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The Goode TTif thaught hir Doughter fele tye

* ofte gede woman for to be.

Houghter zif Þou wilt ben a wif / † wifeliche werche
Loke þ1 þou loue welle god / x holy cherche

Go to cherche when þou mygthe / lette for no reyne
Alle pe day pou farest pe bette / pt pou hast god yseyue
Tele theyuethe hat god loue the my dere childe

Blethely zeue þi tythys / ₹ þin offerynges bothe
þe pore men at þi dore / be þou hem nogthe lothe
Zeue hem blethely of þi good / ₹ be you nogthe to harde

Seldam is þe house pore / þere god is stywarde

Cresour he hathe F' pouere fedithe my leue childe

The while pou sittest in chirche / þi bedys schalt pou


Make þou none iangelynge / withe fremed ne withe


Laughe none to shorne / nethir olde ne zonge

Be of a good berynge/x of a good tonge

In Pi gode verynge begynnythe Fi worschipe my dere

Zif any man bidde þe worschipe / z wille wedde the
Aupsely answere hym / scorne hym noghte what he be
Schewe it to pin frendis / † for-hele it noght

Sitte bi hym ne stande / þer synne may be wroght

A slaundree Þ. is reised is euelle to felle my leue childc




AUGHTER if thou wilt be a wife, and
wisely work

Look that thou love well God, and Holy

Go to church when thou mayest, stop for no rain
Alltheday thou farest the better, that thou hast God seen,
Well thriveth that God loveth my dear child.
Blithely give thy tithes, and thy offerings both
The poor men at thy door, be thou to them not loth
Give them blithely of thy good, and be thou not too

Seldom is the house poor, where God is Steward

Treasure he hath that the poor feedeth my dear child. The while thou sittest in church, thy beads shalt thou bid [relative]

Make thou no jangling, with stranger, nor with sib
Laugh none to scorn, neither old nor young,
Be of good bearing, and of a good tongue

In thy good bearing beginneth thy worship my dear

If any man bid thee worship, and will wed thee Advisedly answer him, scorn him not whatever he be Show it to thy friends, and conceal it not

Sit [not] by him, nor stand where sin may be wrought A slander that is raised is evil to fell my dear child.

What man þe wedde schalle / be for god withe a rygne Honoure hym z wurchipe him/ and bowe ouere alle


Mekely hym answere / z noght to haterlynge

And so you schalt slake his mode / z be his derlynge

Fayre wordes wratthe slakithe my dere childe
Swete of speche schalt þou be / glad of mylde moode
Trewe in worde z in dede / in lyue ₹ soule goode
Kepe þe fro synne / fro vylenye z schame
Andloke pt pou bere þe so wele / þ1 men seie pe no blame

gode name fore wynnethe my leue childe Be þou of semblauntz sad / ‡ euer of faire chere þat þi cherechaunge noght / for noght þ1þou maiste here Fare noght as a gygge / for noght þ1 may be tyde Laughe þou noght to lowde / ne zane pou noght to wyde Lawehen pou maight & faire mought make my dize


When þou goest be þe wele / goe þou noght to faste Wagge noght withe þin hedde / þin schuldres awey to


Be noght of many wordes / swere pou noght to grete Alle suche maners my dere child / þou muste lete

Euelle lak euelle name my leue childe

Go pou noght to toune / as it were a gase

Fro house to house / for to seke þe mase

Goe þou noght to market / þi vorelie for to selle
Ne goe þou noght to tauerne / pi wurchipe to felle

pat tauerne hauntethe his thrifte for-sakithe_my dere


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