otherwise I could not have restrained the expression of my regret, my deep and heartfelt regret, at the manifestation, for the first time since I have had the happiness to know and to be connected with this Society, of any feeling which, to strangers at least, must assume the form of hostility. (Hear, hear.) I am humiliated -I am ashamed before the Christian world that even a few men of our own household, that men who have eaten of the same bread, and drunk of the same cup, as ourselves, should be found to lift up their hands against us. (Hear, hear.) Still, Sir, though it is a painful circumstance to know that, in certain quarters, this Society has at length been assailed with something like hostility, it is a cause of unfeigned gratitude that God has, in his most gracious providence, hitherto overruled those proceedings for the advancement of the interests of the

Society. (Loud cheers.) I have often been struck by that singularly terse, and almost quaint, observation of the good Nehemiah, in mentioning the persecution with which God's ancient people were assailed in their passage to the promised land, - when the King of Moab had hired a false prophet to pronounce a curse upon them; with singular simplicity and force, the good Nehemiah says, " Howbeit, our God turned the curse into a blessing." (Cheers.) I do devoutly hope,-hitherto we have had reason to believe,-that, in the deep and prayerful sympathy which it has awakened, and is still stirring, in the hearts of the best of our people,-(loud cheers,)that, in those expressions which this opposition has called forth, of confidence in the management of this Society, and especially in the more abundant liberality which these proceedings have called forth, we have reason to adopt the sentiments of that good man whose name I have pronounced, and to say, "Howbeit, our God has turned the curse into a blessing." (Loud cheers.) There was, Sir, once upon a time, some very sage counsel addressed to a large meeting of the early adversaries of Christianity-the assembled Council and Senate of the Jews;-a sentence uttered by Gamaliel, a celebrated Doctor of the Jewish law, which is as remarkable, in my humble opinion, for plain, good, common sense, -a very valuable, but, in certain quarters, somewhat rare, quality in these days; (cheers and laughter;)—a sentence as distinguished for sound practical wisdom as any of those celebrated aphorisms which have descended to us from the sages of antiquity. His words were these: "Refrain from these men, and let them alone; for if this counsel or this work be of man, it will come to nought; but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest haply ye be found fighting against God." (Great cheering.) Is this work of human or Divine origin? (General cries of "Divine.") I will take that as your verdict. agreed upon it? ("Yes, yes.") Is that your united and solemn judgment? ("To be sure.") Then don't suffer it to be a dead letter; don't render it, by any subsequent conduct, null and void. Make it operative. Take action upon it. What say you? That this is not the work of man, but the work of God. (Cheers.) Don't, then, impair it; don't slander it; (hear, hear;) don't hinder it. Don't wound the hearts nor weaken the hands of those venerable men-(tremendous cheering)-on whom have been devolved

Are you

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