
cially becoming in rational religion. But all attempts will be made to let priestocracy down, as if not guilty of enough to eject it forthwith from the pale of all good society. What a system and machinery that lord it over the mind, the pockets, and the various interests of the mass, the world, and granted indulgences for money, to luxuriate in vices, lust and crime; for paganism and nothing else!

When the illusion of these impressions of absolutism is destroyed, then mankind will see a monstrous fraud on the world, that ought to appreciate all such now.

How superficial preachers and priests must be, to subscribe to doctrines that disgrace the old soothsayers and augurs.

The only base to build on, is on the supreme power alone. All else is apostacy, to the unity of God.

How can we reach the worst kind of people, or mind?

As they have not the prompt remorse that springs from a pure conscience, then such must be reached through penalties that affect their pocket, disgrace, infamy, or ignominy.

The most effectual preacher is he who speaks through certain pains and penalties in this life, a matter of restitution, not deferred to the day of judgment, that some do not appreciate, and others do not expect-a very unsafe, if not bad policy. Consequently, present and immediate restitution on this earth, and at the time, by wise laws, does its absolute good.

No dynasty of priestocracy can be right, as it is ungodly.

Where do the pretences of priests end? In the world's evil.

See the state of the world's classes, embracing particularly the castes of Asia, having the same complexion of priests' abomination.

One of one profession cannot touch those of another, without pollution! What ungodly mind-pollution, in these faith-bigots. The difference is indebted to mind, that will necessarily expel the whole fraternity, ere long, as too vile for Asia, even.

Right ordered minds must reject all preachers that seek to arouse excitement, by sulphur and brimstone, as contemptible; by any peculiar faith, as perjured.

There can be no peculiar preachers, as such are peculiar impostors, for the capital universally is principles. Those who rightly instruct mind in all proper principles, and their appropriate application, are only entitled as instructors.

Principles are told by their universal, not peculiar effects, as a general rule, and should be faithfully impressed.

Which principles are the best? All are equal and essential. There are none but God's, consequently all are universally good. Pernicious doctrines, perverted to peculiar faith, mislead the world.

It is not that the people cannot see, it is because the priestocracy, the hierarchy, would find the people as wise as they, and their equals in knowledge would be so in


What preacher, more eloquent than his universe, does God the creator, need, for all mankind?

Certainly not the priestocracy, the counterfeit.

Where God is abundantly proved in his works, Christ or messiahs are disproved altogether by them.

Preachers garble the comprehensive views of science and philosophy about the works of God, and substitute the ignoble libels of peculiar faith.

Better had the people never seen the preachers, if such doctrines of daily blasphemy are to be uttered.

Do they know the secret history of churches, ministers, and priests? Are they so soft as to believe in them?

"At Constantinople, the funeral procession may be seen conveying to the cemetery the exposed and richly dressed corpse, with a hurried pace, in order to relieve the soul from the torment it suffers, till the burial of the body.

Now "The Jesuits are omnipotent at Naples."

While the church dignitaries and members, at the best, are no better than other good people of the world, or no worse, unless having hypocrisy, why should mind take this fallible example, when it has the selection direct of God's infallible principles ?

But some objection may be pretendedly urged, by these partisans of peculiar faith, to reason; but let us rather have her, with all her blessings, than any of the curses of peculiar faith.

When professors lend their profession to crime, then it is degradation. Who forgets the adultery recorded by Josephus, as perpetrated at Rome, on a chaste woman, by a base man, who corrupted the priestocracy of the God he assumed to personate; and polluting, by their agency, their church or temple?

But then this was by ancient pagan worshippers! What insures the world, with modern pagans, having ancient paganism?

The last are and ever will be pagans, as long as language reflects ideas.

There can be no peculiar faith exempt from crime; for its very establishment defrauds the God of nature of the amount that it personates.

What stupid nonsense, if it were not criminal, bad morals!

We must boldly strike at all such invasions, that are corrupt and degraded.

We must boldly strike for our beloved country and her noblest institutions, in gratitude for her noble martyrs of the mighty revolution for freedom, and in deference to the majesty of the Creator, against the bibles of tradition, that are certainly denounced as part of the many systems of man's devices for unhallowed ambition and execrable avarice, the fables to entrap man from his right duty to God.

What shall now be thought of priestocracy, a calling that conceals the most disgraceful frauds on man, and the most abhorrent violations of God's attributes, affecting to reach the topmost round of the ladder, in all duties!

Monarchs and priests are unnecessary to enlighten people, who ask to have all right, by mind and reason, not by force and faith, the playthings of tyrants, and the oppressors of imbeciles.

The priests of some countries play cards when assuming, by excellence, to be the virtuous examples of all that is divine on earth.

This example increases the popular action, and many that lose, resort to the highways to replenish.

Can such a population be in a safe condition, from any of the forms of peculiar faith ? They must be improved on the only legitimate principles of rational mind.

But we may lose their worship! What of that?

Is rational religion, that they know nothing of, in its purity, mere form and lip service, customs and mere words, or is it to be sincere adoration, silent communings, and the best comprehensive actions in life?

Has she any particular altar, when she erects her temple, as necessity requires, in every rational mind?

It is the purest incense that mind can offer, in the purest sense and taste, to its illustrious creator.

Religion then presents no particular form of church faith, so much as a perpetual life-lamp, ever burning as an incense to deity in the mind.

Cultivate this jewel, bright and radiant, more so than the diamond, that turns to dust whence it came.

Mind seeks a diamond abode, perpetual and perpetually radiant.

After God, she is the best rational and spiritual adviser, evolving her principles with proper light.

We cannot complain so much of the ignorance of the ancients, perverted as it was by the hierarchists, as the obstinate persistence of the moderns in the exploded humbugs of peculiar faith.

We should know no difference between the pagan soothsayers of Rome, the druids of Europe, the priestocracy of Moses, or that of the world.

Rational mind has been their only check.

All kinds of peculiar faith show the effect of mortal and sinful passions of corrupt mind.

All freemen should seek the bright and conservative action of enlightened mind, to rescue themselves and the world from the thraldom of this dynasty.

Preachers and priests have in vain exhausted all proper arguments of the whole subject, to build up the authority of their bibles of tradition.

They are bound to establish them, or honorably resign their commission at once, and not protract the world's agitation.

Civilization gives a bible of rational mind, and the only rational religion.

The world owes it to itself to seek the amplest protection against the abuses of all wicked men. What greater abuses are there, than those of peculiar faith?

Let the world devote its best talents to religion, not to peculiar faiths, unavailable. Mankind should direct the energies of their talents, to comprehend the best philosophy of life, as a part of the best system of religion, to make the most of it.

The best philosophy of religion, is the greatest happiness of the world, of all rational beings.

In procuring its best success, we secure the best guarantee of the future. There are many excellent men in all sects, among all clergy, as men-monotheistsif not corrupted by power, or seduced by fascinations of temptations, only seeking the true way to eternal life.

There is some hope for them; but wo unto those that assume divine rights for insidious purposes.

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What order of mankind has ever been more licentious, taken in all their dynasties, than theirs?

It was not safe for the people, in any respect, when there were no limits to their desires, and all to their penalties. For that reason we should have future punishments for those usurping present rights.

In what right of mind have they not only interfered, but sought to crush mind itself?

Their tyranny has been most odious, their iniquity most heinous.

Even at this day, some of them seek to tyrannize over the sacred rites of matrimony, and interrupt what ought to be only a civil ceremony, by arrogating to themselves the only performance of the ceremony for lawful wedlock, and set at defiance and outrage the universal rights of mind.

Who has injured deeper than the so-called divines, in the married circle, if they be perverted?

What is there to prevent excess, when they withhold conservative principles, that the adoration of the true God alone imparts?

But when God alone is adopted, priest-orders are dropped.

No sophistry can exempt them, culpable of vain-glory and demoralization; no priest logic can uphold them in their severest trespasses against all the principles of religious ethics.

Are any preachers of any denomination divested of sophistry and pagan idolatry? Let them not, whilst thinking that they show divine discipline, disgust mankind by most intolerable errors, with ungodly impudence about worldly matters, under their own weak exposure. They come forward, on superficial systems, to perpetuate priests' power, not mind's energy and elasticity. Can the dogmas of past generations, wofully ignorant and necessarily corrupt, bind the present?

Can the present dynasties of peculiar faith exclude the paramount question of rational religion?

As well say that despotic absolutism is for perpetual government of freemen, who require all the benefits of progressive constitutional rights, as that mind should abide by the bible of tradition and its bigoted expounders.

No matter what be the errors perceivable, no matter how palpable, still we must not get rid of the bible, says bigotry, because we have to get rid of all its expounders. That is the question, the secret, the reason.

It is the highest intellectual tuition to teach children to see for themselves; much more is it to have matured minds perform this world-conservative action.

Ancient priestocrats were derelict in the comprehensive principles of honesty, and were, necessarily, so in religion, pure, vital, and rational, the only religion.

They were ignorant of most of the great and first principles of science and philosophy, ethnology, astronomy, geology, psychology, and political economy, and are selfimpeached as impostors, and thus clearly alienate every respect for themselves as religionists.

Now, what must be the condition of the modern minions of priestocracy, who knowingly transgress all the rights and principles of God and mind, to reach their pernicious and degraded actions, trading on such false capital?

Can the world submit much longer to the idolatry of their teaching, when its best happiness is promoted by the exalted sound taste in morals, unperverted by tradition or personal authority?

Have you, in the nothingness and littleness of the creature, forgot the noblest attributes of Deity?

Let neither whim nor caprice, opinionativeness nor procrastination, ruin you, as your predecessors.

Abjure the fashion, ways, and custom that wise men cannot adopt, when such are unreasonable to utilitarians.

Preachers and priests ought to know and do better, than invade God's sacred precincts.

The question is not to popularize opinions, but practice the facts of duty; not to gloss over abominable sophistry, but acknowledge the truth of rational mind; let them not be recreant to God alone for the loaves and fishes.

Who are the preachers and priests, and what are their abilities, to deprive God of his equitable rights?

Do they seek a universal brotherhood, that can only exist on principles of God, as in governments? Then they must overthrow all corruption of peculiar faith.

Instead of missionaries, we must send schoolmasters of rational science to the whole world.

But some may think that, as you are divines, you alone can judge. You have usurped the term, and to you cannot be allowed the term at all of divine.

The sovereign people alone, through mind, have divine rights.

Are the people's by inspiration? No; by creation.

Ministers of mind, to do their whole duty then, as God's works enjoin, cannot be the priestocracy, whom the God of the universe does not know.

The world must be kept clear of acting falsehoods. In faiths peculiar, falsehood will continually be perpetrated.

Without principles of pure religion there can be no truth.
Faith, without God's rights, does not permit the truth.
You cannot be called by patronage at all for God.
But you ask, How comes peculiar faith successful?
wake of power, and in her, cunning follows in the wake of wisdom.

Peculiar faith follows in the

After all pretensions, is it not mind that does all, yet mind most sadly and ungodly perverted?

The pagan Romans civilized much of the world far better than it had ever been previously; by mind, of course.

By the unity of their empire, many unities succeeded, among them the dynasties of the priests, that had prevailed from the first days of superstition in some form or other. At first they prevailed by deception, and then by government-power. The christians were smuggled into this imperial power. When they did not work the false pretences of miracles on an ignorant people, they worked sophistries on a deceived world. Miracles and prophecies, in all ages and countries, have been the games of priests and preachers, who have to support their false position by deference to its perjury, that takes precedence of religion.

When the times are too enlightened to practice the fraud, recurrence to the past is had, as if that was more honest, or less fraudulent and false.

One sect has supplanted another sect of impostors, the world over, during its history, all pagan perjury.

All systems of peculiar faith have ever clashed and contradicted each other, keeping the world at perpetual variance and deception, and often in bloodshed.

Their more recent have been their most comprehensive doctrines, accommodated to the advance of mind, when its sophistries can keep it down.

From one step of fraud they have been driven to others. complete fraud.

The whole is a story of

The patriarchs were the prophets and priests, the masters and regents of their family circles.

Then comes the order after Melchisedec, who took the tithes, to which they have held fast to the very last, the very cause of all this world-folly and crime.

Inspiration from God is falsely claimed, and for this fraud we have to credit not history, but human story, that reason and rational mind contradict and conquer.

All their scriptures have to be referred to the interpretation of mind, ever cognizant of their truth, that must repel all the bad faith that is peculiar.

The bible of rational mind expels all the mysteries, miracles, prophecies, and their bibles.

Conservative principles prevent all such from action.

The established laws of nature, those of the Creator-savior, reflect the only light, by science and philosophy, that exclude all faiths that contravene them.

Mankind is best reformed as it is enlightened and bettered by their aid, as we all see by the blessings of representative constitutional government.

Asia, Egypt, the world, was full of mysteries of peculiar faith. They have been the hot-beds of iniquities of bigoted priests.

The priestocracy have governed and ruled predominant over the world by their machinery, and corrupted, as all usurpations.

Monarchs have been, and are of that order, having landed possessions in abundance, wealth to extravagance, influence most unbounded, and rule most despotic.

One caste or tribe has had the perpetuity of this power.

What have been their shameful rites and ceremonies, above all, abuse of power, under the dictation of peculiar faith?

They have no allowance for mind, the soul of God's gifts, but fill it with awful delusions. All their messiahships take away the free agency of mind.

The antagonism to God ought to be cut down, as corrupt must be the mind from peculiar faith.

How full of sophistry, and where is their religion? In irresponsible, ignorant, and corrupt mortals.

What peculiar system of faith in all paganisms does not present messiahships, when carried out by the cunning priests, who rule more absolutely as ignorance between light and darkness prevails?

But if you take away the preachers of peculiar faith, and stop their churches, what will you do for the people's worship? They will then promote rational religion. They are to adore God, that is the purity of mind's offering or office, and all that they can learn by the only pure tuition of rational mind's bible.

People will have bigoted prejudices about peculiar faith from bibles of tradition, but they should modestly investigate the whole history of the world's priestocracy before they decide the question.

Let intelligent mankind rise up with one mind and put down the iniquity of the priests and fanatics. But what shall we do for preaching? That, as organized, is not the world's or mind's functions.

For the balance of time the world can prosper best without any, if we are to have the oracles of superstition and imposition.

The past has been cheated of its life-rights, and most misery has been entailed by the curses of peculiar faith, that impeded the intelligence and happiness of the globe by its firebrands.

Even the best, Judaism or any, reflects the world's darkness.

Are the priestocracy competent then to approach the pure living, eternal, and just God, with their hands stained by corruption, and their minds polluted by iniquity in the very undertaking?

The memorial of God is in the minds of his creatures, and its blessings the vestment of their souls.

All else is vulgar and degrading imposition, of those eating out the substance of the people, who must be rescued by returning to the proper point, the light and purity of mind. Double games in life are played by priestocracy.

It is utterly impossible, for a priest-ridden community to be truly religious, as it is necessarily bigoted, ignorant and superstitious.

It deals in predestination and passive obedience, in the corruption of infallibility of the church, while the most of priestocracy of monarchy play into the hands of absolutism, and understand each other, to continue the abuses of misrule and tyranny. Therefore we impeach all bibles, but the bible of mind.

How came peculiar faith into the world? It is indebted for its paternity, to the priestocracy.

It is all a fiction, as there can be, as clearly demonstrated, no revealed religion by any means that are not rational.

Peculiar faith was not ushered into the world by good faith, or rational means, and has not the principles of inspiration that bespeak the creator.

All that she offers, we must take as sole authority of man for truth.

What will the priests do if they know better, but still preserve their tenets and peculiar faith?

They cannot leave that profession, though their faith is peculiar, till the people leave them.

But the whole profession of priestocracy, the ministry, preachers, might as well quit, as they do harm clearly, or no good. They have not rational religion, the only thing that is of religion.

The influence of God's spirit, improves the world.

Despite of all the bibles of tradition, and their advancers, arts and science are cultivated, freedom and peace will flourish, and sectarianism will leave the world in quiet possession of a universal brotherhood.

Let God's spirit be hailed triumphantly by rational mind, as that spirit prevailed most clearly, since pagans have instituted by mind, wise laws. But why did they not improve the world more? That question applies to all the operations of mind, that has just commenced rightly the elements of its appropriate rational education.

We believe in the general improvement of the world, but certainly not by sectarianism. Where are not priests? A universal brotherhood tells.

The history of the world shows one set, against another set.

Emolument determines speculations, in peculiar faith.

It remains for rational mind, to put down all this pest, one of the world's greatest nuisances.

Sacrifice is the trick of priests.

The Egyptians are said to have had six hundred and sixty-six different kinds.

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