
from the Greek, which you have observed, I was led into by Chapman and Hobbes; who are (it seems) as much celebrated for their knowledge of the original, as they are decryed for the badness of their tranflations. Chapman pretends to have restored the genuine fense of the author, from the mistakes of all former explainers, in several hundred places: and the Cambridge editors of the large Homer, in Greek and Latin, attributed so much to Hobbes, that they confefs they have corrected the old Latin interpretation very often by his version. For my part, I generally took the author's meaning to be as you have explained it; yet their authority, joined to the knowledge of my own imperfectness in the language, over-ruled me. However, Sir, you may be confident I think you in the right, because you happen to be of my opinion; (for men (let them fay what they will) never approve any other's sense, but as it squares with their own.) But you have made me much more proud of, and positive in my judgement, since it is strengthened by yours. I think your criticisms, which regard the expreffion, very just, and shall make my profit of them: to give you some proof that I am

in earnest, I will alter three verses on your bare objection, though I have Mr. Dryden's - example for each of them. And this, I hope, -you will account no small piece of obedience, - from one, who values the authority of one


true poet above that of twenty criticks or commentators. But though I speak thus of commentators, I will continue to read carefully all I can procure, to make up, that way, formy own want of critical understanding in the original beauties of Homer. Though the greatest of them are certainly those of the Invention and Design, which are not at all confined to the language: for the distinguishing excellences of Homer are (by the confent of the best criticks of all nations) first in the manners, (which include all the speeches, as being no other than the representations of each person's manners by his words:) and then in that rapture and fire, which carries you away with him, with that wonderful force, that no man who has a true poetical spirit is master of himself, while he reads him, Homer makes you interested and concerned before you are aware, all at once; whereas Virgil does it by foft degrees. This, I believe, is what a tranflator of Homer ought principally to imitate; and it is very hard for any tranflator to come up to it, because the chief reason why all tranflations fall short of their originals is, that the very conftraint they are obliged to, render them heavy and dispirited. I..

"The great beauty of Homer's language, as I take it, consists in that noble fimplicity, which runs through all his works; (and yet his diction, contrary to what one would imagine confiftent with fimplicity, is at the same time very copious.) I don't know how I have run into this pedantry in a Letter, but I find I have faid too much, as well as spoken too inconfiderately; what farther thoughts I have upon this subject, I shall be glad to communicate to you (for my own improvement) when we meet; which is a happiness I very earnestly defire, as I do likewife fome opportunity of proving how much I think myself obliged to your friendship, and how truly I am, Sir,


Your most faithful, humble servant,


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The Criticism upon Pope's Epitaphs, which was printed in The Visitor, is placed here, being too minute and particular to be inferted in the Life.

EVERY Art is best taught by example. Nothing contributes more to the cultivation of propriety than remarks on the works of those who have most excelled. I shall therefore endeavour, at this visit, to entertain the young students in poetry, with an examination of Pope's Epitaphs.

To define an epitaph is useless ; every one knows that it is an infcription on a tomb. An epitaph, therefore, implies no particular character of writing, but may be compofed in verse or profe. It is indeed commonly panegyrical; because we are seldom diftinguished with a stone but by our friends; but it has no rule to restrain or mollify it, except this, that it ought not to be longer than commen beholders may be expected to have leifure and patience to perufe.*

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On CHARLES Earl of DORSET, in the Church of Wytbyham in Sussex.

Dorset, the grace of courts, the Muse's pride, Patron of arts, and judge of nature, dy'd. The scourge of pride, though fanctify'd or great, Of fops in learning, and of knaves in state; Yet soft in nature, though fevere his lay, His anger moral, and his wisdom gay. Blest satyrist! who touch'd the mean so true, As show'd, Vice had his hate and pity too. Blest courtier! who could king and country please, Yet facred kept his friendship, and his ease. Blest peer! his great forefather's every grace Reflecting, and reflected on his race; Where other Buckhursts, other Dorsets shine, And patriots still, or poets, deck the line.

The first distich of this epitaph contains a kind of information which few would want, that the man, for whom the tomb was erected, died. There are indeed some qualities worthy of praise ascribed to the dead, but none that were likely to exempt him from the lot of man, or incline us much to wonder that he should die. What is meant by judge


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