
Phenomena, co-incident to any event, are not identified with it, as an eclipse of any sphere is not connected to the various births and deaths, marriages, and all vital business cotemporary to such phenomena.

Analogy, that takes the place of analysis in her absence, will set all right if true science be truthfully carried out.

Mankind must be enlightened by mind's light, reason, not to mistake the phenomena of the elements of nature, and give due credit to the creative power.

Faith of all kinds must have the truthful testimony of science in all cases of doubt, to satisfy man's mind.

Grant that all the sects of peculiar faith could not rise to a better state, and that only those have survived that conformed most to mind's advance, we have outlived those times, the days of miracles, when all that ever depended on miracles ought to die too.

Let the believer in miracles look to science for a solution of natural phenomena. The Jew bible says that "the windows of heaven were opened!" What was its heaven? "The firmament” that held the waters!

In those times of the tradition, the arch of the blue ether heaved above, was considered heaven, until wise astronomers lifted the veil, and by teaching man to look beyond at the millions of systems of worlds, that truly speak the only words of God, who created the universe, plainly prove the ignorance of those asserting this fiction, as heaven is as much antipodal as above us. So much for priestocracy inspiration, that is unquestionably priestocracy ignorance.

Now the telescope as improved by mind, recalls daily more and more magnificence, and shows space unlimited only by mortal vision, the universe exhaustless filled with the expansive riches of creation. While at the same time, the microscope, the work of mind too, displays to the minutest points, another part of creation of minutest great


Did the botches of bible tradition ever dream of this philosophy? No wonder that they were afraid of the mirror of God, that reflected so strongly their deformities of mind. What can miracle-mongers expect of the Supreme?

What shall we think of those propagating such stuff at the present day?

All wisdom proves conclusively and incontestibly that we take nothing for granted that mind can test, prove, or easily investigate.

When any character pretends to deny this position, then his faith and philosophy, which simply mean the purest wisdom, rest on no foundation, and are negatived on all good principles. He may pretend to mysteries, and that the eye of faith can only see things after experience of peculiar character. But he actually forgets he stands on the platform of universal nature, and cannot escape by any pretences, spiritual or temporal, whether he assumes anything divine or of the heart. It is not as he wishes, but as God of nature has done.

Our part of analysis discloses the whole matter, that there can be no mysteries that contravene reason and her assistants, analysis and analogy, then how can the experience of the heart be philosophically correct, when the mind and the standard of reason utterly contradict and condemn all such?

This age is too enlightened, and owes it to itself to disenthral all, as far as practicable, by a better and wiser code of morals, when facility of faith, that is credulity, goes to corrupt the world in weakness of intellect, as many cannot distinguish but as they are directed!

Many tell us about passages of the bible read, as if that was proper evidence; they have been over the books, but was mind there, and was that mind fit to be trusted? Immortal minds seek the analysis of immortal truth, not the contemptible trash of ignoble ignorance.

Has mind's reverence been correct, its intelligence sufficient to see what an impotent God this bible made the Creator, divested of his intrinsic attributes and virtues, at the very time that it did its best to make miracles, a perfect libel, but self-impeachment-of man? This is detestable for this or any age, however the world likes humbugs, which all wise and honorable men will arrest.

There is the resurrection that many good people believe actually took place! Would that all was right, and if it were right that the fact was unmistakable. But the Almighty never permitted blasphemous false pretences to have but one position, to define their own exposure and felony.

Joseph is said to have laid the body of Christ enveloped in the cloth, in the sepulchre, but who watched all the time, till Jesus was missed?

If the facts were tried to-day before an intelligent judge, the verdict would have to be, that there was no decisive proof at all that the body of Jesus was identified in the sepulchre, and that the resurrection ever took place from the sepulchre !

The testimony of the adherents about seeing Christ's spirit cannot be correct, for no spirit can be seen by mortal eyes, much less angels, whom God needs not as messengers, when he has mind and his principles to minister to it. That is an utter fabrication, about ghosts. When will the world shake off all this chaos of fraud?

Christ with the mission of a God, could have invited the whole world to witness his master miracles, could have called the planets, even the sun from his system, and could have caused the most public exhibition of his body laid out before the world, and then shown his triumphant resurrection, a mighty miracle indeed. But here eighteen centuries afterwards, much of the world is actually at a stand from doubt about any one of his merits, if they have not actually seen his demerits.

And this the being for mind to embrace, not doubtingly, but affectionately and devoutly? The world needs no better evidence of folly, than such credulity.

Why cannot we have miracles and prophet-inspirations now, as all such are as much needed in every age and country?

All such were laid low, because ignorance has departed, except among ignorant savages who have their rain-kings and war-prophets.

Happiness needs no mystery, to flourish on universal morals. What is inspiration? Some think it a supernatural gift of God to that man, who is this chosen one.

It is supposed to be a peculiar endowment, a miraculous influence by the operation of the spirit. But the God of nature is universal, not peculiar, else he was not the God of the universe.

What nation is there that had had specific peculiar faith, but thought theirs the chosen one of God, as the Jews, Druids, Christians, Mahometans, Mormons?

Science and philosophy discard all these, as preposterous dogmas. Inspiration, then, cannot be peculiar, but universal, graduated to the talents, their successful improvement and employment.

Mind that is cultivated by science and philosophy, conductors to the fountain of God, is the better instructed and rightly employed, the nearer it approaches to the fount of wisdom. But mind best endowed, yet perverted, is wicked, profligate and degraded, and though a master genius, may be one of evil to the world and the race of mankind. The Mormon faith is as much as any peculiar faith, and in using strange tongues as gifts, they could not in this age of science and philosophy, inspire the faith of others too rational for that, but believers in past pretences no better, because it is reason that governs modern acts in all other matters among present believers, but superstition that rules their faith in such ancient institutions, no better, in truth. Thus we see where the doctrine of inspiration leads us. Hence all are responsible for any peculiar faith that misleads the world about inspirations.

The bible of tradition, a mass of contradictions and false pretences, fills the world with errors arising necessarily from the ignorance of the supposed inspired writers, who could not embrace full knowledge of science and philosophy, which the biblefollowers had to outrage through hand-maids of God, to seem right before the vulgar circles of the world.

Mind then has to advance a bible of rational mind, as mind progresses in science and philosophy.

There have been many messiahs, but all must be false that cannot perform any inspired functions necessarily, because messiahships encroach on God's dominion.

The more you inculcate the messiahship, that much you detract from God and his attributes.

Monotheists oppose all inspiration of peculiar faith, and monotheism is the only system of religion that admits the providence of God universal on principles, and accountability of mind for the immortality of the soul through its spirit, by its moral free


The mercy of Providence bespeaks pardon for transgression on repentance, and future rewards for practice of good deeds. This is all in the course of secure results, through conservative principles.

What especial revelations have been made to mind, but by or through reason that renders it rational? What rational mind of respectable weight can seize on any other, but through reason?

Where, then, is peculiar inspiration? Is it at last the sole creature of peculiar faith, ready to do its bidding, abaṣed by all its peculiar corruptions?

The world cannot be governed by all such peculiar institutions, that are necessarily the works of man and corrupt at that, when the universe has a claim on it as a sphere subject to its universal, not peculiar laws. Sectarianism cuts down the possibility of its being right.

Inspiration of bible writers! The first commenced in fraud and deception; and the

last ended in imposition and blasphemy. Who endorses the endorsers, but impos


We cannot commit more heinous sins of iniquity, than to blaspheme God with such infamous superstitions.


THE veil that obscures the future can only be lifted by an Almighty, who has placed it over the same for the best good of all, to prevent all the incidents identified with such Let a position, otherwise, suicide, murder, and misery, might be a part of the result. any man know his destiny that it might terminate here, and that he was the more miserable, the longer he lived.

He might seek to end the existence of himself, and all that caused his misery. Hence, all are impostors, that pretend to prophecy by authority of the Creator. None but the wise can appreciate the future by the past, from analogy by analysis with the aid of reason. There is no inspiration but of mind and reason that must be enlightened, to appreciate the ways of general Providence.

The idea of peculiar providence has begotten the most peculiar outrages on the whole world.

All peculiar faith advocates have sought to monopolize, pervert, and coerce mind, and have degraded all things by their peculiar pretences.

Inspiration and revelation came, it is said, by the ministry of angels. Now that we hold impossible, to supersede conservative principles.

All peculiar faith is defunct, for there can be no especial revelation or inspiration. But the authors of miracle, prophecy, and mystery doctrine, affected them, some think to carry the day. Corruptly and basely, rational minds must say.

Moses affected to meet God at Mount Sinai ; Mahomet sought Gabriel, and so did Numa Pompilius seek Egeria, the goddess so called, as if the people were to be told the truth about religion, by having the utmost false pretences of miracles and prophecies advanced for their belief.

Who but the base and vulgar ignorant, can believe them essential to religion?

Who but the same can believe peculiar faith anything else, than the deepest curse of the world.

Who cannot see the difference, while reason and truth regulate religion, sophistry and falsehood intrigue for peculiar faith?

The bible of tradition speaks of particular prophecies; do we actually know the lineage of the nations of the world, by any such authority? Who will endorse it as worth the reading?

A few cities are spoken of, but where are the cities of the world? Real prophecy would have embraced cities, buried for thousands of years under their rubbish. Are there not several ancient cities, that have been traceless as to their ruins? Did not general causes operate on them?

What is there of Egypt, that is uncommon to most of the countries of antiquity? It is no worse than might be expected of uncivilized countries, however the Jews might have inveighed against it and eastern cities, by feelings of intense enmity for past captivities.

Is it still tributary and subject to strangers? Is that true?

It has its own sovereign, and that proves a high position for that country. What was such prophecy worth? To gratify the malignant feelings of the Jews? What have the moderns to do therewith?

But how much of the prophecy is left to conjecture and speculation of an ignorant posterity? What is all such worth? The affiliated have to help out the pretences. There is prophecy, as supposed, against the Roman church. What is there against the Greek church, that is equally guilty? Against Grand Lamaism, their prototypes ? All such tends to beget a curious and restless spirit of superstition, to carry out by Millerism, and other absurd notions, the fulfilment of pretences all false. Is mind so weak, as to be imposed upon forever by written superstitious legends, when the original pagan oracles have passed off the stage of action?

All bibles of tradition, the work of false pretences forever by the necessity of their nature, are run into the pretended mystery and power of a peculiar God, to escape the conviction that natural phenomena do not admit of miracles. The sophistry is to make the vulgar wonder, responsible for miracles. The veracity of the God is affected to be disputed, if the lies of the tradition are exposed! What degradation. The veracity of the God of the universe is proclaimed by its organization, never to be contradicted

by sound minds. Assuredly He has no need of such paltriness as miracles. Their calibre is too small for him.

Science lifts the veil of wonder from phenomena, that miserable ignorance once proclaimed miracles, as a mere boy knows more now, than wise adults did anciently. Science in one department, enlightens the whole circle.

Mind has to appreciate all this rightly, or it fails in duty. Once it was a system by the pretence of divine rights of absolutism of kings, priests, and soldiers, to keep all in ignorance; now the divine right of the people proclaims its majesty, and makes science common stock.

None can learn too speedily and practically, for universal benefit.

In more ancient times, the people had but few books, and they were as silly as the bigoted minds of the authors were perverted. The vices of the times upheld abomina

ble errors.

Much was submitted to tradition of self-conceited bigots, hence, errors, frauds, and ignorance prevailed, for centuries upon centuries, and without help, especially too, where conscience, the noblest faculty to nurture the principles of religion, was deficient, in her triumph of a just and enlightened mind.

Kings could not read, and the people had but little of the benefits of rational minds. The priests had the learning, such as it was, dwarfed to the narrow precincts of bigoted minds, and of course they had the feeling to misuse it.

The gullibility of ignorant people is always counted on by bad men of all classes. Of course, the priestocracy held to all the mysteries, miracles, and prophecies, all the jugglery of mind, all the secrets of psychology, to enslave the multitude.

The platform that superstition and despotism reared, was that of iniquity, and will finally sink itself, or finally sink all that reared it.

What shall we say of pestilences, that decimate the world?

What else than our iniquities either to the great principles and laws of nature directly, or to the Creator of the universe, could have occasioned such by means of natural causes ?

Minds perverted have excluded Almighty God from his own universe, to which the creations of his own genius cntitled him. Strange god-idols, man-worship, have been introduced, as an abomination, before his august and supreme power-dovetailing them into his essence and being, most absurdly and blasphemously. This was the most vulgar trick of polytheism. What worse was atheism?

How could he refrain from destroying the world, for its unholy actions, sins of blasphemy-the chief of sins-but for his mercy, that has prevailed, with his voluntary creation of mind, entrusted to its own free-agency, under the circumstances, the conservative principles of the universe? His immutability saved all, from the very counterfeits of priestocracy, miracles, &c.

Repent, men of superstition, idolators, and man-worshippers; turn to the living God, the only Creator and God. The light of rational mind scatters miracles and prophecies, as ignorance ceases.

Thus the world is wiser, therefore there is less imposition; and the world is better. The whole world, by the light of reason, is becoming`utilitarian, and makes mind more rational.

What numbers are deluded to seek prophecy and miracles, and to interpret the unfulfilled prophecies and judgments? the problem never to be solved. The pursuit is as vain as that after the perpetual motion. And what fanaticism of Millerism, &c. follows! The devotees are willing to consign the minds of the people to a pervading superstition, and the world to destruction, that their foolish solutions may come to pass, as they told us so.

All peculiar faiths may have their fire and brimstone, that they get from volcanoesall their devil-angel ministers of evil, that they get from Vulcan, who originated volcanoes, they pretend; but the exploded doctrines of the mythologists cannot stand before the modern analysis of natural phenomena.

The narrow prejudices of superstition and vulgar errors, the contracted faith of witchcraft, that murdered millions of citizens upon citizens with fanatical fury, and all the wretched machinery, arousing the fears of the world, must yield to science and philosophy, the true friends of mind, the lovely daughters of religion.

Prophecy adds to mind's misery and evil, hence it is not God's work, for time is his prophet.

Who, of the present day, ever saw the miracles? And none but peculiar faith ever claimed such false pretences, denied to all ages.

What sound mind is there, that is not satisfied, that they are all humbugs.

Pious frauds, however the capital, are not to give Moses-the priestocracy-weight

with cultivated mind, about the oddest mixture of all animal creations blended in one house for months-the smallest peculiar insects crossing the deepest and widest oceans to escape the very thing they thus encountered, in getting to the ark.

The plainest sense and best philosophy contradict the idea, that all the waters should rise, by a general deluge, to flood the whole globe at once, however they acted on the four-cornered plane, their creation.

What will it profit that mind to pretend to belief of such absurdities, to gratify the morbid taste and false philosophy of a priestocracy, at the same time knowing all such to be false, and damning its own purity, to an unnecessary purification, for such abominable perdition? Let the world look to its duty, above all things, and not become contemptible by credulity.

God deals in reason, through rational minds. Man affects miracles, most stupidly, victim of superstition, ignorance, and error.

Where is the consistency, in right and justice?

God alone is our instructor, but modest alone must be principles that elicit his aid. On what do you rest your faith?

On revelation, miracles, prophecies, and mysteries. But revelation can only be by tradition, that is absurd; the others, of course, must be false, as all other deductions therefrom claimed. And, as false, all good and true citizens would wish them exposed, and if true, to see them confirmed.

Miracles, prophecies, and mysteries, bespeak collusion on the part of operators and writers, and gross, vulgar ignorance on that of the believers.

God created all the universe, as natural phenomena in their current proper action; such has been and will be the order of things universal. If miracles were to exist, conservative principles would terminate.

Miracles reverse order, and produce disorder, which is unsafe and inconsistent with safety. Who believes that an all-wise Almighty reverses this order of nature, when his universe proceeds best when right; which fact not only convinces of supreme power, but creates the most exalted conception of the Creator? The very pretence that miracles have ceased, proves mutability, that is inconsistent with God's immutability. What necessity was there of miracles, to prove a God, who is universally and supremely proved? What pretence has a miracle in face of the whole universe, that is God's document? All the miracles in creation could not prove a mortal a God.

What proof of miracles, past or present, is there, in all creation? Such in this universe would disprove God. We have none that is worthy of enlightened mind. And yet the proof-marks would have been unmistakable, as God's works; hence, all is folly, untruth, and libelous, that God reverses the order of creation, to accomplish what he can better do otherwise, and what is not practicable, in fact, while he is God. All this is man's libel of Deity.

Volcanoes are mere safety-valves, and a correct appreciation of them and all the fearful phenomena of nature, renders a blessing of mind.

The leviathan is a fiction arising from the gross ignorance of vulgar minds, prepared to receive miracles, and not prepared to appreciate science, electricity, &c. With the Almighty, nothing in this universe is a miracle, where order and harmony universally reign. If they did not, chaos and confusion would arise, showing God imperfect and imbecile, the reversal of nature's laws, not miracles, that cannot exist with conservative principles. All this is the worst libel on the immutable perfection of God, and nature's laws. God can no more make a miracle, that destroys the consistent preservation of the universe, than he can act inconsistently, and maintain his character.

God is not the God of miracles, prophecies, and mysteries of priestocracies, nor the peculiar God of any chosen peculiar people, a mere machine of fable. A miracle is an inconsistency physical, and involves a moral inconsistency of God.

Nothing is impossible to the God of nature, within the sphere of his universe; but he is not the God of man's notions. We could no more expect of God a miracle, than wanton sin of a wise and good citizen, in his right senses and corporeal functions, who sought the greatest good of his world.

It is, then, all nonsense about miracles: worse, if anything, about prophecies and mysteries.

These are the designs of knavish, and the belief of credulous, people. The world must by this time see that there can be no miracles; the thing is in us, or the deception in those assuming rank imposition.

Astronomers agree on the order of the universe, and we might, on that order and system, affirm no God, as miracles. If there be a God, as the noblest systems of systems prove, then there can be no miracles; for his conservative principles totally prevent all such.

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