
appreciation of all, is among the highest points gained. What could the world gain by any war? What by disunion ?

So beautiful and Utopian is constitutional government-so like romance, the fiction of imagination, under the facts by which mind flourishes and grows to beauty and vigor of strength-that, should any age lose it, that age may well count itself accursed before God and man.

Rouse up, world, and enjoy the highest purpose of your creation.

Honesty, capacity and fidelity, in all matters, constitute the pledge for the consent of the constituents, intelligent enough to observe that bad government exerts a malign influence, by tyranny, and false position of power and money.

Taxation, with appropriate representation, constitutes the essence of liberty, and was the great principle of the revolution of this Union of America.

The world has no further use for kings and monarchs, or their friends, the priestocracy.

The one man or idea power will not answer for enlightened freemen any longer, who, as sovereigns, are eminently entitled to select for themselves the proper means of reaching the best and greatest good, that is, of all.

Let the crown be perilous at any moment to the wearer, and the interest in it will be anything but attractive. When the wearers withhold the constitutional rights of their constituents, they are in abeyance to popular justice and conservative revolution. Let us have no more delegated powers than absolutely necessary, to secure the best practicable results by representation.

Too many have the name, without being correct governments in reality. A representative republic, if perverted, becomes a tyranny of numbers, often the worst of all tyrannies.

It must not be central, but like the solar system, a balance between the sun and his planets. The most exact knowledge of principles should be cultivated, that the most legitimate freedom be enjoyed by the citizens. Then its laws and institutions are noble, and stand in the place of despots and their tyranny. The protection of the citizen is there.

History has too often taught us the necessity of uniform and enlightened government; now rationality demonstrates it most conclusively.

They tell us what countries can be for more than half a century, by deepest anarchy and bloodshed at times; also the terrible results of miserable bad governments from monarchy and oppression. France has been an example.

Nations, enlightened by the principles of freedom, and having the freedom of action, can give the world the most desirable happy medium of appreciation. That is now furnished by the United States of North America; and fortunate is the world to have such a prototype of a wise republic. She first began to give mind its comprehensive dignity, man his rights, and the world its rational civilization.

To be more wisely and purely administered, wise penalties have to be inflicted on all defaulters, and all the vicious errors of ignoble partisans must be repelled.

Wise republics can never let public officers go free when defaulters for millions, without meting the same laws for all such. There is nothing in the name of things, when their principles are derelict.

Why have penitentiaries, if law be a respecter of persons? A pure government was not made for partisans, but the people; then honesty has to be honored and respected by the practice, without personal distinctions. Any distinctions prove an aristocracy, not a genuine republic.

No government is truly republican, unless every constituency have constituent responsible representatives chosen by their acts, acknowledging the sovereignty of the people. The problem of governments was never truly solved till 1776, by America.

Times without number before that, the world had seen absolutism force almost everything but the elements of nature. Among such, St. Petersburg was built by Peter, who lost one hundred thousand men in its construction. None but an autocrat could have built it, as its floods are terrible to the citizens.

Peter the Great built a city, but not the immortal rights of his people. They are ignorant, the abject subjects of superstition, and its peculiar faith upheld by the ruler! An advance has been made in the liberties of mind, and the freedom of the world. Would that perversions of mere political government were the only thing to complain of. How many countries have been crushed or cursed by the tyranny of superstition, perversions of right by peculiar faith! The rational principles of pure religion cannot be too soon instituted all over the world. All rational reforms, as abolition of the laws of entail, primogeniture, and institution of correct legislation, best recognised by the intelligent people for the suppression of all national evils, are indispensable.

All the primary and essential points have already been secured the United States of North America, whose natal day of national liberty and freedom should never be given up, if we only celebrate it by reading the Declaration of Independence.

What then can patriots think of the dissolution of this Union, so glorious, so momentous to the world's happiness, much less its own? Traitors to mind may act most irrationally to all the requisitions of the universe. Adulterers may dissolve the sacred union of man and wife, and thus destroy for them forever their domestic happiness! Murderers may destroy the union of soul and body to gratify a fiendish spirit, but what fiend could willingly blast this noblest monument of patriotic genius? Give all your possessions, and work for more to give for this constitutional union. Bury much in the oceans ere disunion. Perish every species, and all the involved interests of political speculation adverse to this glorious Union.

Disunion should be looked upon as the curse awaiting a stupid nation, to be made wretched above all nations at the consummation of such a scene, deplorable to mind forever.

Let patriots sacrifice on the altar of their country all that is needed, to preserve her institutions, that are so magnificently safe, her safety glorious, and her glory permanent. Who can speculate on disunion? Is the union worth preservation, after the spirit and principles of construction are gone?

When party speaks of dissolution of our union, it does not appreciate the character of the world-volcano that will be aroused. But what will not partisanships and factions of party spirit do? Constitutional, not armed mediations, are the available weapons, in wise republics, to secure lasting blessings. The union of the world must be


We should look, at this liberal age, at the unity of countries not only, but of whole grand divisions, as best suited to govern the balances of power, hitherto an unsolved problem, especially in the old continent. The wisest position of peace proclaims this, as imperative. Our views must refer to the earth's circumference, to reach the proper solution.

Who and what are national magistrates?

They are the representatives of a popular constituency-no matter by what namemonarchs, emperors, or presidents. Justice requires that this question be submitted to the sovereign citizens, who should have a voice in all such decisions.

What would we have the monarchs of the world to do, provided that question could be disposed of? They should endow at once the richest means of giving rational education to all rational minds, of their people, and give them all the rightful benefits of a free people, to enjoy mind-that is, all resign for a presidency, elected by the people. All nations that make the least pretensions to culture of mind at this age, should receive, as they are entitled to, constitutional government.

Monarchs, all rulers are only the fiduciaries for the sovereign people. They should not withhold this highest evidence of nations' rights, but impart, as wisdom's best position, the exactest action, resulting on just thoughts, expressed in the fewest words. Monarchy affects to be the natural government, as all, unless the most enlightened, adopt it. The test of nature is the greatest good, and that is by constitutional representation.

The rightful powers of such are the executive, the legislative, and judiciary-all independent of each other, but responsible agents of the sovereign people, who, as mortals, have the only divine rights. This is the beauty of people governing themselves as nations. Such government inculcates the great and necessary duties to the world, country, family, friends, and self, to recognise all important and peaceful science, to advance the improvements and best culture of soils as well as minds, to facilitate the overcoming all obstructions of oceans and continents, all the potent elements of nature, to show mind worthy of its gifts, entitled to its just rewards.

To have the best cultivation of justice, that it be not neglected, for the absent, the weak, the poor, or oppressed; to appreciate a sound and honest judgment of him who might not talk at all, in preference to the flowers of rhetoric or oratory, unsupported by right. To have principle adhered to, and escape all the dangers of factions in faith and government to elevate the views of the people above the sordid intentions of demagogues, the morbid, rabid taste of customs.

Mankind are the great agents for stirring up the great elements of their improvement, to be followed by the great fruits of repose and happiness, and in none better than in the proper constitutional representative government.

Statesmen and their governments should ever pursue a course of enlightened and peaceful policy towards all the world, and especially all nations at peace with them. They should permit no armament or equipment to be carried from their ports for war

purposes, to interfere and conflict with friendly relations. The proper precaution, at first, may prevent the most of the difficulties.

The noble family of free governments and states is increasing; the dawn has burst upon the world, that is responsive to the brighter light from America. Europe has rekindled, and already Africa is responding.

Absolutism, in all its perversions of government, must yield to true constitutional governments of representative republics, that will give all due in every possible attainment of mind's benefit. God will permit no other, if mind will act up to its own dignity.

Freemen should assert the power that individual knowledge and right give, to attain refined civilization.

Many of the murder class, nationally and individually, could have been arrested, ere the weapons could have been drawn, by arrest of the immoral cause at the bottom of it. Patriots will not forget the triumph of mind in '76, over absolutism, as to permit Jewish priestocracies, professing peculiar faith, that has entailed difficulties on the world most potent, and that has alienated the fairest portions of the globe from each other, to give us a code of faith, when we reject its legal code.

There is no divine right of government, but by and through the people, who should have rational education, to continue all its rational blessings; and there certainly is none of church, that abuses pure religion, under its peculiar faith.

As the triumph of mind progresses, so will its proper form of government; then the offices of absolutism will one day be shunned, more than sought. A statesman seeks to find organic laws, on true government, a proper representative government! Can he find in any bible of tradition any such authority, but that of the pretended divine rights of kings and the priestocracy? For their increase of power and privileges? That kings can do no wrong, under that pretence, as priestocracies commit no error in responsibility, to the sovereign people, their masters? Thus the progress of mind is impeded, its dignity and worth superseded; for no innovation can be attempted against absolutism of government, civil and church. What then can be worse than such bibles, that give codes that crush the rights of mind, and that misrule the world?

How many tribes, races, and nations fail, under weak and bad systems of rule? Among all, the Jews are most conspicuous.

The time has arrived, when in all nations laws are to be wisely legislated on, and equally and duly administered, otherwise shame and disgrace, for our and all countries, must follow.

There are too many, in all countries, treacherous to just rights, else why oppression on the one, and submission on the other side?

Good governments secure justice, compel redress of grievances and wrongs, and tend to restore a proper estimate of religion, so essential to the universal peace of the world.

Manners are essentially needed, in the best ordered governments, and among the freest people. Annul all laws that give the least complexion to abuses.

The blessings of popular government create good faith among the nations of the world. The world will then safely confide in principles, that will protect it better than all armies and navies, that will eat out its strength and substance.

Under constitutional government rightly administered, our legitimate position being well and truly defined, if we cause others to define their's appropriately, then we can hold all bad characters at command, even without the necessity of arbitration.

But can the people of Europe and other parts of the monarchical world, carry out all the principles of civil and religious freedom?

Most certainly. They have to make their beginning, and the sooner the better; their leaders if not false, can help them. They are bound in the highest honor to the people, to resign all power unto the sovereign people.

What blessings of our constitution, that gives no citizen supreme power over laws, equity and facts?

Its authors are so superior, when compared to those who formed the hierarchy of the Jews, that were so sadly deficient in popular benefits, that the last appears as schoolboys to the first.

Over priestocracy, by mind, is at once recognised a moral and intellectual victory the highest attainable, and decides conclusively for the highest tribunal, an enlightened public opinion of an enlightened, wise, and virtuous community.

What will not the liberality of free governments do, for the nations of the world, when conservative revolution arises, and tears asunder the mantle of despotism; then it will be that we shall see the triumph of principles.

The people look now to their government with the deepest interest, and must advance

the benefit of free schools to the extent of rational education, and exclude mind's perversions, by expulsion of bibles of tradition and all other abuses. The civilized code of refinement instead of its pretensions, bordering on the barbarian and savage, will expel all noxious evils that destroy mankind prematurely.

Absolutists hold by an uncertain tenure, as they hold without principles; the more absolute, the sooner the day of retribution may ensue, for retribution comes from the immutable law of principles. Blessed are the republics of the world, whose citizens can amend on the errors of the past, and listen to the voice of reason; can regulate their organic and constitutional legislation if wrong, and obey their laws if rationally right. Such institutions will speedily limit these old governments that trample on the rights of their citizens, that pollute and violate the dearest interests of mankind.

Principals in power are not put there to corrupt, but protect the sovereign people and their divine rights. Absolutism is the basest for usurpation, in all this. Its wiles may supersede constitutional and imprescriptible freedom in the mass, the judiciary, executive, legislative, political sway.

Beyond principles, nothing can be trustworthy in this world, as the death of many proves how far the passions and prejudices of the mass may be ignobly misled, by the perversion and affectation of knowledge and faith. The crowd that is ignobly misled by demagogues, political or ecclesiastical, is ever ready for corruption, to do wrong in a wrong cause, when light is not beaming to discover it, perfectly unworthy of the injured, hardly fit for subjects to such masters. In just governments only, can mind reach and maintain its supreme goodness, and social rights, their sublime elevation. In such only the supreme excellence of woman, magnificent in her jewels of chastity, is sublimely upheld, by the conservative enlightened opinion of freedom that blesses mankind.

There she is purely above suspicion on the proper basis of mind, high, elevated and great.

There predominates the best taste, to restrain and counteract licentiousness. There reigns the only proper equilibrium, by the justest relation of rights between the sexes, as in the solar system, where each orb maintains its just relations.

None but correct position of mind can do this, where its refined sensitiveness can be heard, and its potency can be justly exerted.

Mind is the impress of the spirit of the age, of the government, of religion, and participates in the blessings of freedom, or sympathizes in the miserable state of the earth. In the blessings of freedom, it proves the libel on man that all have their price.

Happy America can refute it by her Washington, and unfortunate Hungary can repel it by her Dembinski! It takes despotism to dishonor and libel mind. Absolutism disgraces mind, by perversions of lust, ambition and avarice, and misleads it into the deepest speculations and gambling of its rights and purity. The proper equilibrium of free government, ennobles mind to its sublimest greatness; even in its medium, the chastity of woman was proved, by the Roman Lucretia.

Among the blessings of constitutional government, is embraced a jury, that rightly constituted, bestows a practical illustration of cultivated mental light; but if perverted, this is a perfect nuisance.

Constitutional government is the most appropriate nursery for public spirit and pat


To all this is due proper respect to country, the most enlarged and liberalized spirit that encircles the world and comprehends the universe. It looks to the unity of empire in all the essentials.

It establishes the proper financial system of the country, compatible with its direct interests and the world.

The light of true government bids the mighty conquerors of continents now holding on to their possessions and conquests, which had been previously prey to succession of conquerors, having been ruined by the mal-practices of priestocracies, and all the usurpations over mind, to be now responsible for the improvement of their mighty wards. All the relative gradations of mind have to be cared for, by the wisest world guardianship. The life-problem is that of mind, responsive to which mankind must ever look. The paramount question, is its right and happiest solution. What if the dissolution of this most exalted model republic should take place? We ought not and never should hear the last of this catastrophe, the dissolution of the world's freedom. The curses of an injured world would be upon the guilty perpetrators. Down with all such factions and sectional mobs, whose spirit is worse than parricides. All such are to be utterly condemned, without distinction and specific charges. Our union must be preserved, as long as it is honorable and proper.

Any other than a constitutional government is as incorrect, as peculiar faith is removed from religion.

While the best interests of the world's virtuous society are subserved, the conduct of public officers must be faithful and impartial in constitutional governments. It admits of no taxes oppressive to the people, no salaried officers without value of services, privileged classes, national debts to mar the social enjoyments of its citizens to the remotest generations.

All states must be responsible for their debts, and all contracts. None should be established without direct responsibility to the people, authorizing the limited amount. The moral sublime is reached in true government, for the purest government characterizes pure religion.

Free institutions of right character, like personal merit, will shine for ever, but absolutism, like vice, will go down amid the execrations of mankind. A self-sustaining pure government does not need military power against civilians, but only in mutual aid thereto. Let absolutism, that depends on such false pretences, go speedily down, for its wars are destructive to commerce and most of the elements of industry.

The policy of honorable peace will preserve against interminable national debts, which are the dates of nations' false position in wars.

The tyranny of the masses, evinced by mobs and riots of countries, of nations, in the world, is to be deprecated, and can only be extinguished by universal light of mind, and just action of the government. The highest national characteristics must arise on the best basis of free institutions. The citizens may not have at first, dignity, etiquette, and ceremony of refinement. There may be danger of radical socialism, ere they reach the mighty conservation of civilization. The state should be guardian to misled youth in schools, ere it be in the penitentiary. Our model republic teaches the world the correct principles of government, and all essential to its constitution must be maintained. Those principles necessarily lead through rational education to rational religion.

All the world has to abide all this position. When the English nurture a state church, or the French uphold a foreign one, they diverge that much from free principles, and leave out all that is analogous.

Look to the noblest inspirations of just Catholic feeling and mind, in constitutional governments. There is no mistake in those that are pure.

Governments of the most liberal character, as faith codes, are to be instituted for the good, not the curse of the country.

How high is the dignity of its president! As much as the sovereignty of the people is supreme, so is his dignity above all usurpation.

A correct constitutional government can only be the proper one for the world. Let not sectional fanatics pretend to destroy their country by any local pretence; if they get it out of their bible, they had better burn that bible.

The noblest institutions of mind present the best observance of law, order, and justice. All these matters are essential to help build up a union on principles. Why should not such a union last as long as principles themselves.

Is not a permanent union the only real guarantee of the best blessings of life and liberty? The rights of the minority must always be duly respected. The characteristic of correct government is, to create what must necessarily exist in all free-thinking people, patriotism, whether in man or woman.

Constitutional government is the only one, when it embraces the fundamental conservative principles, and comprehends the affections of the people.

The Constitution of the United States of North America, and the Declaration of Independence, place all the bibles of tradition so far in the background, that the last can never be brought forward before mind that is rightly cultivated. Let rational mind do its duty.

No free governments need aught but their exalted merits to uphold them, not any of the forms of rational religion, if it were possible to prescribe any. The sacred duty to God and mind forbids it to the whole world, lest speculation in some form, ambition in some disguise, spring upon popular rights.

The co-ordinate equal powers of true, good, enlightened government, the legislative, judicial and executive, all supporting, not invading each other, bespeak the intellectual sublime, and the sublimity of rational religion enough.

In all such, public and educational improvements succeed.

The press does its duty untrammelled, through the triumph of mind.

No man can be safely entrusted with absolute power. There is abuse, unless the most rigid scrutiny is observed, with kings and monarchs, who have carried pollutions into their domestic sanctuaries, and have desecrated the rights of mind. Governments, especially usurpers, strengthened themselves by all the forms of superstition. The day of constitutions should exclude bibles of tradition.

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