
To the three scurvy Fellowes of the upstart Family of the Snufflers, Rufflers and Shufflers; the thrice Treble-troublesome Scufflers in the Church and State, the onely lay Ecclesi-Ass, I call


Being like Jobs 3. Comforters, or the Churches 3. Anti-Disciples, the Clergies 3. Persecuters, the States 3. Hors-leeches, the Divels 3. Chaplaines; namely the Anabaptist, the Li

bertine, and the Brownist.

Written by Thomas Nash his Ghost, with Pap with a Hatchet, a little revised since the 30. Yeare of the late Qu. Elizabeths Reigne when Martin Mar-Prelate was as mad as any of his Tub-men are now.

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I am a Ghost, and Ghosts do fear no laws;
Nor do they care for popular applause:
I liv'd a Poet poor, long time ago;
And (living a poor Poet) I died so.
The thirtieth year of blest Eliza's reign

I had a yerking, firking, jerking vein;

In those days, we had desperate madmen here

Who did the Queen, State, Church and Kingdom jeer,

And now a crew are up as wise as those

Who do all Rule and Government oppose.

In those days I did bring those men in frame;
And now my Ghost is come to do the same.
Their leaders were call'd Martins; but I call
These fellows Swallows, they would swallow all.
I then did gall their Galls, and spright their spright,
I made the nests of Martins take their flight;
But first they had dispers'd their fond opinions,
In sundry places of the Queen's dominions,
Which (like Impostumes) not well cur'd at first,
Corrupted ever since, doth now out-burst.
Wherefore my airy Ghost shall undertake
Once more to try a perfect cure to make;
For (being now invisible, a Spirit)

I cut through th' air, and in the earth can ferrit,
And in an auger hole myself can hide

And hear their knaveries and spy unspied.
My lines are sharp, bat charity's my ground,
My aim is to conform not to confound

But if my labour prove to be in vain

My Ghost shall (whence it came) return again.





To the Anabaptist, the Libertine, and the

T were a troublesome and tedious business for general counsel (with the help of all the universities) to give these whom I write to, correspondent epithets, names, titles, and tittle-tattles that may be suitable to their education and continual practice, for as when monopolies and projects did oppress and molest this kingdom like swarms of caterpillars; in which unjust designs too many crafty

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