Install'd lord archbishop of Canterbury. Wol. That's news indeed. Crom. Last, that the lady Anne, Whom the king hath in secrecy long marry'd, Only about her coronation. Wol. There was the weight that pull'd me down. O Cromwell, The king has gone beyond me, all my glories (I know his noble nature,) not to let Thy hopeful service perish too: Good Cromwell, Neglect him not; make use now, and provide For thine own future safety. Crom. O my lord, Must I then leave you? must I needs forego- Wol. Cromwell, I did not think to shed a tear In all my miseries; but thou hast forc'd me well; And, when I am forgotten, as I shall be; Love thyself last: cherish those hearts that hate thee; Corruption wins not more than honesty. Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace, To silence envious tongues. Be just, and fear not. Cromwell, Thou fall'st a blessed martyr. Serve the king; There take an inventory of all I have, To the last penny; 'tis the king's: my robe, And my integrity to heaven, is all I dare now call mine own. O Cromwell, Crom well, Had I but serv'd my God with half the zeal 1 I serv'd my king, he would not in mine age Crom. Good sir, have patience. Wol. So I have. Farewel The hopes of court! my hopes in heaven do dwell. [Exeunt. ACT IV. SCENE I. A STREET IN WESTMINSTER. Enter two Gentlemen, meeting. 1 Gent. You are well met once again. 2 Gent. And so are you. 1 Gent. You come to take your stand here, and behold The lady Anne pass from her coronation? 2 Gent. 'Tis all my business. At our last encounter, The duke of Buckingham came from his trial. 1. Gent. 'Tis very true: but that time offer'd sorrow; This, general joy. 2 Gent. 'Tis well: the citizens, I am sure, have shown at full their royal minds; As, let them have their rights, they are ever for ward In celebration of this day with shows, Pageants, and sights of honour. 1 Gent. Never greater, Nor, I'll assure you, better taken, sir. 2 Gent. May I be bold to ask what that con tains, That paper in your hand? 1 Gent. Yes; 'tis the list Of those, that claim their offices this day, By custom of the coronation. The duke of Suffolk is the first, and claims 2 Gent. I thank you, sir; had I not known those customs, I should have been beholden to your paper. Of Canterbury, accompanied with other Alas, good lady![Trumpets. The trumpets sound: stand close, the queen is coming. THE ORDER OF THE PROCESSION. A lively flourish of trumpets; then, enter 1.. Two judges. 2. Lord Chancellor, with the purse and mace before him. |