
Continental governments, reflections on
the downfal of the, 441
Copenhagen Jackson, 317

Cork, meeting of the Roman catholics
at, 406

Corrunna, evacuation of, by the French,
61-of Banos, 221
Correspondence between the squab-
bling courtiers, 283.284
Corruption, falsely deemed a necessary
part of the constitution, 86
Corruptions, political, dangerous to li-
berty, 254

Cortez, account of the ancient Spanish,


Coulthurst, Rev. Dr. his oration at the
consecration of the colours belonging
to the Halifax volunteers, 189
Covent Garden theatre, disturbances
at, 247.324-settled, 487
Crown and Anchor, dinner at the, on
the anniversary of the acquittal of
Hardy, &c. 302

Cuesta, General, his account of the
battle of Talavera, 304
Curwen, Mr. seats in parliament bill,
Custance's View of the Constitution of
England, reviewed, 291
Cuxhaven taken by the British, 63


Declaration of Russia of war against
Austria, 54
Decree, for the deposition of the Pope,
39-of the governing supreme junta,
respecting plaus of reform, 38-of
Napoleon, respecting the erection of
an obelisk on the Ponte Neuf, 232-
royal, of the junta, respecting the in-
ternal affairs of Spain, 288-for the
suppression of religious orders in Na-
ples, 390-of the Prince Regent of
Portugal to the governors of the
kingdom of Portugal and the Al-
garves, 448

Deserters, British, in America, 318
Distress, warrants of, ordered against
persons deficient in paying war taxes,


Doctrine of political mixed motives,
exposed, 87


East India Company, report from the
committee appointed to inquire into
the abuses of, 169-consideration of

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Iceland, some account of, 316
Individuals, on their duty to promote
the public welfare, 191
Intelligence, Foreign, 59 138.213.304.
392-domestic, 238.318.469
Inverness, dreadful accident at, 245
Ireland, how far it will be benefited by
reform, 90

Irish revenue, gross frauds on, 7.22.29
Ischia, capitulation of, 218

Isontoc, his chop to the officers of the
Elphinstone, 187

Italy, affairs of, 39.290

Ivimey's jubilee sermon, reviewed, 385
Jacobins, and war-lovers, address to,
57-have been the means of Bona-
parte's exaltation, ib.
Jamacia, intolerance in, 259,400
Jay's jubilee sermon. reviewed, 380
Jubilee sermons, 372.373.374-392-
festival of, 376.453--proceedings in
the London common council respect-
ing, 240.319-general orders concern-
ing, 322

Junta, the supreme governing, address

to the Spanish nation, 35-royal
order of, and answer, 225--royal
order of, to Romanȧ, 227-address

to the, 355-proclamation for assem-
bling the cortez, 444
Jadges salaries bill, 13


King, the degraded situation of, under
a corrupt representation, 90-rc-
marks on the private virtues of the,

Kings of Bonaparte's creation, 254


Law, Rev. Mr. his remark on the ne-
cessity of reformation in all churches,


Lay Preachers, the Apostles were, 207
Laws, important, unwritten, 429

Leach, Stephen, on the necessity of
-modern defended, ib.
excluding placemen from the house
of Commons, 368-remarks on his
Leges non Scripta. See laws
theory, by Mr. Burdon, 439
Letter, of Sir A. Wellesley to the ge-

neral and chief of the French army,
226-answer of the Duke of Treviso,
ib.-from General Don Francisco
Vanegas, giving an account of the
battle of Almonazud, 229-from the
French minister for foreign affairs to
Gen. Armstrong, 287-of the Rus-
sian Emperor to Repiel, 290—ex-
tract of one from an English officer
at Talavera, 309—from Napoleon to
Alexander, 449.

Leud, a free man, remarks on, 436.439
List of the names of the 125 members
who voted for Mr. Wardle's address
110 of the minority on Mr.Perceval's
motion, 111-of the minority on Sir
Thomas Turton's amendment, 112–
of the speakers on Colonel Wardle's
motion, 112.113-of the minority on
Lord Folkstone's mion, 113-of
the minority on Mr. Maddock's mo-
tion respecting Castlereagh and Per-
ceval, 113.114-of the minority on
Folkestone's motion respecting Cur-
wen's bill, 114-of the minority on
Sir F. Burdett's motion for reform, ib.
Local militia, abuses in, 99
Loyal Bavarian light horse, 401


Maddocks, Mr. his speech on parlia
entary reform,' 94

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Parnell, Mr. his speech on public eco-
nomy, 106.108
Peace, general, reflections on, 337-
treaty of, between France and Aus-
tria, 351-treaty of, between Russia
and Sweden, 357

Penal code, remarks on our, 299
Pensions, and sinecures list of, 181-
to late foreign ministers, b.-paid
out of the four and a half per cent
duties, 182

People, the, the fountain of law in En-
gland, 433

Perceval, Grenville and Grey, corres-
pondence between, 283-his places
and pensions, 323
Pope, deposed by Napoleon, 39
Portland, death of the Duke of, 407
Portugal, new regulations in the go-
vernment of, 443
Presbyterians, ancient Scotch, refused
to encourage robbing by sea, 417

Prayer, a whimsical one, 189-a con

sistent war one, 191-jubilee, 323
Price of the common necessaries of life,
in the years, 1760, 1809, 327
Privateering, Dr. Franklin, on the
wickedness of, 416

Proclamation, of the extraordinary con-
sulta at Rome, 40-of Charles XIII.
King of Sweden on taking the reins
of government, 42--of Prince Gal
litzin, commander of the Russian army
in Gallicia, 55-of Andreossy to the
inhabitants of Vienna respecting arms
and ammunition, 83-by the president
of the United States of America, 123
-of the Marquis de la Romana to
the Asturians, 128-of the Marquis
de la Romana to the Spaniards, 130
-by the president of the United
States of America, with remarks,
200.202-of Joseph Bonaparte to the
Spanish soldiers, 224-of the Em-
peror Francis, 290-of George III.
for pardoning seamen, &c, 318.319
-to the army, by the Marquis de
Romana, 227-of Eugene Napoleon
to the Tyrolese, 396-of the Spanish
junta convoking the Cortes, 444-
of the Emperor of Austria, on the re-
turn of peace with France, 449
Protestant Dissenter's Almanack, re-
viewed, 466

Public expenditure, 181

Public good, the concern of the whole
community, 55

Public officers, third report of, 20

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[blocks in formation]

Wales, princess of, her debts, 245
Walcheren expedition,
War, on the conduct of ministers in

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the late and present, 261-view of
the horrors of, 418

Wardle, Mr. his motion respecting the
medical board, 9-his motion re
especting public economy, 98-on the
conduct of the editors of some news.
papers towards, 277-action against
Messrs. Wright and Mrs. Clarke for
a conspiracy, 487
Whitbread, Mr. his motion respecting
Wellesley, his reception at Cadiz, 230
parliamentary placemen and pen-
sioners, 27.85

White, Mr. Henry, petition of, 177
Winterbotham, Mr. his unjust treat-
ment, 456

Woodford, Mr. a refractory accoun-
tant, 109

Wool, report concerning, 325
Wright, versus Wardle, motion for a
new trial, 405


Zeal without Innovation, Review of, 205
Zeal without Bigotry, Review of, 209

[Harlow, printed by B. Flower.]

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