
or some other Native Agents with him, I for my part will go with all my heart. O, dear Sirs, hinder me not: I must go; God calls me! O do not prevent me from occupying that wide and uncommonly interesting field! Allow me to quote a Missionary's words on his leaving America for Africa: "I am about to leave you, and expect to see your faces no more. I long to preach to the poor African the way of life and salvation. I don't know what may befall me, or whether I may find a grave in the ocean, or among the savage men, or more savage wild beasts, in the coasts of Africa; nor am I anxious what may become of me. I feel it my duty to go; and I very much fear that many of those who preach the Gospel in this country will blush when the Saviour calls them to give an account of their labours in His cause, and tells them, 'I commanded you to go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.' The Saviour may ask,

Where have you been? What have you been doing? Have you endeavoured, to the utmost of your ability, to fulfil the commands which I gave you, or have you sought your own gratification and your own ease, regardless of my commands ?'" O, Sirs, I am quite willing to go wherever the Lord will send me. I have given up myself to this great work. But if you see fit that

I should remain in the colony, and continue to labour there, I am perfectly satisfied and ready to submit. But, Sirs, I must tell you again, that it has cost me many sleepless nights when I think of the surrounding nations that have not been visited, though some are not thirty miles from us: it is indeed a pain to my heart. O may the Lord send whom He will send, so long as the Gospel is preached to them, and souls saved! Why, I do feel more for these poor Heathen at Gallinas, because I have some relations there. Here are myself, parents, brothers, and sisters, enjoying the blessings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, while some of our friends and nearest relatives are living in darkness and superstition; not only so, but they are not far from us, and yet we cannot go to them!

Many of my friends and relations here cannot bear the thought of my going from Sierra-Leone, and of my writing to the Committee about such a thing, and tell me that I ought to leave it, and say nothing, and make myself still, and be happy with my friends. But I want them to know that I am not seeking for happiness, nor ease, nor pleasure, while my fellowcreatures are going to eternal woe. want to see souls saved, and the name of my God to be abundantly glorified. Amen.




Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Edward Fraser, dated Morant-Bay,
August 12th, 1850.

By the good hand of God I am enabled at length to announce to you that the chapel in the Blue-Mountain Valley, St. Thomas-in-the-East, Jamaica, has been formally opened for the worship of God, and the stated ministry of His soul-saving word. This happy eventfor such it was to us-took place on the 1st day of August, that we might combine the remembrance of civil blessings with that of religious ones, and be the more impressed with a sense of our obligations to Providence, thus rich in mercy towards us.

The anniversary day of Jamaica freedom occupies most of our Missionary brethren at their own stations respectively. The General Superintendent would have helped us at the opening, but for his lamented indisposition. The

Rev. Mr. West, of Kingston, kindly came over and led the way, and on succeeding days was followed by the Rev. Messrs. Hodgson and Foote, that the Valley people might be refreshed with the living voices of old and beloved Ministers of the word among them. The chapel, which might hold seven or eight hundred persons, was filled to overflowing. The members of our Society there, with their neighbours, all showed the most lively interest upon the occasion; and, together, contributed £33 sterling, which we consider no unhandsome demonstration for a labouring people, in such low times as have come upon Jamaica.

The Blue-Mountain Valley, expressively so named, is a district of country extending perhaps twenty miles through.

Over this space there stands pre-eminent, amidst an amphitheatre of mountains, that lofty peak, honoured by geographers with a name in the category of earth's notable heights. The traveller, beating the plain with his face towards the west, sees the distinguished elevation, looking like a presiding genius, often covering his head with a cap of clouds, and as often laying it bare, as if to show himself, again and again, claimant of the domain which bears his own signature of "the Blue-Mountain Valley."

This tract of country is well watered. In riding to our chapel, which stands not so far as midway, my fordings average a stream per mile. It is, of consequence, fertile, attractive, and populous. A number of fine sugar-estates are there, some of which are still kept in cultiva tion, notwithstanding the unfair competition of slave-holding Cuba, hard by, and Brazil, farther off. Others, I am sorry to say, have ceased to be worked, among which is a noble property called Garbrand-Hall, whose labourers were mostly our members. But let me speak of the Valley as to its spiritual affairs.

Deep in the interior stands an Episcopal chapel-of-ease, in which there officiates a man of God and faithful Minister, such as our colonies have often been indebted for to the Church Missionary Society. Nearer to ours is a chapel, the place of the Rev. J. Andrews, of the London Missionary Society, our friend and fellow-helper in all that pertains to the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ, both theirs and ours. But this Valley, as I have said, has a large and increasing population, and intercommunication is not always easy. I dwell not far from my work there, yet at short intervals of time am compelled to ask, for my life's sake, "Is yonder river too much swollen? Has any one crossed it lately? Can you show me the safest fording?" How difficult, then, for feeble women and children seeking contact with a Minister, or visiting his place of preaching! Our own Mission should, properly speaking, take its date as anterior to both the others. At least thirty years ago, the Gospel was preached upon the Valley estates by your venerable Missionary, the Rev. James Horne. Numbers of the people there were enrolled as members of our Society here at Morant-Bay. And these were afterwards formed by the Rev. James Atkins into a distinct congregation for Sabbath worship in their own neighbourhood. The Rev. James Rowden suc


ceeded in purchasing a site, and caused a large booth to be erected with the view of building a proper chapel there. The walls of the intended chapel were in time got up by the Rev. William HodgThen, Jamaica, already falling, was precipitated by that tariff-blow, which, however intended, was instantly understood by the slaver to be the signal for his triumph and our fall. His Havannah was illuminated on the night after the news had come from England that produce made with death-driven slaves might claim countenance, the same as the produce of free labour. It soon became a difficulty how to build, or even to roof, a chapel, when planters were ruined, and labourers had no hire.

Having been appointed to the station in 1848, I found in the Valley a Society of about three hundred and fifty persons, with a large and well-attending Sabbath congregation. They had a good report from all the Missionaries who had from time to time been over them in the Lord; and, to my eye, they soon appeared to be a more pleasing specimen of the island population than some others I had known. But the frail booth was no longer fit to shelter them, and nothing was more certain than that this congregation must be scattered, and the ministry among them cease, unless a place could be found for them to meet in. Some would have enrolled their names with our distant Societies; but the bulk would have been left without churchfellowship, and the immediate neighbourhood deprived of the means of public worship and instruction. I felt keenly this peril of souls committed to my care. I made my moan to you, and you kindly caused it to be heard by friends of Missions, who, one and another, contributed to relieve the case.

These kind contributions had a double value that of their own intrinsic worth, and as an encouragement to the Valley people to do for themselves what would have been left undone through despair of reaching the point of covering-in their chapel. The people, when I announced help from others, began to help, too, in their own small way. They brought me money, as much as I could expect from their circumstances, and they helped me with manual labour. The happy result of all is, the opening and occupation of their house of worship, which I have now the pleasure of reporting. The chapel is, indeed, not finished; but it is comfortably tenantable, and puts far from us the dread of quenching that light in the

lovely Valley which is seen wherever religious assemblies are statedly held. There is, too, a school-gallery in the lower end of the building, which speaks a hope of obtaining instruction for the children of the congregation some day.

Every man's sphere is his world, and each man will excuse another if his heart be filled with thoughts of his own place, however small and obscure. For my own part, these things, occurring on my station, have so engaged my mind, that when, in my frequent visits to look after the work, I one day caught the sight of this chapel, with its roof completely covered-in since my preceding visit, it required the influence of my judgment, telling me that bodily gestures are only a small part of devotion, to restrain an impulse to leap down and prostrate myself upon the gravelly bank of the river, that I might give thanks to Almighty God, who had brought into existence this means of preserving a religious community, as such, and given me to see it first from that spot.

And how can I sufficiently thank those gentlemen in England to whom, under God, we are indebted for this benefit ? Would that I could convey the pleasure of benevolence successfully applied, to J. C. Elliott, Esq., of London; to T. A. Shillington, Esq., of Portadown; to A. Stewart, Esq., of Glasgow; and to those other donors whose names I am not permitted to know. I very much wish for a clue to find the giver of that largest sum, without which, humanly speaking, we could not have accomplished our object yet, that, at the risk of being thought an intruder on the privacy which he prefers, I might thank him

personally for myself and the people, as I hope to be allowed to do to some other donors.

To the Committee I beg, also, to tender our thanks. I sometimes take that other form, besides the form of a Missionary, which belongs to me as one of the people; and I must confess, that a feeling about your late di-couragements from the West Indies makes me hang down my head, and wish no more to show my face. Yet, I will venture to say, that no member of your very large Missionary Society, or of its Committee, could have beheld the opening of BlueMountain Valley chapel on the 1st of this month without making the remark, "It is far from being all discouragement, while we have specimens of our Mission work like this!" I speak as one whose mind carries the compass of a matter, and not merely the impression of a holiday. Here is a Society, none the fewer in numbers since I knew them nearly three years ago. They show a will, though they have little power, to give to the cause of Christ. For if an estate should go into work, and scatter a little money among them, it would be known by a better contribution the next Sabbath. Here is a large congregation of adults and children, over the whole of which is spread a face of decency and order and attention. They show constantly a love for the habitation of God's house. We cannot but see hope for their souls. And how much of all this would have existed, if it had not been for such evangelical agencies as your Mission has supplied? I pray God to secure to you an ample share of the joy promised alike to them that sow and to them that reap.


Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Mark B. Bird, dated Port-au-Prince,
August 26th, 1850.

IT is matter of great thankfulness to be able to state, that the little storm through which we have passed in this country is now beginning to subside, and that the parties concerned in exciting ill feeling against Protestantism begin to see the great impolicy of all attempts at restricting religious liberty.

A few days ago I received a note from the office of Le Ministre des Cultes, requesting me to call there at a certain hour, which I did, and was kindly received by his Lordship, the Secretary of State, who stated to me that he had been requested by His Majesty to see me, and to make to me the following

observations relative to our general proceedings:


1st. It was the wish of His Majesty that all Haytians should be considered as entirely free and unrestricted on the subject of religion, and that all should be at liberty to adopt whatever religious creed they might prefer. On this subject the Secretary laid great stress, and seemed to wish that it should be fully understood that His Majesty was favourable to the most entire toleration on the subject of religion.

2d. His Majesty had been informed that we had lately given money, to induce individuals to adopt our religious

views. His Majesty wished it to be understood that such proceedings could not by any means be allowed.

3d. His Majesty had heard that we had gone into the country places, and occasioned disorder, by our efforts to win over the people to our views by means of money; and His Majesty therefore wished us to confine our labours to the towns.

Such were the remarks made to me officially by the Minister of State, in the name of the Emperor.

With regard to the first of these remarks, I, of course, did not fail to express the thanks which I felt to be due.

With regard to the second, I observed to his Lordship, that it refuted itself; for, if we thus gave money, we should certainly have the people after us by hundreds, if not by thousands, who most assuredly would not fail to surround us for the sake of gain. On the contrary, as I explained to his Lordship, those who joined our churches were expected to support, by voluntary contributions, the cause which they had adopted; so that, instead of receiving, they gave.

On the latter remark I explained to the Secretary that no proved disorderly person could remain a recognised member of our communion; and that it was not as a simple matter of policy, that our people respected the authorities, but as a matter of conscience, and as a religious duty.

It may, perhaps, be remembered, that in some of my former communications it was stated that the ebullition of intole rant feeling which has lately taken place in this country was much more Romish than Haytian. In proof of this, we have now the Emperor's own declaration on the subject of religious liberty. There is not the slightest doubt that the Secretary's communication in the aboverelated conversation on the subject of religious freedom is the sincere expression of His Majesty's feeling on that subject, and of the feeling of the whole nation. Long experience has taught us that the Haytians themselves are a tolerant and liberal people. They, how. ever, have had the misfortune to fall under the yoke of Rome in religious

matters; and if the same scenes that have lately disgraced the Church of Rome in Madeira have not been repeated in Hayti, we know that it is not because Romish power and influence have been more liberal here than there, but rather because the Haytians were too far advanced in their views of religious liberty to be guilty of such outrages on the rights of conscience.


It is indeed to be regretted that the country places are shut up from us; but, if we have access to all the towns, we shall still have a wide field open; for there are several where the Gospel has not yet been introduced; and even where we are established there is still much, very much, to be done. towns, thoroughly saturated with the spirit of the Gospel, would inevitably open the way ultimately to the interior; indeed, already we have some country places that we have long been in the habit of visiting. Nor do we infer from anything that has been said, that what is done is to be undone, or even discontinued. Even the restriction that has already been intimated cannot be of long duration; for His Majesty will and must ultimately see that he has been deceived, and that we have been calumniated, by the enemies of pure Christianity. Nor are we to forget that Hayti is in the hands of Providence, and that it is easy for Him to turn the hearts of men, and to make use even of their political errors for His glory.

I am thankful to say that our congregations are now beginning to assume their usual appearance as to numbers; and the cause of God is going on encouragingly.

Our school by no means diminishes in interest. Our subscriptions are not quite what they were; but it must be remembered that, for some considerable time past, the whole country has been suffering in its commercial and financial affairs.

Our people at Jérémie, as may be supposed, are all joy and gratitude at being able to finish their chapel.

Mr. Hartwell, I am thankful to say, is recovering, though slowly, from the severe attack of sickness which he has lately experienced.


1. SEPTEMBER 24th, 1850. A solemn service took place in the Wesleyan Seaman's chapel, Commercial-road, East ;-connected with the recognition and departure of four young brethren, recently admitted as probationers into our foreign work, namely, Messrs. Joseph Gaskin,

Robert Gilbert, George V. Richards, and William Gould Wells. The Rev. James Edney, who had already laboured for many years in Jamaica and at Belize in Honduras-Bay,-the Rev. John Thomas, who has for several years rendered good service on the coast and in the interior of Africa,-and the Rev. Calvert Spenseley, a Minister of well-tried ability and fidelity at home,-were also present. This service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Beecham, President of the Conference, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Alder, and the Rev. Elijah Hoole. The several Missionaries, in the course of the evening, addressed the congregation in a very appropriate, interesting, and edifying manner; and received suitable encouragement and instruction from the President. The proceedings were witnessed with devout attention by a large and gratified audience, and with many fervent prayers to Almighty God for His protection and blessing.

2. October 6th, 1850. A similar service was held in the new chapel, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell. It was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Alder, the Rev. Joseph Hargreaves, and others. The Missionaries present were Messrs. Hirst, Gardiner, and Fletcher, about to depart for stations in various parts of the coast of Western Africa. Dr. Alder suitably introduced the young brethren; Mr. Hargreaves addressed to them appropriate counsels and exhortations; and, with Mr. Bourne and Wells, and a most attentive and devout congregation, commended them and their work in solemn and united prayer to the God of providence and grace.

We earnestly trust that these servants of Christ, and the other Missionaries who are likely to follow them in a very short time to various scenes of arduous labour, will be specially remembered by our Ministers and people in the Missionary monthly prayer-meetings of the ensuing month of November.


ON Saturday, October 5th, Mr. and Mrs. Spenseley, and Mr. Gaskin, embarked at Gravesend, in the "Amazon," Captain Laws, for Natal. On Tuesday, October 8th, Mr. Henry Hirst embarked at Gravesend, in the "Africanus," Captain Flight, for St. Mary's, River Gambia.


WE stopped the press last month, in order briefly to announce this much-lamented event. Letters have now arrived containing many interesting particulars of the previous sufferings and signal dying triumphs of one of the Society's oldest and most valuable Missionaries.

Mr. Ridsdale, under date of Cape-Town, July 1st, 1850, writes thus:

"From my last three brief communications, written at Mr. Hodgson's desire, you have for some time past been made acquainted with the serious illness of our beloved Chairman. Since they were forwarded, all our fears have been realised; for it is now my sad yet joyful duty to announce, that he has departed for ever from this world. The conflict is past, and he has been received into the joy of his Lord. This took place on Friday evening, the 21st ultimo. But there was

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