
These are our conscientious convictions, from which n of coercion, of whatever character, can cause us to swe most cheerfully and heartily recognize the powers that exi locality in which we may at any time sojourn, in the ca civil magistrates, as God's executors for the time being, fo explicitly commanded so to do; but we are nowhere comm obey them as military commanders. God has given them to exact from His own children tribute, custom, and honor has not given them control over their persons, unless the forfeit their relationship to Himself by violating the laws of th

We therefore admit your right to tax our property, to c our goods, to claim honor and respect for all your instituti cluding that of slavery, which we regard as God's institutio freely recognize you as "God's ministers to execute wrath up that do evil." But we could as soon fall down and wor golden image erected in the plains of Dura by Nebuchadne that we could yield our persons as the willing slaves of any authority. If the Legislature shall make the demand of reply will be that of Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego, vi are not careful to answer thee in this matter; if it be so, o whom we serve is able to deliver us out of the burning fiery and He will deliver us from thine hand." But the Bill of R the State of Virginia and the Constitution of the Confederat guarantees the free exercise of religion according to the dic conscience to their citizens. But as many of us, at least, h come voluntarily dead to the exercise of the political immun citizenship, and have become "strangers and pilgrims with ( all our fathers were," and are therefore, in the fullest sense word, simple sojourners, we come under that class whom you are entitled to exemption. Nevertheless, if our peaceful, no tant principles and disposition are offensive to the State, an missible in its communities, it will surely notify us of the fa not only allow us to depart in peace, but facilitate our depa the extent of its ability to do so. We cannot bring ourselves lieve that the State of Virginia designs to become a pers power, or that she is prepared to renounce her faith in histor Christianity to the extent of arrogating to herself the right to the sons of God to the performance of things repugnant to th derstanding of their obligations to their Lord and King. W fore earnestly pray that the Legislature of the State may b erved from the committal of so grave a blunder as that of un ing to enslave those whom the Lord hath made "free indeed wish it understood, however, that we do not ask exemption f who do not endorse these views. THE "NAZARINI


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"Greater Love than This"


Love greets the babe when it is laid for the first time in its mother's arms. How fondly the mother love follows through all the changing scenes of life! How keen must be her pleasure when an honorable record has been made! But should sin and shame darken the life, and prison walls shut in her child, or he stand within the shadow of the scaffold, still the mother loves on. Though all other friends fail, this purest and truest of earthly love does not fail. She would give her own life to save her child.

How dear the love of man in his tenderness towards those dependent upon him, toiling to provide comfort for wife and children!

The sweet love of woman returns his devotion in selfsacrifice, in confidence in his integrity, in faithfulness to his interests, and in his hours of pain and anguish she gives as much of her life as she can in ministering to his comfort. The heroic woman who refused to leave her husband when the ship was sinking beneath the icy waves, and another who, when she had a chance to escape from a burning building by leaving her sick husband, remained at his bedside, are examples of woman's devotion.

Beautiful is the love of youth for parents or the aged. Eyes are they to the dimmed sight, ears to the dulled hearing, support to the feeble steps, and strength to the palsied hand.



The faithfulness of friendship smooths the rough and, like Jonathan and David, souls are knit together so that ofttimes one is willing to "lay down his life friend." "Greater love than this hath no man."

Human love in all its aspects is beautiful; it is r Without it the heart grows cold and hard and selfish. There is a greater love than this-greater than the mother, or husband, or wife, or child. It is human those who love us, but the greater love reaches out to mies. It would take them from the mire of sin and them upon the solid rock of righteousness. It would the thorns of evil from the festering wound. It wou to the tempest-tossed soul, rent with angry passion hateful lusts, and fearful forebodings, "Peace, be stil would arrest the wayward footsteps upon the downwar to death, and would place within reach the prize of attainments and a reward of unending life and hap This greater love was manifested in one who "while w yet sinners died for the ungodly."

"God so loved the world that He gave His only be Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not peris How shall we repay this love? We cannot do les give our own in return. We manifest our love as F shown His love to us, by loving the world as He lo reaching out to fallen humanity, stricken with sin, vi repulsive ofttimes, and showing by our lives, by ou conversation, by our interest in the welfare of other divine love has entered our hearts-divine love that fo its enemies, for the supreme test of all love lies in forgiv IDA M. NUNGAS


"Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will buil church; and the gates of hell (Greek Hades, the grave) not prevail against it." Peter had just answered question, "Whom say ye that I am?" with this declar

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