
shared his allowance with them, and, being accustomed to the caresses of poor people, they remained perfectly quiet. At last day appeared, and I heard the workmen passing and repassing; I took advantage of the moment, passed through the principal gate without remark, (thanks to my ragged appearance,) and advanced to the gate of the little drawbridge. The turnkey came out-examined me -hesitated.... I might have knocked him down, taken the key from him, gone out, and locked it behind me. . . . . he asked me a question, which I answered boldly ... and he was just going to turn the key, when some real masons came up, and by their inquisitive looks, sealed the unfortunate issue of my attempt.*


"I was immediately dragged to the commandant's apartments; he jumped out of bed; heard what they told him, could scarcely believe his eyes; stormed, abused some, and accused others of treachery and did me the favour to tell me in vulgar terms, 'You did very wrong to miss your aim, for you will not have such another opportunity for a long time.' I asked him to give me a glass of brandy, and he made haste to get it me himself.

"While they were preparing a place of greater security for me, I was put into the chesnut stove (that is the name given by the unfortunate Mazeras de Latude to the ground floor of the western tower, near the modern passage to the dungeons ;) I did not remain there more than an hour, an order hav

ing come to instal me at the top of the Donjon, under the platform, in the secret cell of the eastern tower † -

"Since Providence has been pleased to work a double miracle in my favour, I have often thought of the wretchedness of mind, which at Saint Helena must have worn out the life of that Bonaparte, all whose actions had in view only the object of the mo ment, whose maxim was Possess for ever, whose contempt of life never went so far as to teach him how to die. . . . Pride was strong enough in him to stifle conscience. But may God forgive him, who dying, humble, and deprived of the embraces of his son, dropped a tear to nature, and appeared to forget his frail grandeur!'

The victories of the Allies, which led to his overthrow, gave to our author his liberty; but he was previously, with others (even in the heat of the war about Paris,) transported to Soumer.

"At last, on the 16th of April, at noon, the doors of the prison were opened, the clanking of chains ceased to be heard, and the cry of Long live the Bourbons!" was the only one that rang through the sepulchral vaults. It would be vain for me to attempt a description of this scene, which will never be banished from my memory. In the intoxication and tears of joy, every one threw himself into the arms of his neighbour, and pressed him to his heart; forty individuals, hitherto strangers to each other, were in

"The mason to whom this was principally owing, fell ill of vexation. I was told in 1814, that he never would return again to work at the Donjon." +"From that moment I passed for dead; the police spread the report of it generally, and my poor children, who were then very young, put mourning on for me."


one moment bound to each other by the ties of the most tender friendship.

"At the moment of our release, the inhabitants of the town, Frenchmen, liberated from the tyranny which had hitherto repressed their feelings, eagerly surrounded us, and without the least regard to our wretched appearance, dragged us into the bosom of their families, and in one day made us experience the transition from an excess of misery to affluence and plenty. Time will never diminish the gratitude I feel towards the persons who took charge of me, and I only regret that I am not allowed to name them here."

Having gone thus far, we must condense into a summary the rest of the interesting points touched upon in this volume. By a refinement in political trickery, the French government had procured the traitor Richard to personate their prisoner and endeavour to entrap Ferdinand at Valençay. This would produce the two-fold effect of destroying the real agent, and of discovering the king's wishes and intentions. The design failed, for Ferdinand was alarmed and would not trust the sham liberator: the documents then palmed on the world as official were fabricated and published in the Moniteur!!!

In England, on his return, the Baron was honourably treated: he then visited Madrid, and received the distinction of noble knighthood from the king of Spain, and a grant of 100,000 crowns on the Havannah, of which succeeding events robbed him. Proceed

ing from Madrid to Paris to reclaim his property, the jewels, &c. seized at his arrest, he fell upon the disorganization of the hundred days, and joined the Duchess of Angouleme and royalists at Bordeaux. In a desperate action he was taken prisoner and carried to Boulogne where again death seemed to be inevitable.

But being reclaimed as a Spanish officer, some delay intervened; and it was not till

"On the 1st of June, an order arrived to consider us no longer as soldiers, but to transfer us to the prison of the criminal and civil tribunal of the department, to be there tried as citizens taken in arms, and in the act of rebellion upon the territory of the empire. That measure, which was calculated to make us then rather uneasy, was the means of our escaping certain death."

And the relation continues:

"The battle of Waterloo, by restoring her king and princes to France, was the second miracle to which millions of victims owed their preservation.

"As soon as the legitimate authority was recognized by the local authorities, I was liberated from prison, and, accompanied by my officers, repaired without loss of time to the French headquarters at St. John de Luz. Our general in chief, the duke of Damas, delivered me the command of my regiment, which immediately entered Bayonne, and was selected to occupy the citadel. Strange vicissitude of fortune! I was now the commander in a place where only a day or two before I was a prisoner !"


10. Royal Naval Biography. By
Lieut. John Marshall, (B.) R.N.
Anecdote of Lord Exmouth
"The wife of Rovere, one of the
French deputies banished to Cay-
enne, was taken on her passage
by our officer. She had sold all
her property in France for the
purpose of joining her unhappy
husband, and had with her 3000.
sterling. Sir Edward restored it
to her, and paid his crew their
share out of his own pocket."

Bonaparte." After the surrender of the French army, Sir W. SidneySmith visited the HolyCity, where the following anecdote of Bonaparte was related to him by the superior of a convent: When General Dumas had advanced with a detachment of the French army within a few leagues of Jerusalem, he sent to his Commander-in-Chief for leave to make an attack upon that place. Bonaparte replied, that when he had taken Acre, he would come in person and plant the tree of liberty in the very spot where Christ suffered; and that the first French soldier who fell in the attack, should be buried in the Holy Sepulchre.' Sir W. Sidney Smith was the first Christian ever suffered by the barbarians to go into Jerusalem armed, or even to enter it in the dress of a Frank; his followers, and all who visited it by his means, were allowed the same privilege."

In the memoir of Admiral Curzon, a note tells of the gallantry of another branch of that family, in a different service :

"At the celebrated battle of Waterloo, the Hon. William Curzon, son of the present peer, and Dep. Ass Adj. Gen. to the army in the Netherlands, displayed the most chivalrous ardour. Riding

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along the field with Lord March, Farewell, dear March!' said he, he received a ball in his chest. as he fell to the ground. His companion was not permitted to perform those tender offices which his heart dictated. A furious onset of cuirassiers called him to his póst; and his wounded friend, seeing him nobly rally a Nassau regiment, which he led to the charge in person, feebly but heroically exclaimed, That's rightthat's right-well done, my dear March and immediately expired."

"Captain Hallowell was succeeded on the Roman coast by Captain Louis, who was afterwards joined by Sir Thomas Troubridge. The French, seeing that all hopes of defending themselves successfully against the united powers that attacked them on all sides, were at an end, and thinking to obtain better terms from the English than the Austrians, proposed terms to the latter officer, with that effrontery which characterizes their public proceedings, but which is as often successful as it is impudent. They had a man of the right stamp to deal with. Their ambassador at Rome began by saying, that the Roman territory was the property of the French, by right of conquest. The British Commodore settled that point, by replying, It is mine by reconquest.' A capitulation was soon concluded for all the Roman States, and Captain Louis rowed up the Tiber in his barge, hoisted English colours on the Capitol, and acted, for the time, as Governor of Rome. The prophecy of Father M'Cormick, an Irish Franciscan, was thus accomplished. On Nelson's return to Naples from Aboukir,

this man predicted, that the Admiral would take Rome with his ships. The hero reminded him that ships could not ascend the Tiber but the friar, who had probably forgotten this circumstance, met the objection with a bold front, and declared he saw that it would come to pass notwithstanding. Nelson, who was struck with the oddity of the circumstance, and not a little pleased with it, obtained preferment for him from the King of Sicily, and recommended him to the Pope."

Captain Campbell was the bearer of the despatches relating to Hawke's victory over Conflans in 1759. Of him

"The humorous anecdote has been told, that upon this or some similar occasion, Lord Anson, as they were going in his Lordship's carriage to carry the news to the King, said, Captain Campbell, the King will knight you, if you think proper.'- Troth, my Lord,' said the Captain, who retained his Scotch dialect as long as he lived, I ken nae use that will be to me.'-' But your lady may like it,' replied his Lordship. Weel then,' rejoined the Captain, His Majesty may knight her if he pleases.'

The following singular anecdote is related of the conduct of a pilot belonging to the Immortalité, whilst employed in the blockade

of Brest:

"This man, either a Frenchman, or speaking French extremely well, expressed a great desire to Captain Hotham, that he would permit him to go on shore and get information of the state and situation of the enemy's fleet. After frequent solicitations, Captain Hotham consented, and he

was put on shore in the night, with a promise that a boat should be sent to bring him off, at a proper time. The boat was accordingly sent five successive nights to the place appointed, but no pilot was there. pilot was there. At the expiration of eight days, he came alongside in a French boat rowed by two men and gave the following account of himself. That fearing lest he should be apprehended as a spy, he gave up the idea of attempting to get off as agreed upon, and came to the resolution of hiring a boat to go into Cameret Bay; upon getting pretty near to it, he told the men he did not mean that bay, he meant Berthaume Bay, which was about half way to the ship; when he had approached near this bay, he said he wanted to go to Point St. Mathews (which was not more than two gun shots from the frigate); upon this the men flew in a passion, telling him they would take him back to Brest. The pilot instantly took a brace of pistols from his pocket, and pointing one at each of them, exclaimed- I am an Englishman; and if you do not put me on board my ship without delay, I will blow your brains out.' With which the Frenchmen judged it best to comply.-This resolute fellow had absolutely been on board some of the ships of war, and gave an exact account of their

condition and force."

(In 1804) "M. La Touche Treville, who had commanded at Boulogne, in 1801, commanded now at Toulon. He was sent for

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they pleased.' This gallant officer died at Fareham in 1787. - -

of sight of land, the reconnoitring sit and see them fight as long as squadron, under Rear-Admiral Campbell, stood in close to the port, and La Touche, with a vastly superior force, pushed out and chased it about twelve miles. The Frenchman, delighted at having found himself in so novel a situation, published a boastful account, affirming that he had given chase to the whole British fleet, and that Nelson had fled before him! In spite of contempt for the gasconader, his lordship was half angered by his impudence. Writing to the present Earl, he said, You will have seen La Touche's letterhow he chased me, and how I ran. I keep it and if I take him, by God he shall eat it.' La Touche, however, soon after died, according to the French papers, in consequence of walking so often up to the signal post upon Cape Sepet, to watch the British fleet: and thus effectually prevented Nelson from administering to him his own lying letter in a sandwich."

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"Captain Gayton became a Rear-Admiral Oct. 18, 1770; was made a Vice-Admiral Feb. 3, 1776; and immediately afterwards appointed to the chief command at Jamaica. Returning from thence in the Antelope, he fell in with a large ship, which was at first mistaken for an enemy, and preparations were made to receive her accordingly, though of force infinitely superior to the Antelope. The Vice-Admiral, though so extremely infirm as to be almost unable to walk, came upon the quarter-deck, and after concisely exhorting his crew to behave like Englishmen, told them, that for his part, he could not stand by them, but he would

"Captain Harvey commanded the Brunswick, of 74 guns, on the memorable 1st of June, 1794. He was wounded early in the action by a musquet-ball, which tore away part of his right hand; but this he carefully concealed, and bound the wound up with his handkerchief. Some time after this he received a violent contusion in the loins, which laid him almost lifeless on the deck: from this severe blow he however rallied his strength of mind, and continued at his post, directing and conducting the action, until a doubled-headed shot splitting, struck his right arm near the elbow, and shattered it to pieces. Growing faint through loss of blood, he was now compelled to retire; but when assistance was offered to conduct him below, he nobly refused it,-I will not have a single man leave his quarters on my account! my legs still remain to bear me down into the cockpit." In this wounded and shattered state he cast a languid yet affectionate look towards his brave crew-Persetere, my brave lads, in your duty! continue the action with spirit, for the honour of our King and Country; und remember my lust words-THE COLOURS OF THE BRUNSWICK SHALL NEVER BE STRUCK!' About sun-set it was found necessary to amputate his arm above the elbow ; and on the day after the Brunswick's arrival at Spithead, he was conveyed on shore at Portsmouth, where, after bearing the most excruciating pain with christian resignation, he was released from this world, and lost to his country, on the 30th June.


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