




captains of the vessels then in the river went on shore to condole with them on their loss, and to offer them such assistance as they had the power of granting. On landing, they found the principal men assembled together, and joined them. Soon afterwards, John Africa commenced an harangue, and stated the great loss he with others had sustained by the fire, and, directing his discourse to one of the captains in particular, said, 'Me tank you too much you be proper man for dis country. Me lose all ting, no more two puncheon brandy me get you ship. Him no burn; fire no make him burn. Bonny man tank you enough. You brandy won't burn; too much water live dere:' meaning that there was more water than brandy in the puncheons. These satirical remarks were delivered by him in so dry and sarcastic a manner, and with so much gravity of countenance, that the brandy-and-water captain became the laughing-stock of the company, and was so mortified, that he made a precipitate retreat, Vowing vengeance against the black cynic for holding him up to ridicule.

"We anchored at this place early in October; when the rains had just commenced, and on landing we were not a little surprised and amused at the grotesque figures which many of the natives made, who had on their heads large wigs, made apparently of the bristles of pigs, not a hair of which had a curve in it, and at the extremity of each stood a dew drop, for it was a mizzling rain, with now and then a dash of sunshine. At this time the wigs made a very brilliant appearance;

they were of all colours, although red and white were the predominant ones, which, contrasted with the black visages and naked bodies of the wearers, gave them a most ludicrous appearance; they had been purposely made and carried to Majumba on speculations, by a Čaptain Higgin, of London, an eccentric character.

"During the months of January and February, there occur here what the natives call smokes, from the atmosphere being rendered so extremely thick that objects cannot be seen at the distance of a hundred yards, except when the sun is near the meridian, when it clears away a little. These smokes are accompanied by a moderate north-east wind, which frequently continues six weeks, and produces on plants the same effect as the harmattan, by withering their leaves; and precisely as the blast, or north wind, does on the cotton plant and the other vegetable productions of Guyana. The thermometer generally sinks ten degrees, and the natives feel the change so sensibly, that they wrap their bodies up in cloth very closely, and have fires constantly in their houses. Their skin has at this time a white scurf upon it, and this season is extremely obnoxious to them. The rigging of a vessel acquires hardness, and rattles as if it were frozen, from the peculiar astringency which the air at this time seems to possess.

"The harmattan wind blows generally once or twice during the months of January and February: it sometimes lasts a fortnight, but more frequently only three or four days. From Cape de Verd to Cape Palmas, the direction


from which this wind blows is north-east; but from the latter place to Benin, E.N.E. by compass. "In one of my passages between the Cape de Verd islands and the continent of Africa, in the month of January, a harmattan commenced, which continued four days. The atmosphere, during this period, was so hazy that we could not discern any object fifty yards from the vessel, in any direction. But this haze is not like that which accompanies the easterly wind of Europe, but is more intense; for it is occasioned by an impalpable powder floating in the atmosphere, which, in this instance, adhered to those parts of the sails of the vessel that received the greatest impulse from the wind, and gave them the same colour and appearance as if they had been immersed in a tanpit. The powder, when collected, had an earthy smell, and its colour very much resembled clay."

This powder is thought to be raised by the violent whirlwinds from the north, which traverse the great Saharra.

"Soon after an earthquake, or seaquake, that occurred at Cabenda, and which extended to some distance to the southward and northward of that port, a flight of locusts took place, that continued three days and three nights, so that the sea was literally covered with their drowned carcases; and the ships' decks, masts, yards, and rigging swarmed with them to such excess, as to require the constant attention of the crews to sweep them overboard. The earthquake, which had preceded their flight only a few hours, drove in upon the shore from the

westward several tremendous seas, so as to cause some of the vessels when in the trough of them to strike the ground in five and a half fathoms water. Many of the natives, both here and at Malemba, were drowned upon the beach, in consequence of it being so very narrow, and the cliffs which bound it so extremely precipitous, that they could not escape the overwhelming waves which came suddenly upon them. To this calamity was added the destruction of many canoes, by this sudden inundation of the sea; and the locusts destroyed every blade of grass, and all the vege table productions of the soil, for many miles round.

"An extraordinary flight of small butterflies, or moths, with spotted wings, took place at Annamaboo. After a tornado, the wind veered to the northward, and blew fresh from the land with thick mist, which brought off from the shore so many of these insects, that for one hour the atmosphere was so filled with them, as to represent a snow storm driving past the vessel at a rapid rate, which was lying at anchor about two miles from the shore."

19. Journal of a Ten Months' Residence in New Zealand. By Richard A. Cruise, Esq. Captain in the 84th Regiment of Foot. London, 1823.

Captain Cruise has detailed many curious facts with which we were previously unacquainted, and added an entertaining page to the history of these cannibal tribes, who possess so fine a country, and whose habits partake


of all that is terrible and hideous in the existence of man.

The Dromedary, after carrying out a cargo of convicts to Botany Bay, sailed to New Zealand, in the hope of obtaining a lading of spars of the kaikaterre, or of the preferable cowry or cowdy tree; represented as being admirably adapted to supply the wants of our navy, and to grow in abundance in these parts. They made a safe passage, and reached, in about ten days, the Bay of Islands, Here, (says Captain C.)

upon his arms, shoulders, and legs, and keep perfect time with the chief mourner (if he may be so called) in the various expressions of his lamentations. This ended, they resume their wonted cheerfulness, and enter into a detail of all that has happened during their separation."

Soon after the arrival of our countrymen, a warlike expedition of the natives returned from an incursion upon a distant tribe, and much of their character is exposed on the occasion.

"The fleet was composed of about fifty canoes, many of them seventy or eighty feet long, and few less than sixty. Their prows, sides, and stern-posts were handsomely carved, and ornamented with a profusion of feathers; and they generally carried two sails made of straw matting. They were filled with warriors, who stood up and shouted as they passed our boat, and held up several human heads as trophies of their success.

"Before the ship was brought to, she was surrounded with canoes, full of the friends and relations of the chiefs we had on board. To salute them, as well as to exhibit the riches they had acquired by their visit to Port Jackson, our New Zealanders began firing their musquets without intermission, and, indeed, so prodigal were they of their powder, that one might presume little of it would remain after their landing for the destructive purposes for which they had gone so "The barter of powder and far to procure it. When their musquets, carried on by the whafathers, brothers, &c. were ad- lers, had already distributed some mitted into the ship, the scene hundred stand of arms among the exceeded description; the mus- inhabitants of this bay; and, as quets were all laid aside, and every the natives of the river Thames appearance of joy vanished. It were unprovided with similar is customary with these extraor- weapons, they made little opposidinary people to go through the tion to their more powerful invasame ceremony upon meeting as ders, who, in the present instance, upon taking leave of their friends. told us they had killed 200, They join their noses together, while they returned with the loss and remain in this position for at of only four men. least half an hour; during which time they sob and howl in the most doleful manner. If there be many friends gathered around the person who has returned, the nearest relation takes possession of his nose, while the others hang

"Before we met the canoes we had pretty well learned the result of the expedition from Tooi, who, notwithstanding his long residence in England, and his having returned to New Zealand under the immediate charge of one of the missionaries,

missionaries, still scrupulously adhered to the barbarous prejudices of his country, and gave a striking proof of the difficulty of eradicating the habits of savage life in a person of mature age.

"His conversation during breakfast was a continued boast of the atrocities he had committed during an excursion which he and Krokro had made two months before, to the river Thames; and he dwelt with marked pleasure upon an instance of his generalship, when having forced a small party of his enemies into a narrow place, whence there was no egress, he was enabled successively to shoot two-and-twenty of them, without their having the power of making the slightest resistance. To qualify this story, he remarked, that though all the dead bodies were devoured by his tribe, 'neither he nor his brother ate human flesh, nor did they fight on Sundays.' When asked why he did not try to turn the minds of his people to agriculture, he said it was impossible; that if told a New Zealander to work he fell asleep; but if you spoke of fighting, he opened his eyes as wide as a tea-cup; that the whole bent of his mind was war, and that he looked upon fighting as fun.'


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"The beach was covered with natives, waiting the return of the expedition; and, as the canoes approached, they waded out to meet them, and assisted in hauling them on shore and in landing the prisoners and the baggage.

"The warriors were in their full dress, their hair tied up in a bunch on their heads, and ornamented with white feathers, and their faces and bodies besmeared

with oil and red ochre. They recounted to the groups that surrounded them, the different events of their excursion, with much gesture and energy; while the captives sat patiently upon the beach, awaiting the lot which was to consign them to their respective masters. They consisted of men, women, and children; some of the latter not two years old; and forlorn as their situation was, they seemed to have paid as much attention to the ornamenting of their persons, as those who were placed in more fortunate cir


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Among the women there was one who excited particular interest she was young and handsome; and though the other prisoners occasionally talked among themselves, she sat silent and alone, and appeared lost in affliction. We learned that her father, who had been a chief of some consequence at the river Thames, was killed by the man whose prisoner she now was; and we observed him sitting at no great distance from her during the greater part of the day. He was the brother of Towi, the principal person at Rangehoo, and was a singularly fine-looking youth. The extraordinary scenes that we witnessed detained us in the neighbourhood of Tippoona until evening; and, as we were preparing to return to the ship, we were drawn to that part of the beach where the prisoners were, by the most doleful cries and lamentations. Here was the interesting young slave in a situation that ought to have softened the heart of the most unfeeling.

"The man who had slain her father, having cut off his head


and preserved it by a process peculiar to these islanders, took it out of a basket where it had hitherto been concealed, and threw it into the lap of the unhappy daughter. At once she seized it with a degree of frenzy not to be described, pressed its inanimate nose to her own, and held it in this position until her tears ran over every part of it. She then laid it down, and with a bit of sharp shell disfigured her person in so shocking a manner, that in a few minutes not a vestige of her former beauty remained. She first began by cutting her arms, then her breasts, and latterly her face. Every incision was so deep as to cause a gush of blood; but she seemed quite insensible to pain, and performed the operation with heroic resolution.

"He whose cruelty had caused this frightful exhibition, was evidently amused at the horror with which we viewed it; and, laying hold of the head by the hair, which was long and black, offered to sell it to us for an axe, turned it in various ways to show it off to the best advantage, and, when no purchaser was to be found, replaced it in the basket from whence he had taken it. The features were as perfect as when in life, and though the daughter was quite grown up, the head of her father appeared to be that of a youthful and handsome man."

This touching example of filial piety, we learn, afterwards married her father's murderer. But what are we to expect from these ruthless savages? What follows will tell.

"We were visited by many of the neighbouring chiefs, and, among others, by Perehico, the man to whom we had brought the news of the death of his child at Port Jackson, and, as he had lost the use of his limbs, he was hoisted up in the chair. A fine little child, the son of a British sailor by a native woman *, was observed in a canoe alongside, and its mother consented, after some hesitation, to permit it to come on board. She seemed very fond of it, and was quite uneasy during its absence from her. It was nearly naked, but as fair as if it had been born in England; and it naturally excited so much interest in the ship, that it was returned to its parent with a very comfortable supply of clothing and several days' provisions. One of the men who had been employed in cutting food for the bullocks, reported that, curiosity having led him to lift up a mat which he saw spread upon the ground near King George's village, he discovered underneath it the body of a recently murdered child, with the entrails taken out, as if preparatory to its being devoured. The story was so shocking, and almost incredible, particularly as the New Zealanders are very fond of their children, that no belief was attached to it, until it was corroborated by the testimony of some of the other men who were with him.

"One of the officers of the ship having visited the missionaries' settlement at Tippoona, was presented with a human bone, curiously carved. The person

Captain C. was induced to believe that the generality of this class were caten,

which accounted for so few being seen.


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