MASTERY, . authority, command, victory; something found to be vested, as often as not, and on the wellknown principle of lucus a non lucendo, in the mistress of the house. I have known several worthy men who have obtained a victory over many a foreign tongue, but never yet met one who had achieved the mastery over a woman's.-RICHARD HOOKER. MEASURES, . certain standards of capacity, or incapacity, both for ministers, generals, prelates, &c., as well as for liquids. In the former case, they assume the shape of parliamentary bills, resolutions, plans of campaign, charges to the clergy, &c., respectively; in the latter they take the form of bottles, pots, and so on. At the present day, while Imperial Measures are very unpopular in France, the English brewer or tavern-keeper who gives his customers such Measures is considered a public benefactor. BUOYANT. Harkee, child! Have you seen the landlord, old Boniface? A little fat man, as short as his own measures?-FARQUHAR. MEMORY, n. a valuable faculty, to which many original writers and brilliant wits are indebted for their reputation. MIND, . something invisible, like air. There is, however, this difference between the two people cannot do without air, but they can get on very well without Mind. SIR JASPER. Give you my daughter! I-I-(threatens him with his cane) I tell you, sirrah, I have a great mind— GLITTER. Nay, Sir Jasper; there you must pardon me. A great mind! Egad, if you do possess such a thing, you conceal it as jealously from general observation as the Grand Turk does his wives. Ha ha! ha! (laughs).—R. B. SHERIDAN. SIR HARRY DAWDLE. Let me perish. It was a positive insult. LORD AMBER. Pish! pish! He said he was suffering from absence of mind, and, egad, I believe him, for he looked very much as usual.—WYCHERLY. MONEY, n. the happy (circulating) medium; the only known motive power superior to steam; the sole thing about which even the most rabid politicians or bitterest theologians never exhibited a difference of opinion. Wine is not always wine, but sometimes liquid deception, and a swindle, For, in five tons I purchased last winter, a great part was nothing but slates, The slates would have more than sufficed, as truly as I am a poet, To roof a farm-labourer's cottage, and pigstye, perhaps, if he had one; But money is evermore welcome, no matter its form or its title, Unless it be counterfeit, spurious, and fit but to pay tolls at bridges: No matter if money be coin'd as shillings, as ponnds, or as halfpence, money. Philosophy teaches us wisely: in all these shapes money is MARTIN F. TUPPER. MOURNING, ". dark garments often covering light hearts. The devil is not so black as he is painted; and the experience of past centuries, as well as that of the age in which we ourselves live, hath gone far to prove that, in divers cases, where the mourning is deepest, the grief is least profound. -DR. ISAAC BARROW. PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. I. Is it "best to be off with the old love If you found yourself" out in the cold,” love, II. To you who have lovers in plenty 'Tis no difficult matter to do. I'm uneasy in managing two. Be faithful awhile to your old love THE GREAT SENSATION, POST FREE, FOUR STAMPS. The "Girl of the Period" Almanack for 1869. EDITED BY MISS ECHO, AND ILLUSTRATED WITH TWELVE GRAPHIC CARTOONS AND OTHER CHARACTERISTIC DESIGNS. May be ordered of all Booksellers, and at all Railway Bookstalls. "ECHOES" Office, 19, Catherine Street, Strand, London. THE "GIFT BOOK OF THE PERIOD." Printed on Imperial folio, plate paper, and bound in ornamental Cloth, with gilt edges, forming an elegant Gift Book or Drawing-room Table Album. ECHOES CARTOONS PRICE HALF A GUINEA. Sent free by Post for Twelve Shillings. Money Orders to be made payable to PAUL MONTAGUE, at the Strand Office. COMPLETE IN THREE VOLUMES, ROXBURGH BINDING, PRICE 308. ECHOES FROM THE CLUBS, The "SPECTATOR" of the Period. ILLUSTRATED WITH AND CONTAINING ALL FIFTY - THREE GRAPHIC CARTOONS DEPICTING SOCIETY, Sent Carriage free for £1. 11s. 6d. Money Orders to be made payable to PAUL MONTAGUE, at the Strand Office. The New Series of "ECHOES" may be ordered at all Booksellers' and Railway Bookstalls. “ECHOES” Office, 19, Catherine Street, Strand, London. Or, THE BEST AND THE WORST OF HIM! By an Ex-GIRL OF THE PERIOD. Chapters VII., VIII., and IX. Illustrated with a Miniature of KATE |