
Nothing less than a religious, social, and moral conservative revolution will alter the corruption of the world, as to the infidelity of married persons. Man as well as woman have their parts to act in this matter. The country, the world has its part.

The church furnishes no positive guarantee at all for none of these obligations. Unchastity in both sexes is better prevented than punished by a right ordering of society, and can be best obviated by adequate laws that public morals will cause to be fully enforced, and will correct the most of the evils at the fountain head, when gunpowder does not fully avail or cannot apply, as when the delinquents become common as brutes. But where was the dignity of character of the other party? Was he wilfully blind to his own honor, and to the respect due good society all this time? are essential, but individual mind's action is absolutely necessary.

Adulterers and adulteresses, seducers and seduceresses, degrade society.


As much as the deep injuries of war fall below the universal blessings of peace that is honorable, so do these characters fall below chaste wives and their worthy husbands. Conscience cannot be appreciated by any such people, who are as reckless as barbarian savages. But they can be made to feel in points most sensitive.

The correct process in society is for all to have a thorough knowledge of its requirements, and of the world's duty. You should know if practicable, human nature, and should rarely have it to say, Did the world ever see such a worthless character as this? The world can make no proper impressions on some of the reckless, whose minds, badly cultivated or not cultivated, are unbalanced by animal passions and depraved tastes. You take it for granted, because they move in the right circle, that they are right. Their mind has been perverted, and their improper appreciation of principles unworthy of the world. What can the world be benefited by them, since they are not trustworthy?

Does the adulterer seek to play with the rattlesnake in his bosom? Then his indulgences cannot be bought off with less than life-blood, and the mother may become deranged for the end of such a son, having paid the severest debt of retribution. What can console friends? That they have sanctioned the strictest adherence to virtue? Common sense principles must govern the world. They are its only conservatives. If a man choose to degrade himself by seduction, fornication, and adultery, he would animalize himself easily enough, but man must consider himself a responsible, honorable, and social being. Adultery that leads to lying for the adulteress at the death bed scene, prematurely and forcibly brought about, demands that all should be let alone altogether.

The world's history abounds with such disasters.

It is bad to admit into one's confidence, society, or one's family, a being that turns out degraded, whose habits are of base grovelling sensuality, increased by drunkenness, perfidious or of no proper faith, false to all principles of honor that will deceive and betray. An unfaithful wife or husband, darkens this picture.

In chastity and other virtues, none but an exalted rational education rightly conveyed, can give man or woman, the world, their exalted rank. How often is it that we hear of the false honor and miserable bad faith of the lower orders of the people, the married not adhering to their mates, but basely common, so different from that honorable state of a correct education that prevents such degradation, but teaches all to respect themselves.

This causes the most respectable and refined, the happiest attainable state of the world.

In regard to unchaste women, let adulterers recollect that it is acting in the best of good faith and wisdom, to resist an adulteress, as peace of mind, freedom from vice, and independence of contingent injuries will arise by proper action.

As to temporary possession of such a woman, why not have permanent enjoyment of one to be confided in? Lovely is the modest woman-truly lovely is the chaste one, more honored than all jewels and brilliants. She maketh glad the nation, and is the praise of all. Poor and friendless, her chastity is her strength and glory. When she loses that, she loses the treasure of all price, that if a queen, she is an outcast and beggar.

The adulterer and seducer put their lives at any times in the hands of avengers, who may destroy them at once in the fulness of their sin and iniquity; not only that, but in the power of the laws, risking their own happiness and peace for ever, causing disruptions never to be healed-and disquiet never to be remedied. There could be no adulteress if there were not adulterers; no prostitutes, if the male world would act chastely and virtuously.

History tells the position of adulteresses once having a lofty bearing with character, punished most miserably in a foreign land, forced by opinion to fly the scorn of their

own country, living afterwards wretched and poor, bereft of necessaries, and worst of all, most pitiable in character and reputation. Such have been the wives of ambassadors, and had brave admirals for their paramours. Some as sirens, have seen their husbands murdered by their paramours, and have had no peace in sleep, screaming out in the agony of their remorseful and punished minds, over which the serpent guilt had triumphed. What was the state of their wakeful moments?

Adultery produces most serious results and evils-among them is disgrace that is proportionate to the refinement of social civilization. Cases have occurred where married men have sought to corrupt ladies that were respectable, and been signally and publicly disgraced. The wise man will not put himself in the power of his punishments, as he will exclude them by the wisest forecast of innocence. What do not adulterers sacrifice? Their disgrace may be so ignominious, that they have no pleasure in their family, and may be obliged to leave. Such have to beware of adultery that may arouse, little as they expect the law of retaliation, brute force, retributive justice, the double barreled gun.

They had cared nothing for the imbecile husband, as they deemed him. But they have to care for principles that vindicate themselves and the God of all. Do they appreciate malign habits, that master and tyrannize to death? They should not put themselves in the power of vice that overrules with an iron despotism. They must fear a violation of principles.

Avoid adultery, though the husband be completely imbecile. The double-barreled gun may miss, but God's eternal principles vindicate themselves with unerring retributive justice.

The murder and assassination for the violation of the nuptial bed must be stopped by the wise precaution of mind. How? By wise legislation. Abolish the law, making killing for adultery excusable homicide. Why not go one step further, and make adultery amenable to capital punishment?

But, then, how can human nature resist temptation? It takes two to commit adultery. Be the position what it may, wise legislation must do away with the necessity of the citizen avenging himself, by excusable homicide. The impulse of passion may be so great in catching in the act of adultery, that the injured party may take vengeance direct on the guilty. Legislation that is wise would fix up the world better about adultery, to prevent it by excusable homicide. Adulterers never know when they are safe. Some debased women may give the first challenge, but man must give the last resistance. Man has his part of social duty to perform, and abstain from this, one of the highest felonies and soul treacheries.

Women might send their compliments and respects, might we say love, to gentlemen. Should that arouse the sleeping lion? For what? Some of the most terrible effects of the human passions are involved in love matters. Wise and prudent men should make no advance in them, other than compatible and congenial. They should assure themselves only of the correct moral position.

What can be more immoral than the custom of pretended fashionable life, visiting after dark, the leaving of one's own wife for another to gallant, and late at night? Who is the best companion, the husband or the stranger? But it looks country-like to gallant one's own wife! The female of course can appropriate right customs and habits, but beyond that she is risking an evil. Is it possible that free republicans, at any city, should adopt the degraded customs of monarchists? Above all, the fashions of pure citizens should take precedence, and will when the world becomes virtuous under wisdom. The imperative obligations of society are to produce virtuous social qualities. When woman, that has pledged her best faith, throws all such away, that woman has thrown her soul away, as far as in her lies. What is worse than a cunning, deceiving woman, whose beautiful body enshrines a soul hideous as sin, and more destructive than the rattlesnake, that warns ere it strikes.

Interference with the domestic social relations in families produces not only bitter prejudices, but vindictive feelings, and just retaliation against the individual reckless of proper principles. The trials of adultery are such, as for refined gold; mankind have to resist temptation. If the first taint be in youth, the corruption is hard to eradicate. Commission of adultery is commission of perjury. Both parties are amenable, culpable, criminal, guilty.

As to adultery, there are two that play at that game, equally guilty and culpable of perjury. Put every thing on principles, and then they will carry out themselves. What is virtue but this very thing? The uniform adherence to principle is virtue, that is immutable, has no fashion.

What! the seducer love when he seeks to dishonor? Does the lovely married one stoop to listen? Is she deranged, to believe the false pretence?


WHAT horrible iniquity, by disseverance from marriage ties, unless the best of reasons, caused by adultery of the other party, prevail. Old age or death divorces soon enough.

We must recollect that if the wife, the weaker, does not complain of improper treatment of her husband, it is because she prudently chooses the least of evils. The marriage relation, one of chastest virtue, cannot be denounced or violated, but by the vicious or degraded. When one female sues for a divorce from her husband for his bad conduct, well can we appreciate the suggestions to her of her friend, stating that many other females had to bear in silence misdeeds and mistreatment. There are many causes of disagreement laid at the foundation, too often overlooked till the marriage is consummated. When parties are aware of the absence of moral personal worth, an indispensable prerequisite to social happiness, what better can they expect after union? Öf the various characters, when a gambler deceives a woman of respectable standing into marriage, starting on gambled money, how can the world expect to see such a union prosperous? Bad people, that wish to dissolve the marriage vow, should be strictly counteracted by the uniform character of all divorces to be granted, on account of the guilt of the party, who is excluded from marriage. The facility of divorce is an evil. Marriage presents the idea of divorce, or shooting down if perverted; but still these evils must be rightly analyzed. It is true the life of single blessedness is very objectionable, and should not be voluntarily chosen, for the best of considerations, of virtue and patriotism, as rational life functions are paramount; but what can be worse than an ill-matched marriage?

There should be no facilities for divorce.

Expulsion of society-is that nothing? What claims have any on society or principles that they recklessly violate?


IN fornication, the tendency is of a cast with the circle of principal offences, that exhibit a sad and very often a ruinous result on both parties.

For self-preservation, the first law of nature, a line of demarkation has to be drawn by society, that abides by intellect, in chastity and modesty, the jewels of sex.

The simplest transgression under the influence of inordinate lust, bespeaks the first step of primary evil. The sleeping lion is aroused, and may never be allayed. The most ferocious habit may have been created, that can never be laid aside, till functions or life are extinct.

The least of all evils is, never to tolerate for a moment, any avenue to gratify lust by illegitimate or unnatural means at all.

Ignominy, the loss of self-respect and that of society, may fix the misery on the sex that may uncaste itself, an inextricable position for woman, fixed by the universal laws of violated nature and the best society, and a sad one most often for man who may never recover from habits, that fix the iron grasp of their final tyranny on both.

The loss of health is too often ended in its total sacrifice, with a painful existence of mind and body, the feelings crushed, and the value of life ruined or blasted. The liability to crime, complex and intricate, is easy under its many tortuous wiles, hard indeed, to be rescued from, even to the seduction of innocence and modest virtue, to the agony of soul in its deepest sensibility, down to the excruciating anguish of ruined honor in suicide, for which the seducer is responsible, even to the murder of the offspring, their criminal neglect, contingent injury, exposure to a degraded corruption of mind with shame upon its face, sin and iniquity its example and authority for its constant practice. One deeper step of guilt, places the sinner in the quagmire of adultery.

When man alienates the noble purpose of creation, he becomes identified with the foul outrage.

Who can be less honest and more debased than the designing seducer and adulterer, who destroy the best of public property? Human nature may be so degraded, as to pirate under the domestic protection, against the chastest virtues of woman.

Nothing is sacred to such brutes, who must forget the world-wide benefits of social protection.

They have thus forfeited their claims to such stock, and are amenable to all the forfeits.

How many of the world are unworthy of the trial of friendship of the confiding, that would be degraded and disgraced by such worthless trash of the world.

There are many evils, attending upon fornication unappreciated by the parties, till the sad results burst in upon them. Fornication produces loss of estimation of the virtuous, and an extensive category of crime. If child-bearing ensues, it is prevented, guilt attaches involving mind, relatively to the amount. Murder is attached to fœticide or infanticide.

Do ignorant girls see all this bearing? Their pregnancy involves them in shame, then in guilt to horrible perdition. The first step if false, ruins in the course of iniquity's amount.

Why avoid fornication? The seduction of the parties, leads to misery of relations and friends, destruction of children too often, their victimization of morals, mind and body. How much is society affected by disorganization, in its essential parts by extreme vices. We have known of arson or house-burning after it was being perpetrated, to exclude vicious characters from a respectable community! Was this wisely done, though self-preservation is the first law of nature? All the wrongs of the universe can never make a right. Due complaints to the governing powers, wisely entrusted with proper authority, might have caused this ejection as nuisances. Wise legislation should then never be neglected, and can only comport with its necessity and suitable execution. Should a grand jury take cognizance of Lynch laws, would perjury of the incendiary if capable of rescue, be left unessayed? The bars of conscience bribed for wretched deeds, are subject to any gust of passion and revenge, and one crime many years afterwards, lands the perpetrator in a penitentiary and a felon's


The poor imbecile never comprehends in his mind's eye, the whole category of crime's circle, for which others are responsible.

What protects any, from a reckless incendiary's torch? In fornication, rational religion looks to the shame of all parties and exempts neither sex, as both are amenable in guilt for exposure of their offspring to the taunts of an unjust world, or the chill penury of its disregard, much more for its murder, moral degradation, life of infamy, and too often of misery.

I call for the returning sense of wisdom and justice, in a free and untrammeled people in seduction, &c. Tell us what the true love of man or woman is worth, ere the flower of innocence be blighted and destroyed?

The seducers may well cause women of respectable feeling and proper breeding, to avoid their company as poisonous contagion; most rightfully so indeed, from the corruption of contact. Their wiles circumvent and prevent escape.

Chastity is founded upon the just action consistent with the true principles of correct systems, and the nature of the universe.

Time has established reforms in the social circles, respecting fornication and adultery, and other analogous crimes, for which better correction will be adopted, when public opinion will be more enlightened on the wrong.

The mind of the public must necessarily be amended, when it reflects on and contemplates the past corruptions of society, yielding to the light of civilization. It is the beautiful discipline of mind, towering in the liberal and rational studies of philosophical science and literature, that can climb to its illustrious position.

The simple but chaste woman, will not believe the most wily man as having any regard for her, when he asks her ever to disregard the principles conservative of life. and its blessings.

She can well appreciate at the only right time before hand, the disgust of the parties after fornication and adultery, as there can be no love where inordinate brutal lust misled the guilty parties. The chaste woman will not entrust herself into man's company, much less his protection, unless he can appreciate his past and present standing.

She certainly will not subject herself to the influence of any article conveyed through snuff, diet, drink, confectionary, fruits from a mere stranger, or indeed any whose standing is not well and thoroughly established. She will certainly refuse him, when it is meet that she should have security of principles. Female chastity can be best secured, by supreme care, and respect.

The youth of the country should rely on the country, and avoid all the ills of strange and overgrown cities, if possible to do so. If females seek proper business of the city, they should be certain of persons of proper standing to advise with, ere they expose themselves to the temptations and dangers of cities.

All deviation betrays a stupidity that stultifies the actresses who are involved in all the degradations. The virtuous-minded will neither seek nor suffer seductions. Fornication hath its stings and adultery its ignominy. Both act like slow poisons on many victims. Conspiracy by drugs endangers the life of all engaged therein, both of mother

and child, as not only they, but the father, may be victimized by the illegitimate lust, and all overwhelmed in premature death and penalty. How miserably cyprians live!

Is not the whole world still better in the hands of its Creator, where free moral agency of mind is improving mankind by all legitimate means? What else but rational mind can improve the world, that was originally submitted for that very purpose? Where will demoralization end, when the world divests itself of all the inherent potency of managing, and imprudently resigns what best commands it?

Are all the general principles of trusteeship, and agency of rational mind, fairly and honestly executed? What is life, without propriety of conduct?

The wisest action in life is the correct one. In doing correct actions every day, we are doing the wisest. What worse, then, can be the course and wiles of seduction? The world's code demands, to keep sacred its social relations. Above all, the conjugal relations are essentially sacred, as adultery is a sin unatonable, except by blood.

In all infanticides, who of the two can say that they are exempt from an equal participation in the guilt before God's tribunal ?

In adultery or fornication, who can promise themselves exemption from capital rètribution? Who are they most prone to all the vices of the women of the earth? Are they not the children of extreme want, and a consequent vitiated education? Do not some of the duplicities of peculiar faith that enslaves the public mind over the world, help to debauch the world's chastity? Does not auricular confession do its part? The world should comprehend all that is necessary to protect it.

Poor working women are overwhelmed by poverty, having wretched payments, pittances, and overworked at that. All decent families should be cared for, and the world has to have a living.

Their right cultivated mind will protect women, under proper circumstances, against all false pretences, in teaching them to keep all such characters as seducers at a distance. But is this the case in all ages, governments and courts? Why are the virtues that tower over all evil opposition at so low a value with the world? Why is chastity so slightly cherished in some circles, when fornication has to be avoided, else it may punish as deeply as any vice. It may cause the actor to leave in disgrace, while the other party's friends may vindicate with excess of vindictiveness. Fear, then, habits of fornication, as, no one should procreate children, without proper world protection for them in morals, rational education, life support, and, above all, that high-mindedness that is conservative to the refined world.

Who can dare take advantage of defects of mind, or worse, of the poverty of the innocent; or, still worse, the worst of all, the helplessness of those especially under the protection of the violator of all the principles of justice at once?

The duty of man is as paramount as that of woman. Is it not more so ?

Simple men will not perceive, and dishonest ones will affect that man, in fornication, is not responsible. How is this? Who thinks of infanticide or fœticide as a lighter matter than murder, and yet your act of fornication may contribute to it? This crime should be rightly prevented by future world morals or alleviated by the wisest legislation. The world should prevent abandoned women from falling lower.

Why is there prostitution? Want of property or decent bringing up, knowledge to counteract the world nuisances. Want and luxury are two extremes that engender crime. Early marriages will prevent much of this. Wise women will ever recollect that base people seek to rise on the ruins of the virtuous.

What associations the world is liable to, unless properly guarded.


THIS virtue, as everything else, must be protected by the best care of mind. Corrupt courts of absolutism first often do the fatal deed of corruption of female virtue. The false position of society engenders the facility to much of this corruption. Why is chastity so low with some women?

Is it that honor is so low with some men?

Are both to blame? The duty of an incorrupt, virtuous woman is clear to herself. She is incorruptible, and therefore a jewel. But how many minds of the world have a defective, because a peculiar education! At best, it may be mixed.

Nothing in this world can atone for innocence and conscience lost.

Parents will be perfectly imbecile or reckless to disregard these wise admonitions. Let us have all pure things above suspicion.

Woman's part is that of modest virtue, and a silent influence on all around, to calm the boisterous waves of passion and still tumultuous breasts. Man needs her best aid,

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