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In course of publication, Super-Royal 8vo.



Edited by the Very Rev. H. D. M. SPENCE, D.D.,

Dean of Gloucester; and

By the Rev. JOSEPH S. EXELL, M.A.


By the Ven. Archdeacon F. W. FARRAR, D.D., F.R.S., the late Bishop COTTERILL, the late Principal TULLOCH, D.D., the Rev. Canon G. RAWLINSON, M.A., the Rev. A. PLUMMER, M.A., D.D., Rev. R. COLLINS, Rev. Professor A. CAVE, Rev. T. WHITELAW, D.D., Rev. W. J. DEANE, M.A., Rev. Professor H. R. REYNOLDS, D.D. HOMILIES AND EXPOSITIONS BY UPWARDS OF A HUNDRED CONTRIBUTORS.

The aim of THE PULPIT COMMENTARY is to provide scholarly Introductions to the sacred books; to divide the text of Scripture into paragraphs and to supply each paragraph with such Exposition as shall meet the wants of the Student, and such Homiletical suggestions as shall assist the preparations of the Preacher,

The EXPOSITIONS give Textual Criticism, Revised Translation where necessary, Expla nation, Apologetics, Reference to Ancient Customs, Contemporary History, Natural History, Geographical Research, Science, and anything that tends to light up the Text, and make it available for practical instruction. These are followed by a comprehensive SERMON OUTLINE, embracing the salient points of the preceding critical and expository section, and by brief HOMILIES FROM VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS, designed to show different modes of treatment, and to bring into relief different aspects of the passages under consideration,




By Rev. T. WHITELAW, D.D.; with Homilies by Very Rev. J. F. MONTGOMERY, D.D., Rev. Prof. R. A. REDFORD, M.A., LL.B., Rev. F. HASTINGS, and Rev. W. ROBERTS, M.A. An Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament by Ven. Archdeacon FARRAR, D.D., F.R.S.; and Introductions to the Pentateuch by the Right Rev. II. COTTERILL, D.D., and Rev. T. WHITELAW, D.D. (Ninth Edition.) Price 15s.

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"We do not, of course, commit ourselves to all the positions of this massive introduction, nor indeed to the exegetical conclusions without exception of the rest of the volume, but that does not prevent our saying with reference to the Pulpit Commentary' on Genesis that there is nothing like it, and that no one who wishes to be thoroughly informed on this precious portion of Holy Writ can afford to be without it." Methodist.

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By Rev. Preb. MEYRICK, M.A.; with Introductions by Rev. R. COLLINS and Rev. Prof.
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They are scholarly, without being tediously erudite; full, without being prolix; lucid, without descending to platitude; conservative, yet with moderation; rarely failing to hit the true sense of a passage, yet careful to furnish the reader with the materials for correcting a wrong judgment, if in any case he should think that they have missed the mark. We admire in them, above all, their businesslike directness and their usually just appreciation of what are likely to be the points on which information is sought."-Glasgow Herald.


By Rev. R. WINTERBOTHAM, M.A., LL.B., B.Sc.; with an Introduction by Rev. T. WHITELAW, D.D.; and with Homilies by Rev. Prof. W. BINNIE, D.D., Rev. E. S. PROUT, M.A., Rev. D. YOUNG, B.A., and Rev. J. WAITE, B.A. (Fifth Edition.) Price 15s.

It may be confidently asserted that when completed, the Pulpit Commentary' will be the best purely English commentary in existence. It divides the book into short paragraphs, of each of which there is a good exposition. The homiletic outlines follow, which may be used or read as a substitute for sermons. Then come homilies or sermon outlines on the same paragraphs by Rev. Prof. W. Binnie, D.D., Rev. E. S. Prout, M.A., Rev. D. Young, B.A., and Rev. J. Waite, B.A. In different parts of the work there are special articles-for instance, on the position of Kadesh, the thirty-eight years' submergence of the history after the rebellion at Kadesh, the history of Balaam, Balaam's prophecies, the zeal of Phinehas, the extermination of the Midianites, and the two lists of stations between Egypt and the Jordan. A homiletical index at the end of the volume adds greatly to its value."-Leeds Mercury.

"As the Book of Numbers has never yet been fully expounded, we all the more heartily welcome this volume. If by any good word of ours we could increase the sale of this noble series of commentaries, we should count the time and space to be most profitably employed. Messrs. C. Kegan Paul and Co. deserve to be supported abundantly in an enterprise so daringly planned and so admirably executed. Perhaps the best service we can render both to our readers and the publishers is to quote

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By Rev. J. J. LIAS, M.A.; with Introduction to the Historical Books by Rev. A. PLUMMER, M.A., D.D.; and with Homilies by Rev. E. DE PREssensé, d.d., Rev. RICHARD GLOVER, D.D., Rev. J. WAITE, B.A., Rev. S. R. ALDRIDGE, B.A., LL.B., and Rev. W. F. ADENEY, M.A. (Sixth Edition.) Price 12s. 6d.

"The Commentary on Joshua by Mr. Lias is as scholarly, painstaking, and effective as his contributions to the Cambridge Bible for schools, which have been characterized in these pages more than once."Expositor.

"Joshua is treated by Rev. J. J. Lias, and his entire that will be the standard work for this and the next work is fully deserving of similar praise. .... But generation."-Methodist. of publications of our own day, the work before us must easily bear away the palm for method and comprehensiveness. There has been nothing like it for the methodical way in which the whole surface of the Holy Scriptures has been treated with a homiletical intention, and we must say also in the general power and ability with which the work is done. All that learning, much industry, and an excellent method can do has been done to produce a work in which the laborious preacher may find the exact information for suggestive thought or careful generalization which he needs for his pulpit work, ready to his hand. And this is no small praise."-Ecclesiastical Gazette.


"No commentary worthy of the sacred text of Joshua has appeared in an English dress till the publication of the present volume. Keil is hardly up to his usual mark. Fay, in Lange, is far below even the average of that unequal work; even Calvin's masculine intellect seems at fault here, and Mr. Espin, in the 'Speaker's Commentary,' while reasonably full and sound on the whole, hardly reaches a high standard of excellence. We have examined this volume with much care, and have no hesitation in pronouncing it immeasurably the best interpretation of Joshua in the language. Mr. Lias, in addition to having the whole existing literature on the subject to work upon, has brought to his task critical and exegetical powers of a rare order, and the industry, judgment and literary skill of the late learned Hebrew professor at Lampeter, have produced a commentary

"The present volume opens with an introduction to the historical books from Joshua to Nehemiah, by the Rev. A. Plummer. Although there is nothing specially original in this introduction, the materials of previous investigations and criticisms are well arranged and grouped; and the whole affords a concise yet graphic account of the history of Israel during the time referred from the pen of the Rev. J. J. Lias, ably deals with The special introduction to the Book of Joshua, the various critical questions involved; vindicates the integrity and early authorship of the book; and dis


cusses with candour and clearness the so-called moral and miraculous difficulties which it presents. Mr. Lias also supplies the exposition and homilies in a series of concise and condensed notes, which presents the latest results of scholarship. The homilies are valuable and suggestive. The volume throughout is a useful help to the homiletical student of the Book of Joshua."-Leeds Mercury.

"We repeat with even fuller emphasis the opinion we expressed in noticing previous volumes of the Com. mentary, that it stands first in its own department."British and Foreign Evangelical Review.


By the Right Rev. Lord A. HERVEY, D.D. (Bishop of Bath and Wells), and Rev. J. MORISON, D.D.; with Homilies by Rev. Prof. J. R. THOMSON, M.A., Rev. W. M. STATHAM, Rev. A. F. MUIR, M.A., and Rev. W. F. ADENEY, M.A. (Fifth Edition.) Price 10s. 6d.

"In the volume before us we have, too, the work of a scholar who has made this part of Scripture his peculiar study. The Bishop of Bath and Wells speaks, therefore, with the confidence of one who is familiar with his subject; and his notes and Homiletics' can hardly fail to be of great use to the preacher, wherever he may consult them.... The commentary on Ruth is itself as good and edifying, and the entire volume quite equal to those which have preceded it."-Church Quarterly Review.

"No clergyman ought to complain of the difficulty of pulpit preparation with such a work in his hands; the danger is rather lest the business of preaching be rendered too easy, and the preacher himself robbed of his independence. Looking over this volume, however, we do not see that there is much fear for this result; the homiletic notes are more suggestive (as it is so desirable that they should) than exhaustive. The reader will find no sermon complete and to his hand, but he will find what it is intended he should find, homiletic notes, to be

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worked up in the laboratory of his mind, and put into shape for the pulpit by dint of arrangement and thought on his part. We have been careful to examine into the treatment which some of the more difficult passages in the Judges' have received at the hands of the com. mentators, and find it eminently satisfactory. For example, Mr. Adeney's note, the murder of Sisera by Jael, is to be commended for its good sense and reason. ableness. Nothing is said that shocks the moral sensi bilities. The note on Jephthah's vow is also good."— Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette.

"Of the Pulpit Commentary,' edited by Dean Spence and the Rev. Joseph Exell, an equally satis factory account may most conscientiously be given. The volumes are got up in the same handsome style; authors eminent for ability and piety furnish the material; and the homiletical object is kept constantly in view. When this undertaking was begun, one feared lest it should be somewhat fragmentary and crude; but we are bound to say that the best means have been taken to make it a

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