
a large ship, full rigged, quite new, cut away to save, if possible, the hull and cargo. A bark also, after cutting away all her spars, just outrode the gale, and escaped with heavy damage. The two brigs were completely wrecked. They were all vessels that came for salt. A sloop belonging to this port was driven out to sea with two men, and has not yet been heard of. A boat was put off to her assistance, when the breakers threatened destruction of everything afloat, manned by seven men, who heroically volunteered for this dangerous service: it was soon lost sight of and overset ; and although they succeeded in putting a man on board of the sloop, only four got to land, two others having been washed off after she had capsized. This loss of life has thrown our little community into the gloom of mourning. One, especially, of those lost was a young man well connected, who has left a widow and three children in much distress.

Last Sunday was distinguished as a day of special religious service, by recommendation of the Government, when the Chief, attended by the Commandant and the other officers of Government, and the military, bowed themselves before Him who is our only "refuge and

strength, a very present help in trouble." The chapel was crowded; and may we not hope that some will "hear the rod and who hath appointed it?" I endeavoured in the evening to interpret the voice of the storm to the young, as nearly all those taken away were in the prime of life, from Eccles. xi. 9: "Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment."

I have heard from Anguilla since the hurricane: it appears that its ravages among the frail houses of the poor are awful. The distress of the inhabitants of that island will be great indeed. Our chapels are mercifully preserved. You will be hearing from the other islands. I learn that St. Eustatius and St. Bartholomew's have suffered much; but I do not know the particulars. Disaster and complaint seem to be endless in this part of the world. How blessed to know that the Gospel, whose message of mercy we deliver, is calculated to assuage grief and distress, however poignant; and that it is actually binding up broken hearts, and healing wounds of sorrow!


THE two letters from the Rev. Mark B. Bird, of Hayti, dated March 7th and May 7th, inserted in our Number for August, p. 889, et seq., will have painfully prepared our readers for the intelligence, that the influence of Romish intolerance has for a while succeeded in throwing a dark cloud over some portions of our interesting Mission in this island, in obstructing considerably our evangelistic operations, and in exciting a spirit of persecution against our faithful agents and people. The letter which we now publish of the date of August 7th, places our affairs, in one respect at least, in a somewhat more cheering and hopeful view. In consequence principally of the kind and zealous interference of the British Consul, the Emperor has, at length, given permission, or rather has issued an order, to complete the new chapel at Jérémie. This is, we trust, a token for good. In the mean time, our suffering Schoolmaster and other friends demand our sympathy and our prayers.

Mr. Hartwell's letter from Cape-Haytien will be found cheering and interesting; but we regret to find that his health is far from satisfactory. May it please God to grant him speedy recovery, and to prolong his valuable life and labours!

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Mark B. Bird, dated Port-au-Prince,
August 7th, 1850.

You will, I am sure, learn with great pleasure and satisfaction, that our anxieties and fears with regard to the building

of our chapel at Jérémie begin now to abate. You will already have learnt, from my former communications, that

my own efforts with the Government, to obtain permission to build our chapel at Jérémie, having entirely failed,—my letters to this Government on that subject never having even been replied to,I found myself under the absolute and very painful necessity of placing all my letters on that question in the hands of the British Consul, Captain C. L. Wyke, who is for the present acting as ConsulGeneral in this capital, and of requesting him to demand, officially, the reply to my letters, which was due both by courtesy and right: nor did our worthy Consul hesitate, but very kindly and very promptly undertook the matter, and wrote, without delay, to the Government on the subject, which also with litthe delay replied; but the reply was altogether unsatisfactory; and, being founded on error, the Consul felt it his duty to write again, giving such explanations as he deemed necessary; and, in fact, a correspondence ensued between the Haytian Government and the Consul, which proved to be entirely ineffectual. One only resource now remained, that of applying personally to the Emperor himself for the desired permission; and I am thankful to say, that the Consul, viewing the subject in its broad bearing upon the question of general toleration and religious liberty, felt himself justified in making a personal appeal to His Majesty on the subject. The Consul was listened to respectfully and patiently by the Emperor, as he pleaded the importance of religious liberty to the internal welfare and general reputation of the empire; and before he left the imperial presence, His Majesty informed him that his request should be granted, and that orders should be sent to the authorities at Jérémie, directing them to allow the completion of the Wesleyan chapel at that place. This promise has since been confirmed; and although no news has yet arrived from Jérémie, yet I cannot doubt but that the order has been sent.

Our Consul, I am thankful to say, has fully entered into all our views in this matter, and entirely carried out all our wishes. This has been the first check that any religious body has received in this country, to the erection of a public place of worship: had it succeeded, Rome would have gained a precedent that might have proved fatal to religious liberty in Hayti. The English Consul, therefore, in this matter, deserves the warmest thanks of his country, and of all the friends of religious freedom.

The mystery of Providence with regard to this country is indeed great.

Not long since, we were imploring and entreating more help, because the whole country seemed to be thrown wide open to us, and seemed to invite the messengers of peace from every land. Nor can the Haytian Missionary look upon that time without the deepest anguish, that the golden opportunity should have been seemingly neglected, for want of more men, and a little more means. It is true, Divine Providence cannot be said to lose opportunities; still it is quite possible for man to lose them; and one is almost tempted to think that they have been lost with regard to Hayti: doubtless they were lost for want of ability to seize them; be this, however, as it may, we now find ourselves under a cloud, which seems to chill and darken for the moment all our hopes of good. Many who once came regularly to our public services, have felt it unsafe to come since some of our members have been put on board the men-of-war. congregations, however, at the capital, keep up better than we might have expected; and now and then one is heard inquiring his way to heaven: so that, though we may be cast down, we are far from despair.


The Christian observer cannot be surprised at the present state of Hayti, except, indeed, that it is wonderful that things are not far worse than they are. Let it be remembered that for near half a century past, during the independence of this nation, Popery, in its worst and lowest form, has sat brooding over this unhappy land. In the French part we have upwards of half a million of souls ; and who has ever looked after those that swarm in the mountains and the plains? Out of this half million or more, some six or seven thousand children only are now under instruction; and it is presumed that there never, at any former period, were many more than at present. And then, what is the education given? What national institution ever dreamt of cultivating the heart and conscience of a Haytian child? And those who latterly were attempting to train up some in the fear of God, in some of our institutions, have been sent on board men-ofwar, under the specious pretext of serving their country: yea, I regret to say, that our Schoolmaster of the Croix des Bouquets is still serving his country, as it is called, as a sailor; while he might have rendered it a far greater service in that higher and more useful sphere, from which he was so suddenly wrenched away. I am happy to say, that those of our members who have been thus called

to suffer, have conducted themselves in every way worthy of their Christian character, in their new and painful circum


You will doubtless receive by this post

the painful intelligence of Mr. Hartwell's distressing attack of sickness, from which he is now slowly recovering. My young colleague Heureaux is now gone to the Cape to assist Mr. Hartwell for a time.

HAYTI. Extract of a Letter from the Rev. James T. Hartwell,
dated Cape-Haylien, July 31st, 1850.

THE pleasing prospects with which we commenced the year at this station, and which I had the satisfaction of communicating to you in my last, have not been so fully realised as could have been wished; neither have they been altogether disappointed.

Our regular ongregation has slowly increased; and if it were to go on increasing in the same ratio, the chapel would in a short time be too small. The Society has also received a slight augmentation, and the members appear to be growing in grace. An intelligent black young man, whose piety has been fully tried, has taken charge of a new class, and is at the same time an increasingly acceptable Local Preacher.

A few weeks ago I rented a room situated in an extensive suburb of the Cape called La Fossette. This place is a low, flat common, at the south of the town, and a part of it was used in the days of French rule as a slave-depôt, where the unfortunate beings recently arrived from Africa were exposed for sale. It was therefore called Africa. After the earthquake, the survivers by thousands took refuge there, and speedily constructed irregular streets of temporary houses, formed of doors, windows, beams, and planks, collected from the ruins of the town. Owing to the poverty of the inhabitants, and the troubles that have arisen in the country, their frail habitations have been more permanent than was intended; and, consequently, this suburb is still densely populated. Ever since the opening of the room, the preaching has been well attended: sometimes the doors, windows, and the space before the door, are crowded with attentive hearers. We pray that this little Bethel may become the birth-place of many immortal souls.

With profound gratitude I have to

say, that not a breath of persecution or opposition has been heard here. The authorities are uniformly kind, and ready to offer any assistance to the Mission when necessary; and the people, not excepting the lowest orders, are always courteous and respectful. If opposition were started, some would doubtless be found here, as well as elsewhere, to forward it; but I am convinced that Protestantism has more sympathy here than in the south of the island. The Priest, of course, does his utmost, but I believe generally in vain.

My health has become seriously affected during the past month. Indeed the attack of sickness was so violent, that I had expected ere this to have become an inhabitant of the eternal world. The Lord has prolonged my life, for how long I know not. A constant difficulty of breathing, becoming at times distressing, with partial fainting, leads me to suspect disease of the heart. I have no medical advice here sufficiently scientific to satisfy me on the subject. Bleeding has been useful as a palliative; and I wait in perfect peace to see how it will please the great Head of the church to dispose of His servant. I shall feel it my duty, if opportunity occur, and strength serve, to seek other advice.

The Chairman has kindly sent Mr. Heureaux to relieve me for a time from active labour.

I have not been able to pay my usual visit to Gonaïves this quarter; but I learn that the school has rapidly increased, and that the congregations are becoming more numerous than they were.

I feel assured that I shall enjoy a share of your sympathy, and have an interest in your prayers, in my present affliction. I can commit myself with confidence into the hands of my gracious Redeemer, who will do all things well.

MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. GIBRALTAR.-I am happy to say that things are improving a little here. In the English department our congregations are decidedly better. We have

also an increase of twenty members on the number reported last year. This, in proportion to the whole Society, is a large and rapid increase; and, in the

peculiar circumstances of this station, exceedingly encouraging. The classes and prayer-meetings are well attended; and, what is best of all, several of our new members have lately believed in Christ to the saving of their souls, and are now rejoicing in the glorious liberty of His children. As a little church we are at peace among ourselves; and, gladdened by the manifest tokens of God's presence in the midst of us, we are praying, labouring, and looking for still better days. Mr. Alton and his lay-assistants in the Spanish work are making special efforts, by means of frequent domiciliary visitations, to promote and extend that work. The Spanish congregations have somewhat improved, and two new members have lately been added to the Spanish class. The work is arduous, and to achieve success requires much both of active human agency and of the power of the Spirit of God. The schools are, as usual, well attended, and, I trust, very useful.-Rev. Hilton Cheesbrough, Gibraltar, July 18th, 1850.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA. It is in and about Adelaide that the greatest field for usefulness presents itself. Our chapels are all too small by half; and, as building is very expensive, it almost distracts me as to how the wants of the places are to be met. Five thousand pounds, at the very least, ought to be spent in chapel-building, within five miles of Adelaide, during the next year; and a very large proportion of that sum must be spent in that period, or our work will suffer. It is this perpetual drain on the pockets of the people for chapels, and the settlement of Preachers in different places, which interferes with our raising money for purposes beyond the colony. Since I wrote last, the chapel at Burra-Burra has been enlarged to double its former size, and will now seat

four hundred and fifty persons. The enlargement cost four hundred and seventy pounds, three hundred of which were raised on the spot by private subscriptions. The chapel is not now half large enough, and a new one must be built about three quarters of a mile distant. Willunga chapel has been much enlarged during the past three months: it is now a comfortable place, but becoming too small again. We have also enlarged the chapel at Walkerville, where a very large one will have to be erected in a short time.—Rev. D. J. Draper, Adelaide, December 17th, 1849.

GOLD-COAST.-I rejoice in being still able to write satisfactorily respecting the state of the District; and if you could have been present in our chapel here yesterday, (Sunday,) and have witnessed the fine congregations, and the deep-toned feeling exhibited during Divine service, and listened to the sobs, and seen the tears which were shed, at a Society-Meeting which took place immediately after the service, in which a backslider stood up and told his tale of sadness, and expressed his earnest desire for mercy from God and the church,-you would have been constrained to say, from such demonstrations, "Lo, God is here!" I feel a disposition to weep even while I am now writing, and am thus forcibly reminded of this recent circumstance.Rev. Thomas B. Freeman, Cape-Coast, June 10th, 1850.

KINGSTON, JAMAICA.-Our special services during the Christmas season have been well attended, especially the watchnight and covenant services, and a very gracious influence has been present. Indeed all our congregations continue good and attentive.-Rev. William Tyson, Kingston, Jamaica, January 19th, 1850.

ARRIVAL OF THE REV. JOSEPH ORAM, AT SYDNEY. NEW SOUTH WALES.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Joseph Oram, dated Sydney, March 28th, 1850.

I FEEL much pleasure in acquainting you and the Committee of our safe arrival, after a passage of ninety-five days. Upon the whole, the voyage was pleasant. The vessel is beautifully constructed for sailing. In one day she sailed two hundred and ninety miles; and it was not uncommon for her with a pretty strong, breeze to go twelve knots an hour so that if we had been favoured with fair wind from the Cape, doubtless

she would have made the passage in two months and a half. Mrs. Oram suffered much during the whole of the voyage from sea-sickness, which sometimes was increased by fears, arising from the leaky state of the vessel; but any annoyance we experienced from it was considerably relieved by the very respectful conduct and kind attentions of the Captain, of whom we cannot speak too highly.

We held Divine service every Sunday,

in which I read the Church Prayers, and, in place of a sermon, regularly gave a short exposition of part of one of the Lessons, which I found interested the sailors more than a set discourse.

All the emigrants on board were Roman Catholics, with the exception of six girls, one of the Matrons, and three married couples, who, with the Captain, Doctor, and crew, regularly attended our religious services; and at the close of each day we met for reading the Scriptures and prayer, which I have good reason to hope was, in connexion with the Sabbath services, blessed to the good of some. The girls I formed into a Bible-class, and met them every Sunday afternoon; and it afforded me no little pleasure on the blue sea to listen to their good reading, and to the ready and correct answers which they generally gave to questions proposed on the several portions of Scripture they read, showing the care and attention which some kind Protestant in Ireland must have expended upon them, for they were orphans; and their acquaintance with some of the great Protestant doctrines was highly pleasing. One of them, who received with the others much provocation from the Roman Catholics, was very amusing. I was desiring them on the Sabbath not to resent the spirit evinced towards them, but to return it in acts of kindness, when she arose from her seat, and, with an elevated voice and excited feeling, which manifested her real attachment to Protestantism as far as she understood it, replied, (addressing me as "your reverence,") "It is all good you say; but I will argue my religion; I will argue my religion: for we do not worship the Virgin Mary."

During the voyage one of the Roman Catholics joined us, and six more desired to do so, but were prevented by the Doctor, who wished them to remain as they were, till they got on shore, as the conversion of the former had occasioned a

great deal of unpleasantness in the form of opposition. The Roman Catholics received, before leaving England, a solemn prohibition from the Priest not to attend any Protestant service, which, from fear, they faithfully kept, excepting the one mentioned. Sydney and its locality are being filled with Roman Catholics almost every emigrant-vessel that arrives brings them from one to two hundred or more.


I begin to like my Circuit (Sydney, North). Our York-street chapel, which will seat twelve hundred, is a very excellent building; and the congregation on the Sunday evening is the largest in the city, except the Roman Catholic. have just finished meeting my division of the classes for the renewal of their tickets, and was delighted with many cases of deep experimental religion. Last week I attended some of the Missionary Meetings in the Parramatta Circuit; and the one held at Parramatta was the most interesting I ever attended, rendered so principally by Mr. Watsford, from Feejee, who related some of the most telling facts respecting the Mission in those islands. I thought, if our people in England knew them, they would not rest until means were raised to send more help to that deeply-benighted and cannibal portion of the human family.

I have entered upon my work under a sense of its great responsibility, and feel the absolute necessity of true vital godliness, in order to discharge its important functions in a manner that will issue in the glory of God and the increased spread of the Messiah's kingdom; and it is with very great pleasure I look back to my residence in the Institution, and gratefully acknowledge the advantages which for three years I there enjoyed. I also respectfully acknowledge the kindness and liberality of John Lidgett, Esq., in giving us a free passage to this Mission.


BEFORE this Notice shall be in the hands of many of our readers, several parties of Missionaries will be on their voyage to their destinations; the particulars of which will be furnished in the next Number.

DEATH OF THE REV. T. L. HODGSON, CAPE of good hope. WE stop the press to announce that this honoured and lamented servant of God died, in great peace, at Cape-Town, on the 21st of June, 1850.


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