
the Spirit made intercession with groanings which could not be uttered. And in larger circles, too, God's people are often to meet, for the express purpose of supplicating the influences of his Spirit; and though, on these occasions, the prayers must necessarily be more general, yet they should have direct reference to the advancement of God's work. And

these prayers, instead of being offered in the spirit of formality, should be the deep and earnest longings of the soul, should go up from hearts bathed with the reviving influences of the Holy Ghost.

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Prayer, as a means of grace, or a means of promoting revivals, is distinguished, in one respect, from other all other means are addressed immeevery diately to men-this, directly to God. And all others are dependent, in no small degree, for their success on this; for ministers and Christians may labour, no matter how faithfully, and it will be to no purpose without a divine influence; and that influence is to be secured only by prayer. God has said, that he will be "inquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them." Prayer, then, let it never be forgotten, secures the blessing on every other means which the church employs. Prayer, too, may reach individuals whom the preaching of the gospel could never reach; because they will not come within the sound of it. You may have irreligious friends, to whom you dare not open your lips concerning their salvation;, and yet you can go and pour out your whole soul before God in their behalf: and that prayer, for aught you can say, may carry the Holy Spirit to their hearts, to work a genuine work of conversion. Believe me, Christians, you cannot, at any time, estimate prayer

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as a means of saving the souls of your fellow-men too highly. Though it cannot take the place of other means, it is that without which all others would be utterly in vain; and besides, it has a direct influence, the extent of which it is impossible fully to estimate. Therefore, brethren, pray without ceasing.


3. Much is to be done, in producing and sustaining a revival, by means of conversation.

This is a duty which devolves not only upon the minister and other officers of the church, but upon all private Christians, according to their ability. And it is a duty which may be performed in a great variety of circumstances. There may be frequent opportunities for it in the common intercourse of life; and, no doubt, a suitable degree of attention would discover many opportunities which are suffered to pass without observation. But this is a duty which, especially in a season of revival, should hold a distinct and prominent place among Christian duties; and should not be left to the control of any contingency. There should be, so far as possible, a regular system of visiting, especially on the part of church officers, with a view to alarm, to direct, or to quicken, according to the circumstances of each individual with whom they may converse.



It belongs to Christians, on these occasions, to stir the minds of each other; to endeavour to make each other feel more deeply their responsibility, and the value of the souls around them, and the danger of their being lost; and if there be among their number any who are sluggish, and disposed to excuse themselves from coming up to the help of the Lord, they are to be entreated affectionately, yet earnestly,



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to shake off their apathy, and give themselves actively to the great work. faithful in r conversation with, each other to encourage, to arouse, to quicken, so also are they to be faithful in warning the wicked of his wicked way, and in endeavouring to open his eyes on the de struction that threatens him. And those whose con sciences are awake, they are to press with the obli-, gation of immediate repentance; explaining to them, if need be, the terms of the gospel, and endeavouring to lead them without delay to the cross of Christ, They have an important duty to perform, also, in respect to those who have professedly come out of darkness into light; in assisting to detect false hopes, and confirm good hopes; to guard against temptation, and establish principles of holy living, and form plans for future usefulness. Many a Christian has had occasion through his whole religious life to reflect, that much of his usefulness, and much of his happiness, was to be referred, under God, to an unreserved intimacy, or perhaps to a single conversation, with some judicious Christian friend, at that critical moment subsequent to his conversion, when he was adopting principles for the regulation of his conduct.


You will not understand me here as recommending that every one should assume the office of a religious teacher, or that all Christians indiscriminately should take it upon them to give particular counsels and directions to the awakened sinner. The general direction, to exercise repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, it may come within the scope even of the humblest intelligence to give; but to counsel an inquiring sinner aright, sometimes be

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comes an exceedingly delicate and difficult duty, and may well put in requisition the experience and wisdom of the most advanced and judicious Christians; and the assumption of this office by those who are inadequate to it, it is easy to see, must greatly jeopardize the souls of men. While, therefore, every Christian, however circumscribed his field, or however limited his attainments, has something to do, by his conversation, in helping forward God's work, let every one take heed that he attempt nothing in this way which his knowledge or experience will not justify.

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4. Another important means for producing and sustaining a rivival, is Sabbath-school and Bible-class instruction.

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As the work of sanctification is begun and carried forward by means of the truth, it is manifest that the greater the degree of truth that is lodged in the mind, the greater the probability, other things being equal, that the individual will become a subject of conversion. And as the mind is far more easily impressed and directed in the period of childhood and youth, than after it has reached maturity, and its habits have become fixed, so it is in the morning of life that the truth is likely to exert its greatest influence. Now then, as it is the design of the Sabbath school to throw the light of truth into the mind, and into the youthful mind-in other words, to wield the great instrument of moral rénovation in circumstances most favourable to its success,--it cannot be doubted, that this institution is a most powerful auxiliary to the cause of revivals. A child who could gain but little from the ordinary instructions of the pulpit, in con

sequence of their exceeding his capacity, may, from the more simple and familiar instructions of the Sabbath school, be learning at least the elements of Bible truth; and at a very early period, no one can say how early, may have truth enough in his mind for the Spirit to use in the sanctification of his heart.62

But there is a still more direct influence exerted

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by Sabbath schools in favour of revivals. It ought to be, and we doubt not, is, to a great extent, regarded as the duty of every teacher, not merely to enlighten the understanding, but to impress divine truth upon the heart and conscience of each of his pupils; aiming at nothing short of a thorough moral renovation. Here is the best possible opportunity for the teacher to find his way to the heart. If, in the intercourse which he holds with his pupils, he is amiable and conciliatory, he will almost of course secure their confidence; and this is a most important preparation for their listening to him with attention and profit. And then let him, from time to time, commune faithfully with their consciences; let him show them how the truths which he inculcates involve their interests and destiny for eternity; let him press them frequently with those considerations which are most fitted to make them feel that religion is the one thing needful, and that there is no apology for neglecting it. Let him carefully watch every serious impression, following it up by suitable admonitions and counsels, and, finally, let him bear the interests of these children before the throne of the heavenly grace, and he has good reason to expect that such instrumentality will be honoured in saving souls from death. It is familiar to you all, that the records of

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