

have attack'd him in my own way, heard him more than I can take will you sell ten thoufight over all the battles of the late war-But sand pounds at a half, for any day next week, for trade, by Jupiter, I shall never do it. except Saturday?

Sack. Never fear, colonel: Mr. Freeman will instruct you.

Free. You'll see what others do: the coffeehouse will instruct you.

Col. F. I must venture however-But I have a further plot in my head upon Tradelove, which you must assist me in, Freeman; you are in credit with him, I heard you say. Free. I am, and will scruple nothing to serve you, colonel.

Col. F. Come along then.- Now for the Dutchman-Honest Ptolemy, by your leave. Now must bob-wig and business come in play; A thirty thousand pound girl leads the way.



Change Alley. A Crowd of People, with
Rolls of Paper and Parchment in their
Hands; a Bar, Waiters, etc.

Enter TRADELOVE and Stock-jobbers, with
Rolls of Paper and Parchment.

1 Stock. I'll sell it you, Mr. Tradelove.
[Freeman whispers to one of the Gentlemen.
1 Gent. The Spaniards rais'd the siege of Cag-
liari! I don't believe one word of it. [Aside.
2. Gent. Rais'd the siege! as much as you
have rais'd the Monument. 2)

Free. 'Tis rais'd, I assure you, sir.
2 Gent. What will you lay on't?
Free. What you please.

1 Gent. Why I have a brother upon the spot, in the emperor's service: I am certain if there were any such thing, I should have had a letter.

2 Gent. I'll hold you fifty pounds 'tis false. Free. 'Tis done. 3)

2 Gent. I'll lay you a brace of hundreds upon the same.

Free. I'll take you.

Trade. I'll lay any man a brace of thousands the siege is rais'd.

Free. The Dutch merchant is your man to take in. [Aside to Tradelove. Trade. Does he not know the news? Free. Not a syllable; if he did he would

1 Stock. South-sea at seven-eighths; who buys? bet a hundred thousand pounds as soon as Trade. Harkye, Gabriel, you'll pay the differ-one penny-he's plaguy rich, and a mighty ence of that stock we transacted for t'other day? man at wagers. Gab. Ay, Mr. Tradelove, here's a note for the money.

Trade. I would fain bite the spark in the brown coat: he comes very often into the alley, but never employs a broker.

Re-enter COLONEL FEIGNWELL and FREEMAN. Trade. Mr. Freeman, your servant! Who is that gentleman?

Free. A Dutch merchant just come to England; but, harkye, Mr. Tradelove-I have a piece of news will get you as much as the French king's death did, if you are expeditious. [Showing him a Letter] Read there: I received it just now from one that belongs to the emperor's minister.

[To Tradelove. Trade. Say you so?-'Egad, I'll bite him, if possible-Are you from Holland, sir? Col. F. Ya, mynheer.

Trade. Had you the news before you came away?

Col. F. What believe you, mynheer? Trade. What do I believe? Why I believe that the Spaniards have actually rais'd the siege of Cagliari.

Col. F. What duyvel's news is dat? 'Tis niet waer, mynheer-'tis no true, sir.

Trade. Tis so true, mynheer, that I'll lay you two thousand pounds on it.

Col. F. Two duysend pound, mynheer, 'tis gadaen-dis gentleman sal hold de gelt.

[Gives Freeman Money. Trade. With all my heart-this binds the

Col. F. Ik geloy't niet, mynheer Freeman,
Ik sal ye dubbled honden, if you please.
Free. I am let into the secret, therefore
won't win your money.

Trade. [Reads] Sir,-As I have many obligations to you, I cannot miss any op-wager. portunity to show my gratitude: this mo- Free. You have certainly lost, mynheer; the ment my lord has receiv'd a private express, siege is rais'd indeed. that the Spaniards have rais'd their siege from before Cagliari. If this proves of any advantage to you, it will answer both the ends and wishes of, sir, your most obliged humble servant, HENRICUS DUSSELDORp. P. S. In two or three hours the news will be public. May one depend upon this, Mr. Freeman? [Aside to Freeman. Free. You may-I never knew this person send me a false piece of news in my life.

Trade. Sir, I am much obliged to you: 'egad, 'tis rare news.— Who sells South-sea for next week?

Stock. [All together] I sell; I, I, I, I, I sell. 1 Stock. I'll sell five thousand for next week, at five-eighths.

2 Stock. I'll sell ten thousand, at five-eighths, for the same time.

Trade. Nay, nay; hold, hold; not all together, gentlemen: I'll be no bull 1); I'll buy no 1) Bull and Bear are the names given to persons per

Trade. Ha, ha, ha! I have snapp'd the Dutchman, 'faith, ha, ha! this is no ill day's work. -Pray may I crave your name, mynheer?

forming nominal business in the stocks; a sort of gambling which seems to be very much in vogue at the present day in France.

2) It would be rather a difficult task to raise the Monument in London, here alluded to. It is a fluted column of the Doric order: the diameter at the base is 15 feet, and the height of the shaft 120 feet; the cone at the top, with its urn, comprehend 42 feet; and the height of the massy pedestal is 40 feet. Within the column is a flight of 345 steps of black marble, and the iron halcony at the top commands of course a very extensive prospect of the metropolis and the adjacent country. It is situated about 200 yards north of London-bridge, and was erected by Sir Christopher Wren, in memory of the great fire, which, in 1666, broke out at a house distant 202 feet (the height of the column) eastward from this spot, and destroyed nearly all the buildings of the metropolis from the Tower to the Temple Church. 5) Meaning, to accept the wager,



Col. F. Myn naem, mynheer? myn naem Bristol coach, that if you see any such person, is Jan Van Timtamtirefereletta Heer Van you might contrive to give me noticeFeignwell.

Free. I will.

[Bell rings.

[Exit. Sack. Coming, coming! Trade. Zounds, 'tis a damn'd long name; Free. Thou must dispatch Periwinkle first I shall never remember it- Myn Heer Van, -Remember his uncle, sir Toby Periwinkle, is Tim, Tim, Tim-What the devil is it? Free. Oh! never heed: I know the gentle- an old bachelor of seventy-five-that he has mother; man, and will pass my word for twice the sum. seven hundred a year, most in abbey-landthat he was once in love with Trade. That's enough. Col. F. You'll hear of me sooner than you shrewdly suspected by some to be your father. wish, old gentleman, I fancy. [Aside] You'll-That you have been thirty years his steward -and ten years his gentleman-remember to come to Sackbut's, Freeman? improve these hints.

[Aside to Freeman: Free. Immediately Aside to the Colonel. Trade. Mr. Freeman, I give you many thanks

for your kindness


Free. I fear you'll repent

[blocks in formation]

know [Aside.

Trade. Will you dine with me?
Free. I am engag'd at Sackbut's: adieu. [Exit.
Trade. Sir, your humble servant.


Col. F. Never fear; let me alone for thatbut what's the steward's name?

Free. His name is Pillage.

Col. F. Enough- Now for the country put.


Sack. Zounds! Mr. Freeman, yonder is TradeNow I'll love in the damned'st passion in the world. see what I can do upon 'Change with my-He swears you are in the house-he says [Exeunt. you told him you were to dine here. Free. I did so, ha, ha, ha! he has found himself bit already.


[merged small][ocr errors]

Enter FREEMAN and COLONEL FEIGN WELL. Free. Ha, ha, ha! The old fellow swallowed the bait as greedily as a gudgeon.

Col. F. I have him, 'faith, ha, ha, ha! His two thousand pounds secure-If he would keep his money, he must part with the lady, ha ha! Enter SACKBUT.

Sack. Joy, joy, colonel! the luckiest accident in the world.

Col. F. What say'st thou?

Sack. This letter does your business.
Col. F. [Reads] To Obadiah Prim, hosier,
near the building call'd the Monument, in

Free. A letter to Prim! How came you by it? Sack. Looking over the letters our postwoman brought, as I always do, to see what letters are directed to my house (for she can't read, you must know), I spy'd this, directed to Prim, so paid for it among the rest. I have given the old jade a pint of wine, on purpose to delay time, till you see if the letter be of any service; then I'll seal it up again, and tell her I took it by mistake.-I have read it, and fancy you'll like the project.-Read, read, 'colonel.

Col. F. The devil! he must not see me in this dress now.

Sack. I told him I expected you here, but you were not come yet.

Free. Very well-make you haste out, colonel, and let me alone to deal with him: where is he?

Sack. In the King's-head.

Free. Ay, ay, very well. Landlord, let him know I am come in-and now, Mr. Pillage, [Exit Sackbut. success attend you. Col. F. Mr. Proteus ratherFrom changing shape, and imitating Jove, I draw the happy omens of my love. I'm not the first young brother of the blade, Who made his fortune in a masquerade.

Enter TRADElove.


Free. Zounds! Mr. Tradelove, we're bit it seems.

Trade. Bit, do you call it, Mr. Freeman! I'm ruin'd.-Pox on your news.

Free. Pox on the rascal that sent it me.Trade. Sent it you! Why Gabriel Skinflint has been at the minister's, and spoke with him; and he has assured him 'tis every syllable false; he received no such express.

Free. I know it: I this minute parted with Col. F. [Reads] Friend Prim, there is arrived from Pennsylvania one Simon Pure, my friend, who protested he never sent me a leader of the faithful, who hath sojourn any such letter.

Some roguish stock-jobber

I hundred pounds by it.

ed with us eleven days, and hath been of has done it on purpose to make me lose my great comfort to the brethren. He intendeth money, that's certain: I wish I knew who he for the quarterly meeting in London; I was; I'd make him repent it—I have lost three have recommended him to thy house. pray thee treat him kindly, and let thy wife cherish him, for he's of a weakly constitution-he will depart from us the third day; which is all from thy friend in the faith, AMINADAB HOLDFAST. Ha, ha! excellent! I understand you, landlord: I am to personate this Simon Pure, am I not? Sack. Don't you like the hint? Col. F. Admirably well!

Trade. What signifies your three hundred pounds to what I have lost? There's two thousand pounds to that Dutchman with a cursed long name, besides the stock I bought: the devil! I could tear my flesh-I must never show my face upon 'Change more;-for, by my soul, I can't pay it.

Free. I am heartily sorry for it! What can I serve you in? Shall I speak to the Dutch Free. 'Tis the best contrivance in the world, merchant, and try to get you time for the

if the right Simon gets not there before you Col. F. No, no, the quakers never ride post:


Trade. Time! Ads'heart! I shall never be

and suppose, Freeman, you should wait at the able to look up again.

Free. I am very much concerned that I was when I think of my benefactor. [Weeps] the occasion, and wish I could be an instru-Ah! he was a good man--he has not left many ment of retrieving your misfortune; for my of his fellows, the poor lament him sorely. own, I value it not. Adso, a thought comes into my head, that well improv'd, may be of service. Trade. Ah! there's no thought can be of any service to me, without paying the money or running away.

Per. I pray, sir, what office bore you?
Col. F. I was his steward, sir.
Per. I have heard him mention you with
much respect your name is-
Col. F. Pillage, sir.

Per. Ay, Pillage, I do remember he called you Pillage.-Pray, Mr. Pillage, when did my uncle die.

[Gives it to Periwinkle. Per. "Tis very well, I'll lodge it in the com

Free. How do ye know? What do you think of my proposing miss Lovely to him? He is a single man-and I heard him say he had a mind to marry an English woman— Col. F. Monday last, at four in the morning. nay, more than that, he said somebody told About two he signed his will, and gave it into him you had a pretty ward-he wished you my hands, and strictly charg'd me to leave had betted her instead of your money. Coventry the moment he expired; and deliver Trade. Ay, but he'd be hanged before he'd it to you with what speed I could: I have take her instead of the money: the Dutch are obeyed him, sir, and there is the will. too covetous for that; besides, he did not know that there were three more of us, I suppose. Free. So much the better; you may venture mons. 2) to give him your consent, if he'll forgive you Col. F. There are two things which he forthe wager: It is not your business to tell him got to insert, but charged me to tell you, that that your consent will signify nothing. he desired you'd perform them as readily as Trade. That's right, as you say; but will if you had found them written in the will, he do it, think you? which is to remove his corpse, and bury him Free. I can't tell that; but I'll try what I by his father at St. Pauls, Covent-garden, and can do with him. He has promised to meet to give all his servants mourning. me here an hour hence; I'll feel his pulse, and Per. That will be a considerable charge; a let you know: If I find it feasible, I'll send pox of all modern fashions. [Aside] Well! it for you; if not, you are at liberty to take what shall be done, Mr. Pillage, I will agree with measures you please. one of death's fashion-monger's, called an unTrade. You must extol her beauty, double dertaker, to go down, and bring up the body. her portion, and tell him I have the entire Col. F. I hope, sir, I shall have the honour disposal of her, and that she can't marry with- to serve you in the same station I did your out my consent- and that I am a covetous worthy uncle: I have not many years to stay rogue, and will never part with her without behind him, and would gladly spend them in a valuable consideration, the family, where I was brought up.-[Weeps] Free. Ay, ay, let me alone for a lie at a pinch. He was a kind and tender master to me. Trade. 'Egad, if you can bring this to bear, Per. Pray don't grieve, Mr. Pillage, you shall Mr. Freeman, I'll make you whole again. I'll hold your place, and every thing else which pay the three hundred pounds you lost with you held under my uncle-You make me weep all my soul. to see you so concern'd. [Weeps] He lived Free. Well, I'll use my best endeavours.- to a good old age, and we are all mortal. Where will you be? Col. F. We are so, sir, and therefore I must Trade. At home: pray heaven you prosper! beg you to sign this lease: You'll find, sir To-If I were but the sole trustee now, I should by has taken particular notice of it in his not fear it. [Exit. will-I could not get it time enough from the Exit. lawyer, or he had signed it before he died. [Gives him a Paper.

Free. Ha, ha, ha!-he has it.

SCENE III,-PERIWINKLE'S House, Enter PERIWINKLE on one side, and a Footman on the other.

Foot. A gentleman from Coventry inquires
for you, sir.
Per. From my uncle, I warrant you: bring
him up.
This will save me the trouble, as
well as the expense of a journey.

Col. F. Is your name Periwinkle, sir?
Per. It is, sir.

Col. F. I am sorry for the message I bring. -My old master, whom I served these forty years, claims the sorrow due from a faithful servant to an indulgent master.


Per. By this I understand, sir, my uncle, sir Toby Periwinkle, is dead,

Col. F. He is, sir, and has left you heir to seven hundred a year, in as good abbey-land as ever paid Peter-pence to Rome.-I wish you long to enjoy it 1), but my tears will flow

1) A graceless young dog who had wasted a great deal of

Per. A lease! for what? Col. F. I rented a hundred a year farm of sir Toby upon lease, which lease expires at Lady-day next. I desire to renew for twenty years-that's all, sir.

Per. Let me see [Looks over the Lease Very well-Let me see what he says in his will about it. [Lays the Lease upon the Table, and looks on the Will] Ho, here it isThe farm lying-now in possession of Sa

his father's property, was called, with two of his brothers, to his father's bedside, just as the old gentleman was at the point of death. The father addressing himself to the eldest, told him he had left him 10,000 pounds in his will; his answer was; "God bless you, my dear father, and send you health and strength to enjoy it yourself." The second brother, 10,000, and the same answer. Then the father told the youngest, that since de had been such a spendthrift, he would never come to any good; and so he had left him a shilling to buy a halter, for him to be hanged with; to which the son answered like his brothers, "God bless you, my dear father, and send you health and strength to enjoy it yourself."

a) Doctor's Commons, where all business relative to wills, divorce, etc. is performed.

muel Pillage-suffer him to renew his lease | stances, he replied, he would not be the ruin -at the same rent.-Very well, Mr. Pillage, of any man for the world and immediately I see my uncle does mention it, and I'll per-made this proposal himself. Let him take form his will.-Give me the lease.-[Colonel what time he will for the payment, said he; gives it him, he looks upon it, and lays it or if he'll give me his word, I'll forgive him upon the Table] Pray you step to the door, the debt. and call for pen and ink, Mr. Pillage.

Col. F. I have a pen and ink in my pocket, sir, [Pulls out an Ink-horn] I never go without that.

Per. I think it belongs to your profession. -[He looks upon the Pen while the Colonel changes the Lease and lays down the Contract] I doubt this is but a sorry pen, though it may serve to write my name. [Writes. Col. F. Little does he think what he signs.


Trade. Well, Mr. Freeman, I can but thank you. - 'Egad you have made a man of me again! and if ever I lay a wager more, may I rot in gaol.

Free. I assure you, Mr. Tradelove, I was very much concerned, because I was the occasion, though very innocently, I protest. Trade. I dare swear you was, Mr. Freeman.

Enter COLONEL FEIGNWELL, dressed as a

Dutch Merchant.

Per. There is your lease, Mr. Pillage. Gives Col. F. Ha, mynheer Tradelove, Ik been sorhim the Paper] Now I must desire you ry voor your troubles-maer Ik sal you easie to make what haste you can down to Coven- maken, Ik will de gelt nie hebbentry, and take care of every thing, and I'll send down the undertaker for the body; do you attend it up, and whatever charge you are at, I'll repay you.

Col. F. You have paid me already, I thank you, sir. [Aside.

Trade. I shall for ever acknowledge the obligation, sir.

Free. But you understand upon what condition, Mr. Tradelove; miss Lovely.

Col. F. Ya, de frow sal al te regt setten, my nheer.

Per. Will you dine with me? Trade. With all my heart, mynheer; you Col. F. I would rather not: there are some shall have my consent to marry her freelyof my neighbours which I met as I came along, Free. Well then, as I am a party concerned who leave the town this afternoon, they told me, between you, mynheer Jan Van Timtamtireand I should be glad of their company down. lereletta Heer Van Feignwell shall give you a Per. Well, well, I won't detain you. I will discharge of your wager under his own hand, give orders about mourning, [Exit Colonel-and you shall give him your consent to Seven hundred a year! I wish he had died marry miss Lovely under yours,-that is the seventeen years ago:- What a valuable col-way to avoid all manner of disputes hereafter. lection of rarities might I have had by this Čol. F. Ya, weeragtig. time?-I might have travelled over all the Trade. Ay, ay, so it is, Mr. Freeman: I'll known parts of the globe, and made my own give it under mine this minute. closet rival the Vatican at Rome-Odso, I have a good mind to begin my travels now-let me see-I am but sixty? My father, grandfather, and great grandfather reached ninety odd;I have almost forty years.good:-Let me consider! what will seven hundred a year amount Bid your master come up-I'll see there be to in-ay; in thirty years, I say but thirty-witnesses enough to the bargain. thirty times seven, is seven times thirty-that isjust twenty-one thousand pounds-'tis a great deal of money-I may very well reserve sixteen hundred of it for a collection of such rarities as will make my name famous to posterity I would not die like other mortals, forgotten in a year or two, as my uncle will be-No,


With nature's curious works I'll raise my fame, That men till doomsday may repeat my name. [Exit.

SCENE IV.-A Tavern. FREEMAN and TRADELOVE discovered over a Bottle.

Trade. Come, Mr. Freeman, here's Mynheer Jan, Van, Tim, Tam, Tam,-I shall never think of that Dutchman's name

Free. Mynheer Jan Van Timtamtirelereletta Heer Van Feignwell.

Trade. Ay, Heer Van Feignwell: I never heard such a confounded name in my lifehere's his health, I say.

Free. With all my heart.

[Sits down to write. Col. F. And so Ik sal. [Does the same. Free. So ho, the house!

Enter Drawer.



Sack. Do you call, gentlemen? Free. Ay, Mr. Sackbut, we shall want your hand here.—

Trade. There, mynheer, there's my consent as amply as you can desire; but you must insert your own name, for I know not how to spell it: I have left a blank for it.

[Gives the Colonel a Paper. Col. F. Ya Ik sal dat well doenFree. Now, Mr. Sackbut, you and I will witness it. [They write, Col. F. Daer, mynheer Tradelove, is your discharge. [Gives him a Paper. Trade. Be pleased to witness this receipt too, gentlemen.

[Freeman and Sackbut put their Hands, Free. Ay, ay, that we will.

Col. F. Well, mynheer, ye most meer doen, ye most myn voorsprach to de frow syn. Free. He means you must recommend him to the lady.

[ocr errors]

Trade. That I will, and to the rest of my

Trade. Faith I never expected to have found brother_guardians. so generous a thing in a Dutchman.

Col. F. Wat voor de duyvel heb you meer

Free. As soon as I told him your circum-guardians.

Trade. Only three, mynheer.

your tyranny, if there be either law or justice Col. F. What donder heb ye myn betrocken, to be had:-I'll force you to give me up my myuheer? - Had Ik dat gewoeten, Ik soude liberty. eaven met you geweest syn. Mrs. P. Thou hast more need to weep for Sack. But Mr. Tradelove is the principal, thy sins; Anne-Yea, for thy manifold sins. and he can do a great deal with the rest, sir. Miss L. Don't think that I'll be still the fool Free. And he shall use his interest, I pro- which you have made me-No, I'll wear what I mise you, mynheer. please go when and where I please-and keep Trade. I will say all that ever I can think what company I think fit, and not what you on to recommend you, mynheer; and if you shall direct-I will. please, I'll introduce you to the lady.

Trade. For my part, I do think all this very Col. F. Well, dat is waer -Maer ye must reasonable, miss Lovely-'tis fit you should first spreken of myn to de frow, and to oudere have your liberty, and for that very purpose gentlemen. I am come.

Free. Ay, that's the best way-and then I and the Heer Feignwell will meet you there. Enter PERIWINKLE and OBADIAH PRIM, with Trade. I will go this moment, upon hoa Letter in his Hand. nour Your most obedient humble servant. Per. I have bought some black stockings of My speaking will do you little good, myn- your husband, Mrs. Prim, but he tells me the heer: ha, ha! we have bit you, faith: ha, ha! glover's trade belongs to you? therefore I pray Well-my debts discharged, and as for Nan, you look me out five or six dozen of mournHe has my consent to get her if he can. [Exit. ing gloves, such as are given at funerals, and Col. F. Ha, ha, ha! this was a master-piece send them to my house. of contrivance, Freeman.

Free. He hugs himself with his supposed good fortune, and little thinks the luck's on our side!-But come, pursue the fickle goddess, while she's in the mood-Now for the quaker. Col. F. That's the hardest task.

Of all the counterfeits perform'd by man,
A soldier makes the simplest puritan.

SCENE I-An Apartment in PRIM'S House.
Quaker's Dresses, meeting.

Mrs. P. So, now I like thee, Anne: art thou not better without thy monstrous hoop-coat and patches? If heaven should make thee so many black spots upon thy face, would it not fright thee, Anne?

Obad. My friend Periwinkle has got a good
windfall to-day-seven hundred a year.
Mrs. P. I wish thee joy of it, neighbour.
Trade. What, is Sir Toby dead then?
Per. He is! You'll take care, Mrs. Prim.
Mrs. P. Yea, I will, neighbour.

Obad. This letter recommendeth a speaker; 'tis from Aminadab Holdfast of Bristol: peradventure he will be here this night; therefore, Sarah, do thou take care for his reception[Gives her the Letter.

Mrs. P. I will obey thee.
Obad. What art thou in the dumps 1) for,

Trade. We must marry her, Mr. Prim. Obad. Why truly, if we could find a husband worth having, I should be as glad to see her married as thou wouldst, neighbour.

Per. Well said, there are but few worth having. Trade. I can recommend you a man now, that I think you can none of you have an ob

Miss L. If it should turn you inside out ward, and show all the spots of your hypo-jection to! crisy, 'twould fright me worse!

Mrs. P. My hypocrisy! I scorn thy words, Anne: I lay no baits.

Miss L. If you did, you'd catch no fish. Mrs. P. Well, well, make thy jests-but I'd have thee to know, Anne, that I could have catched as many fish (as thou call'st them) in my time, as ever thou didst with all thy fooltraps about thee.


Per. You recommend? Nay, whenever she marries, I'll recommend the husband

Sir P. What must it be a whale, or a rhinoceros, Mr. Periwinkle? ha, ha, ha!

Per. He shall be none of the fops at your end of the town, with full perukes and empty skulls, -nor yet any of our trading gentry, Miss L. Is that the reason of your formali- who puzzle the heralds to find arms for their ty, Mrs. Prim? Truth will out: I ever thought, coaches.-No, he shall be a man famous for indeed, there was more design than godliness travels, solidity, and curiosity-one who has in the pinched cap. searched into the profundity of nature! When heaven shall direct such a one, he shall have my consent, because it may turn to the benefit of mankind.

Mrs. P. Go, thou art corrupted with reading lewd plays, and filthy romances-Ah! I wish thou art not already too familiar with the wicked ones. Miss L. Too familiar with the wicked ones! Miss L. The benefit of mankind! What Pray, no more of those freedoms, madam-I am would you anatomize me? familiar with none so wicked as yourself-How dare you thus talk to me! you, you, you, unworthy woman you. [Bursts into tears.

Sir P. Ay, ay, madam, he would dissect yon. Trade. Or, pore over you through a microscope, to see how your blood circulates from the crown of your head to the sole of your foot-ha, ha! but I have a husband for Trade. What in tears, Nancy? What have you, a man that knows how to improve your you done to her, Mrs. Prim, to make her weep? fortune; one that trades to the four corners Miss L. Done to me! I admire I keep my of the globe.

Enter TRADelove.

senses among you;-but I will rid myself of) To be in a bad humour.

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