


In endeavouring to give the sounds of Sungskritů words, the author has adopted a method, which he hopes unites correctness with simplicity, and avoids much of that confusion, which has been so much complained of on this subject. If the reader will only retain in his memory, that the short ŭ is to be sounded as the short o in son, or the u in Burton; the French é, as a in plate, and the ee as in sweet, he may go through the whole work with a pronunciation so correct, that a Hindoo would understand him. At the beginning and end of a word, the inherent vowel (u) has the soft sound of au.


Introduction, page xxiv. line 2, for northern, read southern. In page xxv. line 7, for, the Hindoo philosophers, read, some Hindoo philosophers. In page li. line 1, for, new, read, clean. In page lvi. line 16, for, deceased, read diseased.

In page 11, line 4, for, in the second volume, read, in page 167. In page 100, line 28, for, soon destroyed them, read, soon destroyed the giants. In page 166, line 14, for, among the dead bodies, read, among the bodies. In page 167, line 7, for, when Ramů called, read, when Ramă was called. In page 170, line 27, for, friend Ravănŭ's body, read, piercing Ravǎnǎ's body. In page 204, line 23, for, actions are declared, read, which actions are declared. In page 212, line 7, for, to whom one bramhun, read, for whom one bramhŭn. In page 231, line 16, for, been endowed with lands, read, has been endowed with lands. page 279, line 4, for gods, read, god. In page 330, line 26, read, which has made Kooroo kshůtriyǎ.



INTRODUCTION.-The Hindoo theology founded on the same philosophical notion as that of
the Greeks, that the Divine Spirit is the soul of the world-proved from the Greek writers, i.--.
from the Védantů-Sară, ii.---A system of austerity founded on this system, iii.-Extract from
the Shree-Bhagŭvůtů on this subject, iv, v.-Account of the ceremony called yogu, by which
the Divine Spirit, dwelling in matter, becomes purified, extracted from the Patŭnjůlu Dŭrshănă
and the Gorukshu-sŭnghita, vi, vii.-No real yogees to be found at present-Absurdity of these
opinions and practises, vii.-Another class of Hindoos place their hopes on devotion, viii.-The
great mass of the population adhere to religious ceremonies ix, x.-Conjectures on the Origin
of the Hindoo Mythology-on images, as originating in moral darkness, and the depravity of men
-those of the Hindoos not representations of the one God-nor of his perfections-nor of hu-
• man virtues-nor of the objects of natural science, but in general the invention of kings, to please
the multitude, xi, xii.—The doctrine of all the East, that God in his abstract state is unknown,
and unconnected with the universe-the object of worship, the divine energy, subject to pas-
sions, in consequence of its union to matter-the creation, of the gods first, xiii.-Proofs that
the divine energy is the object of adoration, from the forms of the gods-the modes of worship
-the common observations of the Hindoos on the phenomena of nature, xiv, xv.—The divine
energy, the object of worship among the Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, &c. proved by quota-
tions from various authors, ibid.-The subjects embraced by the Hindoo mythology, xvi.-The
ancient idolatry of this people confined to the primary elements, the heavenly bodies, and aerial
beings the succeeding objects of worship, Brumha, Vishnoo, and Shivu, the creator, the pre-
server, and destroyer, ibid.-next the female deities, as the representatives of nature-then
sundry deities connected with corrupt notions of Divine Providence, and afterwards deified
heroes, xviii.-The number of the Hindoo gods, ibid.---Benefits sought from different gods by
their worshippers-Brumha-his form--allusions of these attributes-conjecture of Mr. Pa-
terson's examined, xx.-Vishnoo---the attributes of his image explained-conjecture of Mr.
Paterson's noticed-Shivă, and the attributes of his image-remarks on the worship of the
Lingu-resemblance between Bacchus and Shivŭ-two other forms of Shivů noticed, Kalu-
Bhoirŭvů, and Muha-Kalŭ, xxii, xxiii.—Indră----Yămă----Gŭnéshŭ---- Kartikéyů, xxiv.—Sōōryй


----Ugnee----Půvůnů, xxv.-Viroond, Sumoodrů, Prithivee, the heavenly bodies, xxvi.---Doorge,

xxvii.-Kalee---Lŭkshmee, xxviii.--Sárus wütee-.-Sheētula---Munisa----Shusht'hee, xxix. Krish-

nů----Jŭgůnuať’hă, xxx.-Ramă----Choitŭnyă----Vishwŭ-kürma, xxxi.-Kamŭ-dévů----Sŭtyŭ Na-
rayunu....Punchanŭnú--Dhurmu-t'hakooru---Kaloo-rayudeified beings in strange shapes--..
worship of human beings, xxxii.-Worship of beasts-birds-trees, xxxiii.-Worship of rivers
----fish----books----stones--a log of wood, xxxv.* Remarks on this system of mythology-on the

use of idols in worship, xxxv.---Indelicacy of many of the Hindoo images, xxxvi---Corrupt ef-

fects of idol worship in this country---especially after the festivals, xxxvii.---The history of the

gods, and religious pantomimes, exceedingly increase these effects, xxxviii.---Practises of the

vamacharees add to the general corruption, xxxix, xl, xli.---Reflections on this state of things---

causes of the popularity of the festivals---remarks, with a view of correcting the false estimate

male of the Hindoo character by the Rev. Mr. Maurice and others, xlii, xliii, xliv.---Idolatry

exciting to frauds,---setting up of gods, a trade, ibid. -----Hindoo Temples---their use---dedication

of them, xlv.---Images, of what materials made, xlvi. ---Priests---Ceremonies at temples, xlvii.→→

Periodical ceremonies---daily duties of a bramhun---form of initiation into the Hindoo rites---

the spiritual guide, xlix.---Bathing-forms of worship before the idol, l---Extract from the

Ain Akbŭree--forms of praise and prayer ---meditation---repeating the names of the gods, li.---

Vows--fasting-gifts to bramhŭns----hospitality----digging pools--planting trees----rehearsing
and hearing the pooranus, &e. liii.---Burning widows, and burying them alive-an affecting
relation by Captain Kemp---namber of these victims, Iv.--Visiting sacred places---atonements,
Ivi.--Offerings to the manes---heavens and hells, lvii.----Confession of faith made by a bramhún,

⚫lviii.---Remarks on it, lix.---Sum of the Hindoo system----view of its effects---Remarks of the

same bramhun on the present state of religion among his countrymen, Ix, lxi.---Appearances

in the streets, reminding the passenger of the different Hindoo ceremonies, lxii..--This system

incapable of producing moral effects, notwithstanding the doctrine of future rewards and pu-

nishments, Ixiii.---Errors inculcated in the Hindoo writings respecting God, lxv, Ixvi...Impure

actions of the gods---the gods counteracting each other in the government of the world, lxvii.---

Irreverence of the people towards the gods, ibid.---Contrast betwixt Hindooism and Christia-

nity, lxviii.Hindoo system ascribes all sin to God--teaches the bramhun to despise the shoo-

dru-exhorts to the extinction of every virtuous passion---declares that sin is removed by the

most trifling ceremony--supplies prayers for the destruction of enemies, Ixix.--Permits false-

* In this Introduction, the author has gone over the whole of the Hindoo Pintheon, that he might supply
number of omissions in the body of the work, and hence it forms an epitome of the whole.

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