

of a glorious angel, attesting it to the women, who had come to the sepulchre with a view to anoint his body. Of the many appearances of Christ to his disciples, Matthew only records two; namely, one to these women, and one to all the disciples collected together in Galilee. His history concludes with the important testimony borne by Christ, immediately before his ascension, to the exaltation of his human nature to the highest dignity and power; to which is subjoined his solemn charge to the apostles, and their successors in the ministry, to teach and baptize all nations, and his gracious promise that his presence should be with them to the end of the world.








In this chapter we have, (1,) The genealogy of Christ, in the line of Joseph, showing him to be descended from David and Abraham, in forty-two generations, divided into three fourteens, 1-17. (2,) An account of the circumstances of his birth, as far as was necessary to show that he was born of a virgin, according to the prediction of the Prophet Isaiah, (chap. vii. 14,) 18-25.

Anno Mun- THE book of the generation of || 2 d Abraham begat Isaac; and A. M. 4000.

the World, 4000.

Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

a Luke iii., 23. Psa. cxxxii. 11; Isa. xi. 1; Jer. xxiii. 5; Chap. xxii. 42; John vii. 42; Acts ii. 30; xiii. 23; Rom. i. 3. NOTES ON CHAPTER I.

Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren.

© Gen. xii. 3; xxii. 18; Gal. iii. 16.-d Gen. xxi. 2. Gen. xxv. 26. Gen. xxix. 35.

Verse 1. The book-That is, This is the book, the verb being elegantly omitted, according to the cus-sense of the latter clause, indeed, the son of Abra

prophetical character of the Messiah was, that he was to spring from Abraham and David. The

ham, is ambiguous: it may mean either that David was the son of Abraham, or, which seems the more probable sense, that Christ, who was the son of David, was also the son of Abraham. This sense

tom of the Hebrews, and also of the Greeks and Romans; of the generation-Or, as the Syriac expresses it, The writing, narrative, or account of the generation, or birth of Jesus, &c. The word | γενεσις, indeed, here rendered generation, some-accords better both with the following words, and

with the design of the evangelist, which was to show, that Christ was descended from both these renowned patriarchs, and that in him was fulfilled the promises made to both. David is first named, 1. That the catalogue, to begin from Abraham, might proceed regularly, without the repetition of his name; 2. Because the memory of David was more fresh upon the minds of the Jews, and his name in greater repute than that of Abraham, espe

times signifies the history of a person's life, yet it is much more frequently used for genealogy, or birth; and it seems to be intended to be taken in this restrained sense here. Dr. Macknight renders the phrase, The table of the genealogy of Jesus: observing that the word βιβλος, book, is used in this limited sense Mark x. 4, where a bill of divorce is so called: and Jer. xxxii. 12, where a deed of con- | mor veyance is termed ספר a book. Indeed, the Jews, and also the Greeks, called all writings books, whe-cially when the discourse related to the Messiah,

ther short or long. Of Jesus Christ-Jesus is his John vii. 42; more plain and explicit promises of proper name, given him by God, his true Father, || him being made to David, and the prophets having

Matt. i. 21; Luke i. 31; ii. 21. Christ is, as it were, a surname, descriptive of his unction to the prophetic, priestly, and kingly offices. To the name Christ, that of Jesus is often superadded in the New Testament, not only that Christ might be pointed out for the Saviour, as the word Jesus sig-conceptions of Christ than others, termed him the

spoken of Christ under the name of David. Add to this, that David was both a prophet and a king, and therefore a more manifest type of the Messiah, who sustains both of these offices, as well as that of a priest. Hence those who had entertained higher

nifies, but that Jesus might be shown to be the true son of David, as appears from many passages in Messiah, or Christ, in opposition to the unbelief of the gospels. the Jews. The son of David, the son of AbraVerse 2. Abraham begat Isaac-"The evangelist ham-i. e., a descendant of David and Abraham; || here opens his history with our Lord's genealogy the word son, in the language of the Hebrews, being || by Joseph, his supposed father. Luke gives another put for any descendant, however remote. Here genealogy of him, thought by many to be Joseph's the evangelist proposes what he is going to prove; also, but without foundation; for the two genealoviz., that Jesus Christ, whose history he is about to gies are entirely different, from David and downgive, was the son of David and Abraham, which it || ward. It is true, some have attempted to reconcile was necessary he should show, because the grand || them by alleging, that they exhibit Joseph's pediGenealogy of Jesus Christ.


Genealogy of Jesus Christ. gree, the one by his natural, the other by his legal || concerning the great personage, in whom all the father. But, had that been the case, the natural families of the earth were to be blessed, having and legal fathers would have been brothers, which || been made to those patriarchs, in quality of his proit is plain they were not, Jacob, Joseph's father in || genitors; first to Abraham, Gen. xxii. 18, then to

David, Psa. cxxxii. 11, 12." And accordingly Mat thew begins this genealogy with a plain allusion to these promises: for he evidently intended it, not so much as an introduction to his history of Christ, as to show that, according to the flesh, he was the son of David and the son of Abraham, as it was often foretold the Messiah should be.

Matthew, being the son of Matthan, the son of Eleazar; whereas Eli, the father supposed to be assigned him by Luke, was the son of Matthat, a different person from Matthan, because the son of Levi." Besides, on this supposition, we should be || altogether uncertain whether our Lord's mother, from whom alone he sprang, was a daughter of David, and consequently could not prove that he If it be inquired whence Matthew had this genehad any other relation to David than that his mother alogy, there being nothing of it to be found in was married to one of the descendants of that Scripture, Dr. Whitby answers, "From the authenprince. Let the reader judge whether this would || tic genealogical tables kept by the Jews, of the line of David: for, it appea appears from the taxation, men

come up to the import of the passages of Scripture,
which tell us he was made of the seed of David. See
Rom. i. 3; Acts ii. 30. But this important difficulty || families and tribes, since all went to be taxed, every

is easily removed by supposing that Matthew gives
Joseph's pedigree, and Luke, Mary's. See Mac- ||
knight. But, taking it for granted that Luke gives
us our Lord's real pedigree, and Matthew that of
Joseph, his supposed father, it may reasonably be
inquired why Matthew has done so? To this it
may be answered, that he intended to remove the
scruples of those who knew that the Messiah was to
be the heir of David's crown; a reason which ap-
pears the stronger, if we suppose, with the learned ||
writer last quoted, that Matthew wrote posterior ||
to Luke, who has given the real pedigree. For,
"though Joseph was not Christ's real father, it was
directly for the evangelist's purpose to derive his


tioned Luke ii., that they had genealogies of all their

one to his own city, verse 3, and Joseph went to Bethlehem, the city of David, because he was of the house and lineage of David. And this is certain, touching the tribe of Levi, because their whole temple service, the effect of their sacrifices and expiations, depended on it. And, therefore, Josephus, being a priest, not only confidently depends on these genealogical tables for the proof of his descent, ανωθεν εξ ιερέων, in a long series from priests; but adds, that all their priests were obliged to prove, εκ των αρχαιων την διαδοχην, their succession from an ancient line; and if they could not do it, they were to be excluded from officiating as priests, and that, in whatsoever part of the world they

pedigree from David, and show that he was the || were, they used this diligence. And again, Christ

child of him, adopted him for his son, and raised | preserved, that they might know that their Messiah

eldest surviving branch of the posterity of that prince, because, this point established, it was well enough understood that Joseph, by marrying our Lord's mother, after he knew that she was with

being promised as one who was to proceed out of the loins of David, and therefore called the son of David, it was absolutely necessary that the genealogy of the house and lineage of David should be

was of the seed of David, according to the promise. Hence the apostle says to Timothy, Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead, 2 Tim. ii. 8. And Eusebius, (Eccl. Hist., lib. i. cap. 6,) from Africanus, says, accord

him both to the dignity and privileges of David's heir. Accordingly, the genealogy is concluded in terms which imply this: Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus. Joseph is not here called the father of Jesus, but the husband of his mother, Mary; and the privileges fol-ing to the version of Ruffinus, 'That all the succes

lowing this adoption will appear to be more essentially connected with it, if, as is probable, Joseph never had any child. For thus the regal line of David's descendants by Solomon, failing in Joseph, his rights were properly transferred to Joseph's adopted son, who, indeed, was of the same family, though by another branch. Matthew, therefore, has deduced our Lord's political and royal pedigree, with a view to prove his title to the kingdom | of Israel, by virtue of the rights which he acquired through his adoption; whereas Luke explains his natural descent, in the several successions of those from whom he derived his human nature. That the genealogy, not only of our Lord's mother, but of his reputed father, should be given by the sacred historians, was wisely ordered; because the two

sions of the Hebrews were kept in the secret archives of the temple, and thence they were described, εκ της βιβλε των εμερων, from their ephemerides, by the kinsmen of our Saviour.' It therefore, doubtless, was from these authentic records that Matthew had his genealogy, for otherwise he would have exposed himself to the cavils of the Jews. And hence the author of the epistle to the Hebrews represents it as a thing evident to the Jews, that our Lord sprang out of Judah, Heb. vii. 14."

As to some difficulties which occur upon comparing this genealogy with that of Luke, the reader is referred to the notes on them both. We must observe, however, that if we could not satisfactorily remove some, or even any of those difficulties, it would not affect the credit of the evangelists, for it

taken together prove him to be descended of David || would be a sufficient vindication of them to say, and Abraham in every respect, and consequently || that they gave Christ's pedigree as they found it in that one of the most remarkable characters of the || the authentic tables, preserved among the Jews in the Messiah was fulfilled in him; the principal promises || temple registers. Upon this subject Bishop Burnet Genealogy of Jesus Christ.


Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

Α. Μ. 4000. 3 And & Judas begat Phares and || dab begat Naasson; and Naasson A. M. 4000. Zara of Thamar; and Phares be-begat Salmon ; gat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram ;

5 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and 1 And Aram begat Aminadab; and Amina- || Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse;

& Gen. xxxviii. 27.

h Ruth iv. 18, &c.; 1 Chron. ii. 5, 9, &c.

observes, that had not this genealogy been taken with exactness out of those registers, the bare showing of them would have served to have con- | government among them, till Shiloh, who was to

futed the whole. For, if those registers were clear and uncontroverted in any one thing, they were so with respect to the genealogies; since these proved both that the Jews were Abraham's seed, and like

and bow down to him, and that his descendants should continue a distinct tribe, with some form of spring from his loins, should come.

Verse 3. And Judas begat Phares and ZaraSome have observed that these sons of Judah are mentioned together because they were twins born

wise ascertained their title to the lands, which, || at the same time: but if this had been a reason for from the days of Joshua, were to pass down either || assigning Zara the honour of being named in this to immediate descendants, or, as they failed, to || genealogy, Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, ought collateral degrees. Now, this shows plainly, that to have obtained it likewise. He seems rather to there was a double office kept of their pedigrees; one natural, which might probably be taken when the rolls of circumcision were made up; and the other, relating to the division of the land; in which, when the collateral line came instead of the natural, then the last was dropped, as extinct, and the other remained. It being thus plain, from their constitution, that they had these two orders of tables, we are not at all concerned in the diversity of the two evangelists on this head; since they both might have copied them out from those two offices

be mentioned to prevent any mistake. For if he had not, considering the infamy of Pharez's birth, we might have been apt to imagine that not the Pharez whom Judah begat in incest, but another son of Judah, called Pharez, was our Lord's progenitor, it being no uncommon thing among the Jews to have several children of the same name. Wherefore, to put the matter beyond doubt, Thamar, as well as Zara, is mentioned in the genealogy, if her name be not rather added because she was remarkable in the sacred history. This reason

at the temple; and if they had not done it faith-certainly must be assigned why three other women fully, the Jews could easily have demonstrated are named in this catalogue, viz., Rahab, Ruth, and their error in endeavouring to prove that Jesus was Bathsheba. They were all remarkable characters, entitled to that well-known character of the Mes-and their story is particularly related in the Old siah, that he was to be the son of David, by a false pedigree. Now since no exceptions were made at the time when the sight of the rolls must have ended the inquiry, it is plain they were faithfully ||

Testament. This seems much more probable than the opinion of those who think they are mentioned, either because they were great sinners, to teach us that Christ came to save such, or with a view to copied out; nor are we now bound to answer such || obviate the cavils of the Jews against the mean difficulties as seem to arise out of them, since they || condition of the mother of our Lord; their re

were not questioned at the time in which only an appeal could be made to the public registers themselves. See Burnet's Four Discourses, p. 16.

Abraham begat Isaac, &c. - Matthew, being a Jew, brings Christ's genealogy down from Abraham, for the comfort of the Jews, who deduced all their genealogies from him, because God had taken || him and his seed into a peculiar covenant; Luke, a Gentile, and a companion of the apostle of the Gentiles, carries Christ's pedigree upward unto Adam, for the comfort of the Gentiles, who were not lineally of the seed of Abraham. Jacob begat Judas and his brethren-The words, his brethren, are || added, probably, because they were patriarchs and heads of the people from whom the Messiah was to proceed, and to show that he was related to all the tribes as well as to that of Judah, and to comfort those of the dispersion, (many of whom were not returned out of captivity, as Judah was,) in their equal interest in the blessings of the seed of Abraham. Judah is particularly named in preference to any of them, both because it was from him our || Lord came, and because to him the extraordinary promise was made, that his brethren should praise

nowned ancestors, such as even David and Solomon, being descended of women whose quality rendered them much meaner than she was. It was, however, one degree of our Saviour's humiliation, that he would be born of such sinners, and it certainly may encourage the vilest to come unto him, and expect salvation from him. Nor shall they be disappointed, if, in true repentance and lively faith, they turn from their sins to God.

Verse 4. And Aram begat Aminadab-Of these, to Jesse, little is said in Scripture, for either they lived in slavery in Egypt, or in trouble in the wilderness, or in obscurity in Canaan before the kingdom was settled. Naasson, as we learn Num. i. 7, was head of the house of Judah, not, as some through mistake have affirmed, when the Israelites entered Canaan, but when they were numbered and marshalled in the wilderness of Sinai, in the second year after they were come out of Egypt. Accordingly, in the catalogue given 1 Chron. ii. 10, he is termed prince of the children of Judah, where Salmon his son is called Salma.

Verse 5. Salmon begat Booz of Rachab-Viz., after their settlement in Canaan. It is not exact Genealogy of Jesus Christ.


Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

A. M. 4000. 6 And Jesse begat David the begat Joram; and Joram begat A. M. 4000.

king; and David the king begat | Ozias; Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias; 9 And Ozias begat Joatham; and Joatham 7 And Solomon begat Roboam; and Robo-begat Achaz; and Achaz begat Ezekias ; am begat Abia; and Abia begat Asa; 8 And Asa begat Josaphat; and Josaphat

i 1 Sam. xvi. 1; xvii. 12. 2 Sam. xii. 24.

10 And m Ezekias begat Manasses; and Manasses begat Amon; and Amon begat Josias;

11 Chron. iii. 10, &c.m2 Kings xx. 21; 1 Chron. iii. 13.

said that this woman was Rahab of Jericho, com-two which adhered to David's family was of much

monly called the harlot, but it is highly probable she was; for that Rahab was contemporary with Salmon, and a remarkable person, and there was no other of that name, especially of that age, of whom the compiler of the table could possibly suppose his reader to have any knowledge. It is true she was of one of those idolatrous nations with which ||

longer duration, not to mention that the tribe of Judah, out of which the Messiah was to spring, was one of those two that continued in their allegiance to his house. This kingdom also was a type of the kingdom of Christ, which indeed might be said to be begun by him. For to him the promise of the Messiah was made, and of his seed the Messiah was

the Israelites were forbidden to marry. But as the || to be raised up, to possess his throne, and establish

reason of that prohibition was only lest they should be tempted to idolatry, it could have no force in the case of Rahab, who, before her marriage with Salmon, undoubtedly acknowledged the God of Israel for the true God, and became a proselyte of righteousness. And Booz begat Obed of RuthAlthough the son of a Moabite by an Israelitish || woman was forbidden to enter into the congregation of the Lord; that is, at least was rendered incapable of being a prince in Israel, and perhaps even of being naturalized by circumcision; yet it evidently appears from this celebrated instance, Ruth being a Moabitess, that this precept was not understood as excluding the descendants of an Israelite by a Moabitish woman from any hereditary honours and privileges, otherwise the kinsman of Booz would not have wanted a much better reason than any he assigned, (Ruth iv. 6,) for refusing to marry Ruth, when she became a widow. And Obed begat Jesse-Inasmuch as there were at least 300 years between Salmon and David, and only three persons are here named as intervening to fill up that space of time, viz., Booz, Obed, and Jesse, they must each of them have been about 100 years old at the birth of his son, here named, which is not to be wondered at, considering the age in which they lived. Moses, a little before their time, had lived 120 years, when his natural strength was not

it for ever. Ezek. xxxvii. 25. And David begat Solomon of her that had been the wife, &c.-In the original it is, of her of Urias ; εκ της τε Ουριε. Though David, in this unhappy affair, acted in a way most unworthy of his character, yet God, on his deep repentance, not only graciously forgave him, but entailed the promise on his seed by this very woman. An amazing instance this of his boundless mercy!

Verse 7. And Solomon begat Roboam-From whose government ten of the tribes revolting, chose Jeroboam for their king, who, to prevent them from returning to their subjection to the house of David, introduced the worship of the golden calves, and led the whole nation into the dreadful crime of gross idolatry; a crime from which they were never totally reclaimed, and which was the chief source of their misery and ruin, bringing down the divine vengeance upon them in repeated punish||ments, till they were so reduced as to become an easy prey to the Assyrian monarchy.

Verse 8. And Joram begat Ozias-By Ozias, Uzziah is intended, and it is certain from the history of the Kings and Chronicles that he was the son of Amaziah, 2 Chron. xxvi. 1; Amaziah, of Joash, ch. xxiv. 27; Joash, of Ahaziah, ch. xxii. 11; and Ahaziah, of Jehoram. But, according to the language of the Hebrews, the children of children are repu

abated. And Caleb, at 85, was strong and fit forted the sons or daughters, not only of their immewar. Add to this, that they were persons of emi-diate parents, but of their ancestors, and these nent piety, and therefore, probably, God vouchsafed || ancestors are said to beget those who are removed to each of them a longer life than ordinary, and some generations from them. Thus Isaiah says to continued their strength to a late period thereof.

Verse 6. And Jesse begat David the king-David has the title of king given him in this genealogy, because he was the first king of his family, and

Hezekiah, Of thy sons which thou shalt beget shall they take away, and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon: which prediction was not fulfilled until the days of Jeconiah, long

because he had the kingdom entailed upon his chil-after the days of Hezekiah. But it will be asked, dren; in which respect he had greatly the advan- || why these three in particular are left out of the tage of Saul, from whose family the kingdom was catalogue? The best answer to this question seems taken away almost as soon as it was conferred. It to be, that the evangelist followed the Jewish tables is true, ten of the twelve tribes revolted from Da-in writing this list, and that he found them left out vid's grandson. Nevertheless, the promise of God in these. But if he himself, though he found them remained sure, for whereas an end was soon put to in the tables, omitted their names, it must, as Dr. the kingdom of the ten tribes, the empire of the || Doddridge observes, have been "by some peculiar

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