
Freemen have to guard against the misdeeds and evils of electioneering. No freeman should suffer improper influences to weigh in regard to his vote. He should act exempt from favor or affection in this glorious privilege. Many electioneer to commit the voter prior to election. He should only promise the best consideration of the subject and candidates.

The right of trial by jury does not by a long sight procure the requisite justice. Much depends on the judges.

The people, as they prize all their blessings, must preserve the purity of elections, to keep all matters straight.

Writ of habeas corpus, grand jury, and other blessings, can hardly equal the purity of elections.

Republics have progressed to the best control of their expenses, and should economize in all particulars.

None should long delay or defer public state debts, that should never be contracted without the consent of the constituency, beyond a specified amount.

Office-seeking, and buying at the expense of principles, are the bane of even republics.

That spirit of showing preference to persons once distinguished through their base conceits, is a tribute basely paid.

Republics present the nearest approach of equal rights of citizens; but even here we see, in conflicts where the moneyed power is wielded, that there is but little chance, unless both sides have that power.

If ever treason becomes obsolete, it would be in constitutional republics, and ever green it must be in despotisms; but we would miserably mistake the present organization of the world-safety to reach this as an absolute conclusion.

All representative power is delegated on trust, and when the representative can neither act to instructions and his conscience, then resignation fulfils the best obligations as a republican, I say.

Who can wonder at the revolutions of the world, for government, religion, and science? Most of individuals, as nations, may be surrounded by malign influences. If isolated, mankind, with the lights of the present age before them, would become more republican and liberal; but when surrounded by monarchists, the last must be put down, ere the first can be truly confirmed.

The glorious annexation of enlightened views is spreading in the progress of mind's refined civilization, and is dispensing its glorious benefit to the world.

It is now the march of mind, instead of martial prowess. If the first be rightly dispensed, the last can be dispensed with.

The advocates of monarchy affect that it suits a dense population. It suits none. The constitutional principles of free government only meet the demands of mind, in its amplest requisitions, throughout the world. The Chinese are the very people to have constitutional government. Is England free? Does she keep up that doctrine with the rest of the world? Is she not now acting most unjustly to half the world? To Asia, Africa? As a mighty nation, she has much of the world's, mind's rights, under her dominion. It is monarchy that is radical, and sings the delusive song that the people cannot rule in all the world.

Human nature cannot be worse than the priestocracy make it, for they first libel their Creator, and then turn round and libel mind for not conspiring with them. Were there ever a worse degraded set of those clothed in human flesh, disgracing human nature? Mind, innocent and pure, needs nothing of them, in no respect whatever. Let them stand aside, as impertinent impostors on the rights of free institutions. The consummation of constitutional republican government will elicit the union of the world, and the congratulations of its five organic and appurtenant divisions. A government of constitutional principles demands to be the only one of all. In good faith, the world's five grand divisions must rejoice in the prosperity of the whole.

People of Europe, organize yourselves at once, now and forever, for one grand constitutional union of confederated states. Ask of your agents, the kings, emperors, autocracies, to give you all proper representative government, and to resign as your legitimate trust agents. That they should obey your proper instructions, or else they perjure themselves before the whole world.

Now, what Europe should be, let Asia too.

Australia and Africa will follow America. Let all the world act out, with moral and religious bravery. Let the world be freed from the pernicious malignity of peculiar evils and wrongs, faiths and absolutism the right way.

If these continental unions be promoted, then China may put down effectually the

smuggle of India with opium carried on by the imperial power of England, the incursions of the northern barbarians more effectually than by all fleets or walls. Also the southern pirates, especially.

The outsiders and insiders will then unite on honorable terms of conquest, over all the unprincipled pirates of the world, and the whole earth need not fear the conquests of piratical chieftains.

Now, Asiatics, ye see that your governments cannot begin to protect you, uncasting you as citizens, despoiling you as people, and ruining you as nations. You have been the prey of military barbarism too long; let now the best efforts of rational mind elevate you to its honorable dignity. Renounce forever all the imbecility of your customs and your peculiar faith, and ask of God, in his purity, all that enlightened minds and brave souls can win.

Conservative principles alone will give permanency to national existence.

Liberalists, to the amount of one hundred millions in Europe, speak now by your actions. What are you all about? Organize to-day a constitutional representative government, on conservative, not radical revolution. Do you wish more was diffused over Europe, and millions of the human race butchered? Are you content with the pageantry of military shows to make the demonstration of peculiar power over your best rights? The rights of the world are outraged on land and ocean, enough to cause all monotheists to see the savage and cowardly bullying of large states oppressing the smaller, appropriately arrested and all that can be only done by continental unions. You cannot reach the noblest of all free triumphs, a liberal conservative revolution, without you rise as one united body, with a due concert of action.

Large nations can act with impunity, what destroys and denationalizes small ones. The whole world needs republican institutions, to put down all the ridiculous, corrupt, rotten systems of the social, political, and national framework of perverted mind.

Why cumber kings and autocrats the chairs of state, that they are unworthy to hold, as they seek to deceive their people by false, bad faith, pretending it to be religion? Let their salaries be for the indigent: let all the excesses of superfluities be to prevent paupers.

Liberalists of Europe, who number more than one hundred millions! You, a majority, speak with all your moral force, for the noblest conservative revolution. Well can the central nation of the earth, so far as her position between the two mightiest oceans make her, be looked to by the whole world.

Let all nations institute systems and means of rational education for all.

It is the world's duty to prevent the five grand divisions from hurting each other, and that can be only accomplished by rational principles of constitutional government. The world should have all things done at the right time. No governmental power must presume on policy, cunning, but on principles. None should commit themselves to any other than principle. Who is up to the civilization of this constitutional government? Civilization of equal magnitude had not dawned among the ancients. Our fathers have only made a beginning, and their posterity has to act equal to the best conservative revolution.

It is not merely to follow what they have done-that is foolish, if the lights of the age add a more brilliant and a nobler light, suitable to originate a better, on their platform. This is the highest of conservatism.

Never fail to vote, citizen. Do not omit that inestimable privilege, as you thereby promote the full success of principles that rightly govern the world.

Let the weaker states, especially, consider of all that is expedient for universal welfare, to be best promoted by continental or grand division unions.

Aristocracy is now superfluous as monarchy, after the people can govern themselves, and that they can, the world proves. Put all nations on equal rights of constitutiona} government, and who will seek war? Nothing less than international constitutional government can solve the peace problem of the world. All peculiar faith people, now join God's standard, and discard your foolish and corrupt priestocracy, all over the world-and by so doing you drop all your governments false to your good, mind, and its Creator.

Give up the churches, and leave them in their nothingness; by so doing, you retain your religion, and make it rational.

Leave off all peculiar faith, not only as a nullity but as a world, mind, mankind cause. This is the stronghold of despotism. Let free and intelligent world citizens break this hold, and the theatre is a clear one for rational mind. Let the world know what is religion, that none but free people know now.

Not only justice, but liberality throughout the world, is inculcated, by the universal comity of nations.

The world fighting business is very expensive, and only proves that mind's perver sions pay for the evils of its world's creation. When each grand division of the earth has its constitutional government established, then just so much navy and army as will keep down insubordination, smuggling, piracy, mobs, unruly spirits, &c., may be tolerated.

Proper patriotism must never be compromised: proper constitutional laws should be obeyed, administered, and executed, and the world's universal good established.

Come, sovereigns of the earth, it is time for you to resign, and let the true sovereigns be self-governed. Let a star-world imitate a star-nation.

A constitutional government is essentially expedient for all five grand divisions of the earth, to guard and protect, in all the departments of rational mind, as in all great matters of nationality.

Ancestors have no more right to seek to bind posterity, in contracts of debts, by excessive expenditures, than to leave them obsolete bibles and their abominable church despotisms to curse them with the priestocracy, if they do not believe-at the same time posterity cannot absolve itself from any claims of debts of equitable demands of the nation. The nation knows no ancestors, no posterity, in her debts, that must be paid; therefore, the most exact justice requires no debts to be contracted that will be national evils. As to not being able to borrow, the rulers have no right to bind the capitalists to usury laws. The rulers are the usurers, and should tax the people for all necessary expedients, not encumber the world with their crimes, and drain continents, and butcher and poison the people, in the draining, to cover the errors of false and fatal ambition. If this be strictly adhered to, the true people will ever seek to be just to themselves, as dictated by their best and vital interests.

They will hardly enter into protracted wars, that beget the heaviest and most onerous taxes, to be paid by themselves, reaping but equivocal glory and no profit. There is a paramount debt due from ancestors to posterity, to leave the expansiveness of a liberal mind the capacity inherent of being rational and civilized, not to be tory to mind, God, and his unmistakable teachings. The priestocracy enter into no such calculations, and are to be forever excluded, as world and mind unworthy.

The hundred millions of freemen in Europe must be rightly invoked, by all rational addresses to their minds. The bribed sophists of sophisticated governments of church and state are not only paid but licensed in their sinful sophistry, to seduce, cheat, and defraud the world, for the sake of false government. China, break down your inside walls of bigotry, and bad government; call for a union of Asia.

Men of Europe! Organize, organize, not agitate, openly and above board-assert your inherent rights, that you ought to protect properly, as one hundred millions of liberalists in Europe-a most momentous question. Communicate with each other. Let it be done openly; ask for a continental convention of all Europe, to establish one universal government. Do so, monotheists of the world. Let emperors know that monotheists are their superiors, as the first dignitaries of the earth.

Nothing can excel this, the most high and pure-minded on earth, in life. The civilizers of the world must not be put back by emperor pontiffs, who tell their vassal bishops about peculiar faith.

All that is folly. Mature your views, liberalists; do not spill one drop of blood. Who are amenable for the blood of the French revolution? The whole question must be comprehended most wisely, and the position looked at that crushed mind for centuries. It was the evil genius of peculiar education and government.

Government was instituted for the world's benefit, including all mankind, and is conservative when it embraces principles inherent in proper national, continental and universal basis of permanency. Not because some things are used in monarchies or aristocracies, are they to be rejected by supposed republics, much less adopted because used by the last. Let the progressive light of expansive mind genius, create all the fundamental structure to elicit the mighty world fabric. Conservative principles that will prevent an individual, doing as the world sycophancy directs at Rome or gold mines, are what religion institutes, and when carried out rationally, will secure the world's inherent rights and protection. All necessary governments must be duly amended as requisite, to be duly respected. The conventions of the five grand divisions and appurtenant islands, can meet so as to make the complete circuit, to create a right-toned sentiment throughout the world.

Let the English language become the proper world language. By this world organization, rational mind will seek to embrace and comprehend its liberal expansiveness, and arrest any powerful nation that is after any improper world policy, to bully on the ocean or pirate on the world. Let the world have access to both, through continental constitutional governments. Any nation that is not tried in the various fields of world

labor, ocean and land, is not adequate for all man's theatre. Conservative government is that which elicits all the principles conservative to the world's proper government, not because they are used by this or that form of government, but because they were conservative to the proper standard, which protects all properly. No nation or individual should contract any debts, without the means of payment.

They should institute sinking funds, so much per cent. yearly on taxes, to sustain as a sacred fund the most important world's demands.

They should institute an apprentice system, for all needing labor for support, the apprentices the last year to receive wages, and all timely rational education, which must be supervised by responsible citizens, to see that the failure be duly remedied, not afterwards when no pecuniary compensation can make amends for lost rational education. The world needs proper self-protection, which must come by proper instruction. Voters for representations ought to be duly qualified; property-holders should vote for protection as well as taxation to property. But all this difficulty may be superseded, by the universal homestead to all families needing it. When the world is correctly governed by constitutional governments, the productions of the soil will be appropriately graduated to the proper demands of vital existence. Then luxuries will yield to necessaries, as the sublimity and grandeur of religion are to reach the consummation of appropriate constitutional government. Liberalists, teach your monarchs that they have mistaken the object of their creation, that it was for the holiest, best promotion of rational mind, not act in collusion with false faith and government; that they are bound to give the proper display of rational religion, and its constituent free government, not unite in felonious oppression and see domestic troubles throughout Europe, till the end of time. Tell your miscreant dictators, that without principle, they are nothing, that without principle they have no religion, with all their faithless bad faith.


INDEPENDENCE of character ought to be the motto of every true-minded man, to the extent that manliness and virtue require. If worthy, his country may well select him from his business or avocation, to represent her properly. He should not permit mere public fame or personal popularity, to usurp his more substantial attributes.

A regular employment, that is calculated to enable man to reach a future competency, is far preferable to office-hunting, as the incumbent may not remain a sufficient time to do justice to his talents as an officer, much less to his condition of life as a man.

All competent men should as rational beings, for proper employment of time, secure a proper business capacity, trade or profession for a permanent living, then they can act as becomes freemen. Office will seek the man, there will be less proscription, the country will be more faithfully and honestly served, patriotism will be duly appreciated, and moral stocks will rise beyond calculation. There will then be no cause for political proscription, and the blessings of a representative government will be best insured. Appointments by mere political influence, too often detract from the blessings of correct government, and tend to destroy the worth and usefulness of office. Many that have valuable gifts of mind, lose their full value for want of exercising sound judgment, in acquiring an independence of property, to protect themselves against all the vicissitudes of political exposure.

Why then could minds of the right calibre, need office from government generally? They would be thrown out of regular business, and their affairs might be in a deranged state, unless proper system is maintained by the individuals.

The principal position is, neither seek nor decline proper office generally. When the soldier is needed, all true patriots will rush to the rescue.

How wrong is it, that voters should commit themselves to candidates, prior to investigation of merits in the elective franchise? History, by the time the election arrives, may show some worthless, unqualified and unworthy of a freeman's vote. All should be cautious in estimating too lightly a freeman's privilege, to secure which, cost so much blood and treasure. None should neglect this invaluable right, none misdirect it. Patriots have to travel in this life a straight track, and let it be their own track, and no one else's surely, not a demagogue's.

The abuses of government officers, are obvious in all kinds of governments. The exactions of those in China, are enormous. Are they not so elsewhere? The peculations of those in the United States, often go unpunished. We are that much short of proper government. Salaries should be adequate, to secure the best talents and integrity, to prevent peculation and smuggling. There must be no public plunder.

Smuggling in Spain and Portugal, it is said, prevails, and the contrabandists are winked at by the custom house officers, who make all clear that they detect. What venality of public officers and officials! Wise laws, and properly administered by adequately paid officials, are essential to all nations.

What a noble pursuit agriculture is, to render the world independent of the necessity of seeking office. Agricultural societies should be promoted by all the legitimate means of the country and world.

Moreover is needed the assistance of mechanics, mining and manufactures. What value is mind, to secure labor-saving machines? By these advancing with an equal step, a proper relation is maintained for true national independence, and an insurance for adequate markets. Then arises the refining influence of commerce aided by navigation, that embraces the whole world in its beneficial influences. The whole area of mind's employment is thus enlarged to the most liberal comprehension, and the character of the merchant commingles with the world's mighty functionaries.

National legislation that, if wise, diffuses its conservative aid to mankind, can find no department more worthy than national finances. All the great elements embrace principles, and cannot be identified with party, nor be excluded thereby. Whatever is identified with true national prosperity, and especially not in antagonism with the world's welfare, should be accredited as permanent policy.

No system of finance should be instituted that would involve national demoralization. If any should create any tendency to smuggling, it should be forthwith discountenanced. Mr. Hunt, of congress, is reported as saying: "Under an advalorem duty, insert what guard you please, and still the treasury would be robbed." "Men who regarded their interest only, would get round the law by perjury and fraud. It was a common saying, and a practical principle all over the commercial world, that custom-house oaths had no binding force!" Now we come at world facts. What, then, would be done for peculiar faith, the most influential thing of all mind influences and persuasions? It could enlist nearly a world perjury.

The beauty of correct principles of government is, not to entrust office too long to any, only as best promotive of the good of the whole and the principles that sustain them. This begets a proper national independence that reflects the best patriotism in office, and the best offices on patriotism. The policy of all correct governmental administrations should be, to have no dishonest office-holders, or who do properly punish them for malfeasance in office. What better otherwise is it than absolutism? Living salaries insure fidelity, character and good faith. Give adequate salaries and remuneration. Indifferent candidates run, that would not be nominated if proper salaries were given. Nominations ought to be made or exercised by intelligent freemen, who are the beneficiaries of candidates, not by caucus, without responsibility, but by American spirit, nothing less than proper liberal republicanism. What might not the world stock be to support those really in want, if we could get persons rightfully to disburse all that was entrusted. Why so much defrauding of the public treasury? Are not republics trustworthy? Are monarchies more so than they? Do not create nuisances by low or inadequate salaries. There must be no peculation or embezzlement of government funds. If fraud be committed by officials, punish all, high and low, equally, without obstruction of the supreme rights of the people. Proper rotation in office must be kept up, and offices should be filled by worthy and respectable citizens, not political partizans. Some may regret failure to obtain office, whilst many others may regret getting it, as they fell by temptation, and were crushed in spirit and feelings to death.

The people must familiarize their mind to great, good and virtuous actions, and preserve the guardianship of the best laws. There should be no delay of public justiceno connivance at fraud, peculation or speculation in the wealth of government; but fair and honorable competition.


THE world is most deeply concerned in parental and filial relations. Parents should never let children grow up in ignorance, much less in error; give them no peculiar education but the noble position of rational principles. They wish them to know the world, not only in sunshine, which alone will not answer; but all should seek to know it in the shade, in the storm as calm, adversity as prosperity,-in revolution, conservative, if necessary, as in the mildest stages.

Prepare them for the great scenes of life, to fearlessly originate utilitarian measures, with which those of the world may clash by self-interest-antagonism, where that self-interest cares nothing for principle, the more turbulent the clannish antagonism.

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