While the fair Dames in this agree, To be as black and blue as he.
-Time joys to see the hasty ruin, That cost so little in undoing. Full many an age he must employ The works of Raphael to destroy; And Titian's tints his power defy Through many a rolling century: And e'en where Time has aim'd the blow, Art hath withstood the biting Foe. But years or months, at his command, Efface the labors of your hand; Nor, when they fade, can you restore The work to what it was before : Your utmost genius cannot give Health to the form, and bid it live.
I saw your daring pencil trace The manly lines of AMHERST'S face; And as I stood, my wond'ring eyes Beheld th' heroic Form arise. A deep and solemn look he wore, As if attentive to explore Some dark design of Britain's Foe, How to prevent th' approaching blow; To stop the Fury in its course, Or hurl it back with triple force; Or, what in truth so far exceeds The highest fame of warlike deeds,
Humanely thoughtful how to save The starving thousands from the grave. Upon his mild, but dauntless breast, In its pale splendor was exprest The lustre of the silver star, Well earn'd amid the toils of war. At length, the final tint bestow'd, The finish'd portrait nobly glow'd In colors warm, and touches true, As Titian's pencil ever drew.
And must the fair resemblance fade, Ere the great Hero's self is laid Beneath the marble that will bear The tribute of Britannia's tear? And when the sage, Historic pen Shall rank him 'mong the first of men ? Forbid it, Art! But thou should'st give The glowing oil to look and live ; And while his future offspring read Of many a brave, heroic deed ; Of battles won, of trophies rear'd, Of nations by his mercy spar'd; Must their young eyes, in vain, desire To see the likeness of their Sire, Who British bands to triumph led, And trod the paths they wish to tread ? Must they, in vain, the canvass trace To catch the generous, gentle grace That o'er the vet'ran features ran,
And mark'd the Hero and the Man ? While many a curse their lips impart, To damn Thee and thy fleeting Art!
Lol INFANT JOVE prepares to throw
His lightnings on the world below; But soon the heavenly flame expires, Chang'd to blue Tartarean fires, That stench OLYMPUS' high abode, And threat to suffocate the GOD.
REYNOLDS! I'm not to censure prone; Your genius I most gladly own; And wish that genius might secure A name, that would as long endure, As those high honors which proclaim Immortal RAPHAEL's endless fame. For such a fame pursue the toil, And fix it deep in solid oil. To Painting's highest efforts climb, Nor fear thy fate, and laugh at Time : In works of lasting form engage, And be the RAPHAEL of the age.
Proceed, great Painter! nor refuse Your subjects from the friendly Muse: Nor can she call from ancient fame Men of a more exalted name, Than some whom our Britannia owns Among her favorite, darling Sons.
Nor e'er did gentle Beauty move To higher joys of virtuous love, Than many a Fair whose charms inspire The British Youth with chaste desire. -And SATIRE too demands thy aid To make the vicious Great afraid, To pale the glowing tints of Pride, To urge Contrition's flowing tide, To paint the lives of shameless Men, She to thy pencil yields the pen.
Come, then, th' expecting cloth prepare! Let GARRICK's self be painted there! Not as, erewhile, in wayward mood, Doubtful the mighty Actor stood, And hardly knew which Dame to choose, The Tragic or the Comic Muse. In SHAKSPERE'S Temple let him stand, Erected by his grateful hand, And let Parnassian Fingers shower Each verdant leaf and fragrant flower; And may the laurel's green array The same conducting hands obey To form a bower, where his age May, from the turmoils of the Stage, Enjoy that calm, sedate repose Which conscious merit only knows. Above, may full-wing'd Fame be seen, With patient but exulting mien;
And let her pluck a verdant spray From Shakspere's never-fading bay; And let a Muse the gift receive, And into form the garland weave, And place it on the favor'd brow Where SHAKSPERE would the palm bestow.
Beneath let serpent Flatt'ry lour, Bedeck'd with many a fading flower; And let her pois'nous train appear, To writhe in foul contortion there.
Again th' unfading tints prepare!' Great Painter! ply thy utmost care! To ev'ry touch attention give : Let BURKE upon the canvass live! Let him with solemn grace appear Before the Senate's awful chair, As if preparing to dispense That flood of rapid eloquence, Which now with wond'rous sweetness charms,
Now by its nervous force alarms; And, with a more than Wizard's art, Commands the pulses of the heart. Let emblems of exalted Sense, Of Genius, Wit, and Eloquence, Of cunning Art's collected store, Of Erudition's hidden lore,
With careless grace, be scatter'd round, And, where he stands, bestrew the ground.
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