2 Sen. And enter in our ears, like great tri úmphers In their applauding gates. Commend me to them; And tell them, that, to ease them of their griefs, In life's uncertain voyage, I will some kindness do them: I'll teach them to prevent wild Alcibiades' wrath. Tim. Come not to me again: but say to Athens, [Exit Timon. 1 Sen. His discontents are unremoveably Coupled to nature. 2 Sen. Our hope in him is dead: let us return, And strain what other means is left unto us In our dear peril. 2 Sen. It requires swift foot. [Exeunt. SCENE III. THE WALLS OF ATHENS. Enter two Senators, and a Messenger. 1 Sen. Thou hast painfully discover'd; are his files As full as thy report? Mes. I have spoke the least: Besides, his expedition promises Present approach. 2 Sen. We stand much hazard, if they bring not Timon. Mes. I met a courier, one mine ancient friend; Whom, though in general part we were oppos'd, Yet our old love made a particular force, And made us speak like friends:-this man was riding From Alcibiades to Timon's cave, His fellowship i' the cause against your city, 1 Sen. Enter Senators from Timon. Here come our brothers. 3 Sen. No talk of Timon, nothing of him expect.The enemies' drum is heard, and fearful scouring Doth choke the air with dust: In, and prepare; Ours is the fall, I fear, our foes the snare. [Exeunt. SCENE IV. THE WOODS. TIMON'S CAVE, AND A TOMB-STONE SEEN. Enter a Soldier, seeking Timon. Sol. By all description this should be the place. Who's here? speak, ho!-No answer? - What is this? Timon is dead, who hath out-stretch'd his span: Some beast rear'd this; there does not live a man. Dead, sure; and this his grave. What's on this tomb I cannot read; the character Our captain hath in every figure skill; [Exit. SCENE V. BEFORE THE WALLS OF ATHENS. Trumpets sound. Enter Alcibiades, and Forces. Alcib. Sound to this coward and lascivious town Our terrible approach. [A parley sounded. Enter Senators on the Walls. Till now you have gone on, and fill'd the time breath'd Our sufferance vainly: Now the time is flush, With fear, and horrid flight. 1 Sen. Noble, and young, When thy first griefs were but a mere conceit, Above their quantity. 2 Sen. So did we woo Transformed Timon to our city's love, These walls of ours The common stroke of war. 1 Sen. Were not erected by their hands, from whom You have receiv'd your griefs: nor are they such, That these great towers, trophies, and schools should fall For private faults in them. 2 Sen. Nor are they living, Who were the motives that you first went out; (If thy revenges hunger for that food, Let die the spotted. 1 Sen. All have not offended; For those that were, it is not square, to take, On those that are, revenges: crimes, like lands, Are not inherited. Then, dear countryman, Bring in thy ranks, but leave without thy rage: Spare thy Athenian cradle, and those kin, Which, in the bluster of thy wrath, must fall With those that have offended: like a shepherd, Approach the fold, and cull the infected forth, But kill not all together. 2 Sen. What thou wilt, Thou rather shalt enforce it with thy smile, Than hew to't with thy sword. 1 Sen. Set but thy foot Against our rampir'd gates, and they shall ope; |