
Love. As to that, I-your commands, you By these common pretences of the heart half know—that is, if she Indeed, sir John, Iour sex are made fools, and a greater part of think you are in the wrong. yours despise them for it.

Sir J. Well-well-that's my concern-Ha! Sir J. Affection, you will allow, is involunthere she goes, by heaven! along that walk tary. We cannot always direct it to the obyonder, d'ye see! I'll go to her immediately.ject on which it should fix - but when it is Love. You are too precipitate. Consider once inviolably attached, inviolably as mine is what you are doing.

to you, it often creates reciprocal affection.Sir J. I would not lose this opportunity for When I last urged you on this subject, you the universe. heard me with more temper, and I hoped with some compassion.

Love. Nay, pray don't go! Your violence and eagerness may overcome her spirits.The shock will be too much for her.


Fan. You deceived yourself. If I forbore to exert a proper spirit, nay if I did not even [Detains him. express the quickest resentment at your beSir J. Nothing shall prevent me.-Ha! now haviour, it was only in consideration of that she turns into another walk-Let me go! respect I wish to pay you in honour to my [Breaks from him] I shall lose her. [Going, sister; and be assured, sir,' woman as I am, turns back] Be sure now to keep out of the that my vanity could reap no pleasure from way! If you interrupt us, I shall never forgive a triumph that must result from the blackest [Exit hastily. treachery to her. [Going. Love. 'Sdeath! I can't bear this. In love Sir J. One word, and I have done. [Stops with my wife! acquaint me with his passion her] - Your sister, I verily believe, neither for her! make his addresses before my face!-entertains any real affection for me, or tenderI shall break out before my time. This was ness for you. Your father, I am inclined to the meaning of Fanny's uneasiness. She could think, is not much concerned by means of not encourage him-I am sure she could not. which of his daughters the families are united. -Ha! they are turning into the walk, and -Now as they cannot, shall not be connected, coming this way. Shall I leave the place? otherwise than by my union with you, why Leave him to solicit my wife? I can't submit will you, from a false delicacy, oppose a to it. They come nearer and nearer. - If I measure so conducive to my happiness, and, stay, it will look suspicious-It may betray us, I hope, your own? I love you, most passionateand incense him. They are here-I must go ly and sincerely love you and hope to -I am the most unfortunate fellow in the propose terms agreeable to Mr. Sterling: If world! [Exit. then you don't absolutely loath, abhor, and scorn me if there is no other happier


Re-enter SIR JOHN MELVIL and FANNY. Fan. Leave me, sir John-I beseech you, Fan. Hear me, sir; hear my final deterleave me! Nay, why will you persist to follow mination.-Were my father and sister as inme with idle solicitations, which are an affront sensible as you are pleased to represent them; to my character, and an injury to your own were my heart for ever to remain disenhonour? gaged to any other, I could not listen to your Sir J. I know your delicacy, and tremble proposals.-What! you on the very eve of a to offend it: but let the urgency of the oc-marriage with my sister; I, living under the casion be my excuse! Consider, madam, that same roof with her, bound not only by the the future happiness of my life depends on laws of friendship and hospitality, but even my present application to you! Consider that the ties of blood, to contribute to her happithis day must determine my fate; and these ness, and not to conspire against her peace, are perhaps the only moments left me to in- the peace of a whole family, and that of my cline you to warrant my passion, and to entreat own too!-Away, away, sir John!-At such you not to oppose the proposals I mean to a time, and in such circumstances, your adopen to your father. dresses only inspire me with horror. - Nay, Fan. For shame, for shame, sir John! Think you must detain me no longer-I will go. of your previous engagements! Think of your Sir J. Do not leave me in absolute despair! own situation, and think of mine! What have-Give me a glimpse of hope! you discovered in my conduct that might encourage you to so bold a declaration? I am shocked that you should venture to say so much, and blush that I should even dare to give it a hearing.-Let me be gone.

[Falls on his Knees. Fan. I cannot,-Pray, sir John!—


Fan. Ha! my sister is here. Rise, for shame,

[Struggles to go. Sir J. Shall this hand be given to another? [Kisses her Hand] No, I cannot endure it. Sir J. Nay stay, madam, but one moment.. My whole soul is yours, and the whole Your sensibility is too great. Engagements! happiness of my life is in your power. what engagements have been pretended on either side, more than those of family convenience? I went on in the trammels of a matrimonial negociation, with a blind sub-sir John. mission to your father and lord Ogleby; but Sir J. Miss Sterling! my heart soon claimed a right to be con- Miss S. I beg pardon, sir! You'll excuse sulted. It has devoted itself to you, and obliges me, madam! I have broke in upon you a me to plead earnestly for the same tender little unopportunely, I believe - but I did not interest in yours. mean to interrupt you-I only came, sir, to Fan. Have a care, sir John! do not mistake let you know that breakfast waits, if you have a depraved will for a virtuous inclination. finished your morning's devotions.


Sir J. I am very sensible, Miss Sterling, Flow. Let Mr. Sterling know, that Mr. Serthat this may appear particular, but- geant Flower, and two other gentlemen of Miss S. O dear, sir John, don't put your- the bar, are come to wait on him according self to the trouble of an apology the thing to his appointment. explains itself.


[ocr errors]

Sero. will, sir.

[Going. Sir J. It will soon, madam. In the mean Flow. And harkye, young man, [Servant time, I can only assure you of my profound returns] desire my servant- Mr. Sergeant respect and esteem for you, and make no Flower's servant, to bring in my green and doubt of convincing Mr. Sterling of the honour gold saddle-cloth and pistols, and lay them and integrity of my intentions.-And-and-down here in the hall, with my portmanteau. humble servant, madam! Sero. I will, sir. [Exit. [Exit in confusion. Flow. Well, gentlemen! the settling these Miss S. Respect!-Insolence! -Esteem! marriage articles falls conveniently enough, Very fine, truly!--And you, madam! my sweet, almost just on the eve of the circuits. - Let delicate, innocent, sentimental sister! will you me see-the Home, the Midland, and Western; convince my papa too of the integrity of your ay, we can all cross the country well enough intentions? to our several destinations. - Traverse, when do you begin at Hertford?


Trav. The day after to-morrow.

Fan. Do not upbraid me, my dear sister! Indeed I don't deserve it. Believe me you can't be more offended at this behaviour than Flow. That is commission-day with us at I am, and I am sure it cannot make you half Warwick too; but my clerk has retainers for so miserable. every cause in the paper, so it will be time Miss S. Make me miserable! You are enough if I am there next morning. Besides mightily deceived, madam; it gives me no sort I've half a dozen cases that have lain by me of uneasiness, I assure you.-A base fellow!-ever since the spring assizes, and I must tack As for you, miss, the pretended softness of opinions to them before I see my country your disposition, your artful good nature, clients again; so I'll take the evening before never imposed upon me. I always knew you me, and then currente calamo, as I say, eh, to be sly, and envious, and deceitful. Traverse?

Fan. Indeed you wrong me.

Trav. True; but pray, Mr. Sergeant, are you concerned in Jones and Thomas, at Lincoln?

Flow. I am for the plaintiff.

Trav. And what do you think ou't?
Flow. A nonsuit,

Trav. I thought so.

Miss S. Oh, you are all goodness, to be sure! Did not I find him on his knees before you? Did not I see him kiss your sweet hand? Did not I hear his protestations? Was not I a witness of your dissembled modesty? -No, no, my dear! don't imagine that you can make a fool of your elder sister so easily. Fan. Sir John I own is to blame; but I am above the thoughts of doing you the least injury. Miss S. We shall try that, madam.-I hope, Flow. Why, my lord chief does not go the miss, you'll be able to give a better account circuit this time, and my brother Puzzle being to my papa and my aunt, for they shall both in the commission, the cause will come on know of this matter, I promise you. [Exit. before him.

Flow. Oh, no matter of doubt on't-luce clarius-we have no right in us. We have but one chance.

Trav. What's that?

Fan. How unhappy I am! my distresses True. Ay, that may do indeed, if you can multiply upon me.-Mr. Lovewell must now but throw dust in the eyes of the defendant's become acquainted with sir John's behaviour counsel.

to me, and in a manner that may add to his Flow, True. · Mr. Trueman, I think you uneasiness. My father, instead of being dis- are concerned for lord Ogleby in this affair? posed by fortunate circumstances to forgive True. I am, sir-I have the honour to be any transgressions, will be previously incensed related to his lordship, and hold some courts against me. My sister and my aunt will be- for him in Somersetshire - go the Western come irreconcilably my enemies, and rejoice circuit and attend the sessions at Exeter, in my disgrace.-Yet, on all events, I am de- merely because his lordship's interests and termined on a discovery. I dread it, and am property lie in that part of the kingdom. resolved to hasten it. It is surrounded with Flow. Ha!-and pray, Mr. Trueman, how more horrors every instant, as it appears every long have you been called to the bar? instant more necessary. True. About nine years and three quarters. Flow. Ha!-I don't know that I ever had the pleasure of seeing you before. I wish you success, young gentleman!

SCENE I.-A Hall,


Enter a Servant, conducting in SERJEANT
TRUEMAN, all booted.

Serv. This way, if you please, gentlemen! my master is at breakfast with the family at present, but I'll let him know, and he will wait on you immediately.

Flow. Mighty well, young man, mighty well. Sero. Please to favour me with your names, gentlemen.

Enter STERling.

Ster. Oh, Mr. Sergeant Flower, I am glad to see you-your servant, Mr. Serjeant! gentlemen, your servant!-Well, are all matters concluded? Has that snail-paced conveyancer, old Ferret, of Gray's-inn, settled the articles at last? Do you approve of what he has done? Will his tackle hold, tight and strong? — Eb, master Sergeant?

Flow. My friend Ferret's slow and sure,

sir-But then, serus aut citius, as we say, Flow. I must be at Warwick, Mr. Sterling, sooner or later, Mr. Sterling, he is sure to the day after.

put his business out of hand as he should do. Ster. Nay, nay, I shan't part with you toMy clerk has brought the writings, and all night, gentlemen, I promise you. My house other instruments along with him; and the is very full, but I have beds for you all, beds settlement is, I believe, as good a settlement for your servants, and stabling for all your as any settlement on the face of the earth! horses.-Will you take a turn in the garden, Ster. But that d-n'd mortgage of sixty thou-and view some of my improvements before sand pounds. There don't appear to be any dinner? Or will you amuse yourselves on other incumbrances, I hope? the green, with a game at bowls and a cool Trav. I can answer for that, sir-and that tankard?-My servants shall attend you.-Do will be cleared off immediately on the pay- you choose any other refreshment?- Call for ment of the first part of Miss Sterling's por- what you please; do as you please; make tion. You agree, on your part, to come down yourselves quite at home, I beg of you.with eighty thousand pounds. Here, Thomas! Harry! William! wait on these

Ster. Down on the nail.-Ay, ay, my money gentlemen!-[Follows the Lawyers out, bawlis ready to-morrow if he pleases he shall ing and talking, and then returns to Sir have it in India bonds, or notes, or how he John] And now, sir, I am entirely at your chooses. Your lords and your dukes, and service. What are your commands with me, your people at the court end of the town, sir John?

stick at payments sometimes debts unpaid, Sir J. After having carried the negociation no credit lost with them-but no fear of us between our families to so great a length; substantial fellows-Eh, Mr. Sergeant? after having assented so readily to all your

Flow. Sir John having last term, according proposals, as well as received so many into agreement, levied a fine and suffered a stances of your cheerful compliance with the recovery, has hitherto cut off the entail of the demands made on our part, I am extremely Ogleby estate, for the better effecting the pur- concerned, Mr. Sterling, to be the involuntary poses of the present intended marriage; on cause of any uneasiness. which above-mentioned Ogleby estate, a join

Ster. Uneasiness! what uneasiness?—Where

ture of two thousand pounds per annum is business is transacted as it ought to be, and secured to your eldest daughter, now Eliza- the parties understand one another, there can beth Sterling, spinster; and the whole estate, be no uneasiness. You agree, on such and after the death of the aforesaid earl, descends such conditions, to receive my daughter for a to the heirs male of sir John Melvil, on the wife; on the same conditions I agree to rebody of the aforesaid Elizabeth Sterling law-ceive you as a son-in-law; and as to all the fully to be begotten. rest, it follows of course, you know, as re

Trav. Very true- and sir John is to be gularly as the payment of a bill after acceptance. put in immediate possession of as much of Sir J. Pardon me, sir, more uneasiness has his lordship's Somersetshire estate, as lies in arisen than you are aware of. I am myself, the manors of Hogmore and Cranford, amount-at this instant, in a state of inexpressible eming to between two and three thousand pounds barrassment; Miss Sterling, I know, is exper annum, and at the death of Mr. Sterling, tremely disconcerted too; and unless you will a further sum of seventy thousand

oblige me with the assistance of your friendship, I foresee the speedy progress of discontent and animosity through the whole family.

Ster. What the deuce is all this? I don't understand a single syllable.

Enter SIR JOHN MELVIL. Ster. Ah, sir John! Here we are-hard at it-paving the road to matrimony.-First the lawyers, then comes the doctor. Let us but dispatch the longrobe, 1) we shall soon get Sir J. In one word, then-it will be absopudding-sleeves 2) to work, I warrant you. lutely impossible for me to fulfil my engageSir J. I am sorry to interrupt you, sir-ments in regard to Miss Sterling. but I hope that both you and these gentlemen Ster. How, sir John? Do you mean to put will excuse me. Having something very par- an affront upon my family? What! refuse toticular for your private ear, I took the liberty: Sir J. Be assured, sir, that I neither mean of following you, and beg you will oblige me to affront nor forsake your family. My only with an audience immediately. [To Ster. fear is, that you should desert me; for the Ster. Ay, with all my heart! - Gentlemen, whole happiness of my life depends on my Mr. Sergeant, you'll excuse it-business must being connected with your family, by the be done, you know. The writings will keep nearest and tenderest ties in the world. cold till to-morrow morning. 5)

[blocks in formation]

Ster. Why, did not you tell me, but a moment ago, that it was absolutely impossible for you to marry my daughter?

Sir J. True.-But you have another daugh

ter, sir

Ster. Well!

Sir J. Who has obtained the most absolute dominion over my heart. I have already declared my passion to her; nay, Miss Sterling herself is also apprised of it; and if you will

piping hot to table on Sunday, to its appearing and re-appearing, hashed up, for the last time, the Friday or Saturday following.

but give a sanction to my present addresses, pounds therefore I shall be able to pay you the uncommon merit of Miss Sterling will no immediately; and for the remaining twenty doubt recommend her to a person of equal, thousand, you shall have a mortgage on that if not superior rank to myself, and our fa- part of the estate which is to be made over milies may still be allied by my union with to me, with whatever security you shall reMiss Fanny. quire for the regular payment of the interest,

Ster. Mighty fine, truly! Why, what the till the principal is duly discharged. plague do you make of us, sir John? Do you Ster. Why-to do you justice, sir John, come to market for my daughter, like servants there is something fair and open in your at a statute-fair? Do you think that I will proposal; and since I find you do not mean suffer you, or any man in the world, to come to put an affront upon the familyinto my house, like the grand seignior, and Sir J. Nothing was ever further from my throw the handkerchief first to one, and then thoughts, Mr. Sterling.—And after all the to t'other, just as he pleases? Do you think I whole affair is nothing extraordinary — such drive a kind of African slave-trade with them, things happen every day; and as the world andhas only heard generally of a treaty between

Sir J. A moment's patience, sir! Nothing the families, when this marriage takes place, but the excess of my passion for miss Fanny nobody will be the wiser, if we have but disshould have induced me to take any step that cretion enough to keep our own counsel. had the least appearance of disrespect to any Ster. True, true; and since you only transpart of your family; and even now I am fer from one girl to the other, it is no more desirous to atone for my trangression, by than transferring so much stock, you know. making the most adequate compensation that Sir J. The very thing!

lies in my power.

Ster. Compensation! what compensation can you possibly make in such a case as this, sir John?

We are

Ster. Odso! I had quite forgot. reckoning without our host here- there is another difficulty

Sir J. You alarm me. What can that be? Sir J. Come, come, Mr. Sterling, I know Ster. I can't stir a step in this business you to be a man of sense, a man of business, without consulting my sister Heidelberg.—The a man of the world. I'll deal frankly with family has very great expectations from her, you; and you shall see that I don't desire a and we must not give her any offence. change of measures for my own gratification, Sir J. But if you come into this measure, without endeavouring to make it advantageous surely she will be so kind as to consent— to you. Ster. I don't know that, Betsy is her darling,

Ster. What advantage can your inconstancy and I can't tell how far she may resent any be to me, sir John? slight that seems to be offered to her favourite

Sir J. I'll tell you, sir.-You know that by niece. However, I'll do the best I can for the articles at present subsisting between us, you. You shall go and break the matter to on the day of my marriage with miss Sterling, her first, and by that time I may suppose that you agree to pay down the gross sum of eighty your rhetoric has prevailed on her to listen thousand pounds. to reason, I will step in to reinforce your arguments.

Ster. Well!

Sir J. Now, if you will but consent to my waving that marriage-

Ster. I agree to your waving that marriage? Impossible, sir John!

Sir J. I'll fly to her immediately-you promise me your assistance?

Ster. I do.

Sir J. Ten thousand thanks for it! And now, Sir J. I hope not, sir; as, on my part, I success attend me! [Going. will agree to wave my right to thirty thou- Ster. Ilarkye, sir John! [Sir John returns] sand pounds of the fortune I was to receive Not a word of the thirty thousand to my with her.

Ster. Thirty thousand, d'ye say?
Sir J. Yes, sir; and accept of miss Fanny
with fifty thousand, instead of fourscore.
Ster. Fifty thousand-

Sir J. Instead of fourscore.



sister, sir John.


Sir J. O, I am dumb, I am dumb, sir.

Ster. You'll remember it is thirty thousand?
Sir J. To be sure I do.
Ster. But, sir John! one thing more. [Sir

Ster. Why-why-there may be something John returns] My lord must know nothing in that.-Let me see-Fanny with fifty thous- of this stroke of friendship between us. and, instead of Betsy with fourscore. But Sir J. Not for the world. Let me alone! how can this be, sir John? for you know I let me alone! [Offering to go. am to pay this money into the hands of my Ster. [Holding him] And when every thing lord Ogleby; who I believe, between you and agreed, we must give each other a bond to me, sir John, is not overstocked with ready be held fast to the bargain. money at present; and threescore thousand of Sir J. To be sure. A bond, by all means! it, you know, is to go to pay off the present a bond, or whatever you please. [Exit hastily. encumbrances on the estate, sir John. Ster. I should have thought of more conSir J. That objection is easily obviated.ditions - he's in a humour to give me every Ten of the twenty thousand, which would thing - Why, what mere children are your a surplus of the fourscore, after fellows of quality, that cry for a plaything paying off the mortgage, was intended by his one minute and throw it by the next!- as lordship for my use, that we might set off changeable as the weather, and as uncertain with some little eclat on our marriage; and as the stocks. Special fellows to drive a barthe other ten for his own. Ten thousand' gain! and yet they are to take care of the

remain as

interest of the nation, truly! Here does this confounded, indeed, though I knew nothing of whirligig man of fashion offer to give up what had passed in the garden. You seemed thirty thousand pounds in hard money, with to sit upon thorns too: but Fanny and Mr. as much indifference as if it was a china Lovewell made quite another guess sort of a orange. By this mortgage, I shall have a hold figur; and were as perfect a pictur of two on his terra firma; and if he wants more mo- distrest lovers, as if it had been drawn by ney, as he certainly will, let him have chil- Raphael Angelo. As to sir John and Fanny, dren by my daughter or no, I shall have his I want a matter of fact.

whole estate in a net for the benefit of my Miss S. Matter of fact, madam! Did not I family. Well, thus it is, that the children of come unexpectedly upon them? Was not sir citizens who have acquired fortunes, prove John kneeling at her feet, and kissing her persons of fashion; and thus it is, that per- hand? Did not he look all love, and she all sons of fashion who have ruined their fortunes, confusion? Is not that matter of fact? and did reduce the next generation to cits. [Exit. not sir John, the moment that papa was called out of the room to the lawyer-men, get up SCENE II.-Another Apartment.. from breakfast, and follow him immediately? Enter MRS. HEIDELBERG and MISS STERLING. And I warrant you that by this time he has Miss S. This is your gentle-looking, soft-made proposals to him to marry my sisterspeaking, sweet-miling, affable miss Fanny, Oh, that some other person, an earl or a duke, for you! would make his addresses to me, that I might

Mrs. H. My miss Fanny! I disclaim her.-be revenged on this monster! With all her arts, she never could insinuate Mrs. H. Be cool, child! you shall be lady herself into my good graces; and yet she has Melvil, in spite of all their caballins, if it costs a way with her, that deceives man, woman, me ten thousand pounds to turn the scale. and child, except you and me, niece. Sir John may apply to my brother indeed; Miss S. O ay she wants nothing but a but I'll make them all know who governs in crook in her hand, and a lamb under her this fammaly. arm, to be a perfect picture of innocence and simplicity.


Mrs. H. Just as I was drawn at Amsterdam, when I went over to visit my husband's relations.

Miss S. As I live, madam, yonder comes sir John. A base man! I can't endure the sight of him. I'll leave the room this instant. [Disordered. Mrs. H. Poor thing! Well, retire to your Miss S. And then she's so mighty good to own chamber, child; I'll give it him, I warservants-"Pray, John, do this-pray, Thomas, rant you; and by-and-by I'll come and let do that-thank you, Jenny" and then so you know all that has past between us. humble to her relations-"To be sure, papa Miss S. Pray do, madam.-[Looking back] -as my aunt pleases-my sister knows best."-A vile wretch! [Exit in a rage. -But with all her demureness and humility, she has no objection to be lady Melvil, it seems, nor to any wickedness that can make her so.

Enter SIR JOHN MELVIL. Sir J. Your most obedient bumble servant, madam. [Bowing very respectfully. Mrs H. Your servant, sir John.

[Dropping a half courtesy and pouting. Sir J. Miss Sterling's manner of quitting the

Mrs. H. She lady Melvil! Compose yourself, niece! I'll ladyship her, indeed: a little! creppin, cantin-She shan't be the better for a farden of my money. But tell me, child, room on my approach, and the visible coolhow does this intriguing with sir John cor-ness of your behaviour to me, madam, conrespond with her partiality to Lovewell? I vince me that she has acquainted you with don't see a concatunation here. what passed this morning.

Miss S. There I was deceived, madam. I Mrs. H. I am very sorry, sir John, to be took all their whisperings and stealings into made acquainted with any thing that should corners to be the mere attraction of vulgar induce me to change the opinion which I minds; but, behold! their private meetings would always wish to entertain of a person were not to contrive their own insipid hap- of qualaty. [Pouting. piness, but to conspire against mine. But I Sir J. It has always been my ambition to know whence proceeds Mr. Lovewell's resent- merit the best opinion from Mrs. Heidelberg; ment to me. I could not stoop to be familiar and when she comes to weigh circumstances, with my father's clerk, and so I have lost his I flatter myselfinterest. Mrs. H. You do flatter yourself, if you Mrs. H. My spurit to a T. 1)-My dear child! imagine that I can approve of your [Kisses her]—Mr. Heidelberg lost his elec- to my niece, sir John.-And give me leave to tion for member of parliament, because I tell you, sir John, that you have been drawn would not demean myself to be slobbered into an action much beneath you, sir John; about by drunken shoemakers, beastly cheese- and that I look upon every injury offered to mongers, and tallow-chandlers. However, miss Betty Sterling, as an affront to myself, niece, I can't help diffuring a little in opinion sir John. [Warmly.


from you in this matter. My experunce and Sir J. I would not offend you for the world, sagucity makes me still suspect that there is madam; but when I am influenced by a parsomething more between her and that Love- tiality for another, however ill-founded, I hope well, notwithstanding this affair of sir John. your discernment and good sense will think I had my eye upon them the whole time of it rather a point of honour to renounce enbreakfast. Sir John, I observed, looked a little gagements which I could not fulfil so strictly 1) My spirit exactly. as I ought; and that you will excuse the

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