
swampy meadows, the corn land out of heart, the wide stretches of moorland, the miserable farmhouses, and the ragged peasantry. The "republic one and indivisible" had been too much absorbed in mighty schemes to lavish an idea on Perigord métayers, and Napoleon's only thought had been how many recruits he could get out of them.

of Mahdis, another arising as the first was killed off; matched against the wolflike endurance of Abd-el Kader; troubled with "patriots" who wanted to give the Arabs "equality and fraternity," while they robbed them through thick and thin; vexed in his righteous soul by peculating generals like De Brossard; forced to defend cruelties like those of Pelissier, he did his work through evil report and good report. His great grief was that dis

Bugeaud had to work by example; the farmers round would not believe in his new-fangled notions till three or four splen-charged veterans preferred going back to did harvests had proved that he was right. Improving the buildings was even more ticklish work; he did it gradually on his own estate, and trusted to example, helping it on by lecturing all through the neighborhood. That is the first half of his life; the second half began with the coming in of Louis Philippe, when he was at once put in command of a regiment, and had the, for hima Legitimist by birth and sentiment - singularly unpleasant task of looking after the Duchess of Berri, who was imprisoned at Blaye.

This made him the butt of many violent attacks from the party to which he naturally belonged, and increased that morbid hatred of newspapers and editors which was his one weakness. Happily Algiers, whither he was sent in 1836, saved him from being forced into politics; he got off with a good deal of abuse from all parties, and a duel with Deputy Dulong.

He was now fifty years old, and his military career, henceforth begun afresh, was an unbroken success, despite a good deal of bullying from discontented members of all parties in the Paris Chamber. Worried by prophets, a regular succession


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France or hanging about the cafés of the Algerian towns, to taking farms in the soldiers' colonies on which he had set his heart. He was beloved by all the French Arabs, for they saw how he stood between them and oppression, and made the Arab Office a reality. In 1841 he was made governor-general; in 1845 he won his crowning mercy of Isly, crushing at one blow the power (such as it was) of Morocco; in 1847 he was recalled from Algeria, and from a necessary though ignoble warfare in which he trained up many of the French generals who have since become famous. If he had had his way in February, 1848, the Orleans family, two princes of which were with him through a great part of his African wars, might still be on the throne. He died of cholera, in 1849; and the peasants round La Durantie and Excideuil still gratefully remember the man who taught them new and profitable ways of tillage. His life is remarkable, as I said, for having been cut into two halves, of which the former is the more interesting, because it shows us how the latter came to be possible.

THE PROPOSED BRIDGE AT THE TOWER. On Tuesday, October 21, an influential deputation of the inhabitants and ratepayers of the ward of Portsoken in the City waited upon Mr. Alderman Isaacs, who represents the ward in the Court of Aldermen, and presented him with a memorial on the subject of the erection of a bridge at the Tower, and, as they alleged, the closing up for all practical purposes the most valuable part of the Thames. They said the effect of the erection of such a bridge would be to drive the shipping miles away from the ward and from the City, to divert the trade of Billingsgate to the proposed market at Shadwell, and to disperse the fruit and other trades connected with the ward. Mr. Alderman Isaacs, in reply, said he quite agreed with the

views of the deputation. He would do every. thing in his power to obtain for the inhabitants on both sides of the river increased accommodation, but the accommodation should be given in such a way as not to neutralize the very great advantages they derived from the river. He did not hesitate to say that if all the trade carried on at the wharves was sent into the docks there would be such a block and such dissatisfaction that he was sure that all persons who consigned produce to the port of London, by reason of its being so easily deliv ered, would send their goods to the outer ports, such as Liverpool and Hull. That would consequently make a very serious loss to the trade of London. A subway would answer every purpose.

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Single Numbers of THE LIVING AGE, 18 cents.

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Her asiest saunther

Was quick as a canther,

Her gallop resimbled a lightning express; Twinty miles in the hour was her lowest horsepower,

'Twould desthroy her intirely to go at a less!

There was never a fence so conthráry or cruel But she would conthrive to surmount it, the jewel!

And Jack on her back, widout getting a toss, Clared ditches, no matther how crabbed or


An iligant shtepper,

A wondherful lepper,

Don't talk of Bucephalus or of Black Bess, Twinty miles in the hour was her lowest horsepower,

'Twould desthroy her intirely to go at a less!

They were clifted,* the two of them, Jack and the mare,

Returning one night from the Blackwater fair: Bad 'cess to that road! in the worst place of all

There isn't a sign or a taste of a wall. Sure the Barony's grief Was beyant all belief, 'Twas the loss of the mare caused the greater disthress;

Twinty miles in the hour was her lowest horse.

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[blocks in formation]


GAY bloom the flowers in springtime set,
And streaky apples linger yet;
'Twas autumn but a week ago.

Why, then, these flakes of winter snow?
Summer's last rose they disarrayed,
The while she dreamed in peace to fade.
One swallow was inclined to stay;
The white flecks frightened him away.

Winter's cold shock who first endure
Think him unkind and premature,
Complain the summer was too brief,
And moralize o'er each dead leaf.
But as he grips with firmer hold
We grow more careless of the cold,
Joy in the sparkle of his snow,
And nestle by his fireside glow.

Dismayed we note the first grey hair,
Soon others come- we cease to care;
Then grey, outnumbering the brown,
And soon white winter settles down.
And when from youth we've passed to age
We've learned our lesson page by page,
To take what comes for weal or woe
And never fret about the snow.
Pall Mall Gazette.

W. D.

From The Quarterly Review.

to M. Guizot (February 23rd, 1854), “I was content to live down," as "in Parlia ment I could take iny own part, and in the press that of my own party."

sentation. He had therefore to encounter abundance of personal abuse while he THESE volumes will form a valuable lived, and his adversaries were at all times addition to the authentic materials for the ready to lay at his door the blame for political and literary history of the first articles, of which he was guiltless, in half of the present century. They are the which opinions on books, men, or meashonorable record of the long and indus-ures, were expressed, which were not to trious life, spent in intimate communion their taste. This, as he says in a letter with many of the greatest and most influential men of the time, of a man enjoying their confidence and sharing their counsels. From them we learn much about the graves principum amicitiæ, which The rule he thus prescribed to himself have always had a profound interest for must often have been put to a heavy the historical student. Instead of the strain; but he never departed from it, exidle gossip of eavesdroppers and busy- cept in one instance, and then he showed bodies, of which so much has of late years how much Macaulay and his other ene been given in reckless diaries to the world, mies probably owed to his forbearance. to bewilder men's judgments, and to per- He was in his seventy-fourth year, and the plex future historians, we are shown, un assailant was Lord John Russell. Mr. der the hands of many of the leaders in Croker had commented, in this review, the political arena, how and why they with justifiable severity, on the disregard acted at periods of critical importance. of private feeling and the rules of good Anecdotes of universal interest come to taste, with which "Moore's Diaries" had us at first hand; we are taken into the been edited by Lord John. Moore had best company-generals, statesmen, and owed much to Mr. Croker's kindness, and literary men, such as Wellington, Can- professed warm friendship for him to the ning, Lyndhurst, Peel, Lord Ashburton, last. There was proof positive in the Lord Aberdeen, Sir James Graham, Gui- published diaries that, while pretending zot, Metternich, Sir Walter Scott, Isaac | friendship to Mr. Croker, he was habitually D'Israeli, Lockhart, and others see vilifying him; but Mr. Croker did not allow them in their lighter as well as graver personal feeling to interfere with his litmoods, and carry away in all cases a more erary estimate of this, any more than of vivid, and in some a more pleasing im- any other book. Stung by the censure of pression of them, than we have before his share in the work, Lord John, in an evil entertained. And while of especial value hour for himself, appended a note to the to those who take a deep interest either sixth volume, in which, after saying that in politics or literature, these volumes "to Moore it was unnecessary to address must, we feel assured, prove attractive in a request to spare a friend," he asked no ordinary degree to the general reader. what would have been the result, if a reThey have, moreover, a special value in quest to spare Moore had been addressed vindicating the reputation of Mr. Croker to Croker? 'Probably," he continued, from the attacks to which it has long been "while Moore was alive, and able to wield unfairly subjected. Mr. Croker was too his pen, it might have been successful. great a power, both in Parliament and in Had Moore been dead, it would have the press, to escape the rancor of that served only to give additional zest to the miserable spirit, which hates where it pleasure of safe malignity." Such an differs, and revenges a discomfiture in attack from such a quarter on Croker's controversy by scurrility and misrepre- moral character and personal honor at once brought the old man into the field in a letter to his assailant, published in the Times. Lord John made a feeble reply, the main gist of which was, that he had suppressed some passages in the diary

The Croker Papers.· The Correspondence and Diaries of the late Right Honorable John Wilson Croker, LL.D., F.R.S., Secretary to the Admiralty from 1809 to 1830. Edited by Louis J. Jennings. 3

Vols. London, 1884.


still more offensive. This gave Croker | which induced Miss Martineau, in an an opportunity of driving home the charge article on "the unhappy old man who has against him of compromising Moore, while just departed," which appeared in the traducing the man who had believed Moore to be the friend he professed himself to be.

There is another very serious consideration arising out of this surprising confession, which is, that for the purpose, I suppose, of attributing to yourself the gloriole of a generous delicacy towards me, as well as others, you sacrifice not only your argument, but the character of your poor friend, by revealing, what I never suspected, that during the many years in which he was living on apparently the most friendly terms with me, and asking, and receiving, and acknowledging such good offices, both consultative and practical, as my poor judgment and interest were able to afford him, he was making entries in his "Diary" concerning me so "offensive," that even the political and partisan zeal of Lord John Russell shrank from reproducing them.

Daily News the day after Mr. Croker's death, and which, if we mistake not, has since been republished in her "Political Sketches," to write of him thus: "When he had been staying at Drayton Manor, not long before Sir R. Peel's death, had been not only hospitably entertained, but kindly ministered to under his infirmities of deafness and bad health, and went home to cut up his host in a political article for the forthcoming Quarterly, his fellow-guests at Drayton refused as long as possible to believe the article to be his."

There is not [says Mr. Jennings, vol. iii., p. 93] a word of truth in this statement from beginning to end. Any one who was likely to be a guest at Drayton Manor knew perfectly well who wrote the articles in the Quarterly Review; Peel himself knew; and Mr. Croker was not at Drayton Manor for several years prior to Peel's death.

I must be allowed to say, under such strange circumstances, that I reject your Lordship's indulgence with contempt, and despise the menace, if it be meant for one, that you have Indeed, all personal intercourse besuch weapons in your sleeve; I not only dare tween them had ceased in 1846, nearly you, but I condescend to entreat you to pub-four years before that event, after a close

lish all about me that you may have suppressed. Let me know the full extent of your crooked indulgence, and of Moore's undeviating friendship. Let us have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, while I am still living to avail myself of it. Let it not be said that "poor dear Moore" told such things of Croker that even Lord John Russell would not publish them. I feel pretty confident that there will not be found any entry of Moore's derogatory of me against which I shall not be able to produce his own contemporaneous evidence of a contrary tendency.

"It would be useless for us," Lord John rejoined, "to attempt to persuade one another." But Croker was not to be so silenced. "I had no motive and no intention," he replied, "to persuade your Lordship to anything. I did not meddle with your opinions. I charged you with a gross and wilful offence against me. The public is now the judge whether I have proved the charge." And the verdict of the public was with Croker.

It was not, we believe, a zest for "the pleasure of safe malignity," but the incurable heedlessness of party malevolence,

and affectionate intimacy of thirty years, and for reasons which, as these volumes show, were certainly not otherwise than honorable to Mr. Croker.

The silence with which Mr. Croker's friends treated these and similar calumnies became no longer possible, when they were adopted and enforced by Mr. Trevelyan in his "Life of Lord Macaulay," published in 1876, and supported by extracts from Lord Macaulay's letters and diaries. The story of that life, and the remarkable skill with which it was told by Mr. Trevelyan, made his book sure of a circulation as wide as that of Lord Macaulay's own works; and in no place could the misrepresentations it contained be more fitly met than in this review, with which Mr. Croker had been from its earliest days actively associated. With access to the documents which are included in the present volumes, it was an easy as well as grateful task to show how little either Lord Macaulay or his biographer knew of the man whom they had maligned. No attempt was made by Mr. Trevelyan

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