



Scene 1. Page 21.

but this top-proud fellow (Whom from the flow of gall I name not, but From sincere motions)

Dr. Johnson explains sincere motions to be honest indignation; and, for name not, would substitute blame not. But is not the following the plain sense, without any alteration? "this top-proud fellow, whom I call so, not from an excess of bitterness, but from a genuine impulse of the mind."

Sc. 1. p. 26.

Buck. I am the shadow of poor Buckingham,

Whose figure even this instant cloud puts on,
By dark'ning my clear sun.

It is no easy matter on some occasions to comprehend the precise meaning of Shakspeare's metaphors, which are often careless and confused; and of this position the present lines are, doubtless, an example. We have here a double comparison. Buckingham is first made to say that he is but a shadow; in other terms, a dead man. He then adverts to the sudden cloud of misfortune that overwhelms him, and, like a shadow, obscures his prosperity.

Sc. 3. p. 42.

CHAM. Is it possible the spells of France should juggle Men into such strange mysteries?

Dr. Johnson's explanation is much too fanciful. Mysteries are arts, and here artificial fashions.


Scene 2. Page 71.

NOR. I'll venture one heave at him.

The first folio reads "I'll venture one; have at him," and this, except as to the punctuation, is right. Have at you was a common phrase; it is used by Surrey in the ensuing act, and afterwards by Cromwell.


Sc. 2. p. 73.

- which so griev'd him, [Doctor Pace] That he ran mad and died.

This is from Holinshed. "Aboute this time the king received into favor doctor Stephen Gardiner, whose service he used in matters of great secrecie and weighte, admitting him in the room of Doctor Pace, the which being continually abrode in ambassades, and the same oftentymes not much necessarie, by the Cardinalles appointment, at length he toke such greefe therwith, that he fell out of his right wittes."


Sc. 3. p. 75.

't is a sufferance panging

As soul and body's severing.

Of the parallel passages already cited, this is

not the least so, from Measure for measure;

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in corporal sufferance feels a pang as great

As when a giant dies.

[they rise to depart.

Sc. 4. p. 98.

Mr. Ridley's note is very judiciously introduced

to get rid of the interpolated stage direction inserted by some of the editors, and to account for the king's apostrophe to Cranmer. He might have adduced an earlier exemplification of his remark from the ensuing scene, where Norfolk asks, when Cranmer returns? The archbishop of Canterbury, who attends the procession to Blackfriars, was William Warham.



Scene 2. Page 112.

I persuade me, from her
Will fall some blessing to this land, which shall
In it be memoriz'd.

This is, no doubt, a compliment to queen Elizabeth.

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Worse than the sacring bell, when the brown wench
Lay kissing in your arms, lord cardinal.

Was there any Skeltonical tradition to this effect in Shakspeare's time, or has he only taken a hint from one of the articles against Wolsey, which is conceived in the following terms ? "Also the said Lord Cardinall did call before him Sir John Stanly knight which had taken a farm by Covent seal of the Abbot of Chester and afterwards by his power and might contrary to right committed the said Sir John Stanly to the prison of Fleet by the space of a year unto such time as he compelled the said Sir John to release his Covent seal to one Leghe of Adlington, which married one Lark's daughter, which woman the said Lord Cardinall kept, and had with her two children," &c.

Sc. 2. p. 127.

SUR. First, that, without the king's assent, or knowledge, You wrought to be a legate; by which power You maim'd the jurisdiction of all bishops.

We have here in substance the first of the articles exhibited by the lords of the privy council and two of the judges against Wolsey. They had been unfaithfully recorded in some of our histories, but were at length printed by Lord Coke from the originals in his fourth Institute, chap. 8.

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