
the straits and reductions of famine, they were not uncommon in those days of barbarity that was exercised to the conquered.

The height of agricultural cultivation was not so elevated as to preclude it, nor was commerce so extensive as to prevent it.

They were to be carried into Egypt and sold for slaves. What, a second time? What then becomes of Canaan's curse? Here is prophecy against prophecy again and again. Where is, then, Abram's perpetual possession of land? Sandys says, as to "The Holy Land, here be also some Jews; yet inherit they no part of the land, but in their own country do live as aliens."

But the Jews are a peculiar people-so are the gypsies, neither is a nation, but its remnant. What could we expect of the ancient cities that have decayed? We must analyze the facts of nature. They were dependent on commerce, that has changed abundantly in our days, and left nations most known for others, that have just entered into notice. America, then unknown, has the greatest commercial marine on the globe. What can be worse to the world of mind, than the errors, the vices, the crimes, of any pretended revelation? Its gain will furnish no profit. Says the thinking priest, I cannot reconcile the justice of predestination of the accursed part, destiny, with that of the saved. That proves itself all of man's folly, through the pretence of revelation. The bible advocates skulk the question; so far from prophecies, they have not even science.

It is shameful that the world should be so meanly imposed upon by the base. The greatest was no miracle, nor is it right to call it so, and that must supersede all others, that is, the universe that was established and can be read in universal language, by men who might speak millions of different languages, and is forever to prove its illustrious Author, the test of its creator.


As to any miracles, they are spurious, all false pretences. Moses' miracles cannot exist, because they would violate and displace God's immutable laws of nature. has recorded in the self same act all that mind could think of calling miracles.

I have selected the greatest principal prophets, and all have seen them prostrated by their own pretences.

Let us analyze all their positions, that if proved would be testimony. God, of course, is the essential witness. Does he affirm any such as the interpretations of Nebuchadnezzar's dream? Not a word of it. All this looks very clever if Daniel produced the proof. But what impious false pretence! We have that proof.

It is not prophecy, but rationality of mind that God deals in. The word of God was ratified in the sublime universal language of the creation, that people of all tongues, however diverse, can and do construe alike. Down, impious blasphemers, after this. Miracles by God will be miracles, if intended, no matter how long past. Had a miracle been ever performed by an apostle it had been enough to convert the whole.-This is all overlooked, as disproving all such pretences. When things ought to succeed, of course “God hardens their hearts," to defeat the very purpose.

Does the world believe in popish miracles? No. Yet, have not many books for such false pretences been multiplied and attested in past ages? Why are not they entitled to faith, as any bibles of faith? If Jesus had done a tenth of the miracles ascribed to him, he ought to have convinced the whole world. It would have flocked to him most certainly, particularly the Jew portion, as having such before its eyes.

What good did Christ's or others' miracles if they were not conclusive for final and complete success. The tale of his miracles kills itself. He performed miracles plentifully, yet they did not convince the Jews, who were to receive all the whole benefits. Of course such miracles were most abominably false.

What was this Messiah for? To do this very thing? Then if he did not do it his mission was an imposition, fraud, base false pretence. Out of their own statements the whole are condemned.


Miracles and prophecies interfere with God's arrangement of free agency of mind. Speak of prophecies, do they not need another series to explain the past? Commentators the most learned fail, as they differ much about revelations, not being able to agree among themselves about Paul, much less Daniel. Is not the whole world, Jew and Gentile, contending about such stuff? There are various interpretations given by several, varying with nearly every writer! Has not the world been tortured enough without keeping up this bible delusion to all time. It is not the prophecy, bible, or faith, that are all false, it is religion we need. Were not the Jews the chosen, pet people of God, the peculiar God? Of what benefit were the prophecies if the peculiar chosen people of God could not obtain, through them, the real benefit of the second dispensation? If mind be at fault about the prophecies, the prophecies are at fault. Of course the Jews have proved again and again their readiness to adopt all the blessings of such


a dispensation, having adopted several messiahs to the death by tens of thousands of their people. The question well arises, was the first messiah ever announced, but by fiction? It seems too clear for refutation, even contradiction, after the manifestation of the spirit by the Jews, who were ever ready to do justice to their peculiar faith. Of course, prophecies have proved a curse to God's own chosen people! What a senseless absurdity! The bible is so insidiously written as to split both sides of human events, by oracles that evince this double dealing. At first, with Abraham, the prophecy is, that the land of Canaan should be his and posterity's forever; in other instances, as time rolled on, time proved the necessity for reservations, and reservations were made. Covenants on covenants, new systems of faith are originated. The interpretation is left with the designing priestocracy. It is time that the world acted, as it has to act, in self-defence; it should put a correct end to all such false pretences.

God's magnificent attributes can be better manifested through the works of the universe than by pretended prophecies, that seem to stand therefor with the ignorant ancients, who had not mind-science enough to originate such an idea. The moderns ought not to seek to be sillier.

The expounders of the prophecies affect that we should wait on the fulfilment of the prophecies, that is, on the functions of time. That is, that an exposition of their failure must be overlooked.

All this belongs to time's functions, and was only abstracted therefrom by man's silly pretences.

Take up all the prophecy expositors, and what do they prove? Only that this subject is still mystified, and they cannot unravel it.

Time is not only usurped and monopolized, but lost by all this chicanery, in all such bibles.

What are considered prophecies are no prophecies at all. All expositors differ, and all agree only in this, that they know nothing about it. Even the greatest minds have been lost in the labyrinth of priestocracy, and its quagmire of sophistry.

What is very remarkable, the expositors, the affiliated, had to prophecy themselves, to help the book-prophets out; that has been overlooked prodigiously. To the overthrow of mind, they inquire exultingly, can the Ishmaelites ever be reclaimed from their wildness? I ask, has fraternizing ever been adopted? Have these people been properly educated at the best institutions of science of mind, in its noblest faculties of proper training? Some have proved themselves scholars.

Let not religion be sacrificed on the altar of prophecy. The ancients issued oracles; the moderns swear to them!

The ignorance of the ancients made miracles.

Miracles are the fictions of ignorance and superstition. The prophecies are obscure oracles.

Superstition was an accompaniment inseparable from the government of the ancients. Which of the moderns is exempt? It is true that a legal separation of church and state has been established in this Republic, but is there a genuine freedom from the undercurrents of superstition? See how easy the Mormon proselytes have been gulled?

Are prophecy and miracle for mind, as is pretended? Then they should be universal as mind. They cannot be, and there is an end to all such false pretences. If these facts are worthy of a free and sovereign people, let them circulate, and be honorably, honestly, and truthfully avowed and discussed.

Prophecies and priestocracies are ineffectual when science, teachers of mind, legislation founded on wisdom, and all the rational world-wide funds, are to instruct and enlighten. Prophets and priests, preachers and ministers might talk till doomsday if the minds of the people were enlightened; of what benefit can all such be to the world, but to mislead it on false pretences?

Facts triumph over interpretations of prophecies.

What was the object of miracles, but to correctly influence all mankind. We must so infer if they emanated from God. The Joshua miracle was enough to have Judaized the whole world at once. If you are interested in truth, analysis of the whole bible proves that so far from the Jews influencing the world, that they have been dispersed throughout it by the curse of their peculiar faith, in the very face of their pretended prophecies, that they should possess the land spoken of forever? Of what use were miracles? Can all such preserve the world's morals by falsehoods! Are the priestocracy so stupid as not to see that? The same efforts of miracles done for the whole world, as related in the bible of Judaism, would have been effectual if they were proper God comprehends all by the fewest means at the same time.


The prophecies that established land piracies were libelously called the word of God, invented by the priestocracy to gull and deceive the people.

When was the prophecy of Noah made? At the time specified? Who can believe that? Why cannot we believe it? Because Noah was only a man, and debauched at that, exposing his physical and mental weakness.

To get Most all the ancients made emigrations, and did not stickle at conquests. hold of the land of Canaan, the priestocracy give just such a pretext as the priestocracy alone could invent. God, they assume, gave the revelation, but did he give it with such blood, murder, and iniquity, and partial corrupt language, that died out before the Jew nation; only think of that! When he had already given it to the whole universe of mind, located in billions of orbs, in a language universal, eternal, chaste, and unmistakable, in the most magnificent tablets, without blot or blemish, let alone blood or conception of injustice, partiality to one set of people, much less one globe, which was one of the whole, without the necessity or use of a second edition, which his omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience precluded.

Are the priestocracy worthy to appear before the books, much less the author. "And the John proves in what absurd relations the prophets involve themselves:stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig-tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken by a mighty wind." Again, "and the heavens departed as a scroll when it rolled together." Chap. vii: "And after these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth." Chap. xx. 11 : "And a new heaven and a new earth succeeded in the place of the first heaven and the first earth, which passed away at the general judgment.' Haggai ii. 6, 21: I will shake the heavens and the earth." An earthquake to shake the heavens!

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Before you settle subsequents, premise preliminaries; before you leave particulars, settle principles.

The interpretation of Daniel's prophecy and John's pretended revelation give the protestants a fine chance to worry the Romanists. If Romanism has grown of christianity, the whore of Babylon, what must christianity be?

What confidence did the Jews put in their prophets?

How did they treat Jeremiah? Like a tory!

How many thousands of the prophecies were missed, now unknown? If America were to buy a whole lottery, as she often does, she gets all the prizes,-the large ones are heard of, like good fruit; the blanks, like withered fruit, are lost to knowledge.

These prophecies, as published, keep up a peculiar malevolence of feeling at this day, analogous to despicable proscription. Would it not gratify protestants, if not in malignancy of feelings, at least to the height of vanity, at this day, to see the speedy downfall of the Latin if not of the Greek churches? They have good authority, modern prophets assume, for the decision against Rome. If this be true, then the Romans should yield. What becomes of the protestants who are their offspring? The Christians in a body would prefer the downfall of Mahomedans, who, with the Mormons and Jews, would pay the Christians back in full measure.

Is this a proper correct feeling? Is it religion? And yet these sects have it, as a habit naturally so. Prophecy is at fault no where worse than in the most essential particulars of mind's loveliness, innocence and purity, and yet you adopt the bible, because of the fulfilment of the prophecies. Will you prefer man's bible to God's word, prophecy to religion? You are not able to analyze them, else you would see their fruitlessness and clashing. What demoralization prophecies inculcate and generate!Would not the prognostication pretended affect much of the world's happiness for man's vanity, much less of his envy and malice? Would not the Christian to day sacrifice much of the world, to attain Christianity for the world? How many fanatics would not still plunge the whole world into another miscalled holy war, to attain such an object? Would not many a Christian gloat, to see Mahometans perish? Why should a miracle be enacted to derange the proper universe, when the proper order seems all expedient and designed? Must this world be deranged, for a deranged set of metaphysicians and priestocracy? It is not by miracles but mind, that governs. All such are the false pretences of the priestocracy. The very thing of a miracle proves superstition, not religion at all. This is a universe of cause and effect, that puts down atheists and polytheists, as it bespeaks the unity and supremacy of one God exclusively, and has no miracles or prophecies, else the God of the universe did not exist. Miracles, prophecies and messiahs are in antagonism to God. The proper analysis of the question comprehends this position, otherwise we are incompetent to its appreciation. Even now there are pretended miracles wrought in the Roman church, but who believes them? Miracles are all the coin of the priestocracy, the basest counterfeits of the whole world. As I believe in God's perfection, I cannot believe in miracles that affect all that position. Many believe the scriptures because they consider as they have been told by interpretations made by the priestocracy, that the prophecies are fulfilled. All that is the trick,

of the trade, of the speculation. As regards miracles and prophecies, we cannot take the opinions and statements of interested priestocracies, their inventors, when God's document proves the contrary, exhibited in the principles of causation, which if we disbelieve or overlook, we divest ourselves of the only tangible proof of the God of the universe. The priestocracy mislead us from the true point at issue, to their trifling trash. A miracle never could have so important an end, and worthy of its author,.as the principles of creation in the universe. If an author speaks of a miracle, as he calls it, being seen by millions of people, does his statement prove anything? Have we those millions of people present to substantiate his statement? Are we possessed by their or his statement, of the truth or the false pretence about them? Of course the last. Is the ignorant world competent to decide on miracles? The ancients were as ignorant as supertitious, and under such circumstances are not competent witnesses of truth. The whole of the bible writers were as much affiliated as any of the oracle-mongers of polytheism in the gross.

When any bible says that "God said, let there be light, and there was light," four days in advance of the organs of light, the whole foundation of the principles of causation are broken up, and the whole document of bibles is self-impeached. The whole world has not credit enough to establish one miracle, and need not make itself a blockhead on that score any longer. I say this in the presence of God and mankind, that the whole universe is God's witness. All that the pretended revealed faith knows, it is indebted to mind and the evidences of the universe. It then acts ungratefully, like a parricide. The whole world would have rushed to Judaism, had its essence been the pure characteristic, but connected to its priestocracy, miracles and prophecies pretended, its peculiar God, its creation was a fabulous monster. The performance of miracles, carries a lie on its face. We ask not for solution in magic, but in the false pretences of the priestocracy. People are busy about accounting for the magic. The mystery, the art of the mystery, rather than the fiction, the painting of the legend. People, sensible people, overlook this, until they commit themselves, and then sorrowful to relate, feel too mortified to correct their false position. The worldmasters declare for faith that is united to the government, and the mass obey. A false color is given to the whole, in the pomp and gorgeous splendor of the various orders, and the world is captivated by specious appearances, and most of all, by supposed selfinterest.

I have written as if things of this kind were presented. The people may spare themselves much endless and useless trouble, thought and time, about all this matter. But how govern the people? Not by false pretences, for that is not morals, much less religion. Govern them by the consistency of truth. But miracles prove no consistency, as their publicity was equivalent to imposition. But God gave the proof, the whole proof, and nothing but the proof, in his universe. No better, no more proof, was wanting. Will the people read? This last age will be the best as evincing progressing refined civilization, through the contined triumphs of mind. It is not rational to suppose on the principles of causation, that God would impeach his own attributes by having the pretensions of prophecies, miracles and messiahships to rule out his supremacy, when he had already created all on conservative principles, and of course ought to have had the appropriate reputation. We might as well suppose that God had need of millions of angels, to hold up his orbs, as to convey messages of prophecies or aid in miracles. We must make all due allowances for the ignorant state of mankind, the wants of the ancient times, the moral atmosphere tainted by despotism and superstition, that prevented the egress of sovereign mind. A visit to the East to-day, would teach us the usurpation of peculiar faith in all its disguises, modified by oriental despotism. An ignorance of natural causes betrays itself clearly in the whole bible, from the conception to the close, the priestocracy stick out all the time, in the worst kind of blasphemy and imposition. It is all pious frauds, a stereotyped edition of falsehoods as old as superstition, only advanced as far as mind was competent to burst the darkness. We must speak of things as they are.


It is impossible, with the principles of causation, that God should select a peculiar people to do what they plainly could not and did not do for themselves, much less for the world. Judaism and Jew christianity, as all paganism, are failures. All the machinery of prophecies, miracles, dispensations and covenants, rites and ceremonies, make the monster "whose light has been taken away," still more a monster. If their priestocracy deceived them, let them, cursed as they are, no longer deceive themselves nor the world, that if intelligent cannot be deceived. If we find out all these falsehoods in the bible, about the prophets in their own book, what could we not do with the whole priestocracy, if we had them, with all the historical facts that were suppressed, in the most honorable court of conscience.

In that court, only, can the world obtain enlightened justice. They would sink, with all their brassy impudence, into eternal insignificance! Many useless tubs are thrown to the whale, the people, to engage their attention, from the main, primary matter, as by the priestocracy, with a thousand pretences and pretexts, from their bibles of tradition. How absurd, though, to commit themselves, on what cannot be defended. How came Ahab to consult the four hundred prophets, as they were called? Their prophecy was false, for Ahab king of Judah, and the king of Israel, were discomfited by the Syrian king. Did not the party antagonistic to these prophets write the tale? Where are now your prophets? All are killed dead by the light of popular intelligence. It is because rational mind writes that history now. Where is all the attendant advantage that prophecy should bring? Why was not the world elevated to mind's rank? Because prophecy was not rational popular education, but was built on supposed popular ignorance. What an awful tale true history would tell of the ancients, could she speak to-day. She has been suppressed. Before the pretended prophecies are trusted, as worth anything, we are to consult the natural character of things. What had the Jews to teach other nations of prophecies, when they were not beneficial to their own people, now so humiliated before the whole world? Is not this enough to teach even the most Jesuitical priestocracy to withhold, ere they seek to injure the world, by such false pretences? Tyre and other old cities are done for. Well, what can make cities, if the countries be kept worthless, by a miserable set of sectarian, superstitious nations? Have not all these countries been ruined again and again, by all the hordes of barbarian bigots and fanatics? Wars, pestilence, and famine? Have not the Christians and Mahommedans helped to do it?

What part of God's earth can stand all the protracted perversions of mind? Has not the commerce of the world changed, and are not the mighty oceans now the highway of nations, instead of mere inland seas? All the causes that are now operating locally and generally, the cause and effect, are not disclosed by the prophecy-mongers. Why could they not tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, from Genesis to Revelation? That would kill their book, their profession, and them. The interpretation of prophecy by the Jews and gentiles prove at once, in regard to Christ, that the prophecies were perfectly worthless.

The Jews had a notion of Christ being a mighty temporal prince, that they were to The Chrispossess the empire of the world, and that Jerusalem was to be the seat. tians assume that he was spiritual. Now of what value was the prophecy? Who had the best right to know? The peculiar people, or those excluded?

The very name of prophet or messiah implies false pretences, an imposition. It is self-impeached, the moment of annunciation. The very idea of inspiration bespeaks false pretences. Mahommed is said to have prophecied that his people would take Constantinople, which was done. Then the result of this prophecy ought to prove his doctrine as correct as any other dependent on prophecy. Is it so very difficult to introduce prophecy of some kind, about future events! Prophecy of the world's affairs might now produce some truthful events. Prophecy begets a ferocious spirit of speculation, that has not true benevolence from vanity. The prophets knew no more the true character of the Jews then they did of prophecy. The bible advocates affect prophecies, as if they had an existence, when the very foundation declares a horrid evil that God does not create. The most benevolent institutions of God's withhold prophecy from the world, as one of the best states for it, without which free moral agency would be wanting in its best proportions-to combat with unseen dangers and vicissitudes of life. The spirit of bible prophecy is a horrid fiendish spirit.

Has the whole history of all these subjects pretended to be prophecies been elucidated? Have deserted maritime cities, whose harbors may have been filled up or ruined by the action of the sea, had their whole history laid open? Has not a world's commerce sought other channels, and does not a world-wide commerce now adorn the mightiest oceans that the ancients dared not encounter? Of all the niggardly commentators of true history, the miserable priestocracy are the worst. They dwarf every thing from the bible of the universe and world, to their petty conceits. Fie upon it, be men let alone the gold that you sell the world, your souls, your only religion for! Have these men gone into the solution of cause and effect, that they always absurdly overlook for an accursed pretence of non-entity, prophecy they call it, and told us that the whole land of the east assumed to be in the category of their prophecies, has been cursed by a series of peculiar faiths, the followers of which have been ferociously vindictive to each other, and lost true sight of that invaluable jewel-mind, that would make all lovely as a garden?


Where now are the miracles? covered up by the peculiar bible sophistry. "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, till Shiloh come." Was this ever intelligible to

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