[blocks in formation]

Kiffin, 105.

Larke, Mr. Sampson, 109.
Leland's description of Lyme, 24.
Lepers, Hospital for, 24.
Liberties-Charter granted by Ed.
ward I., 12; Edward III. grants
the town in fee farm, 15; Ed-
ward IV. allows the same for
65 years, 23; Henry VIII. con-
firms the same for fifty years,
C. Parr, his queen, grants the
same for sixty five years, in ad-
dition to the fifty granted by
the King, 24; Court of Pie-
ponder granted by Mary, 24;
Elizabeth's Charter, 27; James
Ist. Charter, &c. 32; Charles
Ist. 33; William III. grant of
Charter, 115.
Lhonborth, 6.

Lim, its course, &c., 6.
Limbry, 73.

Lyme, derivation of the word, 5.

Madders, Captain, 110.

Manor, particulars of, 11.
Maritime particulars, 15, 17.

Margaret, Queen of Edward I, 14.
Martyrs, 103.

Maurice, Prince, 38.

[blocks in formation]

Merchantsand Distinguished Fani- Temple, Dr., 109.

lies, 177.

Merchant Adventurers, 30.

Money, discovery of, 122
Morlaix, 25, 115.

Monmouth's Expedition, 82; his
progress through the country
and defeat at Sedgemoor, execu-
tion, 99; trials of his adherents,
and execution of twelve at Lyme,
Elegy, 113.

Tides, unusual ones, 26, 119,


Trade, Salt manufacture, 7; with
Morlaix, 25; to America, &c.,
29; Newfoundland, 115; West
Indies, 116; Lace trade, 118;
Bullock trade, 130; and in the
present day, 131.

Waller, Sir William, 36.
Ware, Colonel, 36.

Naval engagements, Armada, 26; Warrick, Earl of, 48, 64.

Newell, 182.

Watering Place, 119.

Whitchurch Castle, 37, 67, 68.

Walks, 142.

with the Dutch, 81.

Orange, Prince of, 114, 129.

Langdon and Harker, Printers, Sherborne.

Whitty, 159.

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Since the earliest sheets have been printed off, the Author has been favored with an extract from some deed, once in the parish chest, but now lost, written in the same haud as the one he at first had access to, but with the correction of a date; so that the ommission of the following sentence (line 5, page 8,) becomes necessary ;—“ and may, with probability, be supposed to have existed prior to the grant of the land to the church of Sherborne."

By the same authority it appears that the old books were left to the church in 1638; the large volume of the Book of Martyrs, full of plates, which has been destroyed by the boys, stood on a curious stand now in the porch. Such bequests were not unfrequent during that period. Small sums of money were sometimes left, that the Book of Martyrs might be read at certain times to the people; and, no doubt, proved, as was the intention, a good antidote to popery.

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