
the Government should bind itself to abandon all investigations into the facts which have been accomplished since the 18th of March last. It is necessary, on the other hand, in order to assure the free expression of universal suffrage, to proceed with the general elections of the Commune of Paris. We require a great and powerful manifestation of public opinion to put an end to the struggle. Let the whole of Paris work with us to-day as she did during the siege, for the salvation of the Republic and of France is at stake. Should the Government of Versailles remain dumb to those legitimate revindications, let it be well aware that Paris shall rise as one man to defend them."

8.-M. Thiers, by a threat of resignation, induces the Assembly to rescind a resolution that Mayors should be elected by the Municipal Councils.

9.-General Dombrowski appointed Commandant of the Commune of Paris, in place of General Bergeret.

10.-M. Jules Favre protests in the Versailles Assembly against the calumnies brought forward "by those who pretend that an understanding exists between us and the Germans. The documents which will be laid before you will be a proof of our sincerity, and will testify on the contrary that we constantly declined the assistance which was offered to us by the Germans. It was also no less important that the position of the German authorities towards the insurrection should be clearly determined. They have always considered, as did all the other Powers, that the Government issued from universal suffrage was alone legitimate and presenting serious guarantees." M. Favre afterwards announced that the insurgents had taken away all the plate at the Foreign Office. to ourselves," he concluded, we shall do our duty, and re-establish order in Paris. Our brave army can rely on our devotion as we can rely on its courage.'


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Marshal MacMahon assumes command of the Versailles army.

11.-The Marquis of Normanby gazetted Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Queensland.

Replying to a remonstrance requesting the Bishops to abstain from voting on the decision of the Privy Council in the Purchas case, the Archbishop of Canterbury writes :-"The chief pastors of our Church are of all men the very last who ought to be requested to set to this nation the example of refusing obedience to the highest tribunals. Such obedience I feel sure you consider to be the duty of all good citizens, and to be especially incumbent on all ministers of Christ, not only in our own Church, but among Nonconformists. And here I will remark that Roman Catholics, and all bodies of Dissenters, are liable to be continually called upon, like ourselves, to submit the terms of their contracts in matters most intimately affect


ing their doctrine and discipline, to the decision of the courts of law. This is an obligation from which no section of the community can escape under a well-ordered Government. The rubrics, interpreted by the Supreme Court, form the lawful rule of Divine service to which the clergy are bound to yield a loyal obedience ; but certainly, as a matter of fact, not all the clergy are expected by their parishioners, or required by their bishops, rigidly to observe every point in the rubrics at all times and under all circumstances." In conclusion, his grace exhorts his brethren not to be disquieted by any strifes respecting matters affecting the vestments or posture of the clergy. "Such things," he says, I cannot touch your teaching of the Gospel of Christ, or affect the validity of His sacraments. In days when every effort is required to resist ungodliness and infidelity, all our zeal and energy ought to be directed to the promotion of real religion among our people."


11. Another ineffectual sortie on the southern forts of Paris by Versailles troops. It had been anticipated for some time, and was made in such force as furnished ground for believing it would close the protracted strife. Fifteen thousand men, consisting of gendarmes and Pontifical Zouaves, collected during the day in the Meudon woods. The movement was detected, and 80,000 Federals drawn up within the line of the forts. General Eudes, who was in command, permitted the enemy to approach to the glacis of the Fort of Issy, when he poured a cross fire from Issy and Montrouge, repulsing the Versailles troops with slaughter. Only four men were killed within the two forts.

Earthquake at Bathang, a village in the Chinese province of Szechen, causing the destruction of two large temples, the offices of the collector of grain tax, the local magistrates' offices, the colonels' offices, the Ting-lin temple, with nearly 700 fathoms of wall around it, and 351 rooms in all, inside; six smaller temples, numbering 221 rooms, besides 1,849 rooms and houses of the common people. The number of people killed by the crash, including the soldiers, was 2,298, among whom were the local magistrate and his second in office. The earthquake extended from Bathang eastward to Pang-Chahemuth, westward to Nan-Tun, on the south to Lintsah-shih, and on the north to the salt wells of Atimtoz, a circuit of over 400 miles.

The trustees of Rugby School having had their attention directed to certain complaints of want of discipline, adopt a resolution expressive of their opinion that the irregularities referred to were not such as to call for any special interference on their part, or to cause alarm to parents. "In justice," they said, "to

the head-master, they desired to impress on the under-masters generally the necessity of giving, not only a nominal, but a cordial co-operation.

12.-M. Guizot writes to the Times that the faults of France cause him more sorrow than

her misfortunes; but he never loses faith in her good qualities, although they may seem to be obliterated by her faults, and he feels sure that the good which is in her will open up infinite resources, even when her prospects are darkest. "On the whole," he wrote, "the National Assembly and its Executive have acted with intelligence, prudence, and justice. And now, driven to the last extremity by the folly, crime, and attacks of the insurgents, it opposes them with energy, and has resolved to put an end to the revolution which oppresses Paris, and to render the guilty authors of it powerless. A new and loyal army has gathered round the representatives chosen by France, and gallantly obeys their orders and those of the generals in command. The first efforts of this army have already been crowned with success.

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12.-M. Thiers informs the Prefects that "the army awaits the moment of victory, which will be gained without bloodshed. The insurrection is weary. Delegates have arrived at Versailles. If sent by the Commune they would not have been received, but they were received because they were sincere Republicans of Paris. My answer to them was invariably, No one menaces the Republic except assassins. The lives of the insurgents shall be spared. The unfortunate workmen shall temporarily continue to be subsidized. Paris must return into the common municipal law. All secession will be suppressed in France, as was done in America.' This was my answer.'

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In Buenos Ayres 380 persons are reported to have died of yellow fever. The deaths during the week were put down at 4,000.

Died at Grantchester, Cambridge, aged 82, Rev. Edward Pote, M. A., one of the oldest members of the University, having taken his B. A. degree in 1814 with the late Vice-Chancellor Kindersley and Mr. Justice Cresswell.

13.-Died at Dublin, aged 75, Sir Maguire Brady, Bart., three times Lord Chancellor of Ireland.

M. Rochefort, writing in the Mot d'Ordre, defends the "requisition” made by the Commune in Notre Dame :--" We do not hesitate to declare them national property, for the single reason that they proceed from the generosity of those to whom the Church has promised Paradise; and the promise of imaginary returns made to obtain any property is qualified as swindling by every code.

Your purse or hell!' Such is, in the present day, the only programme of the Catholic clergy; and as the French nation no longer believes in hell, it is natural that, in case of need, it should take back the purse."

14. Michael Torpey apprehended in a house in Marylebone Road (where he was living with his wife) on the charge of stealing diamonds and jewellery from Messrs. London and Ryder. A portion of the stolen property was found in his possession.

14.-Died at Jarrow-on-the-Tyne, aged 87, Mrs. Minns, maid and confidante to Lady Byron before and after her marriage, and whose name came up recently in connection with the controversy as to the causes which led to the breaking up of that ill-assorted union.

15. Mr. J. R. Davidson, M.P. for Durham city, and Judge-Advocate-General, found dead in his bed at the residence of Mr. St. George Burke, where he had been staying for a few days. This was Mr. Davidson's 45th birthday. At the election which subsequently took place, Government lost the seat, Mr. Wharton, Conservative, polling 814 votes to Mr. Thompson's 776.

16. The Westmeath Committee report that, owing to the prevalence of Ribbon Societies in that district, murder and other crimes of the most serious nature have been perpetrated; and that by reason partly of sympathy with the perpetrators of such crimes, and still more by the terror created by the existence and action of the Societies, it has been found to be almost impossible to obtain evidence on which to bring offenders to justice.

Sunday Republican demonstration in Hyde Park to express sympathy with the Parisian Communists. Large numbers--many from curiosity-turned out on the occasion, but the gathering was generally admitted to be a failure.

Died at Bray, aged 77, Lord Plunkett, second son of the famous Irish orator.

Died at Bydews, near Maidstone, Rev. Beal Poste, LL.B., archæologist.

17.-Captain Chalmers, the senior officer of the Ryde and Portsmouth Steam Service, commits suicide by leaping from the deck of his vessel as she was leaving Ryde Pier.

Billiard match in St. James's Hall between Cook, jun., and Roberts, sen., the latter receiving a start of 200 in 2,000. Cook won with an unfinished break of 268, including no less than 78 spot strokes, which his opponent had been the chief means of introducing and popularizing.

The Versailles army capture the Château de Brem after a sharp engagement.

- M. Louis Blanc writes in the Soir that the solution which he judged and declared 66 the fittest to save us from the horrors of civil war is that which would consist in the bold proclamation of the Republic by the National Assembly, and in the adoption of a law putting Paris in full and entire possession of her municipal liberties.

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18.-At the first meeting of the House, today, after the Easter recess, a motion submitted by Lord Henry Lennox for a Select Committee to inquire into the causes of the dismissal of Sir Spencer Robinson from the Admiralty was rejected by 153 to 104 votes.

18. Still refusing assent to the Papal Infallibility dogma, Dr. Döllinger is formally excommunicated by the Archbishop of Munich. He asked the Archbishop to meet his disobe dience, not by condemnation, but by admitting him to a conference, either at Fulda, where the German bishops were about to assemble, or before a body of theologians to be selected by the Archbishop. If in this conference he was convinced of his errors, he was ready both to accept the dogma and to withdraw everything he had written against it. If, however, this conference were allowed him, he expected to prove that the doctrine was contrary to Scripture, and based upon a misconception of the history of the Church and of her traditions. The late Council, Dr. Döllinger further maintained, enjoyed no freedom of discussion, and no pains were taken to examine authorities. "As a student of history," he said, "I cannot accept it, for as such I know that the persistent endeavour to realize this theory of universal dominion has cost Europe rivers of blood, has disordered whole countries and brought them to ruin, has shattered the beautiful structure of the earlier Church, and in the Church of modern times has generated, nurtured, and maintained the worst abuses. As a citizen I must reject it, because by its pretensions to the subjection of States and monarchs, and of the whole political system to the Papal power, it leads to endless destructive conflict between Church and State, between clergy and laity." The resolution of Dr. Döllinger was approved of in an autograph letter by the King of Bavaria, and many eminent professors in the Roman College.

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Died at Montrose, aged 93, Rev. Dr. Paterson, who had acted as tutor to Lord Byron in his Aberdeen days.

19. The Vengeur, conducted by Félix Pyat, publishes a decree of the Commune for destroying the Vendôme Column, its demolition to be solemnly performed by military engineers in the presence of the assembled people, the National Guard, and the members of the Commune. It was also suggested that the "History of the Empire" should on the occasion be burned at the foot of the Column by a "Mère de famille."

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ever, arrived of gendarmes and marines, who drove Dombrowski's men still farther back with considerable slaughter, causing them to Occupy their most remote barricade at the junction of the Rue Peronnet with the Boulevard Inkerman. Many of the Communists were killed, being fired at in their flight through the holes in garden walls which they themselves had made in their advance. There was great loss among the officers. The Amrbulance head-quarters at Neuilly was shelled, and the surgeons and waggons compelled to decamp in haste.

19. The Communists issue another proclamation, declaring that their enemies deceive themselves or the country "when they accuse Paris of desiring to impose its will and supremacy upon the rest of the nation, and to aspire to a Dictatorship, which would be a veritable attempt to overthrow the independence and sovereignty of other Communes. They deceive themselves when they accuse Paris of seeking the destruction of French unity, established by the Revolution. The unity which has been imposed upon us up to the present by the Empire, the Monarchy, and the Parliamentary Government, is nothing but centralization, despotic, unintelligent, arbitrary, and onerous. The political unity, as desired by Paris, is a voluntary association of all local initiative, the free and spontaneous co-operation of all individual energies with the common object of the well-being, liberty, and security of all. The Communal revolution, initiated by the people on March 18, inaugurated a new era in politics, experimental, positive, and scientific. It was the end of the old official and clerical world of military supremacy and bureaucracy, of jobbing in monopolies and privileges, to which the proletariat owed its slavery, and the country its misfortunes and disasters. The strife between Paris and Versailles is one of those that cannot be ended by an illusory compromise; the issue should not be doubtful. As for ourselves,

citizens of Paris, we have a mission to accomplish, a modern revolution the greatest and the most fruitful of all those which have illuminated history. It is our duty to fight and conquer."


20. Mr. Lowe introduces the Budget, showing the estimated expenditure for 1871-72 to be 72,308, 800/., and the revenue 69, 595,000/. items Among the of expenditure 16,452,000l. for the army, including abolition of purchase, as against 12,965,000l. for 1870-71. He maintained that it was in the power of this nation, "if we were so minded, to take such measures as will enable us to have a force which is demonstrably sufficient, considering the con ditions of the problem of landing a force in an enemy's country, to crush any enemy before he could possibly accumulate sufficient strength to invade us. And if that can be done, I can hardly imagine any sacrifice that it would not be worth while to make from a purely financial consideration, because if you can satisfy people

that this is the one spot in the world that is safe, and that will in all probability be free from the ravages of war, think how our credit will rise, how the value of our property will increase, what a predominance it gives us over other nations." What we were now doing was virtually imposing taxes, which were in the nature of war taxes, at a time when we were not going to war, and when there was no probability of our doing so. To make up the deficiency of 2,713,000l., the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed to rate all personal property liable as intestate on the principle of 2 per cent. duty, and where a man paid legacy duty he should be liable to probate duty. He also proposed to increase succession duties both on real and personal property, by raising them, for the first lineal descendant, from 1 to 2 per cent. He would raise brothers to 34, then for others 5, and upwards to 10 per cent. He also proposed a tax on matches, bearing the box-label, "Ex luce lucellum," from which he expected 550,000l.; and also proposed to convert a penny in the pound on the incometax into a rate of 100 pence, or 8s. 4d. in the 100l. The effect of his proposals would be, that the legacy, probate, and succession duties would yield an addition of 350,000/., matches 550,ocol., and the additional income tax about 1,800,000!. He concluded by proposing the resolution relating to lucifer matches, which, after some adverse discussion, was agreed to.

21. Mr. Bentinck introduces, but withdraws after debate, a resolution on the Declaration of Faris, asserting that "the maintenance of British maritime rights being essential to the power, prosperity, and independence of the Empire, this House is of opinion that her Majesty's Government should forthwith withdraw from the articles of 'The Declaration of Paris, 1856,' which are numbered respectively I and 2, and which are expressed in the terms following:-1. Privateering is and remains abolished. 2. The neutral flag covers enemy's goods, with the exception of contraband of

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nals shall commence, said Danton, when the wrath of the people is appeased-and he was right. Darboy! tremble in your cell, for your day is past, your end is close at hand!"

23.-Collision near the Newarp lightship between the Rotterdam steamer Kestral and the screw collier Frankland, of Newcastle. The former sank, but her crew and passengers were taken off and landed at Grimsby.

24. Most of the newspapers this morning contain articles and letters directed against the recently-introduced Budget, the proposed matchtax in particular giving rise to hostile criticism. Bryant and May, makers of the "Safety Match,' calculated that the duty which it was proposed to levy would vary from 100 to 400 per cent., and even more on the wholesale price. "On the wholesale price of 6257. worth of the commonest matches the duty will be 3,000l., or nearly 500 per cent. The effect of this imposition will be almost entirely to extinguish two important branches of the business, throwing vast numbers of workpeople out of employment, and consequently on the rates, which in the locality where the trade is principally carried on the East-end of London-are at present almost unbearable. A great portion of the home trade will, no doubt, drift into the hands of foreigners, as the demand will be for the lowest qualities, which are principally manufactured abroad." Regarding the Terminable Annuity Sinking Fund, Mr. Hubbard supported a proposal made by the Times to suspend its operation for one year.

Michael Campbell executed at Springfield gaol, Essex, for the murder of Mr. Galloway at Stratford. The prisoner had gone out with two other men on the evening of the 9th of February for the purpose of entering houses by climbing up the porticoes in front, and then plundering the upper rooms. They had made two or three unsuccessful attempts, and at length, while in the act of entering the house of the deceased gentleman, they were disturbed, and one of the prisoner's companions seized by the deceased. The prisoner then came up and stabbed the unfortunate gentleman in the eye, inflicting a wound of which he died a very few days afterwards.

Mr. White's Budget resolution-" That the additional taxation proposed will entail burdens upon the people which are not justified by existing circumstances," rejected by 257 to 230 votes, after a discussion in which Mr. Lowe and Mr. Gladstone were found to be the only speakers who seemed inclined to support the Budget as a whole.


The matchmakers muster in large numbers at the East-end of London, and in various sections march through the City to Westminster to present petitions against the imposition of the new tax. Some tumult naturally prevailed along the line of march, and in Palace Yard for a time members could not readily obtain en. trance to the House; but it was not till returning by way of the Thames Embankment, where

the police were stationed in large numbers, that any serious breach of the peace occurred. Here some stones were thrown and a few boards torn down, but even these offences were alleged to have been committed by parties who, from interested motives, had mixed themselves up with the processionists.

24.-In obtaining the sanction of the German Parliament to a proposal for a loan of 120 million thalers, Prince Bismarck remarked that their country had been forced into great financial sacrifices to maintain a force in France to meet all contingencies. "If the French Government," he said, "do not pay the amount agreed upon for the maintenance of the German troops it will be necessary again to have recourse to requisitions of food and forage. The German authorities will not interfere in the internal affairs of France, though it is hardly possible to promise complete forbearance under all circumstances. Should German rights and German interests be imperilled, it will become our duty to defend them."

25.-Mr. Lowe announces that the matchtax would be abandoned on account of the dissatisfaction it had excited. Mr. Wren Hoskyns' resolution pointing out the necessity of removing certain restrictions in the laws regulating the sale and transfer of land rejected by 79 to 39 votes.


Came on before the Lords Justices, the case of Hawksworth v. Hawksworth, involving the question whether a daughter (aged eight and a half years) of a deceased Roman Catholic father named Hawksworth should be brought up as a Roman Catholic or as a member of the Church of England. The father died intestate about eight years ago, and the daughter had since been under the care of her mother, a member of the Church of England. case was originally adjudicated upon by the Chancery Court of the Duchy of Lancaster. The Vice-Chancellor (Mr. Wickens), after having had an interview with the child in court, held that she should be brought up in the religion of her father-that is to say, as a Roman Catholic. The mother appealed from that decision. Lord Justice James now confirmed the finding of the Vice-Chancellor, declaring it to be a rule of the Court, a rule of the highest morality, that any person who had the conduct as guardian of a child on the father's death should have regard to the religion of the father in dealing with the child; and, unless under very special circumstances indeed, it was the duty of any guardian of a child, and it was the duty of this Court in controlling the conduct of that guardian, to see that the child was brought up in the religious faith of the father, whatever that religious faith might be. He (the Lord Justice) would not give the slightest encouragement to mothers or others who had access to young children to attempt to proselytize them. This appeal must therefore be dismissed with Lord Justice Mellish concurred.


26. The case of Mr. Purchas for a rehearing of his appeal taken up by the Judicial Committee of the Frivy Council. Petition dismissed with costs.

The Paris forts of Issy and Vanves bombarded by batteries opened at Bas Meudon and Moulineaux. Skirmishing also took place on the north side between troops at Clichy and those massed on the plain of Gennevillers.


Mr. Hughes' Sunday Trading Bill, supported by the Home Secretary, rejected by 80 votes to 47.

Jane Maria Clousen, aged 17, found early this morning in Kidbrooke-lane, Eltham, dying from injuries inflicted by some person during the night. She was removed to Guy's Hospital, and afterwards identified by her friends as having lived in the capacity of a domestic servant with Mr. Pook, printer, Greenwich. On the evening of the 25th she was heard to say that she then intended to meet her " young man,' "known to be the son of her master, and afterwards apprehended on the charge of causing the death of Clousen. She was next found in the lane about four o'clock by Police-constable Gun. Seeing she was very much injured, and blood about her head and face, he asked her who had injured her, and she said faintly, "Oh, my poor head! oh, my poor head!' She afterwards lifted her left hand and said, "Take hold of my hand," at the same time turning her head to the left. On giving her his hand she fell on her face on the ground, and said, "Let me die." The officer again asked her what was the matter, but she made no further reply. On turning round he saw blood on the ground near Clousen, her gloves being also there, and her hat within two feet. There were footmarks, but not of recent occurrence. He looked round to see if he could see anyone, but nobody was near. He then obtained assistance, when she was taken to the surgery of Dr. King, and thence to Guy's Hospital. At a quarter to two the same morning this officer passed through the lane, but on the opposite side to that where he found the deceased lying, and did not notice her.

27.--Anticipating the probable result of a hostile resolution to be proposed by Mr. Disraeli, Mr. Gladstone announces that the increase of the legacy and succession duties would be abandoned, and also the proposal for computing income-tax by a percentage, the deficiency to be made up by raising the income-tax from 4d. to 6d. per 1. The Prime Minister insisted that provision for the expenditure voted by the House must still be made, as originally intended, out of taxation, without disturbing the duties on articles of consumption. Mr. Disraeli protested against the admission of the principle that because they had agreed to votes in Supply they were bound to approve of the Ways and Means.

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