
Refolved unanimously, that they do, in the most unequivocal manner, declare their utter abhorrence of the practice of duelling; and of all measures tending thereto, as originating from the malevolent difpofitions of the human heart and a falfe fenfe of honour; as a remnant of Gothic barbarism; as implying a prefumptuous and highly criminal appeal to God, as the Sovereign Judge; as utterly inconfiftent with every juft principle of moral conduct; as a direct violation of the fixth commandment and deftructive of the peace and happiness of families: and the Assembly do hereby recommend it, to the ministers in their connection, to discountenance, by all proper means in their power, this fcandalous practice.

Refolved alfo, that it be recommended to all the ministers under the care of the Affembly, that they fcrupulously refufe to attend the funeral of any perfon who fhall have fallen in a duel; and that they admit no perfon, who fhall have fought a duel, given or accepted a challenge, or been acceffary thereto, unto the dif tinguishing privileges of the church, until he manifeft a just sense of his guilt, and give fatisfactory evidence of repentance.

The Miffionary fermon, which, agreeably to a ftanding rule, fhould have been delivered last monday evening, was, on account of the weather, deferred till last evening; when an appropriate discourse was delivered in this church, by the Rev. Edward D. Griffin, of the prefbytery of New York, from Col. 1. 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth; vifible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all things were created by him and for him.

Refolved, That the standing committee of miffions, be directed to prefent the thanks of this Affembly to Mr. Criffin for his fermon that they request a copy thereof for publication; and take measures for publishing fuch a number of copies as they fhall think proper, and pay the proceeds into the Miffionary fund.

Refolved, That it be recommended, and it is hereby earnestly recommended, to the prefbyteries under the care of the General Affembly, to take meafures for promoting fubfcriptious for the Affembly's Magazine. And as the continued existence of this Magazine, intended not only to entertain and inftruct, but also


to aid the miffionary fund, will depend on a conftant fupply of fuitable materials for the work.

Refolved, That the Prefbyteries enjoin it on their members, to use their endeavours to procure, and forward to the printer Mr. William P. Farrand, fuitable communications for this Magazine, especially of the original kind.

Refolved, That the presbyteries and minifters, fubordinate to the General Affembly, ufe their influence to promote the fale of the pamphlet called Glad Tidings, Published by order of the General Affembly; containing an interefting account of the late revivals of religion; and the progrefs of chriftianity in America; in Europe, and fome other parts of the world: and that they tranfmit the proceeds of fale to the treasurer of the corporation, Ifaac Snowden junr.Such minifters and other gentlemen, as may be disposed to promote the fale of this pamphlet, and are known to the committee of Miffions, may be fupplied with any number of copies required, by orders fent to the printer, Mifs Jane Aitken, No. 2c, North third street, Philadelphia.

The Affembly read the reports which have been received from the presbyteries, relative to certain amendments in the conftitution tranfmitted to them, and fubmitted to their confideration, by last Affembly.

On motion,

Refolved, That Meffrs. Armstrong, M'Curdy and Lewis, be * committee to take these reports into confideration, and report to this Affembly which of the faid amendments, if any, have been approved by a majority of the presbyteries.

The committee to whom were referred the reports of the presbyteries on the amendments of the conftitution, reported; that the presbytery of Oneida has approved all the proposed


The prefbytery of Columbia-all except nos. 4 and 13.
The prefbytery of Albany-all except no. 4.

The prefbytery of Hudfon-the whole.

The prefbytery of Long Ifland-all except no. 4.

The prefbytery of New Brunswick-only nos. 4 and 5.

The prefbytery of Philadelphia-the whole.

The prefbytery of New Caftle-all except the firft 4 nos.

The prefbytery of Lewes has approved nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 13; and No. 4. as formerly determined by them.

The prefbytery of Baltimore has approved the whole except No.
I and part of No. 13.

The prefbytery of Carlisle-the whole, except No. 13.
The prefbytery of Huntingdon-the whole.

The prefbytery of Redftone-the whole.

The prefbytery of Ohio-the whole.

The prefbytery of Erie-the whole, except No. 1.

The prefbytery of Hanover-all except No. 1.

The prefbytery of Winchefter-the whole, except Nos. 1 and 5. The prefbytery of Lexington-the whole.

The prefbytery of Abingdon-the whole.

The prefbytery of Washington-the whole.

The prefbytery of Weft Lexington—the whole.
The prefbytery of Cumberland-the whole.
The prefbytery of Orange-the whole.

The prefbytery of Hopewell-the whole.

The fecond prefbytery of South Carolina has approved the whole, but advised that, for fpecial reasons ftated by them, the amendments may not be adopted at this time.

The Committee further reported, that the amendments nos. 5 and 12 have been approved by 23 prefbyteries. nos. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. by 22 prefbyteries. No. 13 by 21 presbyte ries except as above. No. 4 by 20 prefbyteries, and No. 1 by 18 Prefbyteries.

They also stated, that upon enquiry they found, that there are thirty one prefbyteries and no more, under the care of the General Affembly, and, confequently, that all the amendments proposed by last Affembly, have been approved, and on their part fanctioned, by a majority of all the presbyteries.

The confideration of this report was deferred till tomorrow. The Affembly refumed the confideration of the amendments, contemplated to be made in the conftitution.

In addition to the amendments fanctioned by last Assembly, seveFal further amendments propofed by the prefbyteries of New York and Albany, were laid before the Assembly and read.

(After an adjournment)

The Affembly took into confideration certain amendments to the conftitution propofed by the prefbyteries of New York and Albany; and,

Refolved, that although this Affembly wishes to pay due refpect to every communication from the fubordinate judicatories, efpecially on fo important a fubject; yet as the adopting and fending to the prefbyteries for their opinion, any further amendments, at this time, would delay the publication of the book. (fo much

wanted by the churches) another year at leaft, the Affembly deem it inexpedient to confider, at this time, the amendments propofed by the prefbyteries of New York and Albany.

Refolved, That the trustees of the General Affembly be requested to take measures for publishing a new edition of the confeffion of Faith and catechifms; the plan of government, difcipline and directory.for worship, of the prefbyterian church in these United States. And whereas all the amendments proposed by laft Affembly, have been approved by a majority af the prefbyteries; and this approbation certified by them in writing to this Af fembly;

Refolved that the Trustees cause the said amendments to be incorporated into the plan of Government and Discipline;* fecure the copy right, and draw warrants, from time to time, for the fums of money which may be neceffary, for carrying on and fi nishing the work.

The Affembly called on the Synods which manage the miffionary business in their feparate capacity, to make report of their diligence and fuccefs in this work.

The Synod of Pittsburgh reported, that fince the meeting of laft Affembly, they fent two miffionaries for two months, to the fettlements on Allegheny river and Lake Erie; one for three months, to the fettlements down the Ohio river: that a miffionary they sent for one month to the Wyandot Indians. was fo well received, and made fo good a report; that the Synod have appointed three minifters to spend two months each, in fucceffion, among them, during the enfuing fummer.

The Synod of Virginia reported, that they had under their direction, for the year preceding October 1804, four miffionaries, namely the Revd. Meffrs. James Mitchel and James Tomkins; Meffrs John Boggs and John Chavis. Mr. Mitchell itinerated for two months, and Mr. Tomkins for fix months, in the fouth-western parts of the State. The appearances of fuccefs in this district of country, were very flattering, and the demand for preaching great. Mr. Boggs travelled for four months, principally, in the northern neck of Virginia. In moft places he was cordially received, and in fome, his preaching was attended by very hopeful appearances. Mr. Chavis a miffionary to the blacks, itinerated

The amendments affect only the plan of government and difcipline. The confeffion of faith; catechisms and directory remain untouched.

in feveral counties in the South parts of the State; but owing to fome peculiar circumstances, ftated in his Journal, his miffion to them was not attended with any confiderable fuccefs. The Revd. Mr. Huston spent one Month in miffionary labours by direction of Synod, but has not reported. Upon the whole, the Synod of Virginia obferved, that the field for miffionary labours in that State is very extenfive; and the profpects of usefulness very encouraging.

The Synod of the Carolinas failed to make a written report;but the members of that Synod, who are members of this Affembly flated from their own knowledge, that the Synod of the Carolinas have two miffionaries at the Natchez, who, in confequence of two several appointments, were expected to spend twelve months each, in miflionary labours, at that place: and that one other miffionary has been appointed to spend fome time in miflionary fervice, in certain deftitute places, in the lower parts of the States of North and South Carolina.

The committee of miffions, appeared before the Affembly and and made a further report, ftating certain appropriations proper to be made, to meet debts incurred, and contracts made, for miffionary purposes; and fuggefting the miffionaries proper to be employed for the enfuing year, and their routs.

The Affembly having heard and confidered this report refolved, 1. That the Revd. Jedediah Chapman be continued a stated miffionary as heretofore; and employ fix months of the enfuing year in miffionary labour, and receive the like compenfation as the last year. And as no other miffionary has offered to serve, from that part of the country, Mr. Chapman is directed and authorised to employ, at the expence of the Affembly, and with the approbation of the prefbyteries of Oneida and Geneva, two other miffionaries, to travel for three months each, under his inftructions: said miffionaries to be commiffioned by the committee of miffions, and report to them.

2. That the Revd. John Close, be appointed a miffionary for three months, to be employed in the parts he vifited last year, and in the fettlements on the Canada road, weft of Lake Champlain.

3. That the Revd. Dr. Thomas Read, be appointed a miffionary for two months, to be employed on the peninfula between Delaware and Chesapeake Bays.


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