
been issued by the government (the central junta), that every thing taken from the enemy by the patriot parties should exclusively belong to them."

Gradually acquiring strength, the Empecinado at length passed into the province of Guadalaxara, acting as a general at his own discretion, and made the vicinity of Madrid the theatre of his incredible exertions.

The following answer of Martin to an intriguing letter of General Hugo, a renegade Spaniard, inviting him over to the side of King Joseph, is remarkable.

"SIR,-I value as I ought the opinion you have formed of me; I have formed a very bad one of you nevertheless if you sincerely repent your atrocities, and tired of being a slave you wish to recover your liberty in the service of a free nation, valiant as she is generous, the Empecinado offers you his protection.

"That Massena and his army surrendered on the 4th of November last, would seem to admit of no doubt; but allowing it to be untrue, certain it is that if he has not already perished, he will soon be destroyed; for fortune, his mother, has for a long time turned her back upon him.

"There is little doubt that the actual state of things must soon terminate, for it appears that all the nations of Europe are combined against the French: however, without that circumstance, Spain has always had and now particularly has more force, energy, and constancy, than are required merely to humble the legions of your king.

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which you suppose him to haveif he be so good a man, why does he commit and suffer to be committed such atrocities? A proud and perfidious usurper can never be a good man! The Spaniards who take part with the brother of Napoleon must be very few, but, if there were many, they must always be the vilest and most detestable; the sound part of the nation, which is the great majority, and which constitutes her strength, abhors and detests even the very name of a Frenchman.

"I am quite astonished at your holding out and breathing sentiments of humanity! Publish your humanity at Guadalaxara, Siguenza, Huete, Cefuentes, Frillo, Douon, Ita, in the towns of the valleys, in short in every village and spot that has had the misfortune to be visited by either you or your soldiers! will they believe you? and I who have witnessed your deeds, how am I to credit your words?

"In vain do you labour if you think to dissuade either me or any of my soldiers from our honourable undertaking; be well assured that so long as one single soldier of mine is alive, the war will be carried on: they have all, in imitation of their chief, sworn eternal war against Napoleon and those vile slaves who follow him. If you please, you may tell your king and your brethren in arms, that the Empecinado and his troops. will

die in defence of their


"They never can unite themselves to men debased, without honour, without faith, and without religion of any kind! Be good enough to cease to write to me.

"I am the Empecinado." Of the nature of his escapes


and adventures, the following will afford an idea:

"On the 6th of February the enemy advanced against Siguenza, but our chief beat them back to Mirabueno, where they were reinforced; and upon the 7th they marched again upon Siguenza. An action commenced upon the heights of Rebollar, and a heavy column of cavalry, profiting by a momentary confusion in a part of the line of Spanish infantry, made a desperate charge and took above one thousand prisoners. Our chief was not in that part of the line where this occurred, but immediately repaired to it in the hope of remedying the evil, when he was recognized by the perjured corps of Spaniards under the orders of the infamous Villagarcia, who rushed upon him, and he was only able to save himself by the desperate means of throwing himself down a precipice; preferring even that sort of death to falling into the hands of the renegade Spaniards.

"He was saved; but the consequence of his fall was a severe illness, which obliged him to go to Monterigo, Almadovar, and Arcos, for the recovery of his health. He was driven from one town to another by the enemy, when they discovered where he was; however he escaped their persecution. - - .

"Our general was celebrated for taking as bold a part in every enterprise and battle that was fought, as the bravest soldier of his division; and in this affair he gave a signal proof of the attachment he felt for every individual of it: one of his trumpeters, who was made prisoner and was guarded by three dragoons, called out to him, 'General, I was once in

Joseph's service, they are going to shoot me.' He instantly rushed alone upon this party like lightning, and set at liberty the prisoner: two officers of French dragoons, who knew the person of the Empecinado, charged at him; the first who came up he shot dead, and whilst resisting the attack of the other, some of his own soldiers came up, and the second officer shared the fate of his companion.

"On the 14th he returned to Guadalaxara, and the following day the garrison surrendered to him; on the 16th he took possession of that city, which for three years had been the focus of the banditti who had been persecuting him.

"The surrender of this place enabled the Empecinado to equip his corps brilliantly; grenadier caps, accoutrements, caps for the infantry, clothing; in short his division put on the appearance of highly-dressed soldiers."

These extracts show how the Empecinado was incessantly employed for the five or six years during which he contended for the freedom of his native land. Of so extraordinary a man we are desirous to know as much as possible, and we are induced to copy the portrait of a hero equal to Grecian fame.

The Empecinado "is a little above the middle stature, with a firmly knit and muscular frame, which indicates a capability of sustaining privation and fatigue: his complexion is dark, his beard strong and of a sable hue, his eyes black, animated, and sparkling. His mental powers are strong, and calm in acting, and both clear and quick in perceiving. Of this superiority he has given unequivocal

unequivocal proofs in the high military talent he displayed; for he is active, enterprising, judicious; and by his personal example inspiring the brave with heroism, and the timid with resolution-in his letters-in his celebrated address to the king-and in the manner in which he has borne adversity, calumny and prosperity. The qualities of his heart are of a corresponding stamp. He raised and organized an army without money and without support, when surrounded by an active enemy; and, though exposed to great and various difficulties, and embarrassed by envy, jealousy, intrigue, and mutiny, he was victorious over the experienced commanders and disciplined legions of hostile


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7. Life of William Davison, Secretary of State, and Privy Counsellor to Queen Elizabeth. By N. H. Nicholas, Esq. 8vo.

The following letters, extracted from the above work, afford a more convincing proof than has before been published, that James was not only no party to, but a strenuous opposer of the iniquitous deed of the execution of his mother. While the wary Secretary only preferred the ostensibly legal assassination at Fotheringay, for which he did not expect to be made responsible, to the deep damnation of that secret taking off for which Elizabeth was so anxious, and which would infallibly have been visited upon the heads of its immediate agents as scape-goats for royalty, the King of Scotland interfered with all the ardour of filial piety to save his

The following

devoted parent.
are literal copies of his letters,
made from the originals, and un-
questionably the most interesting
features in the present volume:
"To Maister Archibald Douglas.
October 1586.

"Reserve up youreself na longer in the earnist dealing for my mother, for ye have done it to long, and thinke not that any youre travells can do goode, if hir lyfe be taikin, for then adeu with my dealing with thaime that are the special instrumentis thairof, and thairfore gif ye look for the contineuance of my favoure touarcis you, spaire na painis nor plainnes in this cace, bot reid my lettir wrettin to william Keith, and conforme yourself quhollie to the contentis thairof, & in this requeist lett me reape the fruictis of youre great credit thaire, ather now or never, fairwell.

"JAMES R." "A Madame ma tres chere sœur et cousine la royne d'angleterre.

"Madame, and dearest sister, if ye coulde have knouin quhat divers thochtis have agitat my mynde since my directing of William Keith unto you, for the sollisting of this matter quhairto nature and honor so greatly and unfeynedly bindis and obleissis me; If, I say, ye kneu quhat dyvers thochtis I have bene in, and quhat iust greif I hadd ueying deeply the thing itself, if so it should proceid, as godd forbidd, quhat eventis micht follou thairupon, quhat number of straitis I uold be drevin unto, &, amongst the rest, hou it micht perrell my reputation amongst my subiects; If thaise thingis, I yett say againe, knouin uayre unto you, then


doubt I not but ye wold so farr pittie my cace, as it wold easely mak you at the first to resolve your ouin [mind] best unto it. I doubt greatlie in quhat facon to writt in this purpois, for ye have allreaddie taken sa evill with my playnness, as I feare if I shall persist in that course ye shall rather be exasperattit to passionis in reading the wordis then by the plainness thairof be persuadit to consider richtlie the simple treuth, yett iustlie prefferring the deutie of ane honest freind to the suddaine passionis of one, quho hou soone they be past can uyslier uey the reasonis then I can sett thaime doune. I have resolvid in feu uordis & plaine, to gif you freindly and best advyce, appealing to youre rypest judgement to discerne thairupon: quhat thing, Madame, can greatlier touche me in honoure that both is â kinge & a sonne, then that my nearest neihboure, being in straittest freindshipp with me, shall rigouruslie putt to death â free souveraigne prince, & my naturall mother, alyke in estaite and sexe to hir that so uses hir, albeit subiect, I grant, to a harder fortoune, and touching hir nearlie in proximitie of bloode; quhat law of godd can permitt that iustice shall strikke upon thaime quhom he hes appointid supreame dispensatouis of the same under him, quhom he hath callid goddis, &, thairfore, subiectid to the censoure of none in earth, quhose anointing by godd cannot be defylid be man unrevenged by the authoure thairof, quho being supreme & immediatt lieutenantis of godd in heaven, cannot thairefoire be iudgit by thaire æquallis in earth; quat monstruouse thinge is it, that

souveraigne princes thaimeselfis shoulde be the exemple giveris of thaire ouen sacred diademes prophaining, then quhat shoulde move you to this forme of proceiding (supposin the worst, qubiche in goode faith I looke not for at your handis,) honoure or profeitt; honoure waire it to you to spaire quhen it is least lookid for; honoure waire it to you (quhich is not onlie my friendlie advyce but my earnist suite) to tak me & all other princes in europe eternally beholdin unto you, in granting this my so reasonable request, & not (appardon I pray you my free speaking) to putt princes to straittis of honoure, quhair throuch youre generall reputation & the universal (almost) mislyking of you, may daingerouslie perrell both in honoure & utillitie your personne & estate : ye knou, Madame, uell aneuch hou small difference cicero concludis to be betwixt utile & honestum in his discourse thairof, and quhiche of thaime oucht to be framed to the other; & nou, madame, to concluide, I pray you so to uey thir feu argumentis, that as I ever presumed of youre nature, so the quhole worlde may praise your subiectis for thair deutifull caire for your preservation, & youreself for youre princelie pittie, the doing quhairof onlie belangis unto you, the parforming quhairof onlie apparteynis unto you, & the praise thairof onlie will ever be youris : respect then, goode sister, this my first so long contineuid & so earnist request, dispatching my ambassadouis with suche à comfortable ansoure as may become your persone to give, & as my loving & honest hairt unto you meritis to ressave; but in kaice any do

of my mynde in this matter, then my ambassadouis do, quho indeid are fullie aquentid thairwith. I pray you not to takk me to be a cameleon, but by the contrairie, thaime to be maliciouse imposteuris as suirlie thay are; and thus praying you hairtlie to excuse my to ruide and longsum lettir, I committ you, madame, and dearest sister, to the blessid protection of the most hie, quho mott give you grace so to resolve in this maitter, as may be honorabill for you, and most acceptable to him: from my palleis, of holirudhouse, the 26 day of Januarie, 1586.-Youre most loving & affectionate brother & cousin,

vaunt thaimselfis to know further leigh's character; not from a single circumstance, however great, but from a tissue of continued little incidents, which occurred from the moment of his condemnation till he laid his head on the block. Rawleigh was a man of such mark, that he deeply engaged the attention of his contemporaries; and to this we owe the preservation of several interesting particulars of what he did and what he said, which have entered into his life; but all has not been told in the published narratives. Contemporary writers in their letters have set down every fresh incident, and eagerly caught up his sense, his wit, and, what is more delightful, those marks of the natural cheerfulness of his invariable presence of mind; nor could these have arisen from any affectation or parade, for we shall see that they served him even in his last tender farewell to his lady, and on many unpremeditated occasions.


8. An Authentic Narrative of the last hours of Sir Walter Rawleigh. From Mr. D'Israeli's


"The close of the life of Sir Walter Rawleigh was as extraordinary as many parts of his varied history: the promptitude and sprightliness of his genius, his carelessness of life, and the equanimity of that great spirit in quitting the world, can only be paralleled by a few other heroes and sages:-Rawleigh was both! But it is not simply his dignified yet active conduct on the scaffold, nor his admirable speech on that occasion, circumstances by which many great men are judged, when their energies are excited for a moment to act so great a part, before the eyes of the world assembled at their feet-it is not these only which claim our notice.

"We may pause with admiration on the real grandeur of Raw

"I have drawn together into a short compass every fact concerning the feelings and conduct of Rawleigh at these solemn moments of his life, which my researches have furnished, not omitting those which are known : to have preserved only the new, would be to mutilate the statue, and to injure the whole by an imperfect view.

"Rawleigh one morning was taken out of his bed, in a fit of fever, and unexpectedly hurried, not to his trial, but to a sentence of death. The story is well known.-Yet pleading with a voice grown weak by sickness, and an ague he had at that instant on him,' he used every means to avert his fate: he did, therefore,

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