Middle-age periodR. Bentley, 1865 |
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abbey abbot aforesaid appointed arch Archbishop of Canterbury asserted attended authority Avignon barons became benefices Bishop of Ely Bishop of London Bishop of Winchester Bradwar Bradwardine bull called canons cardinals cathedral chancellor CHAP clergy common conduct consecrated convocation council court crown death declared determined diocese Duke of Lancaster duties Earl ecclesiastical Edward Edward III elected enemies English estates excommunication favour France Friars Gloucester Henry heresy heretic holy honour John of Gaunt John Stratford king's knight lawyers Lollards lord the king ment mind monks obtained Oxford papal Parl parliament party persons pope preach prelates primate Prince proceedings Provisors realm received regarded reign Richard Rome royal Simon Islip Simon Langham Simon Sudbury Sir John spirit statute suffragans summoned temporal Thomas Arundel translation University Walsingham Westminster Whittlesey Wiclif Wilkins William Courtenay William of Wykeham XVII СНАР
Populaire passages
Pagina 143 - Finally brethren, farewell : be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace ; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.
Pagina 79 - Let others creep by timid steps, and slow, On plain Experience lay foundations low, By common sense to common knowledge bred, And last, to Nature's Cause through Nature led.
Pagina 378 - ... to our lord the king ; and that they be attached by their bodies, if they may be found, and brought before the king and his council, there to answer to the cases aforesaid.
Pagina 462 - God save him ; No joyful tongue gave him his welcome home ; But dust was thrown upon his sacred head, Which with such gentle sorrow he shook off, His face still combating with tears and smiles, The badges of his grief and patience, That had not God, for some strong purpose, steeled The hearts of men, they must perforce have melted, And barbarism itself have pitied him.
Pagina 378 - ... whereupon our said lord the king, by the assent aforesaid, and at the request of his said commons, hath ordained and established, that if any purchase or pursue, or cause to be purchased or pursued, in the court of Rome, or elsewhere...
Pagina 177 - Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Pagina 245 - ... of all benefices : that therefore it would be good to renew all the statutes against provisions from Rome, since the pope reserveth all the benefices of the world for his own proper gift, and hath, within this year, created twelve new cardinals ; so that now there are thirty, whereas there were wont to be but twelve in all ; and all the said thirty cardinals, except two or three, are the king's enemies...
Pagina 79 - Witnesse on him that any parfit clerk is, That in scole is gret altercation In this matere and gret disputison, And hath .ben of an hundred thousand men : But I ne cannot boult it to the bren...
Pagina 377 - ... all points, to live and to die; and moreover they pray the king, and him require by way of justice, that he would examine all the lords in the parliament, as well spiritual as temporal severally, and all the states of the parliament, how they think of the cases aforesaid, which be so openly against the king's crown, and in derogation of his...
Pagina 376 - ... the time of all his progenitors; wherefore they and all the liege commons of the same realm will stand with our said lord the king, and his said crown, and his regalty, in the cases aforesaid, and in all other cases attempted against him, his crown, and his regalty in all points, to live and to die...