
are carnivorous to the perpetual danger of falling into any fissures or imperfectly closed chasms that may lie in their way; and in this circumstance we see an explanation of the comparatively rare occurrence of the remains of beasts of prey in the osseous breccia of the antediluvian fissure, although they also occasionally perished in them, as the dogs do at this day in the open fissure at Duncombe Park.

"Many of the arguments arising from the detail of facts we have been describing in Yorkshire are applicable to the illustration of analogous phenomena, where the evidence of their history is less complete. In our own country there are seven other instances of bones similarly deposited in caverns, the origin of some of which, though not before satisfactorily made out, becomes evident as a corollary from the proofs afforded by the cave at Kirkdale: these are in the counties of Somerset, Derby, Devon, and Glamorganshire."

His accounts of the other English caves, and of the caves in Germany, are very curious. The latter, where animal remains occur red in the same manner as at Kirkdale, he agrees with M. Cuvier in ascribing to bears;* in other cases to natural effects of deluge. The general argument is thus laid down:

"In the conclusion of my account of Kirkdale, I stated, that

its phenomena were decisive in establishing the fact, that animals which are now limited exclusively to warmer latitudes, e. g. the elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, and hyæna, were the antediluvian inhabitants of Britain, and not drifted northwards by the diluvian currents from more southern or equatorial regions, as had often been suggested, and was never till now disproved; and I pointed out the inference with respect to a probable change of climate in the northern hemisphere, which seems to follow from this circumstance.

"Another important consequence arising directly from the inhabited caves, and ossiferous fissures, the existence of which has been now shown to extend generally over Europe, is that the present sea and land have not changed place; but that the antediluvian surface of at least a large portion of the northern hemisphere was the same with the present; since those tracts of dry land in which we find the ossiferous caves and fissures must have been dry also, when the land animals inhabited or fell into them, in the period immediately preceding the inundation by which they were extirpated. And hence it follows, that wherever such caves and fissures occur, i. e. in the greater part of Europe, and in whatever districts of the other Continents such bones may be found under similar circumstances,

"M. Cuvier in his first edition states, that the bones found in these caverns are identical over an extent of more than 200 leagues; that three-fourths of the whole belong to two species of bear, both extinct-the ursus spelæus and ursus arctoideus, and two-thirds of the remainder to extinct hyænas; a very few to a large species of the cat family, being neither a lion, tiger, panther, or leopard, but most resenibling the jaguar of South America; with them is found a species of glutton, and a wolf or dog (not distinguishable from a recent species,) a fox, and polecat."


there did not take place any such interchange of the surfaces occupied respectively by land and water, as many writers of high authority have conceived to have immediately succeeded the last great geological revolution, by an universal and transient inundation which has affected the planet we inhabit."

Mr. B. is also of opinion, that all human bones found in caves or strata are post-diluvian; that at the date of the English and German caves, this part of the hemisphere was entirely inhabited by beasts, and became only at a later era the abode of man; that these beasts were all extinguished at one period by an overflow of waters; that this inundation produced all the varieties of cavernous deposits, and of loam and gravel, in which they are deposited; that their various states of preservation depend on natural and local causes; and that all the traces on the surface of the globe demonstrate the truth of the Mosaic history of a Universal Deluge.

27. Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe. By J. C. L. Simonde de Sismondi, of the Academy and Society of Arts at Geneva, Honorary Member of the University of Wilna, of the Italian Academy, &c. Translated from the original, with Notes, by Thomas Roscoe, Esq.

The names both of the author and translator of the above work, afford a sufficient guarantee for its excellence. We give the following extract from the chapter upon the literature of the Trouba

dours; a name which at once presents to the fancy, the tournament and the court of love, the bower and the castle; bright ladies and gallant knights, caparisoned steeds and tented fields, with all the dazzling enchantments of chivalry.

"When, in the tenth century, the nations of the South of Europe attempted to give a consistency to the rude dialects which had been produced by the mixture of the Latin with the northern tongues, one of the new languages appeared to prevail over the others. Sooner formed, more generally spread, and more rapidly cultivated than its rivals, it seemed to assume the place of the forsaken Latin. Thousands of poets flourished, almost contemporaneously, in this new language, who gave it a character of originality which owes nothing to the Greeks or the Romans, or to what is called classical literature. They spread their reputation from the extremity of Spain to that of Italy; and they have served as models to all the poets, who afterwards succeeded them in other lannorth, and amongst these to the to those of the guages, even English and the German. All at once, however, this ephemeral reputation vanished. The voice of the Troubadours was silent; the Provençal was abandoned, and, undergoing new changes, again became a mere dialect, till after a brilliant existence of three centuries, its productions were ranked amongst those of the dead languages. From this period, it received no additions.

"The high reputation of the Provençal poets, and the rapid decline of their language, are two phenomena

phenomena equally striking in single wonder of the gardens, in

the history of the cultivation of the human mind. That literature, which has given models to other nations, yet, amongst its crowd of agreeable poems, has not produced a single masterpiece, a single work of genius destined to immortality, is the more worthy of our attention, as it is entirely the offspring of the age, and not of individuals. It reveals to us the sentiments, the imagination, and the spirit of the modern nations, in their infancy. It exhibits what was common to all and pervaded all; and not what genius, superior to the age, enabled a single individual to accomplish. Thus the return of the beautiful days of Spring is announced to us, not by some

the production of which the artificial exertions of man have seconded the efforts of nature, but by the brilliant flowers of the fields, and by the prodigality of the meadows."

-- "Raymond Berenger and his successors introduced into Provence the spirit both of liberty and chivalry, and a taste for elegance and the arts, with all the sciences of the Arabians. The union of these noble sentiments gave birth to that poetical spirit which shone out, at once, over Provence and all the South of Europe, like an electric flash in the midst of the most palpable darkness, illuminating all things by the brightness of its flame."

The following is translated from Guillaume de St. Gregory, and of the class called "Sirventes," Martial or Political Songs.

The beautiful Spring delights me well,
When flowers and leaves are growing;
And it pleases my heart, to hear the swell
Of the birds' sweet chorus flowing
In the echoing wood;

And I love to see all scatter'd around,
Pavilions and tents, on the martial ground;
And my spirit finds it good

To see, on the level plains beyond,
Gay knights and steeds caparison'd.

It pleases me, when the Lancers bold
Set men and armies flying;

And it pleases me, too, to hear the sound,
The voice of the soldiers crying;
And joy is mine,

When the castles strong besieged shake,
And walls uprooted totter and quake,
And I see the foemen join

On the moated shore, all compass'd round
With the palisade and guarded mound.


Lances and swords, and stained helms,
And shields dismantled and broken,
On the verge of the bloody battle-scene,
The field of wrath betoken;

And the vassals are there,

And there fly the steeds of the dying and dead;
And where the mingled strife is spread,
The noblest warrior's care

Is to cleave the foeman's limbs and head,
The conqueror less of the living than dead.

I tell you that nothing my soul can cheer,
Or banqueting or reposing,

Like the onset cry of "Charge them" rung
From each side, as in battle closing;
Where the horses neigh,

And the call to "aid," is echoing loud,
And there, on the earth, the lowly and proud
In the foss together lie;

And yonder is piled the mingled heap
Of the brave, that scaled the trench's steep.

Barons! your castles in safety place,

Your cities and villages, too,
Before ye haste to the battle-scene :
And, Papiol! quickly go,

And tell the lord of "Yes and No,"+

That peace already too long hath been!

The above was dedicated to Beatrix of Savoy, the wife of Raymond Berenger V. the last Count of Provence. Beatrix was the mother of four queens, of France, of Germany, of England, and of Naples.

Song by Richard I.† written during his imprisonment in the
Tour Ténébreuse, or Black Tower.

No wretched captive of his prison speaks,
Unless with pain and bitterness of soul;
Yet consolation from the Muse he seeks,

Whose voice alone misfortune can control.
Where now is each ally, each baron, friend,
Whose face I ne'er beheld without a smile?
Will none, his sovereign to redeem, expend
The smallest portion of his treasures vile?

The name of the Troubadour's Jongleur, or page. + Richard Coeur de Lion.


Though none may blush that, near two tedious years,
Without relief, my bondage has endured,
Yet know, my English, Norman, Gascon peers,
Not one of you should thus remain immured:
The meanest subject of my wide domains,

Had I been free, a ransom should have found;
I mean not to reproach you with my chains,
Yet still I wear them on a foreign ground!

Too true it is-so selfish human race!

"Nor dead nor captive, friend or kindred find;"
Since here I pine in bondage and disgrace,
For lack of gold my fetters to unbind.
Much for myself I feel, yet ah! still more
That no compassion from my subjects flows:
What can from infamy their names restore,

If, while a prisoner, death my eyes should close?
But small is my surprise, though great my grief,
To find, in spite of all his solemn vows,
My lands are ravaged by the Gallic chief,

While none my cause has courage to espouse.
Though lofty towers obscure the cheerful day,
Yet through the dungeon's melancholy gloom,
Kind Hope, in gentle whispers, seems to say,
"Perpetual thraldom is not yet thy doom."
Ye dear companions of my happy days,

Of Chail and Pensavin, aloud declare
Throughout the earth, in everlasting lays,

My foes against me wage inglorious war.
Oh, tell them, too, that ne'er, among my crimes,
Did breach of faith, deceit, or fraud appear;
That infamy will brand to latest times

The insults I receive, while captive here.

Know, all ye men of Anjou and Touraine,

And every bach'lor knight, robust and brave,

That duty, now, and love, alike are vain,

From bonds your sovereign and your friend to save.

Remote from consolation here I lie,

The wretched captive of a powerful foe,

Who all your zeal and ardour can defy,

Nor leaves you aught, but pity, to bestow.

The following Song is the production of Dietmar von Aste:

There sate upon the lindén tree,

A bird, and sang its strain;
So sweet it sang, that as I heard
My heart went back again.

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