
was absent. It was soon discovered that certain doors were locked, that the keys were missing, and that the cook could not be found. This led to an examination of the house, when the dead body of Madame Riel was found in the pantry, opened with duplicate keys in Her death possession of the young lady.

appeared to have been caused by strangulation, as the tightened rope was still round her neck, though there were marks of extreme violence on other parts of the body. An examination of the safe showed that the murder had been accompanied by the robbery of gold, banknotes, French bonds, and railway shares. Suspicion at once fixed upon the cook, Marguerite Dixblanc, a Belgian by birth, but some time resident in Verdun, and in Paris for a short period during the reign of the Commune. She was known to have been in the house alone with her mistress on the forenoon of Sunday the 7th, left it stealthily in the evening, and was traced as a passenger to Paris by the Continental mail train. A further clue to her movements there was soon obtained by a letter written a day before the murder, wherein Dixblanc indicated to the Sieur Dubois It had that she expected to be in Paris soon. been misdirected to Rue Saint Denis instead of Rue du Port St. Denis, and was in ordinary course opened by the post-office authorities, for the purpose of being returned to the writer. On the detectives presenting themselves at the house of Dubois, Dixblanc was found engaged in the task of measuring out charcoal, and talking at the same time, it was said, of the horrors of the Park Lane murder. She sought to evade apprehension for a brief period, but in the end confessed having committed the crime, and even gave an account of the manner in which it was accomplished. "I first tried,' she said, "to conceal the body in the dustbin, but I could not. I then took it by the feet, but being unable to drag it, I got a cord and passed it round her waist. Finding the body bent double, I put it round her neck. At this moment the housemaid, who was out on an errand, knocked at the door. I sent her away for beer. Then I tried to drag the body upstairs, but could not, and hid it in the cellar." Dixblanc described the robbery as an afterthought, suggested, she said, by the keys falling from Madame Riel's pocket. Extradition treaties having been complied with, she was brought over in custody to London, and after various examinations committed for trial.

-The Bishop of Lincoln having written to the Archbishop of Canterbury requesting an explanation of the remark made by his Grace in Convocation, to the effect that nobody believes in the damnatory clauses of the Athanasian Creed, the Archbishop writes: "I am confident that it is only in a modified sense, with such modifications as you allude to, that these clauses of the Creed are retained by the Church, and though I see no inconsistency in subscribing the words with such acknowledged

qualifications, I still feel that it is in itself an evil to use words which require such explanation. If these clauses remain they will always be used with such qualifications as you have alluded to, whether an explanatory rubric distinctly stating the qualification be adopted by the Church or no.

8.-The Queen arrives at Windsor from the Continent.

9.-Mr. Fowler's motion condemning the entail and strict settlement of land, rejected by 103 votes to 81.

10.-Petitions presented to the House of Commons, and ordered to lie on the table, praying that means might be provided from the public funds for defending the Claimant in the event of Government carrying out their intention of prosecuting him for perjury. To a charge upon two indictments-first, that he was the eldest son of Sir James Doughty Tichborne; second, that he was not Arthur Orton -the Claimant, at the Central Criminal Court to-day, pleaded "I am not guilty." He was then removed in custody till bail could be arranged pending the issue of the trial, now removed by writ of certiorari to the Court of Queen's Bench.

11. Came on at the Central Criminal Court, the trial of Arthur O'Connor, charged with unlawfully pointing a pistol at her Majesty, intending to alarm and cause a breach of the peace. The prisoner pleaded guilty on being first brought up on the 8th, but it was now stated his friends were anxious to establish a plea of insanity. This, however, was overruled, and O'Connor was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment and 20 strokes from a birch-rod.

The steamer Oceanus blown up on the Mississippi above Cairo, the wreck afterwards taking fire and burning to the water edge. Out of one hundred on board, sixty were reported to have lost their lives.

12. In reply to Earl Stanhope, Earl Granville said that Government had determined to present a case excluding the indirect claims, and accompanied by a declaration to the Geneva tribunal, abiding by the position taken up by her Majesty's Government in their correspondence with the United States, and expressly reserving the right of Great Britain to withdraw from the arbitration should the present difference with the United States not be removed by the 15th of June. A similar statement was made by Mr. Gladstone in the Commons in reply to Mr. Disraeli.

13. Died at Manchester, aged 84, Samuel Bamford, author of "Passages in the Life of a Radical."

15.-Proposed new Court of Appeal. In the House of Lords, the Lord Chancellor moves a resolution-"That it is expedient that one Imperial Supreme Court of Appeal be established which shall sit continuously for the

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hearing of all matters now heard by way of appeal before this House or before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, and that the appellate jurisdiction of this House be transferred to such Supreme Court of Appeal." It was intended that the new Court should constitute one tribunal sitting in two divisions—one representing the House of Lords, and the other the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the members of either division being able to sit in the other. The first division would consist of all peers who had filled the office of Lord Chancellor or any high judicial office for a specified time either in Great Britain or Ireland, and would also include all peers who had actually practised at the bar, and Privy Councillors now capable of being appointed upon the Judicial Committee. In each division there would be no fewer than three nor more than five judges, who would be paid 6,000l. a year; and peers who had filled the office of Lord Chancellor and who accepted the obligation to attend, would have their pensions augmented from 5,000l. to 6,000l. a year. The Lord

Chancellor would be at the head of both divisions of the Supreme Court, and among the members of the second division would be the Lord Chief Justices of the Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, and the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. The Lord Chancellor concluded by proposing that the motion be the order of the day in immediate priority to the second reading of the Bill constituting the Supreme Court of Appeal.

15.- James Nicholls, shoemaker, Maida Hill, murders four of his children and then commits suicide. In the afternoon a boy who lived in the house called the attention of one of the neighbours to a stream of blood running from under the door of one of the rooms occupied by Nicholls. A policeman was called, and on bursting open the door of the front room he found three of the children-Louisa, aged three; Rosina, aged five, and James Henry, aged fourteen months- with their throats cut. The back room, which had been used as a workshop, was in great confusion, every article of furniture being out of its place. In it were discovered the body of the eldest daughter, Eliza Nicholls, aged nine, who had also had her throat cut, and the body of Nicholls himself, who appeared, after murdering his children, to have sat down at his bench and cut his own throat in a desperate manner. The coroner's jury found that Nicholls was of unsound mind.

Mr. Harcourt's amendment to omit the word "wilfully" from Mr. Leatham's proposal to make the exhibition of a voting_paper by a voter penal, carried against the Government by 167 to 166. Government was again in a minority the following evening, Sir Massey Lopes carrying his resolution on the subject of local taxation by 259 to 159.

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16.—Lord Kimberley introduces the Government Licensing Bill into the House of Lords. In explanation of some of the clauses it was stated that licences granted by county magistrates would not be valid until confirmed by a special committee to be appointed yearly by the court of quarter sessions. In boroughs where there were not more than nine magistrates the jurisdiction would remain with them as a body, and where there were more than nine a committee would be appointed to grant licences, which, however, would not be valid until confirmed by the whole body of justices and the Secretary of State. The bill also dealt with the adulteration of liquor, and provided for closing public-houses in the metropolis from twelve at night to seven in the morning; in towns under 10,000 inhabitants from ten to seven; and in towns with larger populations from eleven to seven. On Sunday licensed houses would not be opened until one o'clock; and the hours of closing on that day would, in the three cases mentioned, be eleven, nine, and ten o'clock respectively. After a few words from the Duke of Richmond and Lord Redesdale, the bill was read a first time.

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Derry Castle, situated on the shores of Lough Dergh, near Killaloe, destroyed by fire. The remains of Alexandre Dumas, detained at Pays since December 1870, in con. sequence of the Prussian occupation of the Seine Inférieure, were laid to-day, in accordance with the novelist's last wishes, in the little cemetery of Villers-Cotterets, near which he was born in 1802.

18. — Edward Mitchell, sculptor, while labouring under mental irritation, commits suicide by first stabbing himself with a sharppointed graving tool, and afterwards throwing himself from the upper story of his house.

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The Gazette contains a notice from the Lord Chamberlain's office, announcing that the presentation at Court of Lady Twiss had been cancelled.

23. Mr. Candlish's proposal to repeal in the interest of the Nonconformists the 25th clause of the Elementary Education Act, rejected after a debate by 316 to 115 votes.

The Court of Probate pronounce for the will of Miss Cordelia Angelica Read, known as the "eccentric old lady" of Stamford Street, the owner of ruinous houses in that street, and in other parts of London. By her will, executed in 1858, she bequeathed the whole of her personal estate, amounting to about 100,000l., to the Brompton Hospital.

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A miner named Lease, living at Charterhouse, on the slope of the Mendip Hills, beats his wife to death in a fit of passion excited by jealousy, several of the neighbours witnessing the savage attack through the windows, but too terror-stricken to interfere.

24. Another group of Communist prisoners tried for being concerned in the murder of the hostages in May last. The woman Guyart was condemned to death; the girl Cailleux and Léopold Viel to transportation to a fortress; Victor Charton to penal servitude for life; Feltesse to ten years' penal servitude; four others to various terms of imprisonment; and twenty to imprisonment for two years.

- Discussion in the Lower House of Convocation on the Athanasian Creed. The variety of opinions expressed was fully indicated by petitions previously sent in and thus arranged: -For retention of the Creed in an unaltered form, 35,271; for investigating the text and a new translation, 561; for the removal of the use of the Creed, 10; for the omission of the Creed from the Prayer-book, 6; for delay in the removal of the Creed, 25; for omission of the damnatory clauses, 30; for making the use of the Creed optional, 83; for the retention of the three Creeds, 96. After a learned and animated debate extending over four days, divisions were taken on the various proposals. The first was on an amendment by Mr. Kempe, of St. James's, to confine its recitation to the shortened and occasional services provided by the Bill now before Parliament this was rejected by 60 to 10. Stanley then proposed to make its recitation permissive by inserting a rubric after the Apostles' Creed, allowing it as an alternative for that Creed on the appointed days: this was rejected by 60 to 12. The Dean's next proposal, placing its use at the discretion of the Ordinary, was rejected by 54 to 13: after which Lord Alwyne Compton's motion, that the Creed should continue to be used in its integrity, was carried by 62 to 7. A proposal by Canon Blakesley, that it should be treated as a Hymn or Canticle, met with somewhat more favour-being negatived by 42 to 19. Arch. deacon Denison then carried a rider by 42 to 12, that the Creed should be said on no fewer days than at present.

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The Spanish Cortes opened by King Amadeo, who expressed a hope for a prompt


termination of the insurrection, praised the discipline and services of the army and the Civic Guard, and concluded by stating that he would seek in the deliberations of the Cortes a guide for his conduct and a way to identify his feelings with those of the Spanish people. 'I will never (he said) impose myself on the Spanish people; but neither will I allow myself to be accused of deserting the post which I occupy by its will, nor of forgetting the duties which the Constitution places upon me, and which I shall fulfil with the loyalty and constancy which I owe to the honour of my name.

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The domestic servants of Dundee form themselves into a Protection Association for the purpose of securing shorter hours of work, higher pay, more holidays, and better feeding.

Madame Dubourg dies in the hospital of La Pitié, Paris, from wounds inflicted by her husband in a fit of jealousy, caused by the discovery of an intrigue in which she was concerned.

27. The Duke of Edinburgh presides at a meeting in Willis's Rooms, called to consider the propriety of raising a memorial to the late Lord Mayo. Mr. Disraeli was present, and spoke highly of the many merits centred in the Viceroy, "whose noble presence, cordial manner, the magnificence of his life, his active accomplishments, his extraordinary power of physical endurance, combined with an intuitive.. knowledge of mankind, inexorable love of justice, which was only tempered by the abounding generosity of his heart, produced such an effect upon those whom he ruled that all at once willingly acknowledged that he was born to command."

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Close of the litigation between the Duke of Buccleuch and the Metropolitan Board of Works. The Duke had been awarded by an arbitrator 8,3257. as compensation for the construction of the Thames Embankment between Montagu House and the river. The Board of Works disputed the grounds on which the arbitrator had made his award, but on the case being taken to the Court of Exchequer, the Court decided in favour of the Duke. The Court of Exchequer Chamber reversed this decision, and the case was then referred on appeal to the House of Lords, which now reversed the judgment of the Exchequer Chamber, and affirmed that of the Court of Exchequer upholding the award of the arbi

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The Liberal Republican Convention at Cincinnati select Mr. Horace Greeley as their candidate for the Presidency.

4.-Enthusiastic reception given by the National Assembly to the Duc d'AudriffetPasquier on the occasion of his presenting a report on Military Administration. He recommended the army as the best and only school in which the young generation could have a nobler and better training than that which produced such lamentable examples of want of patriotism and want of probity. The army gave an example of silent, conscientious fulfilment of duty. "Our children must all serve in it." M. Rouher took occasion some days later to answer this speech, by defending the Emperor. He called upon the Assembly to name a committee to inquire what had been done with the enormous sum voted annually for the war budget during the Empire, how the denuded state of the arsenal was to be accounted for, and what was the real sum absorbed by the Mexican Expedition.

A court-martial at Malta dismisses from the ship and reprimands Lieuts. Wallace and Hailstone for carelessness in connection with the stranding of the Lord Clyde.

5.-Died, aged 64 years, G. R. Gray, ornithologist, and Assistant Keeper of the Zoological Department in the British Museum.

The Carlist insurgents under Don Carlos defeated at Oroquieta.

6.-At the pressing request of Earl Gran ville, Earl Russell consents to postpone his motion regarding the Geneva arbitration till the Government were in a position to submit papers to the House or make an explanation on the 13th.

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tion, this House, while desirous of passing a measure during the present session for the improvement of education in Scotland, is of opinion that the law and practice of Scotland in this respect should be continued by provisions in the bill now before the House."

6.-Niblo's Theatre, New York, destroyed by fire.

7.-Sir Colman O'Loghlen submits a resolution in the Commons :-"That this House has heard with great regret that a gentleman has been appointed Lord-Lieutenant of Clare who has never resided in that county, who is a stranger to its magistrates, and who does not possess that local knowledge of the county and its residents essential to the proper discharge of the important duties of a lieutenant of a county, and that this House is of opinion that such an appointment is of evil example, and ought not to have been made." Rejected after debate by 257 to 41 votes.

8.-Literary Fund dinner presided over by the King of the Belgians, presently on a visit to England, and whose health was proposed in courtly terms by Mr. Disraeli.

9.-Rainham Church, Kent, set on fire by lightning.

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responsibility of that act. The immolation of 60,000 men could not have saved France, and the sublime devotion of her chiefs and soldiers would have been uselessly sacrificed. We obeyed a cruel but inexorable necessity. My heart was broken, but my conscience was tranquil."

13.-Explanations made in both Houses regarding recent negotiations with Washington, and forbearance solicited for a few days till Government had obtained an answer to the last draught note suggesting a supplementary treaty now being considered by the Senate in Secret Executive Session.

Earl Granville replies to Mr. Fish's argument on the indirect claims, declaring that they formed no part of the negotiations between the two countries, and were never even alluded to by the British Government.

There was not a word in any letter preceding the treaty to suggest any indirect or constructive claims, and the only intimation the British Government had had of those claims was from the speech of Mr. Sumner; but they never learned that his views had been adopted by the American Government. Earl Granville then urgea that the indirect claims were never admitted by the

British Commissioners, and all that were admitted were strictly defined and limited. The indirect claims were only mentioned once to the Commissioners, whereas the Fenian raids were repeatedly urged; and the withdrawal of the claims for them was only on condition that all constructive damages were abandoned by the American Government.

13. Died at Vienna, aged 51, Moritz Hartmann, poet and journalist, but more celebrated as one of Blum's revolutionary com. patriots.

14.-Marshal Bazaine constitutes himself a prisoner at Versailles.

17.-The Cunard steamer Tripoli wrecked near the Tuskar rocks.

20.-The Foreign Committee of the United States Senate report in favour of the Supplementary Treaty providing for the withdrawal of the indirect claims.

21. The new Southern Hospital at Liverpool opened by Prince Arthur.

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Died suddenly, aged 65 years, Alfred Henry Forrester, known in art and literature under the nom de plume of “ Alfred Crowquill."

27. Mr. Justice Keogh gives a decision on the Galway election, unseating Captain Nolan, and reporting the Archbishop of Tuam, the Bishops of Galway and Clonfert, and a numbe of priests, as guilty of intimidation. After carefully examining the whole evidence, the judge was convinced that it presented the most astonishing attempts at ecclesiastical tyranny which the whole history of priestly intolerance afforded. Both Catholics and Protestants had been intimi. dated from voting. Shots had been fired into some houses. Lord Dunsandle's tenants, who had promised to vote for Trench, had been prevented, and Lord Gough's tenants likewise. Lord Delvin had been obliged to absent himself from chapel, in order that he might not hear himself defamed from the altar. The gentry were hunted through the fields by the fellows who followed that obscene monster Pat Barrett. Sir Arthur Guinness had been hounded, fighting his way at the head of twenty-seven men to vote at the booths, and several of his men were also injured. Three years ago, said

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