

Leading the Troops into the Trot of Hattraps.

Published Tan Y12 1829 by Hurst Chance & C: St Pauls Church Yard.

Holl se.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Colonel P. Philpot, late 24th Light Dragoons, 2 copies.

Colonel Effingham Lindsay, 22d Foot, 2 copies.

Colonel George Becher, Company's Service.

Colonel Hay, Company's Recruiting Depôt.

Colonel Thomas Valiant, Commandant 40th Foot, 2 copies.

Major Cunningham, Bengal Native Infantry, 4 copies.

Major Mead, ditto.

Major Showers, ditto.

Major Shadwell, 4 copies.

Major Waythe, late Maidstone Cavalry Depôt.

Major E. R. Stevenson, 76th Foot.

Captain G. Beauclerk, Royal Welch Fusiliers.

Captain Covell, Barrack-Master.


Captain Roberdeaux, 4th Bengal Cavalry.

Captain Scott.

Captain Elliott.

Captain Martin French, late 18th Hussars.

Captain Cates.

Paymaster W. Bates, 65th Regiment.

The Library of the 65th Regiment.

Captain Marshall, 2 copies.

The Twelfth Regiment Royal Hussars, 16 copies.

Major Badcock, 8th Hussars.

Major Brett, ditto.

Captain Lord George Hill, ditto.

Captain Ponsonby, ditto.

Captain Lyons, ditto.

Captain Morgell, ditto..

Captain Hankey, ditto, 2 copies.

Captain Whittaker, ditto.

Lieutenant Sir W. Young, ditto.

Lieutenant Shedden, ditto.

Lieutenant M'Call, ditto.
Cornet Macnamara, ditto.

Cornet Ball, ditto.

Cornet King, ditto.

Cornet Thomas, ditto.

Cornet Shewell, ditto.

Cornet Christmas, ditto.

Major W. H. Gully, 87th Regiment.

Captain Lord A. Chichester, ditto.

Captain J. Fenton, ditto.

Captain W. Hutchinson, ditto.

Captain James Bowes, ditto.

Captain T. O'Brien, ditto.

Captain J. S. Doyle, ditto.

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