

Accountability of Public Officers, bill to secure, taken | Army, bill to increase the compensation of captains in
up, 76.

proposal to strike out 3d section, negatived, 77.
additional section, 78; amendments thereto, 78,79.
recommitted, 79.

[blocks in formation]

resolution adopted, 784.

Alexandria, bill to amend the charter of, taken up, 667.
motion to strike out 1st section, providing for the
sale of lands for taxes, negatived, 667.

to strike out privilege to draw lotteries, negatived,
laid on the table, 667.
Amendments to the constitution, relative to the election
of President and Vice President, proposed, 16.
debate thereon, 16 to 19.

referred to a committee of nine, 19.
report of committee, and joint resolution twice
read, 51 to 53.

debate thereon, 77, 78, 692 to 696.
amendment offered, 692, 693.

resolution to render the President United States
ineligible after a second term, passed to a sec-
ond reading, 19.

debate thereon, 374 to 384.

the, laid on the table, 753.

Baltimore, bill for the relief of sundry citizens of; order-
ed to a third reading, 51.

Bankruptcy, resolution on establishing a uniform system
of, 4.

referred to the Committee on Imprisonment for
Debt, 10.

bill reported, 108, 109.

taken up; motion to postpone indefinitely, 643.
debate thereon, 643, 644; negatived, 644.

motion to postpone indefinitely, 671; debate
thereon, 671, 672 to 687.

bill laid on the table, 687.

Canal, Dismal Swamp. See Dismal Swamp Canal.
Florida. See Florida Canal.
Louisville. See Louisville Canal.
Washington. See Washington Canal.

Capitol and Capitol Square, joint resolution for the pres-
ervation of the, amended and recommitted,
691, 692.
Chambers, Henry, notice of the death of, 79.
Claims on the Spanith Government, unfavorable report
on sundry, 698.

Coasting trade and fisheries, bill relative to, taken up, 26.
Columbian College, bill to exempt the professors, stu-
dents, &c. from militia duty, amended and or-
dered to a third reading, 590.
Commerce and Manufactures, debate on creating two
committees, 1 to 4; adopted, 4.

Commerce, protection of. See Naval Force.
Committees appointed, 4, 7, 10, 19, 23, 665, 781.
Congress, opening of the 1st session of the 19th, 1.
Constitution, amendments to the. See Amendments.
Conversation between Messrs. Randolph and Holmes,
574 to 576.

Creek Indians.

See McIntosh, Wm.

former propositions on this subject, 375, 376.
ordered to a third reading, 384.
joint resolution read a third time, 405.
debate on its passage, 405 to 407.

passed and sent to the House of Representatives,

debate on the report of the Committee of Con-


resolution to exclude Members of Congress from
office, 19, 20.

report and joint resolution thereon read a second
time, 114.

laid on the table, 704.

Appropriation bill, sundry amendments to the general,

debate on the bill, 132 to 135.


bill, as amended, passed to a third reading, 135.
for fortifications, proposed amendment to, 135.
amendment negatived; bill ordered to a third
reading, 137.

for Indian Department. See Indian Department.
military, debate on striking out sundry items from
the, 344, 345.

motion to strike out the appropriation for continu-
ing the Cumberland road, 349.
debate thereon, 349 to 364; negatived, 364.
further amendments, negatived, 352, 364.
motion to strike out the appropriation for roads
and canals, 364; negatived, 365.

bill ordered to a third reading, 365; passed, 366.
Arkansas, bill for a road in, laid on the table, 786.

treaty, Senate insists on its amendment to the ap-
propriation for the, 707.

ference relative to the, 766 to 781.

resolution for the Senate to insist on its amend-

ment, 769.

amended and adopted, 781.

report of committee resumed and agreed to, 785.

Cumberland road, debate on appropriation for continu.
ing the, 349 to 364.

bill for continuing, 689; read first time, 691.
bill for the preservation and repair of the, twice
read and referred, 765.

resolution to cede the road to the States, laid on
the table, 765.

Senate refuses to take up the bill, 782, 784.
call for information on the expenses on the, 782.
motion to take up the bill, withdrawn, 786.
to make an appropriation for, 786.

Customs, debate on supplementary bill to establish the
compensation of officers of the, 687, 688.
motion to lay on the table, 688.

bill recommitted with amendments, 688.

Deaf and Dumb, debate on bill granting lands to the
Kentucky Asylum for, 371, 372.

amendment, 371; bill ordered to 3d reading, 372.

Delassus, Don C. D., bill for the relief of, twice read and Habeas Corpus, extract from Journals of the Senate and
referred, 368, 369.

resumed and laid on the table, 697.

Desertion, bill to prevent, 36, 37.

debate on filling the blanks, 37, 38.

additional section proposed, 38.

debate thereon, 38 to 40; negatived, 40.
debate on the principle of the bill, 40 to 50.
bill, as amended, ordered to a third reading, 50.
Discriminating Duties, bill in addition to an act concern-
ing, 70.

origin, progress, and effect of, 70 to 76.
ordered to a third reading, 76.

debate on abolishing those on British colonial ves-
sels and their cargoes, 576 to 589.
referred to the Committee on Finance, 589.
bill reported and passed to a second reading, 589,
taken up, 708, amended and laid on the table, 709.
Dismal Swamp Canal, debate on subscribing to the, 710
to 720.

origin and progress of the, 710 to 712.
bill passed and returned to the House of Repre-
sentatives, 720.

Duncan, Lieut. S., debate on resolution of the House of
Representatives relative to, 671, 672.
ordered to a third reading, 672.

Duties, discriminating. See Discriminating Duties.
British colonial. See Discriminating Duties.

Education and Internal Improvement, resolution offered
to distribute $3,000,000 annually for, 77.
Executive business; debate on motion to proceed to the
consideration of, 135, 136.

Chair decides that the question is not debatable
in public session, 136.
motion negatived, 136.

debate renewed; motion carried, 137.
Executive Patronage, report of Committee on, accom-
panied by six bills, 672.

bills ordered to a second reading, 672.

bill to regulate the publication of the laws, &c.
laid on the table, 707.

Executive powers. See Panama and President U. S.

Flaget, B. I., bill for the relief of, ordered to a third
reading, 782.

Florida, bill to amend acts for the Territorial Govern-
ment of, amendment, 642.

debate on proposed amendment to divorce laws
in, 642, 645.

amendment negatived, 645.

call for information on the compensation to Mem-
bers of the Legislative Council of, 346; con-
curred in, 365.

Canal, memorial of the Commissioners of the, re-
ferred, 29.

bill for a survey and estimate of, referred, 31, 32.
bill taken up, 89.

amendment offered, 90; debate thereon, 90 to
108; negatived, 108.

bill ordered to a third reading, 108.

Indians, bill for the relief of the, amended and
passed, 784.

Senate insists, but subsequently recedes from its
amendment, 786.

wrecks. See Wrecks.

Forbes's purchase, bill concerning, debated and laid on
the table, 590.

Gaillard, John, annunciation of the death of, 110.
proceedings thereon, 110 to 112.

Georgetown, bili taken up to authorize a bridge over
the Potomac in, 706.

amended and ordered to a third reading, 707.

House of Representatives (of 1807) relative to
suspending the, 137 to 139.

motion to send to the House of Representatives
for a copy of the bill, 141; withdrawn, 142.
House, lot, &c., in New Orleans, bill to authorize the sale
of, amended and ordered to a 3d reading, 689.

Illinois, debate on granting land to aid a canal in, 688,
689, 697.

amendments, 688, 697.

[blocks in formation]

Judiciary, debate on amending the acts regulating pro-
cesses, 11, 12.

resolution on amending the Judicial system, 13.
to extend the circuit courts, 14 to 16.
bill to amend the, passed to a second reading, 30.
to alter the time of holding the Supreme Court,
passed to a second reading, 30.

bill from the House of Representatives, further to
amend the Judic al system, taken up, 409.
second section and proposed substitute for, 409.
debate thereon, 409 to 423; amendment adopted,

two additional sections proposed, 423.
debate thereon, 424 to 463; negatived, 463.
motion to recommit with instructions, 463.
debate thereon, 463 to 525, 526 to 570; negativ-
ed, 570.

motion to reduce the number of additional judges
to two, 570; negatived, 571.

bill reported, and amendment made in Committee
of the Whole concurred in, 571.
two additional sections proposed; negatived, 571.
bill passed, 571.

amendment disagreed to by the House of Repre-
sentatives reconsidered, 668 to 671.
Senate adheres, 671.

message from the House of Representatives re-
questing a conference, 688.

report of committee thereon, 691.

amendment of House of Representatives relative
to processes, amended, 784.
bill laid on the table, 784.

[blocks in formation]

Munroe, James, bill for the relief of; amended and order-
ed to a third reading, 764, 765.

Senate insists on its amendment; a committee
of conference appointed, 781.

National University, President's message relative there-
to referred to a committee, 23.

Naval Academy, bill for establishing a, taken up, 696.
force, debate on bill for employing an additional,
372, 373.

passed to a third reading, 373.

Navy, supplementary bill for the gradual increase of the,
ordered to a third reading, 709.

call for information on the subject of obtaining
seamen for the, 782.

Negro slavery in South America, call for information on,

motion to postpone, 115.
debate thereon, 115 to 132.
resolution laid on the table, 132.

Officers of the Senate elected, 10.


of the Senate and House of Representatives, bill
to regulate the compensation of, amended and
ordered to a third reading, 31.

Ohio lands, proceedings on bill for quieting purchasers,
of, 787, 788.

river, debate on, call for information relative to
the removal of obstructions in the, 24, 25.
school lands, debate on bill to authorize the sale
of, 34 to 36, 65 to 69.

compact between Ohio and United States, 65 to 67.
motions to amend, to recommit, 69.
bill ordered to a third reading, 69.
resolution agreed to, 25.

Old Point Comfort, committee discharged from further
consideration of the state of the public works at,
788, 789.

Order, points of, decided, 136, 142, 405, 572, 573, 757,
758, 759, 760, 786, 787.

Panama mission, confidential proceedings on, 142 to 152.
envoys appointed, 151.

injunction of secrecy removed, 152, 346, 366.

Panama mission, tesolution of the Committee of Foreign
Relations, 152.

debate thereon, 152, to 341.

report of Secretary of State on, 333.

Reed, Mr., asks to be excused from voting, 341 to


two resolutions offered in secret session and with-
drawn, ordered to be inserted on the journal,
345, 346.

debate on protesting against the competency of
the President of the United States to appoint
Ministers, 384 to 404.

resolution modified, 404, 405; postponed, 405.
appropriation bill for, reported, 641.

proposed amendment, 641, 642.
debate thereon, 666.
negatived, 667.

bill ordered to a third reading, 667.
passed, 671.

Pascagoula, bill for improving the harbor of, ordered to
a third reading, 708.

Penitentiary in the District of Columbia, bill for erecting
a, ordered to a third reading, 754.
passed, 760.

Pensioners, bill providing for, ordered to a third reading,


committee discharged from further consideration
of the, 786.

Porter, Commodore, call for proceedings of the Court
of Inquiry and Court Martial, relative to, 14.
letter communicated to the Senate from, 23.
referred to Naval Committee, 24.

proceedings of courts, and letter of T. Randall,
referred to same committee, 26, 27.

report of committee, 50, 51.

debate thereon, 56 to 65.

extracts from letters of Messrs. Randall and Moun-
tain, 57, 58.

from the orders, of the Secretary of the Navy, 58,

report recommitted, 65.


Post Office Department, resolutions concerning the, 755.

road between Jackson and Columbus, debate on
repairing, 82 to 89.

ordered to a third reading, 89.

debate on resolution for a survey between Balti-
more and Philadelphia, of a, 640, 641.
ordered to a third reading, 641.

[blocks in formation]

debate on protesting against his competency to
appoint Ministers, 384 to 404.

resolution modified, 404, 405.

debate resumed, 589, 597 to 619, 623 to 640.
laid on the table, 642.

President pro tem, elected, 785.
See Judiciary.


Public Buildings, appropriation bill for, amended and
passed, 785.

motion to reconsider, negatived, resumed, 786.
amendments offered, 786.

Chair decides that they are not in order, 786.
motion to recommit, with instructions to amend
by adding an appropriation for the Cumberland
Road, 786; adopted, 787.

to lay on the table, 786; negatived, 787.
bill reported with amendment, 787.
Chair decides in favor of again reading bill, 787.
further amendment, negatived, 787.

bill passed and sent to House of Representatives,


Public Buildings, Senate recedes from its amendment to | Vice President, observations of the, on the powers and
bill for, 788.

Public lands, debate on bill to graduate the price of,
720 to 753.
objects for which ceded to Federal Government,
720, 721.
extracts from messages of General Washington,
and General Hamilton's reports thercon, 721,

cession act of Virginia, 737.

bill laid on the table, 753.

debate on call for information, 760 to 764.


resolution to cede to the several States laid on
the table, 782.

Public money, bill for the security of, taken up, 28.
amended and ordered to a third reading, 30.

Rankin, Christopher, message from the House of Repre-
sentatives, announcing the death of, 344.
Receivers of public money, amendment of the House of
Representatives to the bill for compensating,
disagreed to, 789.

Registers and Receivers of Land Offices, amendment of
the House of Repsesentatives to bill for com-
pensating, concurred in, 789.

Revolutionary bounty lands. See Land Warrants.
-Roads and Canals, debate on appointing a committee on,
negatived, 4.

Rules of Courts in Kentucky, resolution to refer to the
Judiciary Committee, 697.

debate thereon, 697, 698.

modified and laid on the table, 698.

Rules of Senate, debate on amendment to, 1 to 4.
amendment adopted, 4.

motion for rescinding two, 525, 526, 571 to 573.
debate on motion for an additional, 667, 668.
on proposed amendments to the, 757 to 760.
counter resolutions, 758, 759; laid on the table,

Salt, resolution to repeal the duty on imported, 407.
amended and adopted, 407.

Senate refuses to take up the bill, 709, 710.
Savannah, debate and proceedings on the bill for remo-
ving obstructions in the river, 407, 408.
Seamen in merchant service. See Merchant Vessels.
Senate Chamber, committee appointed on the arrange-
ment of the, 665.

report of committee, 754, 755; twice read 755.
Session, resolution to extend the, 781.

motion to reconsider, negatived, 782.

Smith, John, motion to report in the case of, negatived,

[blocks in formation]

duties of the Chair, 572, 573, 759.
withdraws from the chair, 784.

Washington Caral, bill to extend the width of the,
amended, 754.

further amended, and ordered to a third reading,

Library Company, bill to authorize a lottery for
the, rejected, 754.

Western Collection Districts, debate on bill to establish,
705, 706, 707, 708.

postponed to next session, 708.
Wines, statement of imported; referred, 27.
Wrecks, debate on inquiry into the law of Florida on, 25.
bill to annul an act concerning, amended and or-
dered to a third reading, 32 to 34.

Yeas and Nays, on a Committee on Agriculture, 7.
on bill to prevent desertion, 50.

to secure the accountability of officers, 77, 367.
on the claims of Maison Rouge, 81.

on survey of a canal route between the Atlantic
and Gulf of Mexico, 108.

on purchasing Throg's Point, 137.

on the Panama mission, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147,
148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 366, 667, 671.

on continuing the Cumberland Road, 364.
on the appropriation for Roads and Canals, 365.
on the Kentucky Asylum bill, 372.

on rendering the President ineligible after the se-
cond term, 384, 407.

on the imported salt duty, 407.

on removing obstructions in the Savannah river,


on the Judiciary bill, 423, 570, 571, 671, 703,704.
on rescinding two rules of the Senate, 572.
on subscribing to the Louisville canal, 620.
on the competency of the President to appoint
Ministers, 642.

on survey of a post road beween Baltimore and
Philadelphia, 643.

on the Bankrupt bill, 644, 645.
on divorces in Florida, 645, 646.

on granting land in aid of canal in Illinois, 698.
on establishment of Western Collection Districts,

on improving the harbor of Pascagoula, 708.
on the discriminating duty bill, 709.
on increasing the Navy, 709.


on subscribing to the Dismal Swamp Canal, 720.
on erecting a penitentiary in the District of Co-
lumbia, 754, 760.

on the bill for the relief of James Monroe, 764,765.
on the repair and preservation of the Cumberland
Road, 765.

on the Washington Canal, 765.

on extending the session, 781, 782.

on the bill for the relief of B. 1. Flaget, 782.
on appropriations for public buildings, 787.
on motion to adjourn, 787.

on transferring unfinished business to next session,



[ocr errors]

Alleghany river, resolution to inquire into the expediency | Appropriation, for Naval service taken up, 1346.

of surveying the, 1303.

Amendment to the Constitution, relative to the election

of President and Vice President; referred, 797.
amended resolution, 865.

joint resolution, 940.

debate on original resolution, 1365 to 1376; 1378
to 1395.

resolution modified, 1395.

debate thereon, 1397 to 1417; 1438 to 1462; 1465
to 1475; 1492 to 1504; 1521 to 1541; 1543 to
1553; 1555 to 1597; 1625 to 1682; 1699 to
1747; 1748 to 1753; 1820 to 1860; 1862 to
1913; 1914 to 1930; 1931 to 2005.

question divided, and first resolution agreed to,
2004; referred, 2005.

second resolution rejected, 2005.

other amendments proposed, 865, 1377, 1378,

1417, 1418, 1419, 1428, 1429, 1462, 1463,
1464, 1541, 1890, 2003; 2010; all referred,
2007, 2008, 2010.

report thereon, 2659.

resolution relative to the appointment of Senators,
1348; laid on the table, 1349.

motion to regulate the time for proposing amend.
ments, 1554, 1555.

joint resolution to render the President ineligible
after a second term; referred, 2011.

resolution limiting the age of Judges, 2098; twice
read and committed, 2099.

Appointments of Members of Congress, call on the Pre-
sident of the United States for list of, 868.

debate on motion to lay it on the table, 868, 869.
negatived, 869.

on the resolution, 869 to 871.

motion to refer to a committee; negatived, 871.
resolution agreed to, 871.

Appropriation bill, for payment of Members of the House

Representatives, &c., 808.

amendment of the Senate agreed to, 808.
general, taken up, 1303.

amendment to provide for a Minister to Central
America, 1303.

debate thereon, 1303 to 1305; negatived, 1305.
amendment to increase the salary of the Postmas-
ter General; withdrawn, 1306.

for Public Buildings, and clerk hire in Surveyor's
offices; stricken out, 1307.

amerdment to increase the appropriation for sur-
veying public lands, 1309.

debate thereon, 1309 to 1320; adopted, 1320.
compensation to Reporter of decisions in Supreme
Court stricken ou', 1321.

for fortifications. See Fortifications.

for the military service; proposition to erect an ar-
senal at Vergennes, 1321; negatived, 1322; re-
newed-agreed to, 1324.

motion to reduce the appropriation for repairs at
Plymouth Beach, agreed to, 1322.

to increase the appropriation for the Cumberland
road, 1322; negatived, 1323.

to establish a School of Artillery, 1323; nagatived,

bill ordered to third reading, 1324; passed, 1326.

debate on agency for captured Africans, 1346 to

amendment and debate thereon, 1347, 1348, 1352
to 1354; adopted, 1354.

on establishing a Navy Yard in Baltimore, 1354 to
1356; motion withdrawn, 1356.

on surveying certain harbors, 1356 to 1358.
amendments and debate thereon, 1357 to 1360.
bill ordered to third reading, 1360.

Armory, joint resolution for survey to locate a Western,

debate thereon, 808 to 812.

amendment to extend the survey, 812.
committee reports progress, 813.


motion to refer to Committee on Military Affairs,

leave to sit again refused, 819.

debate thereon, 829 to 831, 834, to 837, carried,



further amendment, 831.
resolution on surveying the Horse-Shoe Bend,
1747, 1748, 1753 to 1763.
amendment laid on the table, 1763.

Attorneys of the United States, debate on resolution con-
cerning, 1018 to 1020.
amendments, 1019, 1020.
resolution adopted, 1020.

Bahama Banks, debate on resolutions relative to negotia-
tions for certain stations on the, 2634 to 2638.
resolutions agreed to, 2636, 2638.

Bankrupt System, resolution concerning, 867.
Bastrop, De, bill concerning claims of, committed, 2606.
Breakwater in the Delaware, resolution to inquire into
the utility of a, 1149.

debate thereon, 1168, 1169.

call for information on the receipts and disburse-
ments in different ports, 1338.

amendment and debate, 1339 to 1343.

negatived, 1343.

debate on original resolution, 1343, 1344; nega-
tived, 1344.

reconsidered, 1350 to 1352, 1360 to 1365, 1376,
1377; agreed to, 1377.

Brownsville, resolution for erecting a bridge at, 892.
Canal, Chesapeake and Ohio. See Chesapeake and Ohio

Dismal Swamp. See Dismal Swamp Canal.
Florida. See Florida.

Louisville and Portland. See Louisville and Port-

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, memorial relative to the, re-
ferred to Committee on Roads and Canals, 2005.
Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, proceedings on bill for
treating with, 2194.

Columbia river, call for a former message relative to, 823.
debate thereon, 828, 829.
resolution adopted, 829.

confidential message in reply, 862.

Columbian College, bill to exempt the professors, stu-
dents, &c., of, from militia duty, amended and
ordered to a third reading, 2576, 2577; passed

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