Extols the treasures of his stormy seas, Nature, a mother kind alike to all, Still grants her bliss at Labor's earnest call; With food as well the peasant is supply'd On Idra's cliffs as Arno's shelvy side: And though the rocky-crested summits frown, These rocks, by custom, turn to beds of down. From Art more various are the blessings sent ; Wealth, commerce, honor, liberty, content.. Yet these each other's power so strong contest, That either seems destructive of the rest. Where wealth and freedom reign contentment fails, And honor sinks where commerce long prevails. Hence every state to one lov'd blessing prone, Conforms and models life to that alone. Each to the favorite happiness attends, This favorite good begets peculiar pain. But let us try these truths with closer eyes, And trace them through the prospect as it lies : Here for awhile my proper cares resign'd, Here let me sit in sorrow for mankind, Like yon neglected shrub at random cast, That shades the steep, and sighs at every blast. Far to the right where Appenine ascends, Bright as the summer, Italy extends; Its uplands sloping deck the mountain's side, Woods over woods in gay theatric pride; While oft some temple's mouldring tops between, With venerable grandeur mark the scene. Could Nature's bounty satisfy the breast, The sons of Italy were surely blest. Whatever fruits in different climes were found, That proudly rise, or humbly court the ground; Whatever blooms in torrid tracts appear, Whose bright succession decks the varied year; Whatever sweets salute the northern sky With vernal lives that blossom but to die; These here disporting own the kindred soil, Nor ask luxuriance from the planter's toil: While sea-born gales their gelid wings expand But small the bliss that sense alone bestows, And sensual bliss is all the nation knows. In florid beauty groves and fields appear, Man seems the only growth that dwindles here. Contrasted faults through all his manners reign, Though poor, luxurious, though submissive, vain, Though grave, yet trifling, zealous, yet untrue, And ev'n in pennance planning sins anew. All evils here contaminate the mind, That opulence departed leaves behind; For wealth was theirs, nor far remov'd the date, When commerce proudly flourish'd through the state; At her command the palace learnt to rise, Yet, still the loss of wealth is here supplied By arts, the splendid wrecks of former pride; From these the feeble heart and long-fall'n mind Here may be seen, in bloodless pomp array'd, Processions form'd for piety and love, By sports like these are all their cares beguil'd, My soul turn from them, turn we to survey Where rougher climes a nobler race display, Where the bleak Swiss their stormy mansions tread, And force a churlish soil for scanty bread; No product here the barren hills afford, But Man and steel, the soldier and his sword. No vernal blooms their torpid rocks array, But winter ling'ring chills the lap of May; No Zephyr fondly sues the mountain's breast, But meteors glare, and stormy glooms invest. Yet still, even here, content can spread a charm, Redress the clime, and all its rage disarm. Though poor the peasant's hut, his feasts though small, He sees his little lot the lot of all; Thus every good his native wilds impart, |